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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


Considering Europe's history of leader selection, that's a impressive recommendation for Americans to vote for Mitt Romney!

Silvio Berlusconi, Adolf Hitler, Tony Bliar......you've got a point!

Edited by folium
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In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats?

In Australia we have compulsory voting, so there's no difference really between the major parties' turnouts.

If the USA had compulsory voting, the democrats would never lose the white house again and there would be eternal democratic majorities in the house and senate. So the republicans would never let that happen! BTW, I think you Aussies have got that one right. Edited by Jingthing
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In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats?

In Australia we have compulsory voting, so there's no difference really between the major parties' turnouts.

Have to admit that is one thing at least Oz has spot on. Compulsory voting should be part of any democratic system as contradictory as that might appear. While you have to show up you are quite at liberty to write " <deleted> to all of the above" if you so desire. at least every 4 or 5 years you connect with the system to which you contribute financially and has a major impact on your lifestyle and surroundings.

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If the USA had compulsory voting, the democrats would never lose the white house again and there would be eternal democratic majorities in the house and senate. So the republicans would never let that happen! BTW, I think you Aussies have got that one right.

That's very interesting, though based on Democrats and Republicans as they are in the present system. With new demographics, presumably the Republicans would develop policies and strategies that appeal to a broader group (including the "47%").

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If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


Considering Europe's history of leader selection, that's a impressive recommendation for Americans to vote for Mitt Romney!

Sivio Berlusconi, Adolf Hitler, Tony Bliar......you've got a point!

I will make an exception for Sir Winston Churchill. He, like other great leaders, had some bad points re: Ireland and India. But overall, I consider him one of history's great leaders. Other than him and the Iron Lady, pthhhhhhh-spit on the rest of them.

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If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


Neither party would win in Europe. The Dems are right wing by European standards.

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If Europeans could vote in the US election Obama would win by over 90%

Not only does a YouGov poll say that most Europeans would vote for Barack Obama if they voted in the US presidential elections, the odds of the incumbent president retaining his post have also shortened from 2/5 to 1/3 said William Hill this morning.


Considering Europe's history of leader selection, that's a impressive recommendation for Americans to vote for Mitt Romney!

Sivio Berlusconi, Adolf Hitler, Tony Bliar......you've got a point!

I will make an exception for Sir Winston Churchill. He, like other great leaders, had some bad points re: Ireland and India. But overall, I consider him one of history's great leaders. Other than him and the Iron Lady, pthhhhhhh-spit on the rest of them.

At the end of the day the old cliche holds true for elections in any country from the USA to Fiji....

" people get the leaders they deserve" !!

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In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats?

I'm not sure that they always do, but most Republicans want to get rid of Obama and a lot of democrats realize that the last 4 years have been pretty dismal, so they are not motivated to vote for him and, of course, the independents are going for Romney. That is why the election is far from decided yet.

An NPR poll earlier this week, put Romney 12 points ahead of the president with independents, 51 to 39 percent, and a CBS/New York Times survey found the exact same result. A Monmouth University poll last week pegged Romney’s independent lead at 19 points.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats? In Australia we have compulsory voting, so there's no difference really between the major parties' turnouts.

If the USA had compulsory voting, the democrats would never lose the white house again and there would be eternal democratic majorities in the house and senate. So the republicans would never let that happen! BTW, I think you Aussies have got that one right.

So, are you going to be holding the rifle and marching the people at bayonet point to the polls??

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Here's a thought....in a merciful few days the US election will be done and dusted.

What chance is there that the opposing parties, boosters and cheerleaders will say: "election is done, now let's focus on the real, material issues that will impact the long term future of this country and it's 300 million+ inhabitants"........

Zero chance.

And there's the pathetic tragedy of it all.

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In both October surveys, more Republicans and Republican leaners than Democrats and Democratic leaners are predicted to be likely voters.

I didn't know that. Why do more Republicans vote than Democrats? In Australia we have compulsory voting, so there's no difference really between the major parties' turnouts.

If the USA had compulsory voting, the democrats would never lose the white house again and there would be eternal democratic majorities in the house and senate. So the republicans would never let that happen! BTW, I think you Aussies have got that one right.

So, are you going to be holding the rifle and marching the people at bayonet point to the polls??

I believe Oz just fines no shows. Much more efficient and revenue generating than bayonets....

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I believe Oz just fines no shows. Much more efficient and revenue generating than bayonets....

It's really not draconian at all. You just have to provide a reason within 21 days or pay a $20 fine. In Oz these days $20 is about the price of a nice bottle of wine.

What happens if I do not vote?

Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.

If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.


Edited by Xangsamhua
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I believe Oz just fines no shows. Much more efficient and revenue generating than bayonets....

It's really not draconian at all. You just have to provide a reason within 21 days or pay a $20 fine. In Oz these days $20 is about the price of a nice bottle of wine.

What happens if I do not vote?

Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.

If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.


Well, you Aussies can do as you prefer in Australia. For this American, the last thing we need is yet another <deleted> federal mandate telling us what to do and how to live. We have way too many of those now.

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I believe Oz just fines no shows. Much more efficient and revenue generating than bayonets....

It's really not draconian at all. You just have to provide a reason within 21 days or pay a $20 fine. In Oz these days $20 is about the price of a nice bottle of wine.

What happens if I do not vote?

Initially the Australian Electoral Commission will write to all apparent non-voters requesting that they either provide a reason for their failure to vote or pay a $20 penalty.

If, within 21 days, the apparent non-voter fails to reply, cannot provide a valid and sufficient reason or declines to pay the penalty, then prosecution proceedings may be instigated. If the matter is dealt with in court and the person is found guilty, he or she may be fined up to $50 plus court costs.


Well, you Aussies can do as you prefer in Australia. For this American, the last thing we need is yet another <deleted> federal mandate telling us what to do and how to live. We have way too many of those now.

I sympathize with the philosophical argument against compulsory voting, but I don't think anybody but the Jehovah's Witnesses really thinks about it in Australia. We've had it since 1912 and I don't think I've ever heard anyone argue over it or mount a campaign to have the law rescinded.

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The truth is the number of people showing up at the polls voting illegally or impersonating legal voters is practically ZERO. But it makes a great red herring for the republican party to promote voter suppression of likely democratic party voters.

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...and that's because colleges in Texas accept illegal immigrants as students. Of course, I presume you are against non-citizens breaking the laws by voting in a federal election.

So by your logic, illegal immigrants are allowed to register to vote in Texas, and illegal immigrants cannot get a NRA ID?

Wow. Sir, I am impressed.

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Instead of taking one poll as the end all be all with a mere 1000 sampling.

Here is what the real polls are saying


Obama vs Romney (National Polls)

Pollster End Date Obama Romney Rasmussen Reports source.gif 10/30/2012 47 49 Rasmussen Tracking source.gif 10/29/2012 47 49 ABC News/Wash Post source.gif 10/29/2012 48 49 Rasmussen Tracking source.gif 10/28/2012 47 49 CBS News/NY Times source.gif 10/28/2012 48 47 Pew Research source.gif 10/28/2012 47 47 Gallup Tracking source.gif 10/28/2012 46 51

How is there past record in comparison to gallop?

From a Dartmouth University survey done after the 2008 election. Rated as most accurate (#1) to least accurate (#20)

1. Rasmussen (11/1-3)**

1. Pew (10/29-11/1)**

2. YouGov/Polimetrix (10/18-11/1)

3. Harris Interactive (10/20-27)

4. GWU (Lake/Tarrance) (11/2-3)*

5. Diageo/Hotline (10/31-11/2)*

5. ARG (10/25-27)*

6. CNN (10/30-11/1)

6. Ipsos/McClatchy (10/30-11/1)

7. DailyKos.com (D)/Research 2000 (11/1-3)

8. AP/Yahoo/KN (10/17-27)

9. Democracy Corps (D) (10/30-11/2)

10. FOX (11/1-2)

11. Economist/YouGov (10/25-27)

12. IBD/TIPP (11/1-3)

13. NBC/WSJ (11/1-2)

14. ABC/Post (10/30-11/2)

15. Marist College (11/3)

16. CBS (10/31-11/2)

17. Gallup (10/31-11/2)

18. Reuters/ C-SPAN/ Zogby (10/31-11/3)

19. CBS/Times (10/25-29)

20. Newsweek (10/22-23)

PDF File: http://www.google.co...El08MqXgyr89yMg

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...and that's because colleges in Texas accept illegal immigrants as students. Of course, I presume you are against non-citizens breaking the laws by voting in a federal election.

And there are no NRA members who aren't US citizens are there? And none of them can get a photo ID from the NRA, can they?

Oh, and only US citizens can get a Driver's License?

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Well shoot, in Texas your NRA photo ID passes the voter ID test, but your student ID does not. 'Nuff said.

You should add a :) to your post

Because it is not a NRA card that is accepted but a Concealed Carry Permit

Which is not a simple ID to obtain in any State

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In the last week of a Presidential Election, the relative volume of whining and whinging about media bias from party partisans of either Republican or Democrat persuasion is the best possible poll on the likely outcome of the election. Just read through this thread and it's pretty obvious whistling.gif

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Here's a thought....in a merciful few days the US election will be done and dusted.

What chance is there that the opposing parties, boosters and cheerleaders will say: "election is done, now let's focus on the real, material issues that will impact the long term future of this country and it's 300 million+ inhabitants"........

Well, if the unfortunate does happen and we end up stuck with smooth-talker Obama for another four years, it will be almost impossible. Because the main problem will still be there. We will still have a chief executive that is totally incompetent, and without the management competency and management experience to do the job.

It's like pulling a tuk-tuk driver off the street, handing him a certificate that says he is now a surgeon, and throwing him in an operating room. After four years of dead patients, you rehire him and then expect different results for the next four years? Obama did not have the management competency to do the job for the last four years and he still does not possess it. Four more years of the tuk-tuk driver with the scalpel. Shudders!

And Mitt the twit is somehow an improvement on your tuk-tuk/surgeon? I've met the man, Mitt that is, three times, spent an SFO-BOS trip next to him, still have family/friends at Bain, still have family/friends in the State House - he's a likable clueless doofy sort of guy. Presidential material - SHUDDERS. I'd take the tuk-tuk driver as POTUS. Was he born in Kenya?

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...and that's because colleges in Texas accept illegal immigrants as students. Of course, I presume you are against non-citizens breaking the laws by voting in a federal election.

And there are no NRA members who aren't US citizens are there? And none of them can get a photo ID from the NRA, can they?

Oh, and only US citizens can get a Driver's License?

Texas will not issue a driver's license to illegal immigrants.

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The facts are that Romney has managed several private businesses, managed a successful 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, and served as chief executive (governor) of a U.S. state. That's the key and critical difference between Romney and the smooth-talker "community organizer".

This comment and and other known facts about Romney brings back memories about a square headed man living in Dubai.
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