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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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On the topic of WHEN will we know the winner, well, if it turns out the outcome is based on OHIO alone, then potentially, a very long wait indeed!

If that happens, expect high drama a la Florida 2000, as Ohio voting administration is controlled by republicans. There would be valid concerns of corruption/fixing the election.

Provisional ballots tend to be used more often by low-income and transient voters, and both sides assume they will break strongly for Obama.

That means Romney could hold a small lead in Ohio at the end of the counting on Tuesday and still lose the race there — possibly even decisively — if several hundred thousand provisional ballots remain to be counted.

Under that scenario, the public should prepare for a long wait. Ohio rules say provisional ballots cannot be counted until 10 days after an election.

http://www.washingto...0869_story.html Edited by Jingthing
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Jingthing............once you get over the wearing effects of this Election campaign.......can you come join me on the Independence For Scotland campaign?.........we could do with a hand. smile.png

That goes for the rest of the American Politicos on this thread, with guys like you behind us we'll get Independence easy biggrin.png

ps. and you'll be pleased to hear we don't have Democrats and Republicans in Scotland.......you can have a good fight and all be on the side of FREEDOM!!! on this one thumbsup.gif

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Jingthing............once you get over the wearing effects of this Election campaign.......can you come join me on the Independence For Scotland campaign?.........we could do with a hand. smile.png

That goes for the rest of the American Politicos on this thread, with guys like you behind us we'll get Independence easy biggrin.png

ps. and you'll be pleased to hear we don't have Democrats and Republicans in Scotland.......you can have a good fight and all be on the side of FREEDOM!!! on this one thumbsup.gif

I don't care what y'all do in Scotland. Honestly the only thing about Scotland that means anything to me is Lagavulin and a lifetime commitment to avoid Haggis.

I would like to see Quebec go independent though. Not sure why. It would be fun to have more countries in North America.

Edited by Jingthing
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What time can we expect to see the final result in Thailand, do you think?

I would think during 7am till 10am tomorrow morning (7th in Thailand)

That of course suggests things run smoothly

If the republicans are winning then things will be considered smoothly. If not, you can expect all hell to break loose.

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You have most likely seen something like this before however I did this little test last night and I was quite surprised at the result........


I won't say what my result was......have a look for yourselves.

I will say. I got Obama 294 which interestingly is pretty much what I have said for many weeks now: Obama by about 25 over the needed 270

Have y'all checked out the famous 7-11 coffee cup poll? People vote based on the cup they choose for coffee, that all American drink of choice (feel sorry for Romney on that one, life without coffee ... sad) ...


Romney people may be needing something stronger than coffee!

You can say polls don't matter but that's usually what the LOSERS say when the polls are massively against them. Whose side would you rather be on today if you hoped to win? Also keep in mind there is a strange irrational segment of the voting public that vote based on the consensus mass perception of who the winner is going to be, whoever it is. Those people (not my heroes but a vote is a vote) see the polls. They are going to go Obama.

7/11 Coffee Cup poll has a very low turnout in Utah.

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Jingthing............once you get over the wearing effects of this Election campaign.......can you come join me on the Independence For Scotland campaign?.........we could do with a hand. smile.png

That goes for the rest of the American Politicos on this thread, with guys like you behind us we'll get Independence easy biggrin.png

ps. and you'll be pleased to hear we don't have Democrats and Republicans in Scotland.......you can have a good fight and all be on the side of FREEDOM!!! on this one thumbsup.gif

I don't care what y'all do in Scotland. Honestly the only thing about Scotland that means anything to me is Lagavulin and a lifetime commitment to avoid Haggis.

I would like to see Quebec go independent though. Not sure why. It would be fun to have more countries in North America.

Wasn't that much fun when they tried to have an extra one160 odd years ago. Come to think of it the likely colors of the current electoral map reminds me of something.

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What time can we expect to see the final result in Thailand, do you think?

I would think during 7am till 10am tomorrow morning (7th in Thailand)

That of course suggests things run smoothly

If the republicans are winning then things will be considered smoothly. If not, you can expect all hell to break loose.

Agree somewhat. Unless it's a landslide of electorial votes for Obama, expect Republicans (in the spirit of Jim Baker, Bush Jr.'s alpha attack dog in FL in 2008) to go apeshit. Every dirty trick in the book, with some added chapters. Such antics will postpone final results

for days.

Sandy's affects are still being felt, and a follow-up storm is keeping temps around 1 c. That will probably bode better for Romney, as Republicans tend to be more intent on voting, than Dems.

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So for non US folks (like me) who have some / strong curiosity interest in the result but don't realy understand the process, can one of you yanks please give the data so far. Please no opinions, just the data. Have the polls all closed? When will we see whether it's obama or romney, with some basic idea of the final numbers? Thanks.

Maybe Guam or American Samoa will provide the clincher.

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Sandy's affects are still being felt, and a follow-up storm is keeping temps around 1 c. That will probably bode better for Romney, as Republicans tend to be more intent on voting, than Dems.

Only if they were able to get fuel for their SUV's. If Obama would have been smart, he would have made sure no gasoline got into the area!

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Provisional ballots tend to be used more often by low-income and transient voters, and both sides assume they will break strongly for Obama.

That means Romney could hold a small lead in Ohio at the end of the counting on Tuesday and still lose the race there — possibly even decisively — if several hundred thousand provisional ballots remain to be counted.

Under that scenario, the public should prepare for a long wait. Ohio rules say provisional ballots cannot be counted until 10 days after an election.

worth bearing in mind perhaps: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2012/10/20/romney-family-investment-ties-to-voting-machine-company-that-could-decide-the-election-causes-concern/

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Jingthing............once you get over the wearing effects of this Election campaign.......can you come join me on the Independence For Scotland campaign?.........we could do with a hand. smile.png

That goes for the rest of the American Politicos on this thread, with guys like you behind us we'll get Independence easy biggrin.png

ps. and you'll be pleased to hear we don't have Democrats and Republicans in Scotland.......you can have a good fight and all be on the side of FREEDOM!!! on this one thumbsup.gif

I don't care what y'all do in Scotland. Honestly the only thing about Scotland that means anything to me is Lagavulin and a lifetime commitment to avoid Haggis.

I would like to see Quebec go independent though. Not sure why. It would be fun to have more countries in North America.

So that's a no then?........godamitt......your a one man election machine, we could have done with you on our side. sad.png

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Yeah, correct, lots of discussion out there about the "soul searching" that may occur in the GOP if Romney loses tomorrow, but one interesting article said if anything, the far right of the party will say "I told you so, appealing to the moderates doesn't win elections." They claim that McCain and Romney have been too far left, and that if the GOP ran a true tea party type conservative, they would get out a clearer message and win.

Will be interesting to watch which way the GOP goes, and even more interesting, if Romney wins, which way it goes.

Good post.

I'd not be surprised if that is indeed what happens if the President wins - an even greater and angrier divide: the perfect climate for a tea party type movement to thrive and even become the predominant face of the Republicans.

Hope not.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I think the far right Republicans would only be happy if they could but on a human version of Scrooge McDuck

Yes no matter which way it goes if there is still an anti president majority in the house it will make for interesting times.

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OK, assuming Romney is going to lose. Then what for the right wing republican party?

Well, I am here to help them take total control of the entire American political system for the next 50 years easy.

But they won't take my advise, but it's their loss.

What they will do is blame Romney's faux pivot to the center as the reason for his loss.

That won't be the reason for his loss.

The reason for his loss is that he hasn't presented a clear, believable plan, that passes the Clinton arithmetic test, and also their candidate Romney had severe character issues in the flip flop department, possibly the most extreme case of it in American history. The public didn't trust they understood his core values and with very good reasons. So he loses.

What will they do?

They'll go even further right and Ryan will probably be the new leader of their party. A totally losing proposition, but here is what they could do to destroy the democrats:

1. Throw the social conservatives under the bus. On positions of gay civil rights and abortion rights, simply say, these are social issues and we aren't interested. They don't even have to take a leftist position. Just say: our party isn't about that.

2. On women's equality issues, stop the BS that it is a social issue. Say it is an economic issue and come out fully for women's ECONOMIC equality.

3. Stress totally: fiscal responsibility. Be conservative ... fiscally.

4. Come up with an elegant tax reform/tax simplification plan that is still progressive (doesn't punish the poor and middle class) and do the math.

5. Embrace Obamacare which is actually nationalized Romneycare. The MANDATES are a conservative idea of people taking personal responsibility. Then come up with a radical plan of cost controls because that is the new crisis and also an aggressive plan of training doctors, yes even importing doctors by the thousands. With full access, more doctors will desperately be needed.

6. Keep the strong on defense stance. Both parties are almost identical on defense anyway. But be open to cuts if they are smart.

7. Embrace comprehensive immigration reform. Court Latino voters like it's going out of style.

8. Stop the voter suppression efforts aimed at minorities! Surprise doing that if believable will ATTRACT more minorities to their party.

9. Nominate someone that doesn't really exist on the radar now. A Rockefeller type for the new age.

10. Throw in an issue or two for the libertarians. Openly support marijuana legalization would be a natural.

The tea party types who contrary to popular belief are mostly also SOCIAL conservatives, and the core republican base of religious fundamentalists, would of course freak out and feel their party has moved away from them. It would have. They would threaten to start a new "real" right party including that right wing social issues stuff, but in the end, they would back off. Because doing that would give ALL the power to the more left democrats. In other words, they would have nowhere to go.

A party like that, I might even consider voting for with the right candidate. That should tell you something about the MASS appeal of such a new republican party. The current republican party, no way, never.

Edited by Jingthing
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This item breaks down the TIMING of specific poll closing times of different states, etc., U.S. east coast time:


So if you get up early tomorrow, you'll know what to expect and when!

But how to follow it all? Below, The Fix breaks down all of the major presidential states, ballot measures and House, Senate and governor races, hour (and half-hour) by hour, so you know what to expect and when. We’ve grouped the states below by when their polls close so you can follow the race(s) across the country as they happen.
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But it all means nothing except those who like to hear themselves talk. Come day after the election, we will see the real results.

My favourite comment in this thread.

From time to time i go back to page 4 just to read this line again

Hear ourselves talk? Interesting concept. How about adding an audio post upload feature to the forum. Then people could listen to posts rather than reading them. Wave file of the future?
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OK, assuming Romney is going to lose. Then what for the right wing republican party?

Well, I am here to help them take total control of the entire American political system for the next 50 years easy.

But they won't take my advise, but it's their loss.

What they will do is blame Romney's faux pivot to the center as the reason for his loss.

That won't be the reason for his loss.

The reason for his loss is that he hasn't presented a clear, believable plan, that passes the Clinton arithmetic test, and also their candidate Romney had severe character issues in the flip flop department, possibly the most extreme case of it in American history. The public didn't trust they understood his core values and with very good reasons. So he loses.

What will they do?

They'll go even further right and Ryan will probably be the new leader of their party. A totally losing proposition, but here is what they could do to destroy the democrats:

1. Throw the social conservatives under the bus. On positions of gay civil rights and abortion rights, simply say, these are social issues and we aren't interested. They don't even have to take a leftist position. Just say: our party isn't about that.

2. On women's equality issues, stop the BS that it is a social issue. Say it is an economic issue and come out fully for women's ECONOMIC equality.

3. Stress totally: fiscal responsibility. Be conservative ... fiscally.

4. Come up with an elegant tax reform/tax simplification plan that is still progressive (doesn't punish the poor and middle class) and do the math.

5. Embrace Obamacare which is actually nationalized Romneycare. The MANDATES are a conservative idea of people taking personal responsibility. Then come up with a radical plan of cost controls because that is the new crisis and also an aggressive plan of training doctors, yes even importing doctors by the thousands. With full access, more doctors will desperately be needed.

6. Keep the strong on defense stance. Both parties are almost identical on defense anyway. But be open to cuts if they are smart.

7. Embrace comprehensive immigration reform. Court Latino voters like it's going out of style.

8. Stop the voter suppression efforts aimed at minorities! Surprise doing that if believable will ATTRACT more minorities to their party.

9. Nominate someone that doesn't really exist on the radar now. A Rockefeller type for the new age.

10. Throw in an issue or two for the libertarians. Openly support marijuana legalization would be a natural.

The tea party types who contrary to popular belief are mostly also SOCIAL conservatives, and the core republican base of religious fundamentalists, would of course freak out and feel their party has moved away from them. It would have. They would threaten to start a new "real" right party including that right wing social issues stuff, but in the end, they would back off. Because doing that would give ALL the power to the more left democrats. In other words, they would have nowhere to go.

A party like that, I might even consider voting for with the right candidate. That should tell you something about the MASS appeal of such a new republican party. The current republican party, no way, never.

I like the over all idea a few points I would differ on some a little some completly wrong. But all in all a good plan.

1 right on

2 right on

3 on a 1 to 10 scale I give it a 7

4 Well it is easy to say. But going to be impractical to apply if you can find such an animal.

5 Hang on to it but it needs a lot of fine tuning. Cost controls are going to have to be handled. Right now they are running wild.

6 Cut the spending the wars they are in and have been in and lost cost the enemy a heck of a lot less than what it cost us. We can not win a war with money.

7 To open a statement. You are treating immigrants as if they had to be Latino. What is wrong with a Thai.

8 I have no opinion on that.

9 If the Democrats win I believe that is exactly what both parties will have to do.

10 Well that one could be a deal maker. Maybe in two more elections the public will not be so polarized on it. Perhaps if they could take over the control and distribution of it. that would serve two purposes 1 keep the price down there by cutting crime for money to purchase it and two the Government would be a double winner. Make a profit and be able to pay more attention to other drugs that are far worse than Pot.

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In response JT's OTT post about what's next for the Republican Party.........what's next is a complete implosion of the Democrat Party when the electorate realize what they have done, the worst mid term results in Presidential history, and a routing of the Democrat vote at the next Presidential election.

Lame duck President Obama will drag himself around the White House regretting his Presidency, knowing that he is destined to be loved abroad but loathed at home, and he knows the next all powerful Republican President will overturn the majority of his Socialist policies.

He will be haunted for the rest of his life by his multitude of failure's such as not closing Guantanamo, an order he signed on his first day as President and couldn't follow through on......how embarrassing...........and he won't be at to sleep at night as the Ghosts of the innocents killed by drones will spiral around him.

Is he the first US President to order the assassination of a US citizen? How unbecoming for a man who thought he was the Chosen One, the studious Law Professor type that went into the gutter of Real Politik and found himself wanting.....and if he thought his first four years were rough, well......he's in for a shock now.

Don't be crowing in the wind JT, there's always a Sparrowhawk looking out for the big mouthed birds that draw attention to themselves......or should I say? Drone????

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On a more serious note, I understand that even in some American States the sale of alcohol in pubs and restaurants on Election Day is strictly forbidden. Like in Kentucky and South Carolina.

I'll never complain about the same in Thailand again :-)

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He will be haunted for the rest of his life by his multitude of failure's such as not closing Guantanamo, an order he signed on his first day as President and couldn't follow through on......how embarrassing...........and he won't be at to sleep at night as the Ghosts of the innocents killed by drones will spiral around him.

Main reason not to support Obama.

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A newly elected second term president is not a lame duck!

A lame duck is an elected official who is approaching the end of his or her tenure,

and especially an official whose successor has already been elected.


Quack. Quack.

Edited by Jingthing
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