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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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Ok Dems, I'll throw you a bone. Don't all chew on it at once.


Ha Ha Good one Dan

Here is the first paragraph. Notice the tenth and eleventh word turn it into a joke. No need to read any further.

Dick Morris appeared on a special Sunday broadcast of FOX News' "On the Record" with host Greta van Susteren to reaffirm his prediction that Mitt Romney will win Tuesday's presidential election in a landslide. Morris discussed the states he believes Romney will win and the number of electoral votes he predicts the Republican candidate will end up with.

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While I disagree with much of the politics of the Obama supporters here, I don't want to see any harm come to you. With this in mind I am proposing Thai Visa organize a rapid reaction assistance group to check in on some of our more liberal posters for the next few days. Standard procedures might include installing locks on balcony doors and removing sharp objects from their homes. If TV refuses to look after it's members I hope you guys at least setup a buddy system so you are not alone if/when your world crashes in around you. Stay strong, you will have another shot in 8 years. smile.png

Bless your heart. whistling.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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It's still possible for a Republican win in this election. I suppose they're hoping it will be something like Was it Dick Morris who was caught up in that scandal involving the licking of prostitutes toes? It would be a lovely symmetry if it was.

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This is gonna piss off some of our Republican friends here who admire intelligent tea party icons like Sarah Palin:

Democrats declare the tea party ‘over’

"House Republican incumbents—and their candidates—are running as far away from the Tea Party as they can," a pre-election DCCC memo provided to Yahoo News reads. "Regardless of whether [Republicans] win or lose, the Tea Party of 2010 is over. They've been forced on defense in the message fight all cycle long, and now those who win will have done so by giving up on the Tea Party."


Oh dear. giggle.gif

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I love to refer to and quote Nate Silver because he relies on math and science rather than wishful hoping as some of the other Presidential pollsters do. Surprisingly, he says Hurricane Sandy DID NOT swing the election in any way for either Obama or Romney. So, that is one less "Act of God" Fox News and the Republicans can cite on Thursday morning for the reason Romney lost. wink.png


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This is gonna piss off some of our Republican friends here who admire intelligent tea party icons like Sarah Palin:

Democrats declare the tea party ‘over’

"House Republican incumbents—and their candidates—are running as far away from the Tea Party as they can," a pre-election DCCC memo provided to Yahoo News reads. "Regardless of whether [Republicans] win or lose, the Tea Party of 2010 is over. They've been forced on defense in the message fight all cycle long, and now those who win will have done so by giving up on the Tea Party."


Oh dear. giggle.gif

Let me know when it's the Republicans rather than the Democrats that say the Tea Party's over...

I'd be delighted.

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This is gonna piss off some of our Republican friends here who admire intelligent tea party icons like Sarah Palin:

Democrats declare the tea party 'over'

"House Republican incumbents—and their candidates—are running as far away from the Tea Party as they can," a pre-election DCCC memo provided to Yahoo News reads. "Regardless of whether [Republicans] win or lose, the Tea Party of 2010 is over. They've been forced on defense in the message fight all cycle long, and now those who win will have done so by giving up on the Tea Party."


Oh dear. giggle.gif

Let me know when it's the Republicans rather than the Democrats that say the Tea Party's over...

I'd be delighted.

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Yeah, correct, lots of discussion out there about the "soul searching" that may occur in the GOP if Romney loses tomorrow, but one interesting article said if anything, the far right of the party will say "I told you so, appealing to the moderates doesn't win elections." They claim that McCain and Romney have been too far left, and that if the GOP ran a true tea party type conservative, they would get out a clearer message and win.

Will be interesting to watch which way the GOP goes, and even more interesting, if Romney wins, which way it goes.

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Yeah, correct, lots of discussion out there about the "soul searching" that may occur in the GOP if Romney loses tomorrow, but one interesting article said if anything, the far right of the party will say "I told you so, appealing to the moderates doesn't win elections." They claim that McCain and Romney have been too far left, and that if the GOP ran a true tea party type conservative, they would get out a clearer message and win.

Will be interesting to watch which way the GOP goes, and even more interesting, if Romney wins, which way it goes.

Good post.

I'd not be surprised if that is indeed what happens if the President wins - an even greater and angrier divide: the perfect climate for a tea party type movement to thrive and even become the predominant face of the Republicans.

Hope not.

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There is only one thing I am certain of, as perhaps you might agree as you seem to know as much about Mormons as I do. In a Romney White House, the place will be lousy with Mormons,

Me, I can't say I'm certain but I do think that people who think his religion won't make any difference because he doesn't talk about it are simply ignorant of the facts

You guys are really scary

Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

hey, i know you, like me, follow the money.

well check this out.


ching ching

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Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

No but irrational ignorant bigotry is

In 2008 did you also think in a Obama White House the place would be lousy with ...

... I can't even say it as it would be as bigoted as your statements

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Let me guess. I'm scary because...

I want to deprive people of their right to freedom of religion. Or I am intolerant of minority beliefs. Or I see conspiracies rather than a benign and upstanding church.

One of them? All?

No none of those

but more in line with the fact that more people have died in the name of religion

than in the name of Communism or Hitler, or the two combined times two.

IMHO this is how it starts with this type of blind intolerance.

Folks that make such statements usually are zealous about their own religion

it gets scary from that point onwards

PS: you are both of course entitled to your opinions & beliefs.

I just thought they were scary. That was just my opinion

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Given it is so hard to understand his core values based on his manic political positions, that should have been legitimate political area to go. But it wasn't.

I think I mentioned in another post that it would be a very odd situation

to ask the person running for the highest office in the US.

Whose #1 purpose should be to defend the Constitution

to give up their First Amendment Rights

Folks who feel the need to vote based on a persons religion

are of course free to do so. But they should be aware of what that implies.

They want the Constitution to favor only certain sectors that they may deem


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Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

No but irrational ignorant bigotry is

In 2008 did you also think in a Obama White House the place would be lousy with ...

... I can't even say it as it would be as bigoted as your statements

Interesting...do you have any facts on whether the current white house is lousy with...? I know he sings slo jam sings and plays basketball, but I've never seen any figures on whether he packed the place with his own kind.

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Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

No but irrational ignorant bigotry is

In 2008 did you also think in a Obama White House the place would be lousy with ...

... I can't even say it as it would be as bigoted as your statements

Please indicate where you've seen irrational bigotry.

What is the White House lousy with?

In 2008, I thought that organized religion and religious belief would have more political influence than I would like. Same as it ever was.

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For me this is a way to ensure a no-lose outcome.

Put $100 on the longer odds for a Romney victory.

IF Obama wins, then I have an emotional gain to my utility

If Romney wins, then I'm up probably $300.

Problem with this theory is that I'm rather - well - mormonish in my approach to gambling. I don't do it.

So, back to the edge of my seat for me.

Whatever the result folks, all the best, and at the end of it all, heck it doesn't really matter, and it is always good that changes (or continuations) of power can be done peacefully. Sure, a billion dollars peacefully, but peacefully nonethless.

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Ok Dems, I'll throw you a bone. Don't all chew on it at once. http://www.realclear...oral_votes.html

I took the bone, and here's my response: Dick Morris (whomever he puffs himself up to be) claims all swing states (and a few extra) will vote a majority to his choice. It's what Republican leaning posters here (and others) claim. It's the Wishful Thinking to the 13th degree. I suffer from the same bias, but in the other direction. Obama wins the electorial vote by 5 to 4. We'll know soon who's hit the nail on the head.

I predict Romney to win the popular vote and Obama to win the election.

Whatever happens Obama has blown every bit of goodwill that poured his way right out of the water, this General Election should be a walk in the park for him, the fact it's a close call is a true reflection upon his Presidency.

Not in my view. The reason the numbers are so close is the Republican election machine is very effectively mean. Call it 'Swift Boat' tactics if you want. They politicized Benghazi. Some still claim Obama is not American-born. Many claim Obama is a Commie. Romney tries to trash Obamacare which is nearly identical to Romney's own program. Everything but real issues.

Republicans can't keep any heroes for more than 20 months (where's McCain? Where's Bush Sr. or Jr?, where's Palin?, where's the Tea Party? Where's Powell? Where's Christie?) Their only icon hero since Lincoln is Reagan, who increased taxes 11 times and increased the debt ceiling 18 times.

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For me this is a way to ensure a no-lose outcome.

Put $100 on the longer odds for a Romney victory.

IF Obama wins, then I have an emotional gain to my utility

If Romney wins, then I'm up probably $300.

Problem with this theory is that I'm rather - well - mormonish in my approach to gambling. I don't do it.

So, back to the edge of my seat for me.

Whatever the result folks, all the best, and at the end of it all, heck it doesn't really matter, and it is always good that changes (or continuations) of power can be done peacefully. Sure, a billion dollars peacefully, but peacefully nonethless.


Indeed, the one thing we can unreservedly be pleased about is the always peaceful transition of power. And I'm not ( as can be seen by my posts if someone were dumb enough to look them over as whole) one of those who is convinced we're doomed to some sort of nightmare by the election of either candidate. (We might be doomed in spite of who is elected though!)

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Let me guess. I'm scary because...

I want to deprive people of their right to freedom of religion. Or I am intolerant of minority beliefs. Or I see conspiracies rather than a benign and upstanding church.

One of them? All?

No none of those

but more in line with the fact that more people have died in the name of religion

than in the name of Communism or Hitler, or the two combined times two.

IMHO this is how it starts with this type of blind intolerance.

Folks that make such statements usually are zealous about their own religion

it gets scary from that point onwards

PS: you are both of course entitled to your opinions & beliefs.

I just thought they were scary. That was just my opinion

Looking at this again -- I admit it grabs my attention when someone, for no reason at all, calls me blindly intolerant and suggest I'm probably zealously religious...

I see by your fatuous cliche about the number of people killed by religion that you actually think I am somehow not only very ignorant of the most obvious historical facts but also some sort of ardent believer in a specific religion (presumably Christian).

That's an impressive display of imagination.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

No but irrational ignorant bigotry is

In 2008 did you also think in a Obama White House the place would be lousy with ...

... I can't even say it as it would be as bigoted as your statements

Interesting...do you have any facts on whether the current white house is lousy with...? I know he sings slo jam sings and plays basketball, but I've never seen any figures on whether he packed the place with his own kind.

hmmm re-read the underlined above

Bold emphasis added to help

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Yes, I agree knowledge, experience and rational thinking are scary.

No but irrational ignorant bigotry is

In 2008 did you also think in a Obama White House the place would be lousy with ...

... I can't even say it as it would be as bigoted as your statements

Interesting...do you have any facts on whether the current white house is lousy with...? I know he sings slo jam sings and plays basketball, but I've never seen any figures on whether he packed the place with his own kind.

hmmm re-read the underlined above

Bold emphasis added to help

1) On the Ipad app we only see the last quote -- I see Keemapoot's last and it hasn't explained your posts at all nor does it refute mine to you in any way.

2) No bold or underline is shown for me. (Nor do I have thsoe features available for my posts: hence the occasional CAPS)

3) Why not try actually addressing what I've posted?

I shall be away from the office in about 10 minutes so I hope you won't mistake a failure to respond promptly (to a reply that I do hope you'll make) as discourtesy or a lack of interest.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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All most people are interested in who live outside the US is their policy on foreign affairs, and in this case Obama is the better candidate.

The US political system is a complete mess, a mickey mouse democratic system. The "president" as the most powerful man in the world? My president? Slavery when out years ago, pehaps they mean "bought" as in money.

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Is this a broken campaign promise on day one if Romney is elected?

Analysis: Romney is likely to break "day-one" China currency pledge

BEIJING (Reuters) - Presidential candidate Mitt Romney would lack the legal power to label China acurrency manipulator on his first day in office should he win Tuesday's election, offering him a way out of what experts say is the weakest claim on the issue for years.


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Was interested to hear Obama say on TV : "Now is the time to start rebuilding America"

Thought it may have been better if he had started when he first took office.

Then I realised that before you can rebuild something you must first tear it down.

So thats what he's been doing.

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