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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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why not go the whole hog and have government ID for all citizens?

Basically it exists

You are born you are given a birth certificate.

You later obtain a social security number by the time you reach working age.

If not sooner if your parents requesting social services.

You are under the impression each US citizen does not have govt ID

Your wrong.

As others have said State ID's with picture are basically free.

You bring in the two things I mentioned above since you must have them

and your done.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is just commenting on the US for sport & does not

live in the US nor are they citizens.

A Social Security card does not function as an ID -- as you well know (nor could it without a photo etc). And OPTIONAL state ID is quite different from mandatory Federal ID, no?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Yes as I said in my 1st post here

SS Card is not a valid ID

But a SS card & Birth certificate easily obtained from the Departments

can be used to obtain a free State picture ID

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It's been a long time since I lived in the States, but yes, as far as I know usually everyone ends up with a Social Security card, but not valid as ID, and unless they start legally driving, they never get a real ID. But as Mania claims, this amounts to "none" or as steelejoe and somtum pointed out, about 35 million, same as none.

Frankly - those 35 million are considered "nonpeople" by the right anyway.

I think that if they states provide photo id free, then they can require that it be shown. If they don't, then they shouldn't require it. We no longer have the "40 acres and a mule" requirement to vote.

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Your "none" turns out to be about 11% FYI - http://www.economist.com/node/21529061

Well, roughly 35 million people -- that's practically none...

Let me address both since their both silly.

this kind of article is like me saying I lost my ID in a flood.

I am too lazy to go to the Department of Records & get another

based on my Birth Certificate which they have

and my Social Security number which again they have.

The frenzy over minutia like this is mind boggling.

Again I ask, Would you allow your bank to allow access to YOUR

funds by folks who claim they have no ID?

If not

Then please do not ask our government to allow access to benefits/rights

without any either.

Again this is a non-issue just another distraction.

This is why US politics have become a Lakorn

none may speak to the real issues just the minutia.

I didn't question whether the circumstances of them having or not having an ID was valid. Mania said that there was NO ONE in the US who lacked a photo ID. That statement is untrue - by about 35 million people.

If 35 million don't have photo ID - something should be done about that BEFORE changing the laws requiring them to show it to vote. If they have the opportunity to get one and don't, that is on them. But if they DON"T have the opportunity to get one, that is wrong, imo.

Edited by somtumlion
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Here's a thought....in a merciful few days the US election will be done and dusted.

What chance is there that the opposing parties, boosters and cheerleaders will say: "election is done, now let's focus on the real, material issues that will impact the long term future of this country and it's 300 million+ inhabitants"........

Not much but what I do see happening is the losing party having a internal shake up.

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Isn't there a simple principal here that trancends everything else?

That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance.

And I thought that given that Republicans were keen to take people back to a time where peoples words were their bonds, and combined with the fact that Republicans hate government intrusion in any way, that the idea of government not forcing people to have idea would be one that is welcome by those on the right.

But when there is power at stake - then I guess not. The words 'stinking hypocracy' come to mind on this issue.

You defeat your argument with this statement:

"That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance."

With some 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing inside the US, how does a poll worker identify a US citizen from an illegal alien without some form of voter ID?

You will recall the US is a multi-colored nation so how does this poll worker determine, simply by looking at someone, that they are a citizen?

Most of you liberals are overlooking the obvious. Voter ID isn't about the poor, black or elderly...it is about the 11 million!

Yours is the first reasonable explanation so far. However, isn't it convenient that the Republicans push for such a thing only at the 11th hour when they know it is impossible for those Obama voters to comply. Strange that.

Blame Eric Holder's Justice Department for any delay in the execution of voter ID laws.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited states from passing voting requirements that might disenfranchise any voter from exercising their constitutional right to vote. The act was originally passed due to some states issuing literacy requirements that were primarily aimed at black voters.

The VRA of 1965 provided authority to the Department of Justice for federal oversight and the requirement that certain states had to obtain DOJ clearance of any state law affecting the voting process in that state. This clearance process applied to those states with less than 50% of the states population in 1964 that were registered voters only. These states were mostly southern states.

Eric Holder's DOJ has delayed the clearance issuance of many of the states laws and a number of court challenges have taken place over the past four years.

I am not up to speed on which states now have voter ID laws but those that do have passed the test by Federal Court's determining that obtaining a voter ID is not an unnecessary burden on registered voters.

It isn't the states that were late coming to the party, it was the actions of the Obama administration's delay of the clearances by issuing legal action against the states.


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Isn't there a simple principal here that trancends everything else?

That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance.

And I thought that given that Republicans were keen to take people back to a time where peoples words were their bonds, and combined with the fact that Republicans hate government intrusion in any way, that the idea of government not forcing people to have idea would be one that is welcome by those on the right.

But when there is power at stake - then I guess not. The words 'stinking hypocracy' come to mind on this issue.

You defeat your argument with this statement:

"That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance."

With some 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing inside the US, how does a poll worker identify a US citizen from an illegal alien without some form of voter ID?

You will recall the US is a multi-colored nation so how does this poll worker determine, simply by looking at someone, that they are a citizen?

Most of you liberals are overlooking the obvious. Voter ID isn't about the poor, black or elderly...it is about the 11 million!

Yours is the first reasonable explanation so far. However, isn't it convenient that the Republicans push for such a thing only at the 11th hour when they know it is impossible for those Obama voters to comply. Strange that.

Blame Eric Holder's Justice Department for any delay in the execution of voter ID laws.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited states from passing voting requirements that might disenfranchise any voter from exercising their constitutional right to vote. The act was originally passed due to some states issuing literacy requirements that were primarily aimed at black voters.

The VRA of 1965 provided authority to the Department of Justice for federal oversight and the requirement that certain states had to obtain DOJ clearance of any state law affecting the voting process in that state. This clearance process applied to those states with less than 50% of the states population in 1964 that were registered voters only. These states were mostly southern states.

Eric Holder's DOJ has delayed the clearance issuance of many of the states laws and a number of court challenges have taken place over the past four years.

I am not up to speed on which states now have voter ID laws but those that do have passed the test by Federal Court's determining that obtaining a voter ID is not an unnecessary burden on registered voters.

It isn't the states that were late coming to the party, it was the actions of the Obama administration's delay of the clearances by issuing legal action against the states.


Who delayed it before Holder? Ashcroft? Just curious.

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Romney's group bought companies and loaded them up with debt. Took all their money, and let them go bankrupt, while running away with the cash. That is not business, its larceny.

Obama's administration has been involved with venture capitalism by their Energy Department loan guarantees.

The only difference is they are loading up the failing energy companies with taxpayer cash, not private capital. This might also be considered larceny

I would have thought the Republican mantra about private capital was looking a bit shop worn after Sandy.Perhaps I am wrong and Goldman Sachs, Bain and Company are going to "invest" in the reconstruction effort.

If you want a proper example of larceny consider how venture capitalists like Romney pay a very low tax rate on "carried interest"

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This poll has no basis other than who the people who were polled expect to win. Obama is the incumbent, so no big surprise, but the polls are so close that this does not mean much.


Jingthing - You don't understand American polling. The only poll that has any meaning is among LIKELY voters. ( in which Romney leads by 5 points). It's not how one EXPECTS, it's about how one VOTES.


I understand completely and Romney does not stand a chance in hell. If you want proof try to make a wager with the bookmakers and you will find how much the odds are stacked against him! Good luck to him, but really does not have a chance!
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I'm not suggesting, I'm asserting that these people don't have ID, for whatever reason, and Republicans know that.

Your asserting wrongly

None survive in the US without ID

Even poor folks have ID otherwise they could never apply for food stamps,

welfare,free medical etc. A Social Security Card is not an ID. they need to prove

even to get assistance that they are US citizens.

Anyone a hair above homeless needs an ID to cash a check, travel even interstate

in many cases by train,bus etc these days.

I am rather surprised at how many fight the notion of an ID being required.

Would you want your bank account available to anyone without an proper ID?

Neither should the US Government

why not go the whole hog and have government ID for all citizens?

Government ID is already available for all citizens. All they had to do is request one...in person.

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I'm not suggesting, I'm asserting that these people don't have ID, for whatever reason, and Republicans know that.

Your asserting wrongly

None survive in the US without ID

Even poor folks have ID otherwise they could never apply for food stamps,

welfare,free medical etc. A Social Security Card is not an ID. they need to prove

even to get assistance that they are US citizens.

Anyone a hair above homeless needs an ID to cash a check, travel even interstate

in many cases by train,bus etc these days.

I am rather surprised at how many fight the notion of an ID being required.

Would you want your bank account available to anyone without an proper ID?

Neither should the US Government

why not go the whole hog and have government ID for all citizens?

Government ID is already available for all citizens. All they had to do is request one...in person.

Government photo id is? For all citizens? http://www.lawyerscommittee.org/page?id=0046

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Based on business acumen alone, I would be tempted to endorse Romney, if it weren't for his other negative baggage. But certainly it is true that Romney has forgotten more about business than Obama will ever know. However, I'm intrigued by Obama's proposal to make a new cabinet position "Secretary of Business," in essence, merge SBA and other agencies into a "one stop shop" to help business.

Romney condemns the plan, but as usual, doesn't say why.


What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?

Ronald Reagan once said..."No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth."

I seriously question whether yet another government bureaucracy is a good way to stimulate the economy.

"What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?"

Excellent question!! The answer is that he has no plan to do anything with them. Because Obama's new "Secretary of Business" talk is nothing more than a last-minute frantic cloud of nothing. In no way is he serious about it. It's just another Obama distraction. He wants a new talking point to distract voters from his dismal record and the failure of the Obama administration.

If he really thinks that a new "Secretary of Business" is such a great idea and would do anything constructive, why has he not proposed it during the last three and a half years of his administration??

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Based on business acumen alone, I would be tempted to endorse Romney, if it weren't for his other negative baggage. But certainly it is true that Romney has forgotten more about business than Obama will ever know. However, I'm intrigued by Obama's proposal to make a new cabinet position "Secretary of Business," in essence, merge SBA and other agencies into a "one stop shop" to help business.

Romney condemns the plan, but as usual, doesn't say why.


What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?

Ronald Reagan once said..."No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth."

I seriously question whether yet another government bureaucracy is a good way to stimulate the economy.

"What does Obama plan to do with the Commerce Department and the Secretary of Commerce?"

Excellent question!! The answer is that he has no plan to do anything with them. Because Obama's new "Secretary of Business" talk is nothing more than a last-minute frantic cloud of nothing. In no way is he serious about it. It's just another Obama distraction. He wants a new talking point to distract voters from his dismal record and the failure of the Obama administration.

If he really thinks that a new "Secretary of Business" is such a great idea and would do anything constructive, why has he not proposed it during the last three and a half years of his administration??

When in doubt, misdirect and attack.

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Excellent question!! The answer is that he has no plan to do anything with them. Because Obama's new "Secretary of Business" talk is nothing more than a last-minute frantic cloud of nothing. In no way is he serious about it. It's just another Obama distraction. He wants a new talking point to distract voters from his dismal record and the failure of the Obama administration.

If he really thinks that a new "Secretary of Business" is such a great idea and would do anything constructive, why has he not proposed it during the last three and a half years of his administration??

Sour grapes. Mr. Business tycoon, Romney should have been proposing this (and it would be rightly widely praised as a great initiative), not Obama the lowly ghetto community organizer:

"I’ve said that I want to consolidate a whole bunch of government agencies," Obama said. "We should have one secretary of business, instead of nine different departments that are dealing with things like giving loans to SBA [the Small Business Administration] or helping companies with exports."

The idea, in essence, is not to create a new government agency, but to merge parts of several under one roof. It's not exactly new. The president endorsed the concept during his State of the Union address in 2011 and set about outlining an executive branch reorganization effort in January 2012. It didn't go far, in part, White House officials say, because such a reorganization would need congressional approval.

Obama's idea had prominent backing from business leaders and from different ideological points along the political spectrum.


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Congressional Republicans Dodge, Delay, Probably Suppressed Tax Report

Nov 2, 2012 by PRAIRIE WEATHER

Congressional Republicans dodge, delay, probably suppressed tax report

Why? Because they disagree with it. So they probably put the screws on the Congressional Research Service — a notably bipartisan agency– to keep a lid on it.

The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth, a central tenet of conservative economy theory, after Senate Republicans raised concerns about the paper’s findings and wording. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, center, and other Republicans raised concerns with an economic report that questions a central tenet of conservative economic theory.

The decision, made in late September against the advice of the agency’s economic team leadership, drew almost no notice at the time. Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, cited the study a week and a half after it was withdrawn in a speech on tax policy at the National Press Club. But it could actually draw new attention to the report, which questions the premise that lowering the top marginal tax rate stimulates economic growth and job creation.

“This has hues of a banana republic,” Mr. Schumer said. “They didn’t like a report, and instead of rebutting it, they had them take it down.”



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Government ID is already available for all citizens. All they had to do is request one...in person.

Sorry, what ID is this?

And is it is easy for let's say elderly people to get?

I don't have a huge problem with voter IDs, as long as you have a plan in place to guarantee that it is very, very easy for working, elderly, students, absentee, etc. voters to get one. And don't wait until a few weeks before a Presidential election to institute voter ID requirements. If voter fraud is such a huge issue then maybe it should have been addressed 3 years ago?

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Isn't there a simple principal here that trancends everything else?

That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance.

And I thought that given that Republicans were keen to take people back to a time where peoples words were their bonds, and combined with the fact that Republicans hate government intrusion in any way, that the idea of government not forcing people to have idea would be one that is welcome by those on the right.

But when there is power at stake - then I guess not. The words 'stinking hypocracy' come to mind on this issue.

You defeat your argument with this statement:

"That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance."

With some 11 million illegal immigrants currently residing inside the US, how does a poll worker identify a US citizen from an illegal alien without some form of voter ID?

You will recall the US is a multi-colored nation so how does this poll worker determine, simply by looking at someone, that they are a citizen?

Most of you liberals are overlooking the obvious. Voter ID isn't about the poor, black or elderly...it is about the 11 million!



That was close. Was nearly eleven million and TWO illegal immigrants coming out to vote for the Democrats at the election! Thank god for the border wall. I'm sure they were making a beeline to the nearest voter station.

Edited by samran
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Your asserting wrongly

None survive in the US without ID

Even poor folks have ID otherwise they could never apply for food stamps,

welfare,free medical etc. A Social Security Card is not an ID. they need to prove

even to get assistance that they are US citizens.

Anyone a hair above homeless needs an ID to cash a check, travel even interstate

in many cases by train,bus etc these days.

I am rather surprised at how many fight the notion of an ID being required.

Would you want your bank account available to anyone without an proper ID?

Neither should the US Government

why not go the whole hog and have government ID for all citizens?

Government ID is already available for all citizens. All they had to do is request one...in person.

Government photo id is? For all citizens? http://www.lawyersco...rg/page?id=0046

Those are indeed terrible tales of woe. I would suggest they could all solve their problem by calling the local Republican or Democratic party office and requesting assistance in obtaining a photo ID.

And as somebody mentioned earlier, my Thai wife must present her ID card to vote in Thailand. It isn't only those evil Republicans that have voter ID laws.

I am 75 years of age and have little problem following the laws of the land....even to include a photo ID for voting in the US election.

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Congressional Republicans Dodge, Delay, Probably Suppressed Tax Report

Nov 2, 2012 by PRAIRIE WEATHER

Congressional Republicans dodge, delay, probably suppressed tax report

Why? Because they disagree with it. So they probably put the screws on the Congressional Research Service — a notably bipartisan agency– to keep a lid on it.

The Congressional Research Service has withdrawn an economic report that found no correlation between top tax rates and economic growth, a central tenet of conservative economy theory, after Senate Republicans raised concerns about the paper’s findings and wording. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, center, and other Republicans raised concerns with an economic report that questions a central tenet of conservative economic theory.

The decision, made in late September against the advice of the agency’s economic team leadership, drew almost no notice at the time. Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, cited the study a week and a half after it was withdrawn in a speech on tax policy at the National Press Club. But it could actually draw new attention to the report, which questions the premise that lowering the top marginal tax rate stimulates economic growth and job creation.

“This has hues of a banana republic,” Mr. Schumer said. “They didn’t like a report, and instead of rebutting it, they had them take it down.”



Perhaps they are waiting for the Reid/Schumer led Senate to pass a budget before they release the report.

The Senate hasn't passed a budget since April 2009.

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And as somebody mentioned earlier, my Thai wife must present her ID card to vote in Thailand. It isn't only those evil Republicans that have voter ID laws.

One of the reasons (arguably the primary one) that Thais have a mandatory national ID is the same reason Americans don't.

Work it out. (Then decide if you really want to look to Thailand as the model).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Yep, I'm going to go on record and also predict an Obama win, based on the 7 new polls in Ohio, the global betting markets, and the electoral college. After Obama's horrible first debate, it looked doubtful, and he's been clawing his way back. The storm helped his cause, as has some PR from prominent Republicans not afraid to compliment him, and of course, his greatest surrogate, the most popular still living former President Clinton.

Obama will win.

Just because you wish for something doesn't make it so.

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Oh Willard, say it ain't so...

Mitt Romney Staged His Own "Relief Rally" By Buying $5,000 Worth of Donation Props


People would have understood if Romney just said, I will suspend my campaign for one day, not two days, but instead on the second day he staged this farce trying to fool the voters that he was still suspending his campaign. In other words: BUSTED. Romney bought the goods. Apt really, as Romney is now severely DAMAGED goods. This incident confirms what much of the public already suspects about the man: plutocratic liar and phony, will do and say anything to get elected. Don't cry for him though. He's very rich!

So when Obama went on with his campaign to Las Vegas the same day his ambassador was killed, that was ok?

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Yep, I'm going to go on record and also predict an Obama win, based on the 7 new polls in Ohio, the global betting markets, and the electoral college. After Obama's horrible first debate, it looked doubtful, and he's been clawing his way back. The storm helped his cause, as has some PR from prominent Republicans not afraid to compliment him, and of course, his greatest surrogate, the most popular still living former President Clinton.

Obama will win.

Just because you wish for something doesn't make it so.

Oh, wishing for an Obama victory is not me, I don't even particularly like the guy and to be honest, I have a lot more in common with Romney in most ways except being a Christian nut. My interest is mostly a sporting one, having placed a bet at the best time, just after Obama tanked the first debate. wink.png

But Romney is truly a man of little principles outside of his devotion to his cult.

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Very big endorsement from a very powerful man: Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City and famously successful MEDIA businessman.

Well there you go, Obama is going to win New York now. What a surprise for Romney. laugh.png

This endorsement is pretty big and is a boost for Obama. Don't let this bother you:

Bloomberg didn’t endorse either Obama or Republican candidate John McCain in the 2008 election. He backed President George W. Bush, a Republican, for re-election in 2004.
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From what I've been told by some rednecks here in Issan the only impartial news service is Fox news. Unsure if this is 100% true however.

Rednecks would believe that. Educated people, on the other hand, understand that Fox is a right wing commentary channel, with two half hour news segments a day. Even founder/owner Rupert Murdoch has admitted that.

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Basically it exists

You are born you are given a birth certificate.

Bull! You are not provided a birth certificate when born. The hospital (or registered midwife or whatever) submits birth docs to the state. You get a 'hospital' certificate recognizing your birth, for purposes of obtaining a Social Security card before age 5, but it isn't a Birth Certificate for purposes of obtaining a passport, of providing proof of (birth) citizenship.

Don't know about you, but I had to submit a written request (and pay) for my birth certificate from my birth state when I wanted a passport later in life.

There are natural born Americans who cannot obtain birth certificates due to a lack of proper record keeping 80 or more years ago. There are also a lot of Americans who lack the funds to obtain a birth certificate, if the only purpose they need it for is voting every few years. This is called voter disenfranchisement.

You later obtain a social security number by the time you reach working age.

If not sooner if your parents requesting social services.

Yes, you can obtain a Social Security Number - free - with documentation that also may not cost you anything, but a SS Card is not an identity document for purposes other than employment eligibility.

SS #'s are issued to non-citizens. SS #'s are issued to felons. SS #'s are issued to minors. You do not want any of these groups voting.

You are under the impression each US citizen does not have govt ID

Your wrong.

As others have said State ID's with picture are basically free.

You bring in the two things I mentioned above since you must have them

and your done.

Not true! Free State ID cards are essentially available only from those states that adopted 'voter ID' laws in the past few years. They had to make these free in order to avoid the appearance of being 'pole taxes'. But Pennsylvania for one, doesn't want it known that such cards are free.

Most states - maybe all - that aren't requiring photo-id for voting purposes charge a fee for a state-issued ID.

And most states require you to show some form of proof - besides your possibly out of state birth certificate and your Social Security card - that shows you actually reside in a state. (like utility bills in your name, or leases or similar docs showing residence). And not everyone has these documents in their names (think of a common law wife going under her own name, not working, not having a checking account or paying bills in her name).

Anyone who thinks otherwise is just commenting on the US for sport & does not

live in the US nor are they citizens.

You don't know as much as you think either.

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Photo ID is not quite as simple as it sounds. I was born at home and my birth was never registered. Therefore, I didn't have a birth certificate. I went through life without one. I got a SS card without one and I got a driver's license without one (at that time no photo on a license)--but those were much simpler times.

It was not until I went to get a passport, that I found out I didn't have a birth certificate. When I filed for a delayed BC, I found out my mother never had one either. It turned out to be a cumbersome process to get one and then to get a passport.

Oh, and I might add, the process wasn't free. My mother still doesn't have a birth certificate or a driver's license or any type of photo ID. Any idea how she can vote?

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