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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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He's a corporate statist, or what we used to call a fascist before Godwin's Law forced a bizarre form of political correctness on us. Romney is too. Almost all major world leaders are.

possibly, but i think that the line between a corporate statist and a capitalist is pretty blurred. what's true is that obama is someone who wants increased equality for all and increased equality of opportunity for all. which the GOP doesn't want. which is why he won today. again.

RogueLeader is spot on.

And you need to adjust your definition what a true capitalist would really be. Throw away your socialist textbook.

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And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win.

303 to 206 is called a beat down.


Might I remind you all of one of the forum rules. If you can't express yourselves without being a potty mouth then don't be surprised if your posts disappear without warning. Asterisks don't hide letters BTW.

3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

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Funny to watch TV Republicans use the same failed tactics -misdirect, attack, misdirect, attack.

Leave the dems alone for a while. Get a mirror - look into it deeply - and ask "why can't we win a presidential election. It's not them, it's us". Then try something different!


For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

But you also have to see the best in American voters when they voted for a dead guy rather than reelect Senator John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). The dead guy scared them less than Ashcroft did ... and we went on to see why when he became the U.S. Attorney General.



And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win.

303 to 206 is called a beat down.

Florida should add to that. But in popular vote, only 2 percent. Happily Obama did win the popular vote though.
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And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win.

303 to 206 is called a beat down.

Even if not a beat down, and decisive, loud and clear victory, contrary to what all the Romney supporters were believing from their usual sources about it being too close to call and neck and neck. In that respect it was a clear smackdown.


The U.S.A is about to find out what Europe is already finding out. To quote Daniel Greenfield.

If you take away two salient points from this lost battle, let it be these

1. Either we will end immigration, or immigration will end us

2. Either we will end the welfare state, or the welfare state will end us

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And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win.

303 to 206 is called a beat down.

Even if not a beat down, and decisive, loud and clear victory, contrary to what all the Romney supporters were believing from their usual sources about it being too close to call and neck and neck. In that respect it was a clear smackdown.

Don't get carried away. Even with Florida it won't be a landslide and won't be nearly the big win as the first time, which arguably was a slight landslide.

And now running while governing in the beginnings of a slow recovery in the worst economic era since the great depression, massively high unemployment much higher than the numbers indicate, he crafts a win.

303 to 206 is called a beat down.

Even if not a beat down, and decisive, loud and clear victory, contrary to what all the Romney supporters were believing from their usual sources about it being too close to call and neck and neck. In that respect it was a clear smackdown.

Don't get carried away. Even with Florida it won't be a landslide and won't be nearly the big win as the first time, which arguably was a slight landslide.

I agree, it's no clear mandate, but compared with what we were lead to expect, it was a decisive win. Remember all the articles about a Romney-Biden White House?


Romney was a incredibly weak candidate. This isn't a surprise at all, although it has been amusing watching people delude themselves otherwise. Any Republican with a shot of winning didn't want to risk running against Obama and is waiting for 2016.

Can you let us in on who that Republican might be?


Did you notice Obama mentioned man made global climate change in his victory speech? That's a good sign. He didn't in the campaign because it was unpopular politics.

Fresh and new relected POTUS talks about policies and plans he didn't mention is his campaign. Good sign!!!???

Obama was known to be an advocate of action on global climate change from his first campaign and term, and he is will known for accepting the SCIENCE that the republican party irrationally rejects. But he made a political decision not to talk about it during the campaign because he wanted to win, which he did. Any informed voters could have easily understand Obama's CONSISTENT point of view on those issues.

The fresh and new relected POTUS didn't talked about his true plans in the election campaign because he wanted to win? Good sign???


Did you notice Obama mentioned man made global climate change in his victory speech? That's a good sign. He didn't in the campaign because it was unpopular politics. But with the big storm and the endorsement from Michael Bloomberg based mostly on climate change issues, the timing is right to address the issue again.

I have to confess, I didn't hear him mention 'man made' global warming at all, I did hear him talk about taking on the challenges of a planet experiencing increasing global warming, but he didn't mention 'man made' global warming as far as I recall. Are you sure? As soon as he mentioned the term my ears pricked up but thought..he didn't say man made!

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Did you notice Obama mentioned man made global climate change in his victory speech? That's a good sign. He didn't in the campaign because it was unpopular politics.

Fresh and new relected POTUS talks about policies and plans he didn't mention is his campaign. Good sign!!!???

That is simply not true and he even put it in writing.

Page 4 of his "A Plan for Jobs & Middle Class Security":

The way forward:

Expanding underground and clean energy production

and cutting foreign oil imports in half by 2020.

President Obama is pursuing an “all-of-the-above”

energy strategy that will produce reliable, affordable

energy and take steps to protect our climate:

1. Opening up millions of acres for exploration and

development, including undiscovered oil and gas

resources in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic.

2. Investing in domestic energy sources including

wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and biofuels. All

while increasing our energy efficiency.

3. Doubling fuel economy of cars and light trucks

to 54.5 mpg by 2025, which will reduce oil

consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day and save

consumers more than $8,000 at the pump.

4. Calling on Congress to build on our success in

positioning America to be the world’s leading

manufacturer in high-tech batteries. President

Obama is calling for extending tax credits that

support clean energy manufacturing.

5. Setting a standard for utility companies so that 80%

of the nation’s electricity comes from clean sources

by 2035. This will help create a market for American

manufacturers to make the clean energy technology

we need, while improving access to cheaper, more

secure energy for U.S. manufacturers.


Did you notice Obama mentioned man made global climate change in his victory speech? That's a good sign. He didn't in the campaign because it was unpopular politics.

Fresh and new relected POTUS talks about policies and plans he didn't mention is his campaign. Good sign!!!???

That is simply not true and he even put it in writing.

Page 4 of his "A Plan for Jobs & Middle Class Security":

The way forward:

Expanding underground and clean energy production

and cutting foreign oil imports in half by 2020.

President Obama is pursuing an "all-of-the-above"

energy strategy that will produce reliable, affordable

energy and take steps to protect our climate:

1. Opening up millions of acres for exploration and

development, including undiscovered oil and gas

resources in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic.

2. Investing in domestic energy sources including

wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and biofuels. All

while increasing our energy efficiency.

3. Doubling fuel economy of cars and light trucks

to 54.5 mpg by 2025, which will reduce oil

consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day and save

consumers more than $8,000 at the pump.

4. Calling on Congress to build on our success in

positioning America to be the world's leading

manufacturer in high-tech batteries. President

Obama is calling for extending tax credits that

support clean energy manufacturing.

5. Setting a standard for utility companies so that 80%

of the nation's electricity comes from clean sources

by 2035. This will help create a market for American

manufacturers to make the clean energy technology

we need, while improving access to cheaper, more

secure energy for U.S. manufacturers.

Don't distract Republicans with facts - they HATE facts lol


The U.S.A is about to find out what Europe is already finding out. To quote Daniel Greenfield.

If you take away two salient points from this lost battle, let it be these

1. Either we will end immigration, or immigration will end us

2. Either we will end the welfare state, or the welfare state will end us

Who is Daniel Greenfield and what gives his words any special authority that, say, Rush Limbaugh doesn't have, apart from the fact it looks vaguely symmetrical.

The USA was built on immigration.

I should expand on that. What the world is finding out is that it didn't plan well enough for people living longer, which is effectively what's happening to the US as well.

So the younger generation are expected to bear more of a burden.

For that I blame politicans, banks and regulators for failing to do their jobs properly for generations, not just a few years.

Greed, Greed, Greed, that's all it's ever been about for these people.


I thought the best part of his speech (which I hadn't heard before), was saying about the 4 hour lines for voting, "we're going to have to fix that". How disgraceful is this voting system, if ever something needed canning it is the decentralisation of methods of voting and a uniform voting system for the entire country put into place.

Obama is the winner, but America remains polarised.

I thought how you organise voting is for each state to decide, not a federal matter?

Voting Rights Act of 1965 covers federal elections.


Talk is cheap.... Anyway here what u get Obama=wall mart=low paid job=struggle=nomoney=more debt=fight=war=


WIll there be a bunch of yard sales when the USA ends? Would be cool - lots of good deals. Maybe I'll buy an old ICBM with silo for $19.99.

Seriously though, I saw a tweet on Fox website, saying the Rep party needs to go further back to their Conservative roots. I hope so. If the Republican party selects a candidate who is honest enough to express his real beliefs, then they'll lose next time by a much wider margin. Americans are moving to the future. They don't have their feet stuck in the cold war or their science restricted by the silliness of Creationism. Even tho Republicans keep trotting out new faces every 20 months or so (Bush Jr., Cheney, McCain, Palin, Tea Party, Romney, Ryan, ad nauseum), they're still out of touch and out of tune. Their heroes of a few months ago, quickly become old news, and they have to continually scurry around to try and find someone which they hope will get some votes.


The U.S.A is about to find out what Europe is already finding out. To quote Daniel Greenfield.

If you take away two salient points from this lost battle, let it be these

1. Either we will end immigration, or immigration will end us

2. Either we will end the welfare state, or the welfare state will end us

Please show your working out, or it might appear to the casual observer that you're parroting the propaganda of moneyed elites without really giving it much though.


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.


The U.S.A is about to find out what Europe is already finding out. To quote Daniel Greenfield.

If you take away two salient points from this lost battle, let it be these

1. Either we will end immigration, or immigration will end us

2. Either we will end the welfare state, or the welfare state will end us

Never ever was there more border control than under Obama.

But Immigration is not bad at all. just take the US as example. there are still some good sites of this nation build by immigrants.


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

Well he surely can't be as bad as you say, G W Bush voted for him!

For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

But you also have to see the best in American voters when they voted for a dead guy rather than reelect Senator John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). The dead guy scared them less than Ashcroft did ... and we went on to see why when he became the U.S. Attorney General.


The reality was that the new Governor, Roger Wilson, stated that should Carnahan be elected, he would appoint his widow, Jean Carnahan, to serve in her husband's place. So those voters were knowingly voting for Jean Carnahan. (Perhaps the appropriate terminology would be "sympathy vote"!) The key difference between that event and the Jesse Jackson Jr episode is that Jean Carnahan was actually able to go and do the job.

As far as your second inference on Attorney General John Ashcroft, please detail exactly what crimes he was convicted of or even indicted for??

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I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

Well he surely can't be as bad as you say, G W Bush voted for him!



The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet).

Naw , you jus' go ahead and cite some hard examples.

Cause it seemed like the Romney corporate puppet was just gonna make rich pukes like the Koch Brothers even deeper pocketed and even more aloof from the rest of all thems other Americans who in my stupid opinion actually deserve a fair shot (and access to Health Care w/o being denied proper care for really inconsequential stuff like pre existing conditions).


China will be rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of building a few more Aircraft Carriers from the interest they get from providing credit to America.

What will the US debt be in 2016? $20 Trillion? $25 Trillion?

Who's going to pay?

  • Like 1

For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

But you also have to see the best in American voters when they voted for a dead guy rather than reelect Senator John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). The dead guy scared them less than Ashcroft did ... and we went on to see why when he became the U.S. Attorney General.


The reality was that the new Governor, Roger Wilson, stated that should Carnahan be elected, he would appoint his widow, Jean Carnahan, to serve in her husband's place. So those voters were knowingly voting for Jean Carnahan. (Perhaps the appropriate terminology would be "sympathy vote"!) The key difference between that event and the Jesse Jackson Jr episode is that Jean Carnahan was actually able to go and do the job.

As far as your second inference on Attorney General John Ashcroft, please detail exactly what crimes he was convicted of or even indicted for??

Bad taste and bad singing

Oh, and working for Bush


Congratulations to USA!!! Very happy to see Obama re-elected!!

You would not say that if you still lived there.

Obama is a MONET WASTER.


sore losers....get back to your ranch

  • Like 1

Did you notice Obama mentioned man made global climate change in his victory speech? That's a good sign. He didn't in the campaign because it was unpopular politics.

Fresh and new relected POTUS talks about policies and plans he didn't mention is his campaign. Good sign!!!???

That is simply not true and he even put it in writing.

Page 4 of his "A Plan for Jobs & Middle Class Security":

The way forward:

Expanding underground and clean energy production

and cutting foreign oil imports in half by 2020.

President Obama is pursuing an “all-of-the-above”

energy strategy ...

2. Investing in domestic energy sources including

wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and biofuels. All

while increasing our energy efficiency. ...

So Obama is pro-nuclear?

At least one good point can be said about him. but i didn't hear him highlighting that during his campaign. And some self declared well informed Obama supporters told me it would be the opposite and only the other guy is pro nuclear.

ps. and it wasn't me but another Obama fan who claimed Obama kept quiet about this during his campaign in order to win the election.

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