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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

Built on entrepreneurial spirit? Please go read your American history. Large parts of the USA were developed based upon land grants, land grabs, war and outright theft. How do you think the US west was settled? Do you think the USA purchased aboriginal lands? Parts of the US southwest were obtained by outright war and intimidation wit Mexico. Do you know how a large part of the midwest was obtained? Through the threat of war with Britain. Why is a large swath of BC now part of Alaska? Alaska, a die hard GOP state is one of the largest receipients of federal largesse. Remember the Bridge to Nowhere? Do you know how land barons made their wealth? How did Carnegie and all of those "entrepremeurs" make their fortunes? What of the 5 sisters? Hint look up the history of oil company monopolies in the USA. What of the outright exploitation of latin and south america that went on in the last century? Do you know where the term Banana Republic comes from?

Remember the GI Bill? It gave a leg up to veterans and provided opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise. It was a very socialist concept. There are billions of dollars of subsidies poured into small business every year, whether it be through incentives, grants, or basic infrastructure. Do you actually believe that all the trucks using America's roads actually pay the true cost of those roads? Rather it is the general taxpayer and big business that pays for that. How about the mortgage deduction? If any government tries to touch that, there would be a mass uprising.

The government is obliged to take on a bigger role because the merchant class has reduced its participation as greed takes over. The government wouldn't need to regulate the financial sector if the people in that sector could behave with some ethics and respect for fair business practces. We wouldn't need the EPA if the business community didn't give us Love Canals and toxic waste dumps. There wouldn't be a need for the FDA if the healthcare industry behaved honestly. etc, etc, etc.

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What's with Florida? They had 99% of the vote counted 24 hours ago, and Obama was ahead by 45,000 votes at that time.

Did all their hands atrophy at 99.9%, because they're so against declaring their electorial votes for a Democrat?

Without Florida, the electorial count is 303 vs 206 in favor of Obama.

With Florida's 29, it's Obama winning by 332 to 206. Give the man his due. Let's get a final tally already.

Final Ratio: roughly 7 to 4 I guessed it would be 6 to 5. Every Republican-leaning enterprise which ventured a guess had it Romney winning, some had it by a landslide. THEY WERE ALL WRONG wrong WRONG. sOOOOOOO wRONG, WRong, wrONG, ....any way you spell it they were WWWWRRRRROOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG....... YEA!

I don't get many chances to gloat. But this is one rare time.

I hope there are a lot of places serving crow around the US, because a lot of Republican talking heads will have to eat a heap of it.

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I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. They must do all they can to limit the damage that the incompetent buffoon Barack will inflict upon the United States.

That is my hope. My fear is that they will fail to do so and the United States will have to hit rock-bottom like Greece and Spain before our people wake up and realize that the government vote-buying handouts cannot go on forever. Sort of like the Rice Pledging (vote-buying) scam here in Thailand! And they no longer fall for smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen like Obama; nor his sycophants in the mainstream media.

Ok. Can the GOP start with the elimination of the wasteful subsidies to the agricultural sector? Why not let the free market govern the sector. How about all those restrictive tariffs and trade barriers enacted to protect US industry? There are hundreds of millions of tax dollars avoided via tax shelters and avoidance. Maybe the GOP will support the IRS in going after tax cheats? Do you think the GOP will finally allow the closure of redundant military bases or the canceling of unnecessary procurement plans, such as the refurbishment of the Abrams tank?

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America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

Built on entrepreneurial spirit? Please go read your American history. Large parts of the USA were developed based upon land grants, land grabs, war and outright theft. How do you think the US west was settled? Do you think the USA purchased aboriginal lands? Parts of the US southwest were obtained by outright war and intimidation wit Mexico. Do you know how a large part of the midwest was obtained? Through the threat of war with Britain. Why is a large swath of BC now part of Alaska? Alaska, a die hard GOP state is one of the largest receipients of federal largesse. Remember the Bridge to Nowhere? Do you know how land barons made their wealth? How did Carnegie and all of those "entrepremeurs" make their fortunes? What of the 5 sisters? Hint look up the history of oil company monopolies in the USA. What of the outright exploitation of latin and south america that went on in the last century? Do you know where the term Banana Republic comes from?

Remember the GI Bill? It gave a leg up to veterans and provided opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise. It was a very socialist concept. There are billions of dollars of subsidies poured into small business every year, whether it be through incentives, grants, or basic infrastructure. Do you actually believe that all the trucks using America's roads actually pay the true cost of those roads? Rather it is the general taxpayer and big business that pays for that. How about the mortgage deduction? If any government tries to touch that, there would be a mass uprising.

The government is obliged to take on a bigger role because the merchant class has reduced its participation as greed takes over. The government wouldn't need to regulate the financial sector if the people in that sector could behave with some ethics and respect for fair business practces. We wouldn't need the EPA if the business community didn't give us Love Canals and toxic waste dumps. There wouldn't be a need for the FDA if the healthcare industry behaved honestly. etc, etc, etc.

well America certainly didn't become a super power with people who had this kind of " spirit "..rolleyes.gif


America was built on entrepreneurial spirit and those entrepreneurs had to work considerably harder than a salaried employee.

People who have never created and run their own business haven't got a clue about the sacrifices that are needed.

There is now no incentive for people to take risks to take to start their own business when you know the Obama government is going to continue to put every obstacle in your way and tax you to the hilt.

Let's see where America is in four years time if more and more people now take the attitude that the government will take care of me so why bother.

Built on entrepreneurial spirit? Please go read your American history. Large parts of the USA were developed based upon land grants, land grabs, war and outright theft. How do you think the US west was settled? Do you think the USA purchased aboriginal lands? Parts of the US southwest were obtained by outright war and intimidation wit Mexico. Do you know how a large part of the midwest was obtained? Through the threat of war with Britain. Why is a large swath of BC now part of Alaska? Alaska, a die hard GOP state is one of the largest receipients of federal largesse. Remember the Bridge to Nowhere? Do you know how land barons made their wealth? How did Carnegie and all of those "entrepremeurs" make their fortunes? What of the 5 sisters? Hint look up the history of oil company monopolies in the USA. What of the outright exploitation of latin and south america that went on in the last century? Do you know where the term Banana Republic comes from?

Remember the GI Bill? It gave a leg up to veterans and provided opportunities that would have been impossible otherwise. It was a very socialist concept. There are billions of dollars of subsidies poured into small business every year, whether it be through incentives, grants, or basic infrastructure. Do you actually believe that all the trucks using America's roads actually pay the true cost of those roads? Rather it is the general taxpayer and big business that pays for that. How about the mortgage deduction? If any government tries to touch that, there would be a mass uprising.

The government is obliged to take on a bigger role because the merchant class has reduced its participation as greed takes over. The government wouldn't need to regulate the financial sector if the people in that sector could behave with some ethics and respect for fair business practces. We wouldn't need the EPA if the business community didn't give us Love Canals and toxic waste dumps. There wouldn't be a need for the FDA if the healthcare industry behaved honestly. etc, etc, etc.

Love fifteen.


Obama published an academic paper in 1965 reasoned, private investors inevitably seek to earn “dividends” from their investments, and “turning a profit” was the gravest of all immoralities. Instead, Mr. Obama proposed higher taxes on the wealthy, and a redistribution of that money, for the “collective good” of the nation.

“Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income,” huh.png Mr. Obama wrote, “so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.

All I can say to that I would be taking my bat and ball home very swiftly and I think there would be many other would be entrepreneurs that who would do the same. What is in it for me ??bah.gif


Not a theoretical or new proposition. When he wrote that paper (are you sure it was 1965? He was not born until 1961), the U.S. had already had top tax brackets approaching 100%. During WW II, the tax rate in 1944 for those making more than $200,000 ($2.54M in 2011 $) was 94% and it came down to 91% in 1946. (I'm pretty sure that went for the collective good of the nation and the world as well). Didn't get back to 50% until 1982 but that kicked in at $106,000 ($199,00 in 2011 $).



Well, I just got an email from a liberal acquaintance, quoted below. Is this how you Obama worshipers on TV feel as well? Amazing.

"Maybe there IS hope for our Nation. I just hope the Republicans and their corporations stop opposing a great future for America just to spite Obama. Our country is not built on greed and materialism! Sorry. But true. And I hope that any of my brothers & sisters who oppose him because he is "black"...our President is actually white and black, mestizo like me...I hope they regret their racism and see the light. Obama is still the greatest President I've ever known, and that goes back to JFK and his brother Robert who they killed. Is the Republican House actually still going to oppose any solutions to our problems just to undermine the President, now that he is clearly the peoples' choice? Join the movement!"

Yes. I for one feel that way, and have expressed as much (and more) in my many blurbs on T.Visa. Your acquaintance sounds like a fine person. There are a lot of happy folks in the US right now. Good.

Too much LSD in his case, I believe. Don't know about you.

r u saying too much LSD causes feelings of compassion, comeraderie, good sense and goodwill? If so, pass the cool aide.

mesquite, that email was amazingly over-the-top and ridiculous. Thanks for sharing because it's an example of how mis-guided and un-educated a lot of Obama-loving left really is.

maidu, no disrespect but you may want to learn a bit about US history before making such comments.

JFK and Robert Kennedy were NOT killed by Republicans. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist and Jack Ruby was a mobster whom were all Democrats at that time.

Robert Kennedy was killed a Sirhan Sirhan who was not affiliated with the Republican party at all. He was killed Robert Kennedy for his support for Israel. Sirhan Sirhan supported Palestine.

Yes there are a small handful that don't like Obama because of his race but there is a far greater number of people that voted for Obama BECAUSE of his race. You really need to get over the fact that many people do not like him because of his far-left wing policies and don't give me this; Oh he's not left wing be Europe standards non-sense. This ain't Europe.

Obama couldn't win on his own record. He had to make up lies, distort the truth and scare people from Mitt Romney. That is an easy task when you have much of the elite media behind you and hordes of uneducated fools expecting free stuff from the government to vote for you.

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I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. ......

Yup, Republicans are great at saying 'NO.' That word should be enshrined on their coat of arms. They should all have a big button on their business suits which says 'NO.' There's just one slight adjustment: A majority of American voters chose Obama over his opponenet. They listened to both candidates. They looked at their proposals, and over 60 million decided they want the modest guy to stay as top banana.

Yet, there are still elected reps who will continue to say 'NO' every chance they get. Yet that's not enough. They will do all they can to throw mud at Obama and hope it will stick. Anything and everything, no matter how low, in order to increase their chances of getting someone of their choosing in the power seat, four years hence. I hope they pick someone like Ryan to run. He'll lose big time, if he's honest enough to share his core beliefs.

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If you are a small business owner like me who had 3 in the USA and had to close one and cut back 60% of employees on the other 2 since Obama has become president this is a disaster. I will now sell the other 2 even if I take a loss and open businesses here in Thailand. I just can't keep paying the high taxes, with personal and company income tax it is well above 50%. Insurance for employees has gone up 20 percent in the past 2 years.

The main problem other than tax and insurance is the low interest rate and QE. I cannot get loans to expand my businesses because the rate is so low banks are investing in equities and not loaning money for small businesses to expand. The second is with QE the dollar is weaker so employees want higher wages as the cost of living keeps going up.

America just voted to kill small business and the hard working man who wants to be successful with hard work and a dream, what a shame. The new America is looking like hand outs from the government, don't follow your passion and dream for business success as the government will take it from you.

I am not a Romney supporter but anything has to be better for small business owners and those who want to chase their dream to be successful than the current administration.


Nothing to do with Obama. Everything to do with fear. People fear losing their jobs so they do not spend any money even if they have it. Oh wait the rich have lots and according to republicans if you give them more money they will create jobs. 55555

I had a small business that was very successful for 15 years, then bush / cheney hit town and wow I got a measly $600 in income tax relief. But the rich got a lot more and then bush / cheney could not seem to remember what happened in the Vietnam war and attacked two countries and between their tax cuts for the rich and wasting money on two wars, they destroyed the deficit. Then bush cheney and the republicans let the banks and Wall Street do whatever they wanted to do, can't have any regulations you know. Which helped destroy the economy. Then once a Democrat was in office the republicans did what they always do, what they did the 8 years Clinton was in office, they spent all their time doing nothing but trying to get Democrats out of office and they did ZERO to help America.

So don't blame the economy on Obama. Oh wait I am sure he is responsible for the trouble in Greece, Italy, Spain, etc. too.

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Everything to do with fear.

Funny you say that because it was "fear" that got Obama re-elected.

Obama couldn't run on his own record so he had to raise fear and lies about Romney.

Everyone knows Obama inherited a mess. No one disputes that. Obama's proposals and regulations is what prevented the economy from rebounding. Luckily there were enough Democrats in Congress to block his moronic Cap & Trade scheme that would have raised the cost or production and tax at every point of production of products and made it more difficult for people to sale their homes. All it would have done was made General Electric (which paid no taxes) even richer. Yet Obama picked their CEO to be their jobs czar. Talk about a slap in the face to the American public.

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This just in ... Trump has demanded Obama hand over his Electoral College transcripts.

Letterman's joke last night was that Obama had agreed to turn over his college transcripts to Trump completely - Electoral College transcripts

Colbert was making fun of Bill O'Reilly's quote about Obama supporters want stuff and things, and Obama gives them those things. Colbert said, "we white people, we don't want things...we have things...."


Everybody's favorite Fox News pundit pretty much sums up all the Romney supporters on this thread.

Dick Morris: I didn't see 'new' U.S.A.

Morris said that unless the GOP-ers can appeal to some of the key Democratic constituencies, they won’t be able to win again.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2BdsYdBOP


Respected ABC/Yahoo and former William F. Buckley protege Jeff Greenfield said about this joker:

His continued employment is an inspiration to all those who believe that a career should in no way be limited by a total lack of competence.

Everybody's favorite Fox News pundit pretty much sums up all the Romney supporters on this thread.

Dick Morris: I didn't see 'new' U.S.A.

Morris said that unless the GOP-ers can appeal to some of the key Democratic constituencies, they won’t be able to win again.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2BdsYdBOP


Respected ABC/Yahoo and former William F. Buckley protege Jeff Greenfield said about this joker:

His continued employment is an inspiration to all those who believe that a career should in no way be limited by a total lack of competence.

Looks like he found the weight that Bill lost. biggrin.png



If someone came up to you and said, hey, I can save you 30% or 40% on your health care premiums AND give you a better level of coverage, would you go for it?

As for entiltement thinking - sure. Lets start by the GOP

As someone said, if you want limited government,

Let me keep it short

1- I like to think I am smart enough to look at an offer & decide if it is vaporware or not.

2- If you know me you know I think the system Left AND Right is broken

3- I know you are not an American so you probably do not fully know our history & the role of government as intended.

It would be a long OT discussion to go there & in your case not being a American what is the point?

You don't have to be patronising. I go to America a bit. I work with and for Americans. Have done for ages. As I've said elsewhere, running my business, America's success is in a very small part, mine as well.

Very much understand the scepitism towards government. I get it. Understand it. (though part of me wants to say the British Kings have LONG gone).

But what I am at the end of the day is a trained economist (insert laughter track).

But don't go around talking about superior economic management if you advocate against it.

Not meant to be patronizing at all.

You stated something I do not agree with.

Many of my reasons have to do with being American not working for one.

Your previous comment about "with right to bear arms thrown in for free."

shows how much of nothing you know about America & why things are placed as they are.

Congrats on being a trained anything...Who is being patronizing now?

Play anything you want on TV but to assume others are not at least as economically astute

if not more than you is patronizing in itself. Since you know as much about me as you do about being an American

Your other comment about longing for a King sums it up nicely.

You do know we Americans left that behind when we became American right?

Anyway congrats on your proxy support of Obama

I hope he does well but given the track record I do not hold out much hope for him.

Then again as I said neither did I for the right wing rep.

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Meet the 'enlightened' Obama supporters. Remember, we've been told that only Republicans have ignorant and intolerant people in their party. Well lets just listen to Obama's core supporters on election night in Chicago.

I don't expect the BBC, CNN, Al Jezzera, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any of the elite media outlets to show this.


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What a fabulous quote. This really supports the theory that Republicans are comprised of essentially two groups of people: (1) rich guys who stand to lose very large sums of money doe to income and capital gains tax issues; (2) Ignorant, paranoid, religious zealot types who cannot think for themselves, need a lot of structure in their life, afraid of government, and vote based on fear even though the Republican platform does nothing for them economically, but does allow them to keep their guns.

You are so on target! I always felt guilty as I was becoming a young successful entrepreneur businessman, because I was told I had to be Republican, so I was, donated a lot of money, and I did endorse much of the platform in those days. As the Republican party moved to the far right I finally woke up. I never for once thought of not starting a business due to tax reasons. People start businesses because they have a passion and want to win. They don't fret about silly things like "will the corporate tax rate rise?" Easy enough to just incorporate offshore, but still do business at home. So easy to solve.

This forum is inhabited with Obama haters who blather on about business, but they don't talk like businessmen, and they certainly don't understand business. I have nothing against old, rich white guys, I kind of like em. And, I do understand wanting to keep capital gains structures as they are. But, the argument that these guys are job creators is just a myth.

its not just the tax, as a businessman you should understand the importance of regulation. republicans are certainly worried about the tax consequences of obama, but even more worried about the regulatory environment. lefties like to point out how not everybody has the resources to start a business which leads to inequality. raising taxes and adding regulation on regulation in every industry is only going to dissuade people from following their passion.




Mean spirited FOX doesn't show the high point of the day, the new President coming out on stage with his family, but stays firmly on the stuffed shirt + modest miniskirt in their vulgar studio.


Obama's making his speech and FOX is still in the studio!

Two minutes later:


They're ignoring the PResident's speech!

Two more minutes later:

They're STILL IGNORING the president's speech.

It's unbelievable........and Fox is the main news source for 45% of America....Sad

Three more minutes later:

Fox news goes to a roving reporter showing how votes are counted in an election centre.

Looks like he's suggesting there are "disturbing reports" of some people being double counted.

Oh and some machines were broken down.

Meanwhile the President of the USA makes his acceptance speech.....obviously not worth showing.

Ohhh more words "potential fraud"

Ohhh it must have been a fix

SEEMS LIKE YOUR AN AVID VIEWER OF FOX if you dont like it you only have to move your thumb and press change channel.

WHY should he change the channel .............?? Someone has to expose these frauds at Fox... !! They are and always have been fruds and nothing else ...


I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. ......

Yup, Republicans are great at saying 'NO.' That word should be enshrined on their coat of arms. They should all have a big button on their business suits which says 'NO.' There's just one slight adjustment: A majority of American voters chose Obama over his opponenet. They listened to both candidates. They looked at their proposals, and over 60 million decided they want the modest guy to stay as top banana.

Yet, there are still elected reps who will continue to say 'NO' every chance they get. Yet that's not enough. They will do all they can to throw mud at Obama and hope it will stick. Anything and everything, no matter how low, in order to increase their chances of getting someone of their choosing in the power seat, four years hence. I hope they pick someone like Ryan to run. He'll lose big time, if he's honest enough to share his core beliefs.

agreed, i hope they pick Ryan as well. he knows the government finances better than just about anyone and if he gets some debate practice will wipe the floor with anyone on the other side.


I probably shouldn't mention this, but late night talkster Jimmy Fallon mentioned a made-up word, that I'm worried might catch on with Obama haters: 'Obamanation' I don't like 'romnesia' either. so there.


I probably shouldn't mention this, but late night talkster Jimmy Fallon mentioned a made-up word, that I'm worried might catch on with Obama haters: 'Obamanation' I don't like 'romnesia' either. so there.

It's been around for a long time.
I probably shouldn't mention this, but late night talkster Jimmy Fallon mentioned a made-up word, that I'm worried might catch on with Obama haters: 'Obamanation' I don't like 'romnesia' either. so there.

Heard a word that you don't want to catch on with Obama haters, so you made a point of making a post about it on the Internet

Good thinking.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


There were ruminations earlier about who might run in 2016. Ms Clinton would make a good president. I actually preferred her over Obama when they were in the primaries. Anyone who runs for the Dem ticket will have to put up with a withering attacks from the Reps. No exceptions. They're out for blood. The 'swift boat' slime tactics will look like a kindergarten party - compared to what they'll put forth next time.

I suggested Michelle Obama a month ago on T.Visa, but I wouldn't want her to get attacked either, by inevitable Rep attack dog squads.

No chance in a bazillion that Bill Clinton will run as Prez or VP.

I wouldn't mind seeing new faces in the running. A Green candidate would be refreshing, someone who wasn't in the back pockets of big biz and who could really cut expenditures, instead of just ruminating/grandstanding about it. Someone who wouldn't appoint Goldman Sachs execs to dictate economic policy, as both Bush Jr. and Obama did.


I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. ......

Yup, Republicans are great at saying 'NO.' That word should be enshrined on their coat of arms. They should all have a big button on their business suits which says 'NO.' There's just one slight adjustment: A majority of American voters chose Obama over his opponenet. They listened to both candidates. They looked at their proposals, and over 60 million decided they want the modest guy to stay as top banana.

Yet, there are still elected reps who will continue to say 'NO' every chance they get. Yet that's not enough. They will do all they can to throw mud at Obama and hope it will stick. Anything and everything, no matter how low, in order to increase their chances of getting someone of their choosing in the power seat, four years hence. I hope they pick someone like Ryan to run. He'll lose big time, if he's honest enough to share his core beliefs.

Nah...!! I really kinda wish ( in a sad way for the world and the American populace's future ) that they had picked Romney and that he was now the President so that 6 months or sooner from now, all the ones who voted for him and his sidekick could have egg on their faces because of his deplorable performance ..


I definitely hope that the Republicans in Congress, for the future good of our country, will vigorously fight against Obama with even more determination and resolve than they have in the past. They must do all they can to limit the damage that the incompetent buffoon Barack will inflict upon the United States.

That is my hope. My fear is that they will fail to do so and the United States will have to hit rock-bottom like Greece and Spain before our people wake up and realize that the government vote-buying handouts cannot go on forever. Sort of like the Rice Pledging (vote-buying) scam here in Thailand! And they no longer fall for smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen like Obama; nor his sycophants in the mainstream media.

Ok. Can the GOP start with the elimination of the wasteful subsidies to the agricultural sector? Why not let the free market govern the sector. How about all those restrictive tariffs and trade barriers enacted to protect US industry? There are hundreds of millions of tax dollars avoided via tax shelters and avoidance. Maybe the GOP will support the IRS in going after tax cheats? Do you think the GOP will finally allow the closure of redundant military bases or the canceling of unnecessary procurement plans, such as the refurbishment of the Abrams tank?

The GOP will be a lot more willing to cut “wasteful subsidies” than the Democrats. And if there is “all those restrictive tariffs and trade barriers enacted to protect US industry”, they have not worked very well! And when it comes to “tax cheats”, I’m all for the prosecution of those that illegally avoid taxes. But notice that key word “illegally”. They actually have to break the law first.

I’m glad that you brought up “Do you think the GOP will finally allow the closure of redundant military bases or the canceling of unnecessary procurement plans”. One of the most critical and effective tools of doing just that, the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC), was created during the Reagan Administration. The first BRAC round occurred in 1988, again during the Reagan Administration. The last round was in 2005 during the administration of President George W. Bush.

In fact, I believe that the crushing of any idea to cancel or delay the buying of expensive, shiny new carriers for the Navy was led by Senator Jim Webb (Democrat)!


There were ruminations earlier about who might run in 2016.

Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who beat the incumbent Republican Scott Brown and the many millions of dollars that banks and bankers spent to defeat her.


Meet the 'enlightened' Obama supporters. Remember, we've been told that only Republicans have ignorant and intolerant people in their party. Well lets just listen to Obama's core supporters on election night in Chicago.

I don't expect the BBC, CNN, Al Jezzera, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any of the elite media outlets to show this.

You have exposed the key Obama demographic. Neither "dumb as a box of rocks" nor "totally clueless" can even begin to describe these idjits. It's no wonder we are now stuck with the incompetent buffoon for another four years!

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