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Are Thai Ghosts/spirits Different ?


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I've always found fascinating, the people who claim to communicate with

spirits or the afterlife, mediums, which would be the closest to prove if there is something

after death or not.

How do they pull it off, when they give information that only

the sitter and the deceased would only know?

They have even been used to help police solve murder cases by communicating

with the murdered suspect.

Are all these psychic mediums around the world fake?

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I've always found fascinating, the people who claim to communicate with

spirits or the afterlife, mediums, which would be the closest to prove if there is something

after death or not.

How do they pull it off, when they give information that only

the sitter and the deceased would only know?

They have even been used to help police solve murder cases by communicating

with the murdered suspect.

Are all these psychic mediums around the world fake?

Many people have powers that enable perception, communication, "astral travel" over time and distance which science hasn't adequately explained. I think it's very likely we all do, especially as young children, just not further developed in most cases actually suppressed by acculturation to adulthood.

However just having such a "gift" doesn't give you full knowledge of what your experience means or where the power comes from, those are subject to our cultural programming and preconceptions as much as, or perhaps more than, our "normal" day-to-day sensory inputs.

So just because someone believes they can and appears able to communicate with the dead, doesn't mean that explanation for the phenomenon is accurate.

If such things are of interest to you, start reading and asking around and you'll quickly find a path to explore the issues for yourself; lucid dreaming's a not-too-controversial starting point, here's a recent BBC article. But if your background is a judeo-christian one, beware of the fact that your subconscious is likely put a black/white good/evil spin on what you encounter, uncharted areas of the map marked "here be dragons".

This is an area where It can actually be useful to have a grounding in some sort of religious practice, as the techniques you learn will include those that are useful for "bringing you back to the light" if you start to feel things are going in a direction that makes you uncomfortable.

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If you’re going to kick off a new subject that’s fine and good but please get your facts right!

Farang ghosts and spirits can hurt people just as much as the Thai variety in fact they are identical in their abilities. The differences are that reflected in their experiences from past physical lives on the planet. Thai ghosts are therefore: Lazy, Stupid, Uneducated, Tricky, etc... furthermore Thai ghosts insist on continuing to speak an antiquated inadequate language. Sometimes they speak backwards as do their Farang counterparts do, this is not to confuse us but is just caused by the ghost not being used to not having a linear time reference. The either does not obey the same rules Einstein eloquently published. In ghost land there is no past present or future, this will no doubt confuse most ghosts but may flavour the Thai ghosts as they never knew if they are coming, going turning right or turning left in the physical world and in fact they might not realize they passed on and may think it just the effects of the alcoholic “spirits” from the night before and not realizing that it in fact it killed them. (there may exist, a Thai hybrid ghost one that thinks its continuously maw (drunk))

They may be unable to chill a room as low as the Farang ghosts but that’s not their fault (If they could we'd all be ordering live in ghosts to save on our air conditioning bills)

The ghost community is probably now getting rather worried as scientists are getting very close to understanding string theory which many have of course dubbed "Spooky" and rightfully so as the Large Hadron Collider will no doubt find the "Ghost Particle" on the 21st of December this year, then life as we know it will end.


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My students sometimes ask if I'm afraid of ghosts. Especially since I seem to be living in a house where soem former occupants were killed in a car accidient.

I always tell them there is nothing to be afraid off, especially in the case of a Thai ghost. I explain it is enough to just say "hello, what is your name?" and the fact that they have to talk English will scare the ghosts away. Hence why my students should learn English, so I tell them.

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I've always found fascinating, the people who claim to communicate with

spirits or the afterlife, mediums, which would be the closest to prove if there is something

after death or not.

How do they pull it off, when they give information that only

the sitter and the deceased would only know?

They have even been used to help police solve murder cases by communicating

with the murdered suspect.

Are all these psychic mediums around the world fake?

Uri Geller, maybe the best known psychic used to work for the CIA. I met him once years ago and communicate from time to time still.

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.........except Uri Gellar was exposed as a fraud a long time ago.

Watch the Youtube of him bending spoons with his hands when he thought no one was watching, or, check out James Randi's expose on him on Google.

When people are desparate to believe, they are easily fooled.

He's a very talented showman......an early David Blaine.

Edited by KarenBravo
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.........except Uri Gellar was exposed as a fraud a long time ago.

Watch the Youtube of him bending spoons with his hands when he thought no one was watching, or, check out James Randi's expose on him on Google.

When people are desparate to believe, they are easily fooled.

I have to agree, for heaven's sake: URI GELLER!! I mean this is beyond ridiculous. Has no-one seen those shows on TV that demonstrate how magic tricks are done?

I mean he was a common or garden illusionist, like David Blane.

Here's one of the links showing how when he appeared under conditions where he couldn't interfere with the props , he couldn't do a thing. There are many others.

How can adults believe this stuff , really. It's just conjuring tricks , please please use your brains about stuff like this.

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How can adults believe this stuff , really. It's just conjuring tricks , please please use your brains about stuff like this.

I guess these guys have no brains, according to you?

Here's something on remote viewing too

Take a look at their current bosses. You figure it out.

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Drawing the image in the sealed envelope is easy to do. Get the subject to think of the object they drew and get them to draw it again in their mind. The subjects eye movements re creates the drawing and is easy for the supposed psychic to copy

Drawing the image in the sealed envelope is easy to do. Get the subject to think of the object they drew and get them to draw it again in their mind. The subjects eye movements re creates the drawing and is easy for the supposed psychic to copy

LOL are you saying that psychics don't exist? Whatever next.

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Drawing the image in the sealed envelope is easy to do. Get the subject to think of the object they drew and get them to draw it again in their mind. The subjects eye movements re creates the drawing and is easy for the supposed psychic to copy

Drawing the image in the sealed envelope is easy to do. Get the subject to think of the object they drew and get them to draw it again in their mind. The subjects eye movements re creates the drawing and is easy for the supposed psychic to copy

LOL are you saying that psychics don't exist? Whatever next.

I have never seen one that I have believed

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Certainly not proof that ghosts don't exist, but, certainly a "sign-post" to intimate that they're products of the human mind; why are many ghosts clothed? Ghosts of people are one thing but ghost clothes?

Shouldn't all ghosts be naked?

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif excellent observation! cheesy.gif

Then how can you explain the ghosts that move things and leave some sort of physical evidence of presence.

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Then how can you explain the ghosts that move things and leave some sort of physical evidence of presence.

They're not "explaining" them they are 100% sure that no such thing exists.

For myself I'm 99% sure, but leaving that 1% open as a possibility.

However I am 100% sure that phenomena explained as such occur very frequently in the presence of people who do believe, much more frequently than with those who don't. And I don't pretend to understand the underlying cause of that phenomena.

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Then how can you explain the ghosts that move things and leave some sort of physical evidence of presence.

They're not "explaining" them they are 100% sure that no such thing exists.

For myself I'm 99% sure, but leaving that 1% open as a possibility.

However I am 100% sure that phenomena explained as such occur very frequently in the presence of people who do believe, much more frequently than with those who don't. And I don't pretend to understand the underlying cause of that phenomena.

Well I've seen stuff moved and broken, so I guess I'm just at the other end of the belief spectrum.

As for using the verb "see", I'm not sure how applicable it is for viewing ghosts.

Also fascinating is how it could be connected to the idea of parallel universes, string theory and all that stuff.

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Well I've seen stuff moved and broken, so I guess I'm just at the other end of the belief spectrum.

As for using the verb "see", I'm not sure how applicable it is for viewing ghosts.

Also fascinating is how it could be connected to the idea of parallel universes, string theory and all that stuff.

Yes trying to get your head around the physics theories involving dozens of dimensions is IMO much more challenging than developing psychic abilities yourself.

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