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What's The Big Deal About Marrying A Girl You Met In A Bar ?

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You're a bad boy Smokie laugh.png

I can remember when I first dated my lady I was wondering if she was a ladyboy, I was quite nervous cos of that old saying " if the lady is so beautiful you cannot believe, it's because it is a man "

When I told my lady I was worried about that she was a bit overly proud of herself............Thailand, the only country in the World where you can tell your lady that she looks like a transvestite and she takes it as a high compliment blink.png

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bloody escalator pervert, taking photos of some poor nong noi on the quiet, you farangs are a disgrace, keep out of the rose of the north, head back to the near east of thailand wear that sort of photography is tolerated.

clap2.gif Bloody 'ell its submaniac's evil twin!


bloody escalator pervert, taking photos of some poor nong noi on the quiet, you farangs are a disgrace, keep out of the rose of the north, head back to the near east of thailand wear that sort of photography is tolerated.

clap2.gif Bloody 'ell its submaniac's evil twin!

nailed me, and i was out to nail the "escalator pervert", submaniac would be proud, i hope, of my attempt at baiting a blether.

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A thread without Submaniac giving the benefit of his wisdom? Whatever next?

My ex gf had a tattoo, I think it said "Please make cheques payable to.........." whistling.gif

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You're a bad boy Smokie laugh.png

I can remember when I first dated my lady I was wondering if she was a ladyboy, I was quite nervous cos of that old saying " if the lady is so beautiful you cannot believe, it's because it is a man "

When I told my lady I was worried about that she was a bit overly proud of herself............Thailand, the only country in the World where you can tell your lady that she looks like a transvestite and she takes it as a high compliment blink.png

my ladyboy gik, is so offended by this post, he/she is far more beautiful than any natural girl, and she doesnt have any tattoos she is a traditional beach road ladyboy not some upstart from up north


When I told my lady I was worried about that she was a bit overly proud of herself............Thailand, the only country in the World where you can tell your lady that she looks like a transvestite and she takes it as a high compliment blink.png

ROFL but often true.

And I'd really like to know where else you can bowl up to a girl from any socio-economic background, in an office, on the street wherever and say "Wow you are so beautiful" or even "What a sexy body you've got!" and 99 out of hundred will just light right up, flash a 1000W smile and sincerely say "Thank you" for the compliment!

Doing that's probably a jailable offense back home by now. . .


Some guys here need to re-evaluate what they know about Thai women, every day that passes the country is getting richer and richer, women are becoming more educated, wealthier and independent, and it's the guys, including the Thai guys, that need to up their game.

Or not.

It's amazing how many times posts here make me think they're confirming my preferences, make me so happy I:

- rent not buy

- don't live in P-town

and now, avoid girls that aren't rural and poor.

The "game" might still be a moving target, but at least it's moving at a reasonable pace up which with which I can keep 8-)

I'm sure they're very nice and all, but even if these wealthy modern girls would touch my barge pole I honestly don't think I would bother, IMO just as much trouble as the lot back home.

all fine if you prefer fish in a barrel to pacific salmon.

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I believe a definate maximum measured area covered with tattoos as the indication of a BG is needed. Perhaps the bidding starts at 9cm^2 ? (Yeah I know some savages still don't use SI units, google it).

The color also must matter. Scarlet is a dead giveaway, of course. In fact. aren't birthmarks just genetic tattoo's. I'm starting to get the idea behind the Coroner's Special porcelain skin.

But how then can you verify the lack of tramp stamps, as with a good girl you won't even be sleeping in the same room before married ? Oh the shame of it, finding a butterfly on the back in wedding night. Drives a man straight to his mia noi's, surely.

Very complex it is, this Asian culture, mmmmmm...

Yup......complex indeed.....here's my lady


Degree educated and working as a restaurant manager and ye gods!! ( well I suppose ye Buddha!! ) she has a tattoo on her left thigh !!!

Modern Thai women, just who do they think they are eh? coffee1.gif

Sorry, Theblether, In 25 years of Thailand experience I've never come across a Thai girl with a tattoo on her leg like that, who at some time wasn't involved in the sex trade,although, to be fair I don't know if I've ever met this particular lady,so possibly she's the exception.

A Thai education Degree means nothing,unless it's from Chula or similar university,and then again some people don't

Rate those universities very high.


I think there are two ways of looking at this, mentioned earlier about the Western world's view of Western men with Thai women, it is understandable why there is a steriotypical view - That is because it is true and you dont have to look too far to witness the fat old creeps wandering round with the slim pretty Thai women who themselves generally are of no better charachter than the fat old creeps, as they are surely in it for the money. There is no smoke without fire and its not as if millions of Japaneze / Chinese / Korean men flock to Norway and within days have a Norweigan girl half their age jumping in bed with them. As we all know there are many genuine relationships between Western men and Thai women where money or looks are not the main attractions but I reckon there are much more 'business' relationships than genuine ones. As for meeting your wife in a bar, I think many people are hiding behind the word 'Bar'. If you meet your wife in a bar where people go to socialize, I dont think there is anything to be ashamed of as bars have to be one of the top locations throughout the world where people meet gf / bf / wives etc. But if you barfine a prostitue and end up staying togeather then yes, its extremely embarrasing for both of you when you are asked how did you meet. I think the bottom line is if you have a genuine relationship with an ex 'bar girl' (prostitute) then you are both lucky as you have both gone from buying and selling services to meeting someone you love and loves you. Forget what anyone thinks as it has no bearing on your life and be happy (but do get your stories straight if you have kids and they ask how you met)!!


I think there are two ways of looking at this, mentioned earlier about the Western world's view of Western men with Thai women, it is understandable why there is a steriotypical view - That is because it is true and you dont have to look too far to witness the fat old creeps wandering round with the slim pretty Thai women who themselves generally are of no better charachter than the fat old creeps, as they are surely in it for the money. There is no smoke without fire and its not as if millions of Japaneze / Chinese / Korean men flock to Norway and within days have a Norweigan girl half their age jumping in bed with them. As we all know there are many genuine relationships between Western men and Thai women where money or looks are not the main attractions but I reckon there are much more 'business' relationships than genuine ones. As for meeting your wife in a bar, I think many people are hiding behind the word 'Bar'. If you meet your wife in a bar where people go to socialize, I dont think there is anything to be ashamed of as bars have to be one of the top locations throughout the world where people meet gf / bf / wives etc. But if you barfine a prostitue and end up staying togeather then yes, its extremely embarrasing for both of you when you are asked how did you meet. I think the bottom line is if you have a genuine relationship with an ex 'bar girl' (prostitute) then you are both lucky as you have both gone from buying and selling services to meeting someone you love and loves you. Forget what anyone thinks as it has no bearing on your life and be happy (but do get your stories straight if you have kids and they ask how you met)!!

Yesterday evening, a 'Mama Sun' was telling a friend of mine 'sorry, no young ladies here. Farang took them out of bar for long term, paying only 5000 baht'

Future wifes, maybe?

"Never worked as sex worker, I took here on her first day"?whistling.gif

But lucky, maybe no tattoo. And not so much 'Bar in the girl'!

Edit: btw, it's a nice motive on the escalator. From the bottom to the seen top, nice catch, methinks.

I would like to ask: theblether met her family, already? Is she wearing the shorts there, too?

I'm still working on that statistic, you know?


You're a bad boy Smokie laugh.png

I can remember when I first dated my lady I was wondering if she was a ladyboy, I was quite nervous cos of that old saying " if the lady is so beautiful you cannot believe, it's because it is a man "

When I told my lady I was worried about that she was a bit overly proud of herself............Thailand, the only country in the World where you can tell your lady that she looks like a transvestite and she takes it as a high compliment blink.png


Not in my experience. Asking if they are a ladyboy is my last resort to get rid of real girl bargirls when they won't leave me alone. They either sulk for Thailand or go ape. Always works a treat though.

Ask any normal girl if she is a ladyboy and you'd better watch your meat and two veg.

However asking ladyboys if they are ladyboys usually makes them proud, smile, pretend to be coy, like you say as they think they are convincing you. You know the ones with shaved adams apples, voice surgery, breast enlargement hormones, big hands etc.



Sorry, Theblether, In 25 years of Thailand experience I've never come across a Thai girl with a tattoo on her leg like that, who at some time wasn't involved in the sex trade,although, to be fair I don't know if I've ever met this particular lady,so possibly she's the exception.

You don't get out very often or hang around/live in areas with many young people and students.

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TheBlether, why did she get the tattoo on her leg?

And I am unclear why she would dress like that, be seen with an older faring and let everyone make the obvious assumption.

It's not classy or "modern" in the least.

It just seems like a poorly inked, nothing tattoo done to be part of the cool kids.

I'm surprised you posted this to be honest.


all fine if you prefer fish in a barrel to pacific salmon.

This implies you get your satisfaction from the challenge rather than the result?

I honestly prefer the experiences I get with the type I prefer. But as I said it's moot point as I no longer have the means to attract the young and gorgeous if they aren't from a poor background.


I don't mind the questions re my lady, I know I took a risk when I posted the photo.

Yes I have met her family, her family on one side are wealthy, her cousin is just back from Montreal after completing a degree in French. The family own several businesses and they intend to target the Francophone tourist market to aid expansion as everyone is Fluent in English already. Bizarrely the exception to the rule was my lady, her English was poor when I met her.

Last month her cousin paid for his mother and 3 aunts to fly down to BKK and then move on to Hua Hin for a family holiday in a top class hotel. Money is no object in that side of the family.

Her family on the other side are not as wealthy, she hardly sees them as her Dad died when she was a teenager, she has no siblings, only her Mum. I have visited their home, decent size and they own a used car dealership. The last time I saw them 22 of them showed up at my ladies restaurant for dinner, how much did that cost me? Zilch. Ya refused to allow me to pay for the meal, told me the family has it's own money and I should concentrate on my lady.

Incidentally I met my lady when she worked in a hotel in CM, she worked in the cafe to help fund her through her degree.

I will point out that there are several TV members including females who know my lady and some have known her for years, I'll let the first mention that she was involved in the sex trade go as that is the automatic assumption. I posted the photo to challenge the assumption.

Too many guys here have a blinkered view of Thai women, some know that there is a vast army out there that won't interact with farangs, that despise the farangs for treating them all like prostitutes, and despise the women that sell their bodies.

Some of you will never know just how reviled you are in Thailand. Thais have the same attitude to hookers that we have, the old stories run true about rough hookers catching the desparate men, and building Hooker Height dripping in Gold and comparing I phones.

You wouldn't marry a rough hooker in your own country would ya? So why do it in Thailand?

A lot of you are selling yourselves short, there are plenty of good women in Thailand that would love to date a good farang man. Don't be seen with bar girls as you will mark yourself out as monger right away and disqualify yourself. Where to find these women?

Everywhere.....they cut your hair, wait at your table, own the little cafe you frequent, you get the idea. They would never reduce themselves to prostitution, they would rather work for 6,000 baht a month than shame themselves. These are the ladies that you will meet every day in life, that's before you start meeting the ladies in the Thai economy such as nurses, bank workers etc

Look around yourself, you are surrounded by good women who revile the sex trade, and revile mongers. If you are looking

To meet a good Thai woman, look outside the girlie bars. There are plenty waiting for you.

But you didn't answer any of the questions.

I'm not judging your girlfriend, more questioning why someone from a decent family would get such a cheap tattoo in such an obvious location, and why she dresses the way she does. What does her family think about it? What do you really think about it? Would you prefer she didn't have it?

My wife is from a decent family and there is absolutely no way she would ever get a tattoo, or her family would allow it.

And to be honest, she does pre-judge girls with tattoos.

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TheBlether, why did she get the tattoo on her leg?

And I am unclear why she would dress like that, be seen with an older faring and let everyone make the obvious assumption.

It's not classy or "modern" in the least.

It just seems like a poorly inked, nothing tattoo done to be part of the cool kids.

I'm surprised you posted this to be honest.

Teenage rebellion.......her father died tragically and she went mad for a while. Others have told me the story and she regrets to this day putting her mother through turmoil.

I agree it's needing redone, it's up to her to decide what to do about it.

As for the earlier question about the shorts, that's daywear, you'll see her wearing a dress most nights. Now surely we're not going down another road that young Thai women that wear shorts are tramps are we????


As for the earlier question about the shorts, that's daywear, you'll see her wearing a dress most nights. Now surely we're not going down another road that young Thai women that wear shorts are tramps are we????

Let's try to keep the argument on some rational basis by defining our terms.

I think it's pretty clear myself that this is true:

Not all TGs with visible tattoos are sex workers.

Getting into which aspects of their outward appearance indicates how likely they are to give it up on what basis to how many how often, well that's just not even worth getting started on now is it?

The fact that many many Thai women from even the finest families give it away when they feel like it - as do our daughters and sisters and indeed mothers back home - should be completely irrelevant to that discussion. And I hope that fact isn't a moral issue for most of us here.

However I do find it interesting that many Thai women I've talked to about these issues feel there is much more shame in giving it away for free than doing it to make a living and to help support their families.


Sorry, Theblether, In 25 years of Thailand experience I've never come across a Thai girl with a tattoo on her leg like that, who at some time wasn't involved in the sex trade,although, to be fair I don't know if I've ever met this particular lady,so possibly she's the exception.

You don't get out very often or hang around/live in areas with many young people and students.

Funny That you should ask that. Had two girl's (one 17 the other 28)around the other week,they both went for a swim in bikinis,noticed both have large tattoo's on their lower backs,something like wings.Now both these girls,step sister's,have never been B/g's.but they are/have been Mia Noi to the same rich old Thai guy.The older one has been through a full time University course payed for and supported by the Thai guy and he's still paying for her condo, as well as giving her a small allowance,even though she now has a young farang B/F who has no idea about her past or this present arrangment.The younger sister has just started Uni, again payed for and supported by this guy,along with a generous monthly allowance,of course she does have to make herself available for his pleasure,that is when she is not hanging around in areas with young people and students.


Personally i have not any sympathy for people who despise " easy girls".

Nor i have sympathy for the ones who draw harsh judgements without knowing the circumstances of one's life.

Live and learn.

I have more respect for a classy " easy girl " than for the self-righteous moralists of this world.

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a mother of 3 daughters in the village/suburb, said to one daughter, a plain looking girl, who was trying to hook a farang and slept with everyone who came to town to meet her, she met them on the internet dating, why didnt she just go to pattaya and earn some money whilst trying to hook a farang.

daughter 2 a stunning uni girl with only thai bf before netted a farang off the net.

daughter 3 a butt ugly bargirl had heaps of customers chasing her for marriage, 3 children and the oldest of the three.

so is the moral, if your going to do it at least make some money and increase your chances.


But you didn't answer any of the questions.

I'm not judging your girlfriend, more questioning why someone from a decent family would get such a cheap tattoo in such an obvious location, and why she dresses the way she does. What does her family think about it? What do you really think about it? Would you prefer she didn't have it?

My wife is from a decent family and there is absolutely no way she would ever get a tattoo, or her family would allow it.

And to be honest, she does pre-judge girls with tattoos.

Uhhh...maybe she wanted to get the tattoo. Maybe she dresses the way she does because she wants to.

Hahaha how could a family "not allow it'? Come on...

It's like banging your head against a brick wall with some of you people. There are some people here that think nothing has changed in Thailand in 100 years.


Hahaha how could a family "not allow it'? Come on...

It's like banging your head against a brick wall with some of you people. There are some people here that think nothing has changed in Thailand in 100 years.

No you're the one who's off base - actually it is the case that even grown adult children will very often listen to and obey the wishes of their parents much more so than in the west. This is just as true for the upper as the lower socio-economic circles, but the former are more likely to have an intact family unit and of course there's more for the kid to lose if mum and dad play hardball with the purse strings - which many of them do!

I admit that it's a growing trend in modern times for the young to exercise their freedom or actually strike out into antisocial behavior just to rebel against their parents, but that isn't the accepted norm here as it is back home, where most people just give respect to elders lip service and are actually dishonest with those that bore and raised them.

That's one of my (admittedly many) criteria for taking on a new girl, I won't have anything to do with the disobedient ones - if they don't obey their mum and dad what would possibly make me think there's any chance of her listening to me?

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I don't mind the questions re my lady, I know I took a risk when I posted the photo.

Yes I have met her family, her family on one side are wealthy, her cousin is just back from Montreal after completing a degree in French. The family own several businesses and they intend to target the Francophone tourist market to aid expansion as everyone is Fluent in English already. Bizarrely the exception to the rule was my lady, her English was poor when I met her.

Last month her cousin paid for his mother and 3 aunts to fly down to BKK and then move on to Hua Hin for a family holiday in a top class hotel. Money is no object in that side of the family.

Her family on the other side are not as wealthy, she hardly sees them as her Dad died when she was a teenager, she has no siblings, only her Mum. I have visited their home, decent size and they own a used car dealership. The last time I saw them 22 of them showed up at my ladies restaurant for dinner, how much did that cost me? Zilch. Ya refused to allow me to pay for the meal, told me the family has it's own money and I should concentrate on my lady.

Incidentally I met my lady when she worked in a hotel in CM, she worked in the cafe to help fund her through her degree.

I will point out that there are several TV members including females who know my lady and some have known her for years, I'll let the first mention that she was involved in the sex trade go as that is the automatic assumption. I posted the photo to challenge the assumption.

Too many guys here have a blinkered view of Thai women, some know that there is a vast army out there that won't interact with farangs, that despise the farangs for treating them all like prostitutes, and despise the women that sell their bodies.

Some of you will never know just how reviled you are in Thailand. Thais have the same attitude to hookers that we have, the old stories run true about rough hookers catching the desparate men, and building Hooker Height dripping in Gold and comparing I phones.

You wouldn't marry a rough hooker in your own country would ya? So why do it in Thailand?

A lot of you are selling yourselves short, there are plenty of good women in Thailand that would love to date a good farang man. Don't be seen with bar girls as you will mark yourself out as monger right away and disqualify yourself. Where to find these women?

Everywhere.....they cut your hair, wait at your table, own the little cafe you frequent, you get the idea. They would never reduce themselves to prostitution, they would rather work for 6,000 baht a month than shame themselves. These are the ladies that you will meet every day in life, that's before you start meeting the ladies in the Thai economy such as nurses, bank workers etc

Look around yourself, you are surrounded by good women who revile the sex trade, and revile mongers. If you are looking

To meet a good Thai woman, look outside the girlie bars. There are plenty waiting for you.

I did not say she had been involved in the sex trade,what I said was, in My 25 yrs experience

That is the sort of person who usually has that sort of Tattoo,there are always exceptions to most rules.My apology if this led you to be offended.

On the rest of your post,I couldn't agree more, the majority of Thai girl's are not into the sex trade,again from My experience you can meet far more beautiful girl's working in shop's,offices,hotel's etc, but of course,it's not quite so easy to strike up a conversation with them as it is with a B/G.


I'm not offended Nontabury, I rate you very highly and your post was fair. I was putting down a marker for others that may have used more uncouth and abrupt language.

Even I can see how the image of tattoo and shorts would equal bad girl in people's minds......I know the whole package though and next week when she is robed and in temple retreat for a week that is the same girl.

Now that invites the "oh yeh, temple retreat......you mean 7 days in Pattaya with her other farang" brigade.

It doesn't matter what we say here, some people cannot see beyond their own narrow experience.

Ps The Nun that runs the temple heard I was in Chiang Mai and invited me to meet her and tour the temple, that was a lovely day and very informative.......here's a test for you.......

Do you agree that it was a lovely gesture and a privelege to be shown around the temple as the guest of the head Nun


Do you think that the Nun is in on a devilish scheme to snare theblether into believing his lady is a good girl?

Hmmm.......hard one that eh?

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I don't mind the questions re my lady, I know I took a risk when I posted the photo.

Yes I have met her family, her family on one side are wealthy, her cousin is just back from Montreal after completing a degree in French. The family own several businesses and they intend to target the Francophone tourist market to aid expansion as everyone is Fluent in English already. Bizarrely the exception to the rule was my lady, her English was poor when I met her.

Last month her cousin paid for his mother and 3 aunts to fly down to BKK and then move on to Hua Hin for a family holiday in a top class hotel. Money is no object in that side of the family.

Her family on the other side are not as wealthy, she hardly sees them as her Dad died when she was a teenager, she has no siblings, only her Mum. I have visited their home, decent size and they own a used car dealership. The last time I saw them 22 of them showed up at my ladies restaurant for dinner, how much did that cost me? Zilch. Ya refused to allow me to pay for the meal, told me the family has it's own money and I should concentrate on my lady.

Incidentally I met my lady when she worked in a hotel in CM, she worked in the cafe to help fund her through her degree.

I will point out that there are several TV members including females who know my lady and some have known her for years, I'll let the first mention that she was involved in the sex trade go as that is the automatic assumption. I posted the photo to challenge the assumption.

Too many guys here have a blinkered view of Thai women, some know that there is a vast army out there that won't interact with farangs, that despise the farangs for treating them all like prostitutes, and despise the women that sell their bodies.

Some of you will never know just how reviled you are in Thailand. Thais have the same attitude to hookers that we have, the old stories run true about rough hookers catching the desparate men, and building Hooker Height dripping in Gold and comparing I phones.

You wouldn't marry a rough hooker in your own country would ya? So why do it in Thailand?

A lot of you are selling yourselves short, there are plenty of good women in Thailand that would love to date a good farang man. Don't be seen with bar girls as you will mark yourself out as monger right away and disqualify yourself. Where to find these women?

Everywhere.....they cut your hair, wait at your table, own the little cafe you frequent, you get the idea. They would never reduce themselves to prostitution, they would rather work for 6,000 baht a month than shame themselves. These are the ladies that you will meet every day in life, that's before you start meeting the ladies in the Thai economy such as nurses, bank workers etc

Look around yourself, you are surrounded by good women who revile the sex trade, and revile mongers. If you are looking

To meet a good Thai woman, look outside the girlie bars. There are plenty waiting for you.

You didn't answer, if your lady is showing herself like this to the family?

Ever talked about the tattoo to others, in her family?

I'm still working on the statistic, so.....!

btw: it looks black, only. There is a big chance for the laser thing. Only in case, she wanna get rid of it.



Yes, her mother hates it, teenage rebellion and a reminder of a difficilt time in their lives. Re the stats......can't answer that one except to say that this is one lady who has never bee

involved in the sex trade. Full stop.

If she wants it removed then no problem.......It's her body.

Who are we to judge?.........the sensible and truthful among us know that we all have times in our life we could have behaved better.

To that extent I do not condemn any woman who has been involved in prostitution.... ....I don't lnow what brought them to it and I celebrate the fact that they got out.

I do condemn those that get out by destroying and breaking good hearted men.......we know enough of those stories to know that the evil ex hooker is alive and well.

To anyone who is married to an ex-bar girl........you'll know how much she loves and cherishes you, all that matters is your happiness and not judgement from strangers on the internet.

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