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Are Farang Supposed To Be Disregarded As To There Sensitivities.


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I drink little, I am genuine about this situation!

Well congratulations on being willing to find out the truth, be warned the odds are very slim you'll get the answer you'd like. . .

And BTW of course price is a big issue, my most significant recent ex, the mother of my children, keeps saying how she turns down guys offering 5 or 10K for short time, but I'm pretty sure if they offered 20 or 30 she'd give in, probably 80% of TGs would IMO and no, I'm not disparaging Thai womanhood, just giving my opinion and don't think there's anything wrong with it anyway.

I reckon 3K's a fair starting point, maybe go to 5?

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For 20k or 30k I'd probably give in too, and I don't even need the money!

(Although I would prefer a house and a new car)

Oh Tommo you slut you, don't sell yourself so cheap.

Good looking girls trying to stay "nice" in the farang-hunting areas get offers like that all the time, just them saying no drives the price right up. . .

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It is interesting just looking at the various views from you guys, especially the Professorial Posters, And mudslinging always seems to prevail, Just on another note, I have concluded that my GF will not bring her clothes back, yet because of "Face" and loss therof, she was seen leaving with all her gear, and to be seen to bring back would br loss of Face, am I right on this assumption?

Plausible theory, but IMO much more likely she wants to have the freedom to look for her next sponsor while she knows she can still keep you dangling on the hook in reserve as her fallback plan.

Cut the line dude.

One good strategy is to hire a very beautiful but vicious player to be pretend to be your new girlfriend, but actually act as your bodyguard. Preferably trained in martial arts and also carrying weapons. . .

The other way will clear it up:

Get a 'new' male in the game, trying to date her. On the way to her cloth change will be a good time, for a "whow, you are so pretty, do you have a boyfriend or a sister?" speed dating. The only thing, you need to be able to accept that this guy can be the known next 'sleepover'!

That my friend is a very good idea, will work on that one soonest!

I'm available.

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