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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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Guess this is the end of America if he gets relected. Sort of sad really..... The US national debt when Obama took office was 10.626 trillion dollars. The current national debt is 15.566 trillion dollars. ......

So he is either an extremely generous man with the money we borrow from China, or he has a secret agenda to financially destroy America and enslave our children forever in debt.

But you sure know WHY the national debt has risen so drasticaly, not ?

Just to remind you, it was used to save an economy that was driven into the ground by a well known political party.

debt is only ever good debt when it is Republican debt, apparently...

Obama is going to have to pull his finger out in his second term by the looks of it. The 46% increase shown above is on a par with the 89% increase clocked up by the previous president but he is still nowhere near the sort of figures he needs to match Reagan at 188% over two terms.

Here's the figure that matters most:

The year 2012 is the first year in the history of the United States (since these numbers have been tracked) where the national debt exceeded the gross domestic product. So far the current debt is 101.7% of GDP and will probably be worse by the end of the year. Obama has the dubious distinction of being the first to ever achieve a debt of over 100% of GDP. That can only happen with a combination of a horrible economy and simultaneous reckless government spending. After four more years America will be looking like Greece...

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I have one, my passport.

The constitution guarantees some the right to vote. If I sign up (register) to vote and show up and vote why do I or anyone else have to attest to anything other than who I am? Unless more than one person shows up saying they are me, I don't see why a photo ID is necessary. It's just one more impediment in allowing people to exercise their constitutional right to vote.

Assuming you are a US citizen, I suggest you take your passport with you when you vote.

Your own comment makes voter ID important..." Unless more than one person shows up saying they are me, I don't see why a photo ID is necessary."

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So by that reasoning, we don't need a Secretary of State to understand foreign policy, we need a President who does. And, Romney has sure shown his adeptness in that area.

As president, on a State visit to the UK, Obama talked over the God Save the Queen and bungled a formal toast to Queen Elizabeth and then he gave her an iPod loaded with videos and photos of himself as an official gift. His wife hugged the Queen even though she is not supposed to be touched. When British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust of Churchill in the White House for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." Obama has cocked it up a lot worse with England than Romney even though the mainstream media chooses not to highlight it.

Cocked it up? Is it your contention that the President has damaged the relationship between the UK and the US? Or that Romney is better liked (by the government or the citizenry) there?

As for the claims about what happened, they look almost as inaccurate as the bulls**t about the fictitious "Apology Tour" you and other bigots keep lying about.

The Ipod contained a selection of songs and videos of the Queen's state visit to the US. I'd be interested to see any credible source from the UK that indicate that damaged relations or anything of the sort.

The Queen put her arm around Mrs. Obama's back while they walked, seemingly getting on very well. Mrs. Obama returned the gesture and put her arm on the Queen's back. Again, I'd like to see any reports of negative repercussions.

The Churchill bust? The White House had two Churchill busts. Perhaps President Obama felt that was enough (apparently opting for Lincoln as a hero to venerate -- how odd). Why do we have to treat a bust of Churchill -- a foreign leader -- as some sort of sacred talisman? I'm a conditional admirer of the man but he's certainly not universally worshiped in the UK, nor should he be.

But guess what? I don't care what Romney said about the Olympics. I don't care if Britons are annoyed about a stupid statue. And I think it's rather pathetic if people do care -- or pretend to.

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Very big endorsement from a very powerful man: Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City and famously successful MEDIA businessman.

Well there you go, Obama is going to win New York now. What a surprise for Romney. laugh.png

Bloomberg has a much wider geographical influence than New York but I can understand Romney partisans would be prone to mock the importance of his endorsement much like Romney disgustingly mocked concern about global warming.

Bloomberg's endorsement will do little to affect the outcome of the election and will very likely have about as much impact with the voters as global warming.

Love it when Republicans are snide about global climate change. Karma loves it too.

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I have one, my passport.

The constitution guarantees some the right to vote. If I sign up (register) to vote and show up and vote why do I or anyone else have to attest to anything other than who I am? Unless more than one person shows up saying they are me, I don't see why a photo ID is necessary. It's just one more impediment in allowing people to exercise their constitutional right to vote.

Assuming you are a US citizen, I suggest you take your passport with you when you vote.

Your own comment makes voter ID important..." Unless more than one person shows up saying they are me, I don't see why a photo ID is necessary."

The documented cases of voter fraud in the last 10 years add up to less number than you have fingers and toes. It simply doesn't happen to any marginal degree. This is out of hundreds of millions of votes cast. Its about suppressing minority votes. Its racism. Its fact. But Republican's don't believe in facts.

Edited by somtumlion
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Dead people have been known to vote in U.S. elections so unless zombies are still allowed to vote, Id should be required. Id is required to vote nearly everywhere in the world so why not in the U.S. I'm pretty sure my missus has to show her Thai ID card to vote here.

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So by that reasoning, we don't need a Secretary of State to understand foreign policy, we need a President who does. And, Romney has sure shown his adeptness in that area.

As president, on a State visit to the UK, Obama talked over the God Save the Queen and bungled a formal toast to Queen Elizabeth and then he gave her an iPod loaded with videos and photos of himself as an official gift. His wife hugged the Queen even though she is not supposed to be touched. When British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust of Churchill in the White House for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." Obama has cocked it up a lot worse with England than Romney even though the mainstream media chooses not to highlight it.

Cocked it up? Is it your contention that the President has damaged the relationship between the UK and the US?

No and neither has Romney. Both made a silly Faux Pas or two and that should be the end of it. However, only Romney's are repeated over and over again by the mainstream media.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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So by that reasoning, we don't need a Secretary of State to understand foreign policy, we need a President who does. And, Romney has sure shown his adeptness in that area.

As president, on a State visit to the UK, Obama talked over the God Save the Queen and bungled a formal toast to Queen Elizabeth and then he gave her an iPod loaded with videos and photos of himself as an official gift. His wife hugged the Queen even though she is not supposed to be touched. When British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust of Churchill in the White House for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." Obama has cocked it up a lot worse with England than Romney even though the mainstream media chooses not to highlight it.

Cocked it up? Is it your contention that the President has damaged the relationship between the UK and the US?

No and neither has Romney. Both made a silly Faux Pas or two and that should be the end of it. However, only Romney's are repeated over and over again by the mainstream media.

So you are saying Fox News is not mainstream? Because they repeat Obama's over and over and over and over. Fair and Balanced and Completely Wacko.

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Its fact. But Republican's don't believe in facts.

The facts are that Americans need an ID to take a plane, rent a room, vote in a union election, get into the Democratic convention and many other things. It is ridiculous to suggest that someone should be able to vote without proving who they are.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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So by that reasoning, we don't need a Secretary of State to understand foreign policy, we need a President who does. And, Romney has sure shown his adeptness in that area.

As president, on a State visit to the UK, Obama talked over the God Save the Queen and bungled a formal toast to Queen Elizabeth and then he gave her an iPod loaded with videos and photos of himself as an official gift. His wife hugged the Queen even though she is not supposed to be touched. When British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust of Churchill in the White House for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." Obama has cocked it up a lot worse with England than Romney even though the mainstream media chooses not to highlight it.

Cocked it up? Is it your contention that the President has damaged the relationship between the UK and the US?

No and neither has Romney. Both made a silly Faux Pas or two and that should be the end of it. However, only Romney's are repeated over and over again by the mainstream media.

Err, except that Romney's silly faux pas resulted in him being bitch slapped by not only the Prime Minister but also the Mayor of London. A little different than a hug from the old gal.

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Its fact. But Republican's don't believe in facts.

The facts are that Americans need an ID to take a plane, rent a room, vote in a union election, get into the Democratic convention and many other things. It is ridiculous to suggest that someone should be able to vote without proving who they are.

This is an almost impossible thing for most of us to believe, that someone would not have ID. Yet, I understand there are many elderly, and most of all many poor people who don't in America. Kind of like I guess there are lots of people who keep money under their mattress to this day.

Those poor and elderly are Obama votes, it's that simple. And, most of those poor are minorities and black I think. Easy as pie.

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So by that reasoning, we don't need a Secretary of State to understand foreign policy, we need a President who does. And, Romney has sure shown his adeptness in that area.

As president, on a State visit to the UK, Obama talked over the God Save the Queen and bungled a formal toast to Queen Elizabeth and then he gave her an iPod loaded with videos and photos of himself as an official gift. His wife hugged the Queen even though she is not supposed to be touched. When British officials offered to let Mr. Obama to hang onto the bust of Churchill in the White House for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks." Obama has cocked it up a lot worse with England than Romney even though the mainstream media chooses not to highlight it.

Cocked it up? Is it your contention that the President has damaged the relationship between the UK and the US?

No and neither has Romney. Both made a silly Faux Pas or two and that should be the end of it. However, only Romney's are repeated over and over again by the mainstream media.

Oh, no it's those meanies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA again. Man, you people spend a lot of time whining about that, don't you? It's not as if there aren't PLENTY of alternative sources (putting out just as much or, as I believe, more falsehood) to choose from -- including the stuff you parrot here.

By the way -- no comment about your apparent falsity and distortions, I see. No worries. (Me, when I'm shown to be wrong I admit it and apologize for inaccuracy but...whatever!).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Its fact. But Republican's don't believe in facts.

The facts are that Americans need an ID to take a plane, rent a room, vote in a union election, get into the Democratic convention and many other things. It is ridiculous to suggest that someone should be able to vote without proving who they are.

This is an almost impossible thing for most of us to believe, that someone would not have ID. Yet, I understand there are many elderly, and most of all many poor people who don't in America. Kind of like I guess there are lots of people who keep money under their mattress to this day.

Those poor and elderly are Obama votes, it's that simple. And, most of those poor are minorities and black I think. Easy as pie.

The fact is that poor people don't fly planes, rent rooms, vote in union elections, go to conventions etc, Because they are poor. They also don't spend 20+ dollars in an ID. Its a wonder the US lasted so long WITHOUT people having to prove who they were, in elections since 1787 lol. The other side also as some merit t if you take off your red state colored glasses. That being said - I think states should provide free photo ID, and then require the ID to be shown - problem solved.

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Those poor and elderly are Obama votes, it's that simple.

Wrong. The elderly will mostly vote for Romney and so will many poor people. However, they seem to be able to figure out how to provide a photo ID.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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obama was handed a pile of manure, it takes longer than four years to plant seeds and turn manure into roses. (not really but still, it's an analogy alright!!) wink.png

That's just more of the "buck never stops at Obama" blame game. Obama is very good at blaming pretty much everyone else on the planet for his failure. He spreads blame around like he is spreading grass seed. Blame Bush, blame Republicans, blame everybody else he can and yet seems to accept no responsibility himself. That's not leadership. Not for a squad leader in the Army or President of the United States.

It's clear. He has had nearly four years and failed. Time for him to be fired. I've never said Romney is perfect and I don't agree with everything he says. But he does have far more management experience. There is no doubt. If you want different results than the last four years, you don't rehire the failure Obama.

Bush had 8 years, and he was an idiot. Takes a long time to clean up that pile of manure...

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The fact is that poor people don't fly planes, rent rooms, vote in union elections, go to conventions etc,

Of course they do. We are talking about America, not South East Asia. They just don't do these things as often as rich people.

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Well there you go, Obama is going to win New York now. What a surprise for Romney. laugh.png

Bloomberg has a much wider geographical influence than New York but I can understand Romney partisans would be prone to mock the importance of his endorsement much like Romney disgustingly mocked concern about global warming.

Bloomberg's endorsement will do little to affect the outcome of the election and will very likely have about as much impact with the voters as global warming.

Love it when Republicans are snide about global climate change. Karma loves it too.

I provided my opinion that Bloomberg's endorsement and global warming will have little affect on the electorate.

Nothing snide with that except that you might not agree with it.

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The fact is that poor people don't fly planes, rent rooms, vote in union elections, go to conventions etc,

Of course they do. We are talking about America, not South East Asia. They just don't do these things as often as rich people.

The American you see every day is vastly different from the American I see. There are poor struggling people out there - who have never been on a plane EVER. But Republican's think they just "fly less often". They are trying to find money for bus fare and food. I am my brother's keeper. That doesn't mean I hold the key and keep him in a cage.

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obama was handed a pile of manure, it takes longer than four years to plant seeds and turn manure into roses. (not really but still, it's an analogy alright!!) wink.png

That's just more of the "buck never stops at Obama" blame game. Obama is very good at blaming pretty much everyone else on the planet for his failure. He spreads blame around like he is spreading grass seed. Blame Bush, blame Republicans, blame everybody else he can and yet seems to accept no responsibility himself. That's not leadership. Not for a squad leader in the Army or President of the United States.

It's clear. He has had nearly four years and failed. Time for him to be fired. I've never said Romney is perfect and I don't agree with everything he says. But he does have far more management experience. There is no doubt. If you want different results than the last four years, you don't rehire the failure Obama.

And if we reelect Obama we will get what we deserve.

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Wrong. The elderly mostly vote for Romney and so do many poor people. However, they seem to be able to figure out how to provide a photo ID.

Really, hows about them po black folks mistah Ulyssees? Who do they vote for?

Are you suggesting that they are less capable of obtaining a photo ID than other poor and elderly people?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Wrong. The elderly mostly vote for Romney and so do many poor people. However, they seem to be able to figure out how to provide a photo ID.

Really, hows about them po black folks mistah Ulyssees? Who do they vote for?

Are you suggesting that they are less capable of obtaining a photo iD than other poor and elderly people?

I'm not suggesting, I'm asserting that these people don't have ID, for whatever reason, and Republicans know that.

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Wrong. The elderly mostly vote for Romney and so do many poor people. However, they seem to be able to figure out how to provide a photo ID.

Really, hows about them po black folks mistah Ulyssees? Who do they vote for?

Are you suggesting that they are less capable of obtaining a photo ID than other poor and elderly people?

Of course they have trouble - they are busy saving for those plane flights you say they are taking...lol

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“Sometime after the cock crows on the morning of Nov. 7, Mitt Romney will be declared America’s 45th president,” Rove wrote on Wednesday night. “Let’s call it 51%-48%, with Mr. Romney carrying at least 279 Electoral College votes, probably more.”

He argued that Romney has a “small but persistent polling edge,” leading in 19 of the 31 national surveys released in the last week, he said, and the GOP candidate “was at or above 50 percent in 10 polls, Obama in none.” President Barack Obama was ahead in seven of the polls, Rove said, and five were tied.

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“Sometime after the cock crows on the morning of Nov. 7, Mitt Romney will be declared America’s 45th president,” Rove wrote on Wednesday night. “Let’s call it 51%-48%, with Mr. Romney carrying at least 279 Electoral College votes, probably more.”

He argued that Romney has a “small but persistent polling edge,” leading in 19 of the 31 national surveys released in the last week, he said, and the GOP candidate “was at or above 50 percent in 10 polls, Obama in none.” President Barack Obama was ahead in seven of the polls, Rove said, and five were tied.


Well at least you cite a credible source. I mean - Karl Rove is certainly not biased. clap2.gifThe architect of the GW Bush Sock Puppet himself.

Edited by somtumlion
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Wrong. The elderly mostly vote for Romney and so do many poor people. However, they seem to be able to figure out how to provide a photo ID.

Really, hows about them po black folks mistah Ulyssees? Who do they vote for?

Are you suggesting that they are less capable of obtaining a photo ID than other poor and elderly people?

Isn't there a simple principal here that trancends everything else?

That is that all citizens should be able to vote without let or hinderance.

And I thought that given that Republicans were keen to take people back to a time where peoples words were their bonds, and combined with the fact that Republicans hate government intrusion in any way, that the idea of government not forcing people to have idea would be one that is welcome by those on the right.

But when there is power at stake - then I guess not. The words 'stinking hypocracy' come to mind on this issue.

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obama was handed a pile of manure, it takes longer than four years to plant seeds and turn manure into roses. (not really but still, it's an analogy alright!!) wink.png

That's just more of the "buck never stops at Obama" blame game. Obama is very good at blaming pretty much everyone else on the planet for his failure. He spreads blame around like he is spreading grass seed. Blame Bush, blame Republicans, blame everybody else he can and yet seems to accept no responsibility himself. That's not leadership. Not for a squad leader in the Army or President of the United States.

It's clear. He has had nearly four years and failed. Time for him to be fired. I've never said Romney is perfect and I don't agree with everything he says. But he does have far more management experience. There is no doubt. If you want different results than the last four years, you don't rehire the failure Obama.

Bush had 8 years, and he was an idiot. Takes a long time to clean up that pile of manure...

I'm curious about this oft repeated point (and I'm sincere when I say "curious" -- I don't mean "critical") and I'm a bit sceptical.

It seems instinctively true that we want a guy who knows how to manage a business to run things. But:

1) Is all business management as suitable as any other? In other words, does it matter what specific sort of business Mr. Romney has experience with?

2) How truly skillful is Mr. Romney relative to most big business guys with the advantages he had (or fewer) and the opportunities he was given?

These are real questions. I don't argue economics because I don't have the requisite knowledge. But I know a bit about history and politics and I question the idea that a great businessman necessarily makes a great (or even good) head of state (especially of a democracy). Keep in mind, not only have none of our great Presidents (including those revered by the right) have been successful big businessmen before they became president, but NO presidents have been -- except the last one. (Who, in case you haven't heard, is not widely regarded as a success.)

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So I went and checked for some sort of answer to my questions and the first thing I came across was this quote from Mr. Romney:

"I’d like to have a provision in the Constitution that in addition to the age of the president and the citizenship of the president and the birth place of the president being set by the Constitution, I’d like it also to say that the president has to spend at least three years working in business before he could become president of the United States’”

So he'd like to violate the very spirit of that constitution with a provision that would have excluded, just to cite a mere few from modern history, both Roosevelt's, Eisenhower, Reagan and Clinton.

Gee, I wonder why people call him a corporate loving elitist?

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