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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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Obviously one of the political parties needs to require that felons obtain a GED before they are released.

Admittedly, I never practiced criminal law, but I'm not aware of any modern federal statute or in any state referred to as white slavery. Normally such terms are referring to historical sexual slavery? If it did happen many years ago, maybe it was under the Mann Act? I'm no historian, maybe one can weigh in?

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Many people especially Black Americans are afraid to say they will vote for Romney.

I'm not surprised. It seems almost unbelievable that African Americans would even consider voting for a member of what is still a racist organisation. Some may say that it is no longer a racist organisation to which I would ask, was it by choice?


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This thread is pretty scary


All the while you never see any concrete discussion of issues & how their chosen will address them.

No mention of budgets or viable cuts that will reign in a govt out of control

I don't agree this thread is scary. Lots of discussions of issues (does that scare you?). I mentioned budgets a few posts earlier: Admittedly, Obama spends too much, but appears to really want to lower the budget deficit. Romney and Ryan say they want to lower expenditures, but to do so, they'll have to severely cut or eradicate dozens of useful federal progams to do so, including: FEMA, CDC, Parks Service, museums, Head Start, Food Safety, innoculation programs, veteran benefits, EPA, R&D, coast guard, NASA, arts & performances, and more. Whereas Obama wants to save the $1 billion/day the US has spent on running two wars (both started under Bush and Cheney), R and R want to use that money and more to boost the US military unnecessarily.

If it were up to me, I would lower SS (especially for the rich) and lower medical expenditures (by purchasing medicines in bulk from suppliers) and lower military outlay (by proposing a leaner, meaner military). SS, Medicare and military are the ONLY 3 federal programs R and R say are 'untouchable.' I would be unpopular with nearly everyone. So orange u glad I'm not running for highest office? In other words, I recommend lowering expenditures and the national debt more than either Obama or Romney propose.

Interesting how a Utah newspaper endorses Obama. My projection of an Obama win was 6 to 5. Now it's 5 to 4 of electorial college.

If you wanted to get elected you would not lower SS.

People pay into it for years and when they retire they find out that you are going to lower there SS in a effort to lower expenses. Not a good idea after the billions and billions maybe trillions spent on un winnable wars. I believe a lot of that money came from the SS funds.

The states does not really want the National Debt to come down. (unless it is done by magic) The means of doing it would be hard on some families. A raise in tax's would be required. Plus a little common sense. They whine on and on about the price of gas while for the most part paying less for it than most other countries where the yearly income is far below there's.

They would have to not get into wars whether they could win them or not. The previous administration didn't care if they won or not.

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif


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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Here's the explanation, even though I have no obligation to provide you one.

I am not on a "holiday" as some might believe. I simply got tired of the total lack of civility on this thread so I merely decided it was no longer worth my time.

I haven't changed my mind about the civility so you can mark me as gone. I certainly hope my response wasn't too "strident" for you.

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Here's the explanation, even though I have no obligation to provide you one.

I am not on a "holiday" as some might believe. I simply got tired of the total lack of civility on this thread so I merely decided it was no longer worth my time.

I haven't changed my mind about the civility so you can mark me as gone. I certainly hope my response wasn't too "strident" for you.


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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Here's the explanation, even though I have no obligation to provide you one.

I am not on a "holiday" as some might believe. I simply got tired of the total lack of civility on this thread so I merely decided it was no longer worth my time.

I haven't changed my mind about the civility so you can mark me as gone. I certainly hope my response wasn't too "strident" for you.

...and here I was thinking that you were just avoiding answering questions on your conflicting policy positions on ID...

Ah well.

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One thing is evident to all but the terminally myopic, Romney lies. Not just at times, not just often or frequently but all the time. During this year I have been trying to judge if he is knowingly doing this or if he honestly doesn't realize but to a large extent you wouldn't want a person who exhibits such attributes as President of the USA either way though perhaps a knowing shill would be the lesser of the two evils. I don't think he does know sadly. The right wing (if he wins) are going to be his puppet masters for the next 4 years and whilst markets will get an initial surge they will soon plummet when people realize this. When the 5T credit card looks to be getting low the US economy is going to go down the toilet, then other western economies will go the same way before munufacturing based economies such as China, India and Thailand follow suit because there is nobody left to buy their goods.

My ideal outcome financially would be for Romnay to win so I can making a killing in a matter of days on the Dow and FSTE but it would only count if the US somehow managed to still last another 4 years which I seriously doubt. To be quite frank, I don't need the money but if the US is just going to give it away then it would be stupid of me not to accept, would it not? The US and the west in general is still healing, to early to go crazy again so better for us to slowly heal which is what Obama has done. Don't do it America, please.

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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Here's the explanation, even though I have no obligation to provide you one.

I am not on a "holiday" as some might believe. I simply got tired of the total lack of civility on this thread so I merely decided it was no longer worth my time.

I haven't changed my mind about the civility so you can mark me as gone. I certainly hope my response wasn't too "strident" for you.

You certainly did not owe anyone any explanation, but thanks for assuring us that you were not one of the transgressors. I myself did not have the good fortune to witness what happened, but may I take it from your comments that you consider those who were punished to also have suffered from such lack of civility on this thread?

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Fox News has been rightly critical of President Clinton knocking himself out for Pres. Obama's re-election, as Clinton is a one man juggernaut, even going so far as to allegedly quote Clinton from 2008 in what looks suspiciously like a racial slur. smile.png

During a briefing on Air Force One, Obama's Deputy Communications Director Jen Psaki said, "Obama enjoys the growth of their friendship and relationship. They have an easy rapport with each other."

Of course, this rapport was not so easy a few years ago. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton was campaigning to become president, Bill Clinton allegedly told Sen. Ted Kennedy: "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags" referring to then-Sen. Obama in an attempt to convince Kennedy to endorse Hillary, according to The New Yorker.

Read more: http://politics.blog...n#ixzz2BIiWPPHD

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Fox News has been rightly critical of President Clinton knocking himself out for Pres. Obama's re-election, as Clinton is a one man juggernaut, even going so far as to allegedly quote Clinton from 2008 in what looks suspiciously like a racial slur. smile.png
During a briefing on Air Force One, Obama's Deputy Communications Director Jen Psaki said, "Obama enjoys the growth of their friendship and relationship. They have an easy rapport with each other."

Of course, this rapport was not so easy a few years ago. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton was campaigning to become president, Bill Clinton allegedly told Sen. Ted Kennedy: "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags" referring to then-Sen. Obama in an attempt to convince Kennedy to endorse Hillary, according to The New Yorker.

Read more: http://politics.blog...n#ixzz2BIiWPPHD

Even if he said it, I don't assume that's a racial slur at all. A few years ago, the guy would have been a low ranking Democrat and like any other low ranking Democrat, whatever color, would have been kissing a** and doing whatever Bill and Ted needed done. And I'd wager that's what he meant, 'Who is this guy? He hasn't been around like us and he isn't in our league." Or even "Where did this guy come from? How he'd become a player this quick?'

I'm the last one to suggest that Clinton is incapable of lapse of character or judgement but going by what we know of the man, I'd be very surprised if he was racist or would even make a racist joke. But maybe...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Is it just me, or is the silence deafening in here from the usual group of 3-4 strident Romney supporters who have been AWOL for the last 24+ hours? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's the weekend, and some people have a life. Maybe they've just given up? Or, just maybe they did the math too. sorry.gif

Here's the explanation, even though I have no obligation to provide you one.

I am not on a "holiday" as some might believe. I simply got tired of the total lack of civility on this thread so I merely decided it was no longer worth my time.

I haven't changed my mind about the civility so you can mark me as gone. I certainly hope my response wasn't too "strident" for you.

Just please show up on Wednesday so I can say "I told you so".

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In this last day before the election, even Romney is showing cracks in the armor. He mentioned that "it is possible" that Obama could win, and the news is all about how Romney is hoping for a systematic polling bias in Ohio because 6 new polls in the past 2 days have shown Obama winning, and the only one for Romney was right-leaning Rasmussen.

I wonder if, after losing, Romney will finally relax by returning to what he loves best: country hillbilly music concerts, NASCAR races, and shopping at COSTCO or Walmart with his lovely wife Ann.

Edited by keemapoot
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If you wanted to get elected you would not lower SS. People pay into it for years and when they retire they find out that you are going to lower there SS in a effort to lower expenses.

I agree. That's why I would never run for office, and would never get elected if I did. However, the obscene excesses of the US gov't over decades lies in the lap of the American people as much as the politicians they elect. Americans themselves grossly spend beyond their means, and then either want some entity to bail them out (the feds?) or be forgiven for their excesses, or claim it's 'shopping addiction' or some other ridiculous ailment - in order to gain pity. Excuses, excuses. Americans (and I am one) need to take responsibility for their actions. The chickens are coming home to roost. Actually, the chickens are being kept from coming home to roost by politicians who continually raise the debt ceiling and spend spend spend. They're putting the onus on future generations.

You'll note, in my earlier blurb, I suggested SS payments be lessened or cut for rich people. I don't recommend SS be cut for those who need it for basic purchases.

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In the event of a Romney loss, what becomes of Ryan? Does he go back to the House to pout and do what he can to undermine the Obama administration?

Lost in the discussion is the fate of the House and the Senate. Looks like the Democrats will retain control of the senate and the GOP the House.

As they say in Thailand, same same.

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You wouldn't know from watching Fox "Ruse" that the two candidates are still campaigning. This morning I watched two "experts" and an anchor squabbling like schoolgirls to get the first and last words on some story about Benghazi and how it could have been done better. "OK, tell our audience, what's an F-16?" was one of the questions. I can only assume they don't think Mitt's campaign speeches are watchable enough. Either that, or they think their audience are a particular form of simpleton that needs scaring to a polling station. Which is probably true.

Romney, by his own admission, doesn't know what 'industrial hemp' is. It's an issue that most Americans know something about. There are ballot initiatives in six different states on that issue. If Romney doesn't know such commonly-known things, how can we expect his 'base' to know many things outside of how to shoot a gun or how to fry steak and potatoes in a pan.

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You wouldn't know from watching Fox "Ruse" that the two candidates are still campaigning. This morning I watched two "experts" and an anchor squabbling like schoolgirls to get the first and last words on some story about Benghazi and how it could have been done better. "OK, tell our audience, what's an F-16?" was one of the questions. I can only assume they don't think Mitt's campaign speeches are watchable enough. Either that, or they think their audience are a particular form of simpleton that needs scaring to a polling station. Which is probably true.

Romney, by his own admission, doesn't know what 'industrial hemp' is. It's an issue that most Americans know something about. There are ballot initiatives in six different states on that issue. If Romney doesn't know such commonly-known things, how can we expect his 'base' to know many things outside of how to shoot a gun or how to fry steak and potatoes in a pan.

Pardon me for saying so, but that was a really dumb thing to say. And ugly.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Last minute polls showing a last minute storm response inspired OBAMA bounce.

I won't say "momentum" because there is no time left for such a thing.


A pair of national polls seemed to show that it was Obama who had a bit of momentum in the race’s last weekend. A Washington Post-ABC News poll showed the president at 49 percent to Romney’s 48 percent. The tracking poll has had both candidates locked within a narrow band for weeks, although Romney held a brief three-point edge in late October.

Another poll, released Sunday by the Pew Research Center, found Obama with a three-point lead nationwide among likely voters, 48 percent to 45 percent. A week ago, the same poll had the two candidates tied.

Romney has been running for president for six to eight years now. It's time for him to retreat to his many splendored car-elevatored houses. In a few short hours, he will be as relevant to American politics at Harold Stassen. Though I think the term ROMNESIA might stick around.

Edited by Jingthing
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In the event of a Romney loss, what becomes of Ryan? Does he go back to the House to pout and do what he can to undermine the Obama administration?


He'll add 20 pounds to his bench press biggrin.png

He'll start running for president 2016. His party has to decide what their problem is, too far right wing or not right wing enough, who to blame the loss on, etc.. If they don't find a way to lure Latinos, they can forget about ever electing a president again.
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So I'm thinking when Obama's finished his second term, Hillary can do her two, then you can double down and put Michelle Obama in there. Black and a Woman.

Jesus, it would start another civil war I reckon.

Especially if she came out.


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So I'm thinking when Obama's finished his second term, Hillary can do her two, then you can double down and put Michelle Obama in there. Black and a Woman.

Jesus, it would start another civil war I reckon.

Especially if she came out.


I'm not clear that Michelle Obama has such ambitions. In any case, she would first have to prove herself in another office, as Hillary Clinton did as a U.S. Senator. But she has time if that is her goal. Yes she is a popular figure. I am also not sure if Hillary will run in 2016. I know she wanted it but she is clearly older and more tired now, and losing to Obama in the 2008 primaries seemed to really do a number on her.
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So I'm thinking when Obama's finished his second term, Hillary can do her two, then you can double down and put Michelle Obama in there. Black and a Woman.

Jesus, it would start another civil war I reckon.

Especially if she came out.


Bloody hell!

What are the angry white men going to do with themselves?

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