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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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China will be rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of building a few more Aircraft Carriers from the interest they get from providing credit to America.

What will the US debt be in 2016? $20 Trillion? $25 Trillion?

Who's going to pay?

They only have one, and they didn't build that one - it's a Ukrainian refit job lol

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The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet).

Naw , you jus' go ahead and cite some hard examples.

Sorry. I forgot. You people don't like to do *any* work.


So Obama is pro-nuclear?

At least one good point can be said about him. but i didn't hear him highlighting that during his campaign. And some self declared well informed Obama supporters told me it would be the opposite and only the other guy is pro nuclear.

Keep going man - you are making me reconsider my vote!

Or maybe a better idea would be to explain how the Republican's will ever win another presidential race again, ever. With their same failed policies....

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For those curious about some of the voters who, I’m fairly confident, helped put Obama in for a second term; here is an enlightening lesson.

Illinois 2nd Congressional District Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected even after he has been absent from his representative duties for close to five months. He is supposedly being treated for, take your pick; exhaustion, depression, mood disorder, or bipolar disorder. A number of reports have indicated that a more accurate diagnosis may be “indictment phobia”. giggle.gif

Oh, also, no one seems to have the slightest idea when Mr. Jackson will be back providing representation for the people of his district. In short, the electorate of that district might as well have elected a catfish from the nearest creek with the same result. wacko.png

Chicago Tribune article: “Absentee Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. re-elected

But you also have to see the best in American voters when they voted for a dead guy rather than reelect Senator John Ashcroft (R-Mo.). The dead guy scared them less than Ashcroft did ... and we went on to see why when he became the U.S. Attorney General.


The reality was that the new Governor, Roger Wilson, stated that should Carnahan be elected, he would appoint his widow, Jean Carnahan, to serve in her husband's place. So those voters were knowingly voting for Jean Carnahan. (Perhaps the appropriate terminology would be "sympathy vote"!) The key difference between that event and the Jesse Jackson Jr episode is that Jean Carnahan was actually able to go and do the job.

As far as your second inference on Attorney General John Ashcroft, please detail exactly what crimes he was convicted of or even indicted for??

Never said he committed any crimes though I do seem to remember pictures of him on the internet sporting a brown shirt. biggrin.png


China will be rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of building a few more Aircraft Carriers from the interest they get from providing credit to America.

What will the US debt be in 2016? $20 Trillion? $25 Trillion?

Who's going to pay?

They only have one, and they didn't build that one - it's a Ukrainian refit job lol

and now they will be wanting another one. smile.png

Don't underestimate the power of the military when it comes to buying new toys thumbsup.gif


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

I agree - lets get rid of nasty socialist government run institutions like Medicare, Social security, the post office, national parks, government schools, the police, fire service and....um...the armed forces.

Socialism bad.

Down with socialism.

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He also made a slip when he was talking about rights for people regardless of WHERE you love. Obviously he meant WHO you love but I got a chuckle imagining the visuals on that one.

No, I think he meant that your right to marry whoever you like shouldn't depend on which state you live in. If so, it's a direct attack on state rights and there's going to be an unholy shitstorm if he tries to force Ohio or Tennessee into accepting gay marriage.

I guarantee you he did NOT mean that. It was a slip of a phrase he has spoken many times, including at the recent convention. He meant WHO you love. No question at all.

The thing you are afraid of isn't even under the power of the president and house/senate. Only a supreme court ruling or constitutional amendment could force a state to do that.

So in short: Obama doesn't mean what he says. right?

And we have your guarantee for that. right?


Glad to see the KKK meeting broke up early - so we can have those fellas join in the spirited celebration of Obama's victory!

This is a typical answer when whites start talking about racism. But you watch as race will be a huge issue for the next four years. When Obama was elected and everyone told he would be a one term president....I said no....he will go the distance. Because the reason he was voted in was not by his record but because he is black. I will not apologies for my comments and my comments are far from racist. I believe in equality, not for a person because he is of one nationality or color. I have listened to blacks call whites racist all my life and I am tired of it. Whites in large numbers do everything they can to help people who consider themselves to be minorities. Whites start programs all over the world, so in a large majority we are less likely to be racist than a black.

Pres. Obama is no more black than he is white. His mother was white. He was raised by his white grandparents and he grew up in a white environment. He has the values of the white middle class. That's why he is so "square". Those that fear afro anericans should take solace in the fact that he can't dance very well, and he's not a very impressive B Ball player. He also drinks beer. No malt liquor for him despite the nutter assertions to the contrary. The reality is that he is a lawyer with a dark complexion and as Chris Rock points out, still lighter complexioned than Snooki and the tanning lady. Black, my patootie. Can we please get beyond the race issue. This isn't the USA circa 1950.

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I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

Obama is president, not dictator. Even if he was so racially radical like you think he is, which he is not, he would have to get these wild plans through the republican controlled congress. So I suggest time for a chill pill.

I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

Obama is president, not dictator. Even if he was so racially radical like you think he is, which he is not, he would have to get these wild plans through the republican controlled congress. So I suggest time for a chill pill.

This is him taking a chill pill.

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Obama will not worry about the financial problems so much as he will worry about racial issues. Now he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected and he actions now will drive a deeper divide between the Americans.

Obama will reinforce all minority programs that give large portions of grants and scholarships to the minorities . He will step out more regarding black issues regarding white on black crimes, but never step up to the plate about the Black on White crimes in American. People don't hear about these crimes because they by law they are not allowed to report more than 30% of black crimes.

This term President Obama will more focused on issues around blacks. We will see more racial comments directed at the whites in America, along with more programs for black family's It won't be about politics it will be all about making historical decision.

For those of you who think he is the Messiah which goes along with those who think America is the one behind all the wars, you need to stop and take your blinders off, every country has a stake in these wars or they wouldn't be happening.

<deleted>. In case you didn't know, crime is a direct result of poverty and an absence of oppostunity. Give people hope and the tools to prosper and crime will resolve itself. Guess who's being arrested for looting in the storm damaged areas of NYC and NJ? Mostly non afro americans. Gosh, they didn't get your memo did they?

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Obama was beatable. But the republicans picked the wrong candidate. Ironically, one of the few ones that could have beat Obama this time was Jeb Bush (still a Bush but so much better and smarter than his brother). The only republican in the field that actually competed in their bizarre primary was Jon Huntsman, coincidentally also a Mormon.

Jeb and George W are morons. Rather have a morman than morons who got where they are only by virtue of their father. Those of us residing in Florida not blinded by deep seeded political beliefs can admit how bad he messed up Florida.

The neatest part about political alliance is all of these uneducated, lower middle class, Sothern individuals making $ 20.00 an hour that voted for Romney. I get a kick asking these people how Romney will benefit them or help their situation and they are clueless. They are just voting against the black even though the black guy is the one that actually has their back from an ecomoc perspective.

Look at who Romeny's highest contributors were to his $600,000,000 advertising and campaign budget. Israel gagillionaire wanting to import billions of dollars saving perhaps a billion dollars in favorable tax breaks so his $ 35,000,000 contribution was child's play. Carl Rove's organization, nuff said there. Hedge fund guys with $100,000,000 on line in tax consequences.

Really, you can break down Romney supporters into two brackets: rich to filthy rich white guys with a lot to lose in tax consequences; and religious and political zealots that vote based on platform regardless as to how that platform really impacts them.

One may counter that a bunch of dumb, illiterate liberals vote based solely on race for Obama. While that may be true, at least they accidentally picked the candidate that will support their economic interests.

The biggest problem with Romney is that tax break savings to business will nit trickle down like it did in the 80s to create new jobs and economic growth. Technology advances have dictated a reduction in labor force. More company profits will just be shared as dividend and ROI money for shareholders. Romney's policies, therefor, would there cause a further split in classes and erode middle class by making those with money investments richer and those without poorer.

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I don't think all the Bushes are morons. W. -- yes. I am just saying Jeb had a better chance of beating Obama than Romney, but he didn't try for the nomination because of the stigma of the Bush name ruined by W. (too soon) and also Jeb was too moderate to even be nominated this time, but maybe next time if they make adjustments. Or not. Jeb also his appeal to Latinos. Personally, I'd rather see the republicans continue to put up weak candidates and favor regressive ideologies, but if they want to win, there is a path for them, but I doubt they'll take it.


Posts deleted. Please stay on the topic.

It's best not to reply to off-topic or troll posts, since the replies are also deleted.

The biggest problem with Romney is that tax break savings to business will nit trickle down like it did in the 80s to create new jobs and economic growth.

It didn't "trickle down in the '80's and create new jobs and economic growth".

Reaganomics meant budget deficits, trade deficits, they even had trade import restrictions to protect the car and steel industries.

Again it was all done with federal money.

The boys at the top pocketed their share of the winnings and took off with them as usual. And then it all went tits up again.

Remember this?


Admittedly the era of computing probably took off in the '80's and created plenty of jobs - I'm in one to this day because of it - but otherwise it was yet another bust, boom and bust.


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

I can believe it. Most Americans doing the winging did not get off their ar*e and vote. They stayed home and like last time listened to the media and thought it would be close, but a walk in for Romney. Wrong. Now all you do is winge again. You knew he would have a strong black and latino vote and because nearly 90,000,000 Americans did not vote you lost. Best you do as the Australians do and make voting compulsory and then you would have nothing to winge about on the outcome.


I don't think all the Bushes are morons. W. -- yes. I am just saying Jeb had a better chance of beating Obama than Romney, but he didn't try for the nomination because of the stigma of the Bush name ruined by W. (too soon) and also Jeb was too moderate to even be nominated this time, but maybe next time if they make adjustments. Or not. Jeb also his appeal to Latinos. Personally, I'd rather see the republicans continue to put up weak candidates and favor regressive ideologies, but if they want to win, there is a path for them, but I doubt they'll take it.

I did hear someone this morning saying Jeb would have been a better bet than Romney. While in hindsight, he could hardly have done worse, I think even a few Republicans would look at the Bush name on a ballot and if they were honest go "no chance".


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

I can believe it. Most Americans doing the winging did not get off their ar*e and vote. They stayed home and like last time listened to the media and thought it would be close, but a walk in for Romney. Wrong. Now all you do is winge again. You knew he would have a strong black and latino vote and because nearly 90,000,000 Americans did not vote you lost. Best you do as the Australians do and make voting compulsory and then you would have nothing to winge about on the outcome.

Did we not read that there is a only a fine in Australia for failing to vote? The poor in the US would probably vote because they couldn't afford to pay it. The well-off would probably laugh and say "nah, why bother, just pay the fine".

It still plays into the same set of hands.


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

I can believe it. Most Americans doing the winging did not get off their ar*e and vote. They stayed home and like last time listened to the media and thought it would be close, but a walk in for Romney. Wrong. Now all you do is winge again. You knew he would have a strong black and latino vote and because nearly 90,000,000 Americans did not vote you lost. Best you do as the Australians do and make voting compulsory and then you would have nothing to winge about on the outcome.

Might be a good idea. I doubt if it would fly, though.


<deleted>. In case you didn't know, crime is a direct result of poverty and an absence of oppostunity. Give people hope and the tools to prosper and crime will resolve itself. Guess who's being arrested for looting in the storm damaged areas of NYC and NJ? Mostly non afro americans. Gosh, they didn't get your memo did they?

Crime is not caused by poverty, certainly not directly by poverty, you can see this time and time again where immigrants arrive with nothing and the wheat quickly gets sorted from the chaff due to a combination of cultural factors. Perpetuate a victim or entitlement culture and you will get the crime alright with ready made justification whenever the economic chips are down.

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So Obama is pro-nuclear?

At least one good point can be said about him. but i didn't hear him highlighting that during his campaign. And some self declared well informed Obama supporters told me it would be the opposite and only the other guy is pro nuclear.

Keep going man - you are making me reconsider my vote!

Or maybe a better idea would be to explain how the Republican's will ever win another presidential race again, ever. With their same failed policies....

That's a fair point.......some people reckoned that this election would be a historic election. I believe that the next election is even more important, if the Republicans fail to win the 2016 election then that will be a game changer of epic proportions.

I can't see Joe Biden standing for President, so the Democrats will need to select a new candidate, and I can't see them pulling out a candidate with the same appeal as Obama '08.

So next time round we are liable to see two fresh faces, and if the Republicans lose, that will be a disaster for them.

Game on.


Does anyone here seriously believe it would change anything if anyone else would have won the elections? Don't you people realize that the only choice given to the public (us, whom they call bottom feeders, the masses,and/ or expendable "material") is to chose between dark grey or light grey? Puppeteers are and always will be the same, just the design of the the puppet changes... not more, not less! If an honest, uncorruptible charismatic person with his own agenda would ever be elected, he/she would suffer the same fate as JFK and his brother.

And btw - if I would have broken that many promises with my customers, they would tear me apart in mid-air. A lying and deceiving puppet like Obama is re-elected after lying to and betraying his own country on a daily basis year after year. Doesn't that blow your mind?

Is the whole world in a kind of vigilant coma or what the f.... is going on here??????

I guess enough people do not agree with you about the lies part. why not give it a break as this propoganda from the GOP was rejected. But of course we have the likes of the Donald having a heart attact over the election I guess you can carry on being st---d

I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

I agree with your last sentence only. Yes, Americans can only blame themselves for addictively living beyond their means. borrowing and spending like drunk sailers on shore leave. All the rest you say is balderdash with a tweak of malarky. I have an American friend here in C.Rai who thinks the Fukishima tsunami was caused by man-made vibrating device in the Pacific Ocean - and that the world will end in December this year because of the Mayan calender. You and he should get along great with conspiracy theories.


Does anyone here seriously believe it would change anything if anyone else would have won the elections? Don't you people realize that the only choice given to the public (us, whom they call bottom feeders, the masses,and/ or expendable "material") is to chose between dark grey or light grey? Puppeteers are and always will be the same, just the design of the the puppet changes... not more, not less! If an honest, uncorruptible charismatic person with his own agenda would ever be elected, he/she would suffer the same fate as JFK and his brother.

And btw - if I would have broken that many promises with my customers, they would tear me apart in mid-air. A lying and deceiving puppet like Obama is re-elected after lying to and betraying his own country on a daily basis year after year. Doesn't that blow your mind?

Is the whole world in a kind of vigilant coma or what the f.... is going on here??????

I guess enough people do not agree with you about the lies part. why not give it a break as this propoganda from the GOP was rejected. But of course we have the likes of the Donald having a heart attact over the election I guess you can carry on being st---d

his tweets have been a goldmine, haven't they!


Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

China will be rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of building a few more Aircraft Carriers from the interest they get from providing credit to America.

What will the US debt be in 2016? $20 Trillion? $25 Trillion?

Who's going to pay?

China will be rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of building a few more Aircraft Carriers from the interest they get from providing credit to America. What will the US debt be in 2016? $20 Trillion? $25 Trillion? Who's going to pay?

They only have one, and they didn't build that one - it's a Ukrainian refit job lol

The US debt is obscene, yes. It would be worse if McCain/Palin had come to power in 2008, or if Romney/Ryan had won. Here's why: Republicans borrow and spend even worse than Democrats. One difference: Dems at least try to balance the budget. Republicans pay it lip service, but are addicted badly to borrowing and spending other peoples' money. That was Romney's only skill in life: borrowing and gambling with other peoples' money. He and Ryan want to increase military spending by 1 to 2 trillion $$'s (Obama wants to lessen it) plus R and R don't have a clue how they would pay for their proposed excesses.


I can't believe we Americans elected this guy - again! He has taken the debt from 11 to 16 trillion and seems bent on turning the US into a cradle to grave socialist state.

We risked all out nuclear war to avoid becoming like this. In two elections we have done to ourselves what the Russians could not.

I fear we have only seen Obama lite. The real Obama may well implement his true agenda, including redistribution of wealth based on race (look up his speeches on the internet). We Americans have only ourselves to blame.

The POTUS did not run up the debt. The House of Representatives controls spending Bills. The past two budgets have to be approved by the GOP controlled House. The debt problems are a result of the US having 2 wars and a House that refused to deal with the issue of taxes.

A few people like Mesquite keep harping on this I guess they missed Mitts 5 trill dollar tax cuts and 2 trillion dollar increase in defense spending. It just boils down to people have a really hard time with a black guy in charge and they use any excuse to justify it
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