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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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These ARE Republican voters.

Oh jeez, looks like some of TVF's most vociferous Obama bashers were interviewed........

The interviews would be laughable if these were not real voters. The ignorance is palpable and frightening.

What's laughable is the Obama supporters who pretend they don't have the same type of people within their voting ranks.

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If Obama wins, the excuses will start coming; the excuses will mushroom into reasons why the victory was illegitimate; then the next mission will be to oppose Obama at every turn.

Almost verbatum to what I posted last week, except I said, "when...." instead of "if....."

I like the colorful reference to 'send Obama to the dugout'

Here's another (Maidu original): 'send Romney to get strapped to the roof of the car.'

Or, the LP version: 'send Romney to get strapped to the roof of the expendible Republican limousine - and quickly get it parked anywhere - out of sight and out of mind.' It will fit with the Republican propensity to quickly put a candidate on a red-white-blue pedestal and laud that person unceasingly. Then, when that candidate loses (like McCain/Palin in 2008), sweep 'em under the rug and go looking for the next great white hope. After Romney, who will it be? Probably Ryan, who is further right wing that flip-flopping Romny (even when his flops go to the right), and Ryan is twice as scary in his ideology.

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Bill Maher was on a roll Friday night:

"With only 4 days left in this campaign, there's still time for 5 more reincarnations of Mitt Romney. By Tuesday, he'll be insisted he's always been staunchly pro-gay Unitarian who hates corporations, is proud of his Latino heritage, and doesn't want old white men telling him what he can't do with his vagina."


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The top corporate donaters to Romney's election campaign

That is something I like to look at & it is quite a change that in 2008 Obama's top contributors were

the ones you mention. The Too Big To Fail.

Goldman Sachs

JP Morgan Chase


Morgan Stanley

But interesting in 2008 & 2012 his biggest all time contributor is University of California.

Who again is his biggest "single" contribution this year.

Aside from that if you would like to look at a nice breakout of 2012 contributors

here is a link that does not offer any rhetoric just the facts.


Especially interesting is the break out by sectors.

As you said Finance, Insurance & Real Estate sector gave Romney 3x as much as Obama

But in your post you intimate the Too Big To Fail back Romney

The ones that got the hand outs.

But remember they backed Obama & then got the handouts

So either they are turncoats or they believe one is better for business than the other.

Interesting that Health is evenly split

Interesting that Lawyers & Lobbyist gave Obama twice as much

Agriculture gave Romney twice as much

Defense gave evenly

Energy & Natural Resources 4x as much roughly to Romney

As I said a interesting read without the rhetoric

Just give adults the facts & let them chew on them is always a good way IMO


When i look at those lists it's notable that all sectors where a higher intellectual level is involved take Obama's side.
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When i look at those lists it's notable that all sectors where a higher intellectual level is involved take Obama's side.


I was hoping for better than more rhetoric.

Instead I hoped folks would drill down & see for themselves how it all works.

What I purposely did not mention in my first post is that the Too big To Fail gave equally to McCain

Why? Well it is obvious they all hedge their bets.

None can risk being left out no matter what the outcome

I noted in my first post it was interesting that Lobbyist gave Obama twice as much.

I had hopes folks would drill down & look at what "Lobbyist" includes

It is the same as it ever was. The same big boys support both candidates equally.

Sure the candidates can file that under which ever donor category they wish.

But at the end of the day Same as it ever was.

Folks need to drop the blogs, Drop the silly You Tubes, Drop the Rhetoric.

Go look for themselves at the facts of what is the reality when looking at candidates

Do not make the sole mission to just discredit the other with what a comedian might say

or the very worse example of what a supporter of either side may say as an indication of what the majority

of Americans are like or made of.

Edited by mania
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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

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When i look at those lists it's notable that all sectors where a higher intellectual level is involved take Obama's side.


I was hoping for better than more rhetoric.

Instead I hoped folks would drill down & see for themselves how it all works.

What I purposely did not mention in my first post is that the Too big To Fail gave equally to McCain

Why? Well it is obvious they all hedge their bets.

None can risk being left out no matter what the outcome

I noted in my first post it was interesting that Lobbyist gave Obama twice as much.

I had hopes folks would drill down & look at what "Lobbyist" includes

It is the same as it ever was. The same big boys support both candidates equally.

Sure the candidates can file that under which ever donor category they wish.

But at the end of the day Same as it ever was.

Folks need to drop the blogs, Drop the silly You Tubes, Drop the Rhetoric.

Go look for themselves at the facts of what is the reality when looking at candidates

Do not make the sole mission to just discredit the other with what a comedian might say

or the very worse example of what a supporter of either side may say as an indication of what the majority

of Americans are like or made of.


Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Probably out trying to borrow the numbers from some folks at the banks. Republicans are good at that. They borrow, cut taxes for themselves and then blame Democrats for the aftermath..

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Or they may be waiting for their holiday to finish before they return.

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Or they may be waiting for their holiday to finish before they return.

Oh..., didn't know that. Too bad...beatdeadhorse.gif Sometimes politics brings out the worst tempers. tongue.png

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Very few teachers vote Republican, in the US or expat teachers working abroad.

Or they may be waiting for their holiday to finish before they return.

Edited by somtumlion
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In these final days, it's masterful to watch Obama and his bi-partisan bromances with top-tier politicos such as Clinton and Chris Christie. Obama and Clinton are on a joint road show now that is kinda like the new rat pack. They've even been hugging each other on stage, and I wonder if they're toasting one another with White House honey ale?

To be fair, Romney had all his special friends in a huge all-star Republican rally in Ohio. He's been on the stage lately with Meatloaf (not sure who that is exactly but sounds tasty), and he shared the stage with fun guys like Santorum and Rick Perry. I heard they got crazy with milk and cookies and started singing Sinatra and Dean Martin. cowboy.gif

These political stage parties. whew!

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You wouldn't know from watching Fox "Ruse" that the two candidates are still campaigning. This morning I watched two "experts" and an anchor squabbling like schoolgirls to get the first and last words on some story about Benghazi and how it could have been done better.

"OK, tell our audience, what's an F-16?" was one of the questions.

I can only assume they don't think Mitt's campaign speeches are watchable enough.

Either that, or they think their audience are a particular form of simpleton that needs scaring to a polling station.

Which is probably true.

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Fox News is desperate now and going for a Swift Boat style play. Well, it sometimes works, but this time doesn't seem to be. BTW, independents have now gone even Obama vs. Romney. I think it is over. (For Romney.)

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"OK, tell our audience, what's an F-16?" was one of the questions.

Either that, or they think their audience are a particular form of simpleton that needs scaring to a polling station.

Which is probably true.

A huge part of Fox's viewership are in fact simpletons. It's obvious to all of us with a modicum of education watching, but it was especially hilarious a few years ago. Gretchen Carlson (former beauty queen, but importantly cum laude graduate from Stanford who then read at Oxford), is notorious for dumbing down her statements to appeal to this group to appear the dumb blond, when if fact she is very far from it.

Watch starting at 2:46 just hilarious. She didn't know what an ignoramus was so had to google it. cheesy.gif


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These ARE Republican voters.

Oh jeez, looks like some of TVF's most vociferous Obama bashers were interviewed........

The interviews would be laughable if these were not real voters. The ignorance is palpable and frightening.

What's laughable is the Obama supporters who pretend they don't have the same type of people within their voting ranks.

No doubt there is but what of the ratio?

It would be fair to say that within the Obama support there are some people who are nothing short of thick. It would also be fair to say that within the Romney support there are some people who are not thick.

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One interesting early trend in this election might be Obama's coattail effect, or to put it more precisely, the total <deleted> up by far right Christian politicians regarding the Senate race - rape is not rape, sperm self expels, etc... Although it appears Obama is on track to win, however slightly, it's not his long coattails that will keep Republicans out of the Senate - but rather their own extreme right wingnut views.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans vigorously pursued their last, longshot chances for taking control of the Senate —Pennsylvania topped their list — as Democrats remained cautiously optimistic that they'd retain their narrow majority after Tuesday's suspense-filled elections.

In the final days of a caustic campaign marked by negative ads, more than $1 billion in spending and the direct impact of a close White House race between President Barack Obama andRepublican Mitt Romney, Democrats who were once considered a sure-fire bet to lose the Senate were upbeat about flipping Republican seats in Maine and Massachusetts and holding most of the 23 seats they're defending this year.

GOP candidates' statements on rape and abortion proved to be self-inflicted political wounds that could cost the party Indiana and undermined its chances of taking down a vulnerable Democrat in Missouri. Incumbent Democrats considered in jeopardy at the start of the election cycle managed to counter a barrage of outside spending and were on track to keep their seats in Michigan and Florida.


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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Well in my Black family of 18 voting members all that voted Democratic only in the past. This year 7 for sure will vote Republican and 3 all thinking about it.

So I say Romney will win for sure. But you Europeans can elect him head of the EU Lucky you

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Well in my Black family of 18 voting members all that voted Democratic only in the past. This year 7 for sure will vote Republican and 3 all thinking about it.

So I say Romney will win for sure. But you Europeans can elect him head of the EU Lucky you

whistling.gif Yeah, but if they don't live in Ohio ... nobody cares! coffee1.gif


Looking inside the numbers, Obama continues to lead Romney among key parts of his political base, including African Americans (94 percent to 0 percent ...
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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Well in my Black family of 18 voting members all that voted Democratic only in the past. This year 7 for sure will vote Republican and 3 all thinking about it.

So I say Romney will win for sure. But you Europeans can elect him head of the EU Lucky you

Did you vote Harry?

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Well in my Black family of 18 voting members all that voted Democratic only in the past. This year 7 for sure will vote Republican and 3 all thinking about it.

So I say Romney will win for sure. But you Europeans can elect him head of the EU Lucky you

Did you vote Harry?

Like I said before about 65 years ago I went to jail for White Slavery served 6 years lost my right to Vote. Many people especially Black Americans are afraid to say they will vote for Romney.

Just remember Romney will Win and I told you so

I hope he moves to Europe. *Incorrect/inflammatory remark edited out*

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Like I said before about 65 years ago I went to jail for White Slavery served 6 years lost my right to Vote. Many people especially Black Americans are afraid to say they will vote for Romney.

Just remember Romney will Win and I told you so

I hope he moves to Europe you need more Muslims

I can't speak for others but I'm much more interested in the details of the white slavery trade than your (anecdotal) election predictions!

For the record, felons aren't banned from voting in all states and I think all citizens should be allowed (actually required) to vote ... just saying.

So what are the reasons your relatives (the ZERO percent according to polling) have turned away from President Obama?

Edited by Jingthing
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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Well in my Black family of 18 voting members all that voted Democratic only in the past. This year 7 for sure will vote Republican and 3 all thinking about it.

So I say Romney will win for sure. But you Europeans can elect him head of the EU Lucky you

Did you vote Harry?

Like I said before about 65 years ago I went to jail for White Slavery served 6 years lost my right to Vote. Many people especially Black Americans are afraid to say they will vote for Romney.

Just remember Romney will Win and I told you so

I hope he moves to Europe. *Incorrect/inflammatory remark edited out*

Well I might be mistaken, but judging from your posting history and looking at your sentence building, I think it wasn't necessary to revoke your US voting rights, as I doubt you are a native English speaker.
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