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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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The 20 biggest sore losers of election night

We rank the most churlish reactions to President Obama's reelection -- and Donald Trump is a winner!


As election night wore on and an Obama victory became more and more likely, conservatives began explaining away the loss for Mitt Romney and other Republicans. On Fox, Bill O’Reilly kicked it off on a sour note, predicting on Fox News: “Obama wins because it’s not a traditional America anymore. The white establishment is the minority. People want things.” Then it deteriorated.

The sorest losers, ranked in order:

1). Donald J. Trump, for his tweet:

He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!

Trump has since deleted this tweet, maybe after he learned Obama would not lose the popular vote.

2).Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.




10). Melissa Clouthier - I'm sorry, but the GOP generally picked sh*t candidates. And with the media on the Dem side, we have to be perfect and even then....

As if there was any doubt The Donald was an idiot.


Obama will not worry about the financial problems so much as he will worry about racial issues. Now he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and he actions now will drive a deeper divide between the Americans.

Obama will reinforce all minority programs that give large portions of grants and scholarships to the minorities . He will step out more regarding black issues regarding white on black crimes, but never step up to the plate about the Black on White crimes in American. People don't hear about these crimes because they by law they are not allowed to report more than 30% of black crimes.

This term President Obama will more focused on issues around blacks. We will see more racial comments directed at the whites in America, along with more programs for black family's It won't be about politics it will be all about making historical decision.

For those of you who think he is the Messiah which goes along with those who think America is the one behind all the wars, you need to stop and take your blinders off, every country has a stake in these wars or they wouldn't be happening.

And people from other countries scoff at me when I say racism is alive and well in the U.S. At least you're honest.

Wait, I thought he was a radical Muslim?


Obama will not worry about the financial problems so much as he will worry about racial issues. Now he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and he actions now will drive a deeper divide between the Americans.

Obama will reinforce all minority programs that give large portions of grants and scholarships to the minorities . He will step out more regarding black issues regarding white on black crimes, but never step up to the plate about the Black on White crimes in American. People don't hear about these crimes because they by law they are not allowed to report more than 30% of black crimes.

This term President Obama will more focused on issues around blacks. We will see more racial comments directed at the whites in America, along with more programs for black family's It won't be about politics it will be all about making historical decision.

For those of you who think he is the Messiah which goes along with those who think America is the one behind all the wars, you need to stop and take your blinders off, every country has a stake in these wars or they wouldn't be happening.

Bingo! An aggrieved and Injured sense of personal whitenessclap2.gif

Poor little white man. 555


Oh, and Donald Trump, what an arse that bloke is.

If he let's Steven Colbert dangle his balls into his mouth - 1 million to charity of his choice mind you - well, I'll have some respect for the man.

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How about Colorado and Washington states?

Voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use! Good on them.

Bring on the Feds, let the pot wars begin.

One of the quotes of the day "Adds new meaning to the phrase Rocky Mountain High"!.


Because none of those countries are the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Reality...

About the "richest" thing.....

What about it? http://www.npr.org/b...s-in-2-graphics

Largest GDP in the world.

OK, that's one measure.

Here's another:


If you think Qatar has more money than the US - you go on believing it. When the oil runs out...


I dont like Obama, I dont think he did anything to earn re-election, and I am worried he will bury us in debt.

That being said, for my county's sake I wish him well in the next four years. I really hope that he can work with congress and get the things done that need to be done and not argue over ideology.

This is what I hope, but his record leads me to believe I will be disappointed.

he's the democratically-elected president. congress should work with him, not vice versa. congress is there to support the people's chosen president, not block his initiatives and attempts to improve quality of life for the majority of americans.


So why bother with Congress, just make Obama Dictator, LOL.

You need to read the Constitution.

well, what's unbelievable is that congress made obama's first term a nightmare and went out of its way to make life difficult for him and for all the americans he was trying to help. hanging amendments on bills intended to help veterans for example. mitch mcdonnell stating that they would go out of their way to make obama a one-term president. blocking and obfuscating in every conceivable way they could.

i think you need to look up the definition of 'dictator' by the way. dictators are not typically democratically elected and this was by its name, a 'presidential' election. obama won. now congress and the GOP should accept that, accept that it's the will of the people, get out of the way and allow him to get on and do some good.

If you think Qatar has more money than the US - you go on believing it. When the oil runs out...

Emphasis on the phrase "per capita", perhaps you didn't understand it.

And their Oil is not that impressive, it's North Dome that has them sitting pretty.

By the way, it's probably a whole separate thread, but as the world's largest consumer of oil by a significant margin, I fear more for the US than I do Qatar.


Socialism didn't work out in the past. But the Americans will know that later. I'm glad i'm NOT American!

We are also glad you are not! ;)



If you think Qatar has more money than the US - you go on believing it. When the oil runs out...

Emphasis on the phrase "per capita", perhaps you didn't understand it.

And their Oil is not that impressive, it's North Dome that has them sitting pretty.

By the way, it's probably a whole separate thread, but as the world's largest consumer of oil by a significant margin, I fear more for the US than I do Qatar.

But who has the most money? All I said was "Richest" - I didn't qualify it in the way you are attempting.


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Yeah. He Pissaros it all away...

  • Like 2
If you think Qatar has more money than the US - you go on believing it. When the oil runs out...

Emphasis on the phrase "per capita", perhaps you didn't understand it.

And their Oil is not that impressive, it's North Dome that has them sitting pretty.

By the way, it's probably a whole separate thread, but as the world's largest consumer of oil by a significant margin, I fear more for the US than I do Qatar.

But who has the most money? All I said was "Richest" - I didn't qualify it in the way you are attempting.

OK so you're proud of a land mass and a number then?

I didn't qualify it, by the way, Forbes did.

But I can see the sense in that as a measure. It certainly means more.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated US President Barack Obama on Wednesday for winning a second term and said the strategic alliance between their two countries was "stronger than ever."


Anybody see a spanking coming? Paybacks are a bitch.


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Yeah. He Pissaros it all away...


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!
You would not say that if you still lived there. Obama is a MONET WASTER. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif
Yeah. He Pissaros it all away...

Immediately after he Van Goghed it up all over himself. At least his Degas weren't showing.

  • Like 1
Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!
You would not say that if you still lived there. Obama is a MONET WASTER. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif
Yeah. He Pissaros it all away...

Immediately after he Van Goghed it up all over himself. At least his Degas weren't showing.

If he did that he would have to do a turner but may be apprehended by a constable.

  • Like 2
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated US President Barack Obama on Wednesday for winning a second term and said the strategic alliance between their two countries was "stronger than ever."


Anybody see a spanking coming? Paybacks are a bitch.

I'm sure you would be imagining that, isn't that right Jing. Obama backs Israel to the hilt, or so we are told. unsure.png

Only 'fringe' members of the Democrat party would think otherwise, but to humour you, what sort of payback would you envisage?

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Glad to see the KKK meeting broke up early - so we can have those fellas join in the spirited celebration of Obama's victory!

This is a typical answer when whites start talking about racism. But you watch as race will be a huge issue for the next four years. When Obama was elected and everyone told he would be a one term president....I said no....he will go the distance. Because the reason he was voted in was not by his record but because he is black. I will not apologies for my comments and my comments are far from racist. I believe in equality, not for a person because he is of one nationality or color. I have listened to blacks call whites racist all my life and I am tired of it. Whites in large numbers do everything they can to help people who consider themselves to be minorities. Whites start programs all over the world, so in a large majority we are less likely to be racist than a black.

  • Like 1
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated US President Barack Obama on Wednesday for winning a second term and said the strategic alliance between their two countries was "stronger than ever."

Anybody see a spanking coming? Paybacks are a bitch.

I'm sure you would be imagining that, isn't that right Jing. Obama backs Israel to the hilt, or so we are told. unsure.png

Only 'fringe' members of the Democrat party would think otherwise, but to humour you, what sort of payback would you envisage?

Of course I'm joking as this is the party thread, but I'm sure Obama will at least make him wait in the outer chamber for a while before the next visit. wink.png

  • Like 1
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated US President Barack Obama on Wednesday for winning a second term and said the strategic alliance between their two countries was "stronger than ever."

Anybody see a spanking coming? Paybacks are a bitch.

I'm sure you would be imagining that, isn't that right Jing. Obama backs Israel to the hilt, or so we are told. unsure.png

Only 'fringe' members of the Democrat party would think otherwise, but to humour you, what sort of payback would you envisage?

+ don't forget Biden is a self declared Zionist.


Socialism didn't work out in the past. But the Americans will know that later. I'm glad NOT to be American!

Send me a text when America actually has a socialist government, OK?

But who has the most money? All I said was "Richest" - I didn't qualify it in the way you are attempting.

Same as anywhere

you take the one with the highest revenues & the least debt that is who has the most.

Also in a previous post you touted GDP :(

GDP is not the best indicator

The one I mention above is.

Especially for the US


GDP = Private Consumption + Gross Investment + GOVERNMENT SPENDING + (exports - imports)

Of course the US looks great on GDP because : it includes Government spending all the money we do not have in the calculation :)


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


Yeah. He Pissaros it all away...

Well done. thumbsup.gif


But who has the most money? All I said was "Richest" - I didn't qualify it in the way you are attempting.

Same as anywhere

you take the one with the highest revenues & the least debt that is who has the most.

Also in a previous post you touted GDP :(

GDP is not the best indicator

The one I mention above is.

Especially for the US


GDP = Private Consumption + Gross Investment + GOVERNMENT SPENDING + (exports - imports)

Of course the US looks great on GDP because : it includes Government spending all the money we do not have in the calculation :)

I bow before your reasoning sir.


Something perhaps noting. Obama is an AMAZING politician. How rare it is for a young junior senator to go directly to the presidency. But in his case even more amazing, beating the Clinton machine in the primary was completely unexpected. Beating McCain was nothing in comparison. And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win. That all was really remarkable and really rare. Of course his TEAM behind the man probably deserve much or most of the credit but he hired them.

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