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Are Farang Supposed To Be Disregarded As To There Sensitivities.


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From a previous post on different topic. I think the Farang are treated differently almost with distane. It seems to me that we must abide by the Thai culture, which is fair enough but Farang culture is to be disregarded. I had occasion to express my feelings recently, I had attended a Thai Barby up north (Funeral) no sleep 3 days, the drove back to Pattaya 6 Hours with 8 People in 5 seat Car, would have had book thrown at me in Aus, my complaints were ignored, then had 4 extra people (teens) in my 50M Studio for 5 Days, The room is small enough as it is, I also like my privacy as do most Ferang, anyway putup with it, no probs, I had spent about 40000bt in week, was asked for some extra money by my GF, I politely said she would have to wait a few days, well not good enough said she, need now! I bit my lip,she persisted, I let fly, unfortunately, and spelled a few facts, looked at me with blank look, said I had no heart etc and left with all the kids to go to friends room, this is after 6 Months together! I am stunned! Did not care about my feeling only hers.

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You are the man and you have to take charge! For example: you allow yourself to be crammed up in a small car with too much people when instead you could have taken care of a smooth ride for everyone beforehand. I hope we are getting through to you. Best of luck.

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Yes I understand all of this but I really care about this lady, she is Not lady bar, works hard cleaning albeit only 2 Hours a day, OK by me keeps here in touch with here mates. She has now come back but without her "shirts" so she can go quickly if I Yak Yak her again, so has foot in 2 camps so to speak, do you think should let her go guys?

It is doing my head in big time!

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> I really respect and understand your advise, but I really care about this lady, perhaps not a good thing, my first real "love" since losing my wife so have emotional ties, probably not good, I think you been Thai long time.

Listen to what everyone here is telling you. Even if she doesn't mean to be a scam artist, you have created a situation where she thinks that's normal behavior and she will only expect more of the same. She's treating you badly when you're being 100% kind and generous, imagine how she'll treat you when you start being sensible and cautious!

Seriously, bite the bullet never mind your broken heart it will pass quickly, plenty more (and better) fish in the sea.

Get out of town, don't contact any people that she knows and I'm sure she'll have a new victim within a month or two and maybe you can come back - but IMO probably not, better to completely disappear without a trace AFASC.

Otherwise she'll only sponge off you while she's looking for the next victim and leave you anyway, and your life will be shit for months and years in the meantime.

Really, cut the cord and get out.

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Yes I understand all of this but I really care about this lady, she is Not lady bar, works hard cleaning albeit only 2 Hours a day, OK by me keeps here in touch with here mates. She has now come back but without her "shirts" so she can go quickly if I Yak Yak her again, so has foot in 2 camps so to speak, do you think should let her go guys?

It is doing my head in big time!

Jesus davo...grow a pair.

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She is holding a gun to your head "my thai way, or the highway". If you do not agree some clear ground rules, then next time she is peeved, she'll do the same again. Either get the parameters clear, or be a gentleman and hold the door open for her exit. No relationship can survive if one party is threatening the other.

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OK here we go .........

Don't say NO, agree to everything, but only ever get round to doing stuff you want to do.

Never argue, agree to everything .... just don't actually ever do anything.

Learn to lie ..... lie a lot.

She wants to go to the village wedding/funeral, buy her a bus ticket, take her to the bus station. Enjoy your week of freedom.

Treat her like a sex toy and you will never be disappointed.

Don't spend money on uninvited guests .... never invite her family, don't go anywhere with her family of friends.

You aren't a real person to her, just a cash machine, cash machines don't have feelings.

But then neither do sex toys.

DO NOT SHOUT, DO NOT ARGUE ....... very bad manners and never works.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Wow, you seem to be doing it all wrong according to these guys. You have to sit down with her and talk. This isn't a Thai problem in my view, it's a man woman thing with a Thai accent.

Tell her why you reacted like this, tell her what you feel and how you intend to go on if you continue in the relationship. Maintain eye contact.

If she can't agree to this (I suspect she won't) then you must move on. If she starts again, no more discussions, you go, take the buffalo with you.

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You are being taken advantage of due to your decency.

Take a step back and try to see your situation as an outsider would see it.

There are plenty of fish in the sea and Thailand's an ocean.

The more you bleed, the more frenzied this pirahna's feeding will become.

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Yes I understand all of this but I really care about this lady, she is Not lady bar, works hard cleaning albeit only 2 Hours a day, OK by me keeps here in touch with here mates. She has now come back but without her "shirts" so she can go quickly if I Yak Yak her again, so has foot in 2 camps so to speak, do you think should let her go guys?

It is doing my head in big time!

You don' t let her go. A man orders her to leave. Be a man.

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Wow, you seem to be doing it all wrong according to these guys. You have to sit down with her and talk. This isn't a Thai problem in my view, it's a man woman thing with a Thai accent.

Tell her why you reacted like this, tell her what you feel and how you intend to go on if you continue in the relationship. Maintain eye contact.

If she can't agree to this (I suspect she won't) then you must move on. If she starts again, no more discussions, you go, take the buffalo with you.

Absolute <deleted>, zero% chance of such a discussion leading to anything but confusion, shouting and tears.

Logic has absolutely no part to play in this situation and will only make things worse.

Absolutely nothing can salvage this situation 100% sure. No point in explaining anything, just disappear, poof in a puff of smoke and don't look back.

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She leaves once.

iIf you let her back you call the shots not her but I think it is too late for that.

Even if she comes crawling begging to be taken back, swearing she'll be your sex slave forever for free because she loves you loves you loves you can't live without her.

Which is a total fantasy of course, even when that's true face will never allow them to admit it. . .

Don't believe her, both of you will revert back to your old patterns before you know it, you playing her toy poodle her holding the leash leading you wherever she wants to go, any resistance on your part she starts dragging you by the collar kicking and screaming.

Get out while the getting's good, it's an ideal opportunity see it as the lucky blessing that it truly is while you still have some assets, even more importantly get your self-dignity back.

Are you getting the message yet?

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Thank guys for your advise, I will take all on board, I will sleep on it tonight and see what happens in the morning!! perhaps one last Boom Boom!

I have only been with 2 Thai women thus far, last one got me big time!

What does 'big time' exactly equate to?

While booming, you want to make the last one really wild, tell her you are kicking her out in the morning.

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And don't get into another live-in relationship until you've got your shit together, strict budget, money coming in faster than you're spending it, total costs for women including all indirect costs less than you're spending on your housing.

perhaps one last Boom Boom!

Don't do it! Might end up being the most expensive session of your life.

Be strong. You don't need her. You really don't.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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