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I’ve been looking to buy a pedigreed German shepherd here in Thailand but so far the ones I’ve seen are not pure blood. They all seem to be a “Thai German Shepherd” of kinds. I even checked a Thai German club but to me, they are not 100% shepherds.

Does anyone in TV land know any genuine breeders?


I saw several "German Shepherds" here that look very poor in compare to Europe. Don't know why....Do they have a problem with the heat?


If you search long enough you will find one. The biggest problem is getting one that has been genuinely "Hip Scored" as many a the Shepherds out here suffer badly from Hip dysplacia, I think that's how you spell it, They are fine for 4 or 5 years then the hip problem kicks in and there is nothing you can do about it. I've even heard ex-pats say that all Shepherds get that problem because it is so common. Never had a problem with it in UK as the dogs were not from puppy mills.

It might even be worth it if you still have contacts at "home" to buy and import but a good one will cost big money.


I saw several "German Shepherds" here that look very poor in compare to Europe. Don't know why....Do they have a problem with the heat?

They are badly affected by tick and mosquito problems, mosquito problem gives heart worms and if you don't get them injected regularly it will kill them very quickly, ticks cause blood disorders and can be cured a few times but will eventually weaken the dog too much and kill it.

Keeping a shepherd healthy out here is a non-stop job.


I know this sounds a bit weird. However the number to ring for a Pedigree German Shepherd is 0852077589. The guy that looks after the dogs knows what he is talking about; his name is Mr Meyong or Meou, like the Cat. Yeah I know they all have weird Thai nicknames.

The owner is a breeder of the German shepherd only and he imported the Dog and the Bitch from overseas, Austria and Germany for breeding purposes only, at a cost of over TB1,000,000 each.

I picked and bought mine when he was a puppy for TB30,000 with full pedigree records, veterinary records.

They have a heap of trophies and ribbons for the winning dogs at the Royal Thai Dog Show, in which the King presented the prizes to the owner and trainer. Photos of this event are hanging on the owner’s wall.

He also supplies and trains dogs to the Royal Thai Police and the Thai Military. Some of his dogs were trained for the King and patrol the Palace with the handlers.

I can’t tell you the name of the kennel as all of my papers are in Thailand and I am in OZ at the moment. The area of the kennel is Patun Thani.

Sorry I can’t give you any more info at present, but I am sure if you ring the number above, they will give you the address and directions on how to get there.

You can PM me if you want any more info?


I named him SATAN and he is only 6 months old in this photo. He is now 12 months old and twice the size.


Click onto the photo to get the real size of him. Look at the size of his head and paws.


We bought our GSD puppy a few months back from a professional breeder in Songkhla for 25.000. The dog came with all pink pedigree papers and sire is an imported champion from Germany. If interested, PM me and I will get you the phone number.

We're also in contact with a Malaysian trainer who trains Shepherds and Malinois dogs for the Malaysian police force/army and Singapore police. He might be able to point you to more proper breeders if you'd like more options.


We bought our GSD puppy a few months back from a professional breeder in Songkhla for 25.000. The dog came with all pink pedigree papers and sire is an imported champion from Germany. If interested, PM me and I will get you the phone number.

We're also in contact with a Malaysian trainer who trains Shepherds and Malinois dogs for the Malaysian police force/army and Singapore police. He might be able to point you to more proper breeders if you'd like more options.

If this Malaysian guy is Micheal Lee, then you sure have a good one! :)


If this Malaysian guy is Micheal Lee, then you sure have a good one! smile.png

Hi Nienke. Yes, indeed it's Michael Lee. Have you worked with him as well?

On a different note, are you Ducth by any change?


If this Malaysian guy is Micheal Lee, then you sure have a good one! smile.png

Hi Nienke. Yes, indeed it's Michael Lee. Have you worked with him as well?

On a different note, are you Ducth by any change?

Yes, I'm Dutch and No, I haven't worked with Michael personally. smile.png

I got to know him when I was still with my ex, many moons ago. My ex, who's a working dog judge, still has contact with Michael (and I with my ex) and just a few months ago went to judge one or a few (don't remember) of Michael's dogs.

You can find Michael on facebook: https://www.facebook...&ref=ts&fref=ts

Michael has joined the world championship Schutzhund a couple of times now, and he did a pretty good job. smile.png

BTW, I do not support the training methods Michael uses (e-collars, chokes and prong collars).


I know this sounds a bit weird. However the number to ring for a Pedigree German Shepherd is 0852077589. The guy that looks after the dogs knows what he is talking about; his name is Mr Meyong or Meou, like the Cat. Yeah I know they all have weird Thai nicknames.

The owner is a breeder of the German shepherd only and he imported the Dog and the Bitch from overseas, Austria and Germany for breeding purposes only, at a cost of over TB1,000,000 each.

I picked and bought mine when he was a puppy for TB30,000 with full pedigree records, veterinary records.

They have a heap of trophies and ribbons for the winning dogs at the Royal Thai Dog Show, in which the King presented the prizes to the owner and trainer. Photos of this event are hanging on the owner’s wall.

He also supplies and trains dogs to the Royal Thai Police and the Thai Military. Some of his dogs were trained for the King and patrol the Palace with the handlers.

I can’t tell you the name of the kennel as all of my papers are in Thailand and I am in OZ at the moment. The area of the kennel is Patun Thani.

Sorry I can’t give you any more info at present, but I am sure if you ring the number above, they will give you the address and directions on how to get there.

You can PM me if you want any more info?


I named him SATAN and he is only 6 months old in this photo. He is now 12 months old and twice the size.


Click onto the photo to get the real size of him. Look at the size of his head and paws.

Ozemade, thank you very much for this info!

I am in Cambodia at the moment and i'll give him a ring next month when i'm back.

Thanks again, i'll keep you posted.

BTW what a good looking dog!


If this Malaysian guy is Micheal Lee, then you sure have a good one! smile.png

Hi Nienke. Yes, indeed it's Michael Lee. Have you worked with him as well?

On a different note, are you Ducth by any change?

Yes, I'm Dutch and No, I haven't worked with Michael personally. smile.png

I got to know him when I was still with my ex, many moons ago. My ex, who's a working dog judge, still has contact with Michael (and I with my ex) and just a few months ago went to judge one or a few (don't remember) of Michael's dogs.

You can find Michael on facebook: https://www.facebook...&ref=ts&fref=ts

Michael has joined the world championship Schutzhund a couple of times now, and he did a pretty good job. smile.png

BTW, I do not support the training methods Michael uses (e-collars, chokes and prong collars).

The most important point is make sure you choose one with a good

temperament. Temperament in GSD is inherited, and it is very easy to

train a GSD with good temperament.

e-collars, chokes and prong collars as training methods are a no-no

for me.


The owner is a breeder of the German shepherd only and he imported the Dog and the Bitch from overseas, Austria and Germany for breeding purposes only, at a cost of over TB1,000,000 each.

1.000.000.- is 1 Mill. Baht each Sure?

I brought a Dogue de Bordeoux 8 years ago, myself from Germany to Thailand.

1.500 Euro for the dog, flights 2 time return from Austria to Germany and back, once look the dog, than second trip take the dog. 500 Euro.

Flight to Thailand 650 Euro, 130 Euro for the transport box I bought.

=2.780 x 50 = 139.000.- Baht, take away my box and the normal not necessary flights to Germany = 100.000 Baht

But 1.000.000.- Million Baht one dog ? Not a -0- to much? whistling.gif


1.000.000.- is 1 Mill. Baht each Sure?

I brought a Dogue de Bordeoux 8 years ago, myself from Germany to Thailand.

1.500 Euro for the dog, flights 2 time return from Austria to Germany and back, once look the dog, than second trip take the dog. 500 Euro.

Flight to Thailand 650 Euro, 130 Euro for the transport box I bought.

=2.780 x 50 = 139.000.- Baht, take away my box and the normal not necessary flights to Germany = 100.000 Baht

But 1.000.000.- Million Baht one dog ? Not a -0- to much? whistling.gif

All dogs a not prized equally my friend. How many titles did your Bordeaux had under his belt? Not sure how this works with your breed, but germans shepherd dogs in Germany are only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications; which will right away increase their value. Add one or more championships titles and the price tag of such a dog can easily reach five digits (Euro money that is)


The owner is a breeder of the German shepherd only and he imported the Dog and the Bitch from overseas, Austria and Germany for breeding purposes only, at a cost of over TB1,000,000 each.

1.000.000.- is 1 Mill. Baht each Sure?

I brought a Dogue de Bordeoux 8 years ago, myself from Germany to Thailand.

1.500 Euro for the dog, flights 2 time return from Austria to Germany and back, once look the dog, than second trip take the dog. 500 Euro.

Flight to Thailand 650 Euro, 130 Euro for the transport box I bought.

=2.780 x 50 = 139.000.- Baht, take away my box and the normal not necessary flights to Germany = 100.000 Baht

But 1.000.000.- Million Baht one dog ? Not a -0- to much? whistling.gif

Can only repeat what I was told and what I saw at the kennels. Dont doubt it for one minute that they cost TB1,000,000. Once you see the area of the kennels, the size of a football field and the 100 or more dog kennels and the ammount of staff and trainers, you would understand. Money is not an option for this Thai Businessman, who also owns a huge metal foundary on the same premises.

All dogs a not prized equally my friend. How many titles did your Bordeaux had under his belt? Not sure how this works with your breed, but germans shepherd dogs in Germany are only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications; which will right away increase their value. Add one or more championships titles and the price tag of such a dog can easily reach five digits (Euro money that is)

If anybody pays an unreasonable price for a dog its up to him, but not normal.

Usual prices for German shepherd dogs with papers are 500 - 1500 Euro in Germany, see my link.

1.300.- Euro is a reasonable price for a dog with ok parents.

Higher prices for Championship dogs - yes of course, 1500 - 2000 Euro, but that is the exception.

That you can pay more is possible and will be done, but for me ridiculous.

Regarding, "only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications;"

I doubt that, never hear that, a LINK please!

Nothing to find here,more coming, I check.



shows in his last Posting, that the breeder is a wealthy dog lover who does not care if his Hobby with expensive dogs costs him money.

"Normal prices" here.




See here, Chiang Mai Address Numbers in LINK


Puppies for Sale 7000Bht Each. German Sheperds.

First litters of pedigreed parents, 2 Males; 3 females. Fully vaccinated. Home breed. Not farm. Healthy, strong body. Running around in wide open area.

More from TH


Interesting Website with Info. to all dog races and puppies to.

A dog directly from Austria? http://www.svoe.at/

In -teak door- I read. Go to the army camp just outside of Pak Chong on the Mittraparp Rd coming from Korat, they have them for sale there..6,000bt a puppy.

And, there are some Thai "specialist magazines" for Dogs, which have advertising inside, for German shepherds to.



Maybe that one better wink.png




breeding Regulations

Approved for breeding dogs

All are approved for breeding in the studbook

SV of registered dogs at

Belegtag after a training degree

PO passed under an SV judge

possess (IPO 1-3, passed with at least

80 points in Section C, HGH, in the RH2

Level B (IPO-R-F, FL, T, L or W-including

Ankoerung completion of the dog)

or a) recognized as equivalent training degree,

and in addition to a

Breeding event of the SV with at least

the genetic evaluation "good",

have the "a"-stamp in the pedigree,

have a stock number and DNA

- Where she was born after 01.01.2004

are - the "ED" stamp in the pedigree

with the finding of "normal", "almost normal"

or "not approved" have.

After 01.07.1999 born dog

DNA must be examined.

For non-SV bred dogs in

SV should be used for breeding shall,

the latter provision, regardless of litter day.

4.1.2 suitable for breeding dogs

Suitable for breeding dogs are those that

angekört were on a survey of the SV.


"it is used as a sport where many breeds other than German Shepherd Dogs can compete, but it is a demanding test for any dog and few are able to pass successfully."

-Schutzhund- That is not necessary for breeding.


Regarding, "only allowed to breed once they have passed all Schutzhund qualifications;"

I doubt that, never hear that, a LINK please!

Nothing to find here,more coming, I check.


"Only German Shepherds that had passed a Schutzhund test or a herding test were allowed to breed and thus have their progeny registered as German Shepherd Dogs. This is true in Germany to this day" quote from Wikipedia page on "Schutzhund".

  • Like 1

"Only German Shepherds that had passed a Schutzhund test or a herding test were allowed to breed and thus have their progeny registered as German Shepherd Dogs. This is true in Germany to this day" quote from Wikipedia page on "Schutzhund".


Overlooked that part. rolleyes.gif

Did not know that until now, I know also what = IPO 1-3 = is.

But, that is a part, because I grew up with short nosed dogs -German Boxer- and was never interested in German shepherds and long nosed breeds..

So special a bit trained to bite, the German shepherd in Germany.

Is than also the Nr. 1 biting pure breed in Berlin 2011 and in many German statistics in biting in the for-front.




Bites stats. USA - Canada from 1982 - 2011 The German shepherd is in the Top 10,

But considering the statistics, the percentage of the breed to the total number of dogs in consideration,

are U.S. Rottweilers, Wolf-hybride and the Pit Bull Terrier a far third, well ahead of the other breeds.


Once you see the area of the kennels, the size of a football field and the 100 or more dog kennels and the ammount of staff and trainers, you would understand. Money is not an option for this Thai Businessman, who also owns a huge metal foundary on the same premises.

More isn't necessarily better, nor is rich necessarily better.

Kennel with more than 100 dogs, staff and trainers, filthy rich owner: newest dogs and those that went to shows were getting the better food and were taking care a tad better.

As soon as a new dog came in (for too much money) it would take over the place of another same breed, age-class and sex dog which ended up in the back, put on the cheapest food and hardly came out of his cage anymore.

Schutzhund 3 GSD that was bought for too much money. Lived since in its travel crate, only to come out for 'training'. Few month later another excellent dog was bought and this dog was forgotten. Money for good food was not provided by the filthy rich owner.

Full-breds, once bought for too much money, were found back somewhere in the back, 24/7 in their cage filled with feces and urine, dirty water and hardly being fed. Dogs were skin-and-bones, almost completely bald with severe mange. Not one case, but several cases.

No'p. More isn't necessarily better, nor is rich necessarily better. :(

I do not know above mentioned kennel, and do not know how the dogs are taken care. But over 100 kennels? Over 100 dogs? Wow!


I know this sounds a bit weird. However the number to ring for a Pedigree German Shepherd is 0852077589. The guy that looks after the dogs knows what he is talking about; his name is Mr Meyong or Meou, like the Cat. Yeah I know they all have weird Thai nicknames.

The owner is a breeder of the German shepherd only and he imported the Dog and the Bitch from overseas, Austria and Germany for breeding purposes only, at a cost of over TB1,000,000 each.

I picked and bought mine when he was a puppy for TB30,000 with full pedigree records, veterinary records.

They have a heap of trophies and ribbons for the winning dogs at the Royal Thai Dog Show, in which the King presented the prizes to the owner and trainer. Photos of this event are hanging on the owner’s wall.

He also supplies and trains dogs to the Royal Thai Police and the Thai Military. Some of his dogs were trained for the King and patrol the Palace with the handlers.

I can’t tell you the name of the kennel as all of my papers are in Thailand and I am in OZ at the moment. The area of the kennel is Patun Thani.

Sorry I can’t give you any more info at present, but I am sure if you ring the number above, they will give you the address and directions on how to get there.

You can PM me if you want any more info?


I named him SATAN and he is only 6 months old in this photo. He is now 12 months old and twice the size.


Click onto the photo to get the real size of him. Look at the size of his head and paws.

The name of the kennel is R.C.Club. I know the owner and the keeper, Meyong very well. I also have some dogs from him and also sometime he asks me if I can help him look for dog from Germany. This kennel has moved from Pratum thani to Rangsit and I don't think they have dogs more than 30 adult dogs. Sometime I take people who desperate looking for a GSD puppy to this breeder when I don't have puppy.

Compare to other breeder in Thailand, even thought, we are hobbyist, I would recommend this breeder. The guy has so much money to invest in facility. He only have 2-3 staffs looking for all dog, so it could not be more dog than that.

The most expensive stud dog that he imported was rank top 20 in Germany. The price should be around 40,000 euro which is quite common for this kind of dog. ( There are some report from GSD association in Germany that some dog has been sold to China for 150,000 euro.)

I am expecting to have nice puppy from him next year when I breed my bitch. This is information about this stud dog.


  • 4 months later...

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