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Donald Trump To Give $5M To Charity If Obama Releases Records


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I am not a fan of Trump, but I think this is great - mostly because of the silly demands by Obama's surrogates that Romney release more of his tax records than he is required to release legally.

Not sure what you are talking about.

Are you implying that it is OK for Romney to release minimal information about him self but not for Obama to do the same thing.

Sounds like the red shirts in Thailand's idea of democracy.whistling.gif

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Let's cut to the chaste here. If Obama was white this would not be talked about. That is the real issue.

If Obama were white, no way in hell would he, as an inexperienced community organizer whose only political experience was a non-voting stint in a state legislature, and 100 days as a US Senator get nominated let alone elected President. It's even sadder that Sarah Palin had a lot more executive experience than he did.

Ah, after numerous postings on this election, the elephant in the room finally raises it's trunk. "If Obama was white". Says it all really.That is the real problem you guys have, why not just admit it! And as for your heroine Sarah Palin, what experience did she have compared with Obama? Ordering books to be banned from libraries in Alaska because they didn't conform to her nutty views of the world? Shame on you. And your mutual admiration society member from Chiang Mai who likes all of your comments, and vice versa. Have the courage of your convictions and just be honest about the reason for your obvious hatred for Obama. You are fooling nobody but yourselves.
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Let's cut to the chaste here. If Obama was white this would not be talked about. That is the real issue.

If Obama were white, no way in hell would he, as an inexperienced community organizer whose only political experience was a non-voting stint in a state legislature, and 100 days as a US Senator get nominated let alone elected President. It's even sadder that Sarah Palin had a lot more executive experience than he did.

Ah, after numerous postings on this election, the elephant in the room finally raises it's trunk. "If Obama was white". Says it all really.That is the real problem you guys have, why not just admit it! And as for your heroine Sarah Palin, what experience did she have compared with Obama? Ordering books to be banned from libraries in Alaska because they didn't conform to her nutty views of the world? Shame on you. And your mutual admiration society member from Chiang Mai who likes all of your comments, and vice versa. Have the courage of your convictions and just be honest about the reason for your obvious hatred for Obama. You are fooling nobody but yourselves.

Well at least Palin knew that Africa was a country cheesy.gifcheesy.gif
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Ah, after numerous postings on this election, the elephant in the room finally raises it's trunk. "If Obama was white". Says it all really.That is the real problem you guys have, why not just admit it!

"you guys"?

And as for your heroine Sarah Palin, what experience did she have compared with Obama?

She's no heroine of mine, but she was the Governor of Alaska, a state larger than most European countries and with more oil than all with the exception of Russia and possibly Norway. She was pretty successful fighting her own Republican party up there too. All of that has been buried under caricatures the past 4 years though. Obama, on the other hand, had never had any executive experience at all. Nothing. Not even on the level of tiny Wasila, Alaska.

Have the courage of your convictions and just be honest about the reason for your obvious hatred for Obama. You are fooling nobody but yourselves.

Any objective person can look at Obama's record and fully understand why someone would not want him to be re-elected. The real question, is why don't his American supporters have the courage and honesty to come out why they support Obama? It certainly isn't because of anything he has done the past 4 years, It can't be, because Obama himself hasn't been campaigning on his accomplishments.

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For me I reckon that if you are going to apply for the job as the worlds most powerful man you have to expect your private life and past to be totally open to scrutiny. Why would anyone spend millions of dollars like Obama has keeping his birth certificate hidden and then when he does release it most say it is a phoney if he has nothing to hide ? The same goes for his school records and passport application records. Surely the American people have a right to see these things if any concern is voiced over them ?

How can anyone turn down 5 million Dollars to a charity of their choice for showing these records ? The person that tries to hide such innocuous documents to me has something big to hide.

I also as a Brit don't understand how you can have around ten people running for the presidency yet you only ever see or hear from the two ?

<deleted>'s that all about ?

I'm not US citizen so my opinions and way of thinking might differ from the reset of you. This is how I read the situation.

Trump seems to be super egoistic personality who loves to be on the headlines. That's one reason he likes to be part of the campaign and mess around. This is probably good for his businesses as well.

One reason to call these certificates, which Obama will not show, is to pre-empty the calls for Romney's tax records.. "You did not show yours, we'll not show ours".

Now why Obama is not likely to show the records, even if that would give $5M to a charity?

If he would show the records, which Trump has requested, then Obama would be dancing by the Trump's play. That's not something I call strong leadership.

If he shows the records, what will be the next thing Trump is going to ask Obama to show? By this time the general public has already accepted the fact that Trump can ask anything from the President and the President will obey these requests. Not a really good position to be in?

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I'll give $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice, if he calls McCain "THE LOSER" as many times, on his radio show, as he called Dukakis "THE LOSER" when Dukakis lost to Bush Sr. Indeed, I'll add another $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice if he calls Romney "THE LOSER" (the same number of times) after this upcoming vote.

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I'll give $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice, if he calls McCain "THE LOSER" as many times, on his radio show, as he called Dukakis "THE LOSER" when Dukakis lost to Bush Sr. Indeed, I'll add another $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice if he calls Romney "THE LOSER" (the same number of times) after this upcoming vote.

Most of us would probably consider Trump to have enough ready cash laying around to really pay the reward.

I doubt if most of us on an anonymous forum based in Thailand would have that same confidence in your offer.

Would you care to show us your tax records for the past 10 years to boost our confidence in your very kind offer?thumbsup.gif

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I'll give $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice, if he calls McCain "THE LOSER" as many times, on his radio show, as he called Dukakis "THE LOSER" when Dukakis lost to Bush Sr. Indeed, I'll add another $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice if he calls Romney "THE LOSER" (the same number of times) after this upcoming vote.

Most of us would probably consider Trump to have enough ready cash laying around to really pay the reward.

I doubt if most of us on an anonymous forum based in Thailand would have that same confidence in your offer.

Would you care to show us your tax records for the past 10 years to boost our confidence in your very kind offer?thumbsup.gif

Here, I got the next best thing: take 10 pieces of blank paper, and look at them, one at a time. But please don't look in the steel lock box under my back porch. I made the offer to Limbaugh because there's more chance Bill Maher would be elected next Pope than Rush would take me up on the offer. Limbaugh and Trump are such grandstanding blowhard buffoons, if either looked in a mirror it would crack.from the strain or embarassment at having to reflect the image back.

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I'll give $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice, if he calls McCain "THE LOSER" as many times, on his radio show, as he called Dukakis "THE LOSER" when Dukakis lost to Bush Sr. Indeed, I'll add another $5 million to Rush Limbaugh's charity of choice if he calls Romney "THE LOSER" (the same number of times) after this upcoming vote.

Most of us would probably consider Trump to have enough ready cash laying around to really pay the reward.

I doubt if most of us on an anonymous forum based in Thailand would have that same confidence in your offer.

Would you care to show us your tax records for the past 10 years to boost our confidence in your very kind offer?thumbsup.gif

Here, I got the next best thing: take 10 pieces of blank paper, and look at them, one at a time. But please don't look in the steel lock box under my back porch. I made the offer to Limbaugh because there's more chance Bill Maher would be elected next Pope than Rush would take me up on the offer. Limbaugh and Trump are such grandstanding blowhard buffoons, if either looked in a mirror it would crack.from the strain or embarassment at having to reflect the image back.


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Sorry but I don't trust someone that has never drunk, smoked, swore and who is a Mormon before anything else.

Obama has nothing to prove about his birth

I don't think its fair to discriminate based on religion. However, in Romney's case there is a lot of evidence from people close to him that the MOST important thing in his life is his religion and that his main motivation to be president is to be the first Mormon president to help bring them into the mainstream of American life. People wonder what he believes in deep down to his core as he is such a manic flip flopper it appears he has no core political ideology whatsoever, except saying what is needed to win. As a secular American, I am not looking for a president who I even think might only have his religion as a core value. I want core POLITICAL values as well and of course I want to agree with them. Harry Reid is a Mormon yet I feel that he has core political values so in his case his Mormonism is basically irrelevant. Edited by Jingthing
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Important to note, potential president Williard Mitt Romney STILL associates himself with Trump.


Not only Trump.......he has brown nosed Netanyahu not to mention Billy Graham who only just decided Mormonism isn't a cult (strange that sudden change of heart when the Mormon happens to be candidate).

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Well Joseph Smith was running for President in 1844 when he and his brother, Hyrum, were shot and killed by a mob in Carthage, IL.

While Billy Graham was a staunch Nixon supporter in 1968 I think he was on friendly terms with George Romney and the LDS? The LDS has had a troubled history with regards to non-white people - this was one of the reasons George Romney's campaign faltered.

Edited by lomatopo
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Well Joseph Smith was running for President in 1844 when he and his brother, Hyrum, were shot and killed by a mob in Carthage, IL.

While Billy Graham was a staunch Nixon supporter in 1968 I think he was on friendly terms with George Romney and the LDS? The LDS has had a troubled history with regards to non-white people - this was one of the reasons George Romney's campaign faltered.



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Trump extended the date of his offer to Obama. Colbert has also extended his offer to Trump to be his 'scrotum holster' for $1 million.

I figured he picked noon on Thursday so if O didn't rise to the bait he would then say "well, I have those documents" and then releases them so that they become a centerpiece with the weekend talk shows and Sunday editions. I gave the fool too much credit.

Q: where is the most dangerous place in the world?

A: the space between DT and a camera

(that one has been around for a long time)

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