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Obama Thanks Supporters After Winning Re-Election

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Hahaha "the show as not funny"? spoken by a true republican who has just been defeated.

Err, I guess you haven't been reading my posts on this forum. I ain't no stinkin' Publican. laugh.png

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Fox news finally admitted Florida went to Obama .....only a few days after the other news organizations.

Final tally of electorial votes: 332 to 206

Not quite the 'landslide win for Romney' that Republican talking heads predicted.

Granted, actual number of votes was close, so it's not a complete mandate for Obama and his administration. So now, the Republicans have to decide whether to try and work together with all politicians for the betterment of the American people (and the environment) or whether they're going to continue to block everything (good or bad) proposed by Obama, in order to try and tar the Democrats - leading up to the next election cycle.


I've been watching various youtubes lately and check out what the political debate has been about, and no offense but how can a population even be that dumb and ignorant ?

I know i couldn't stand it there, check out this, from both sides of the debate,

if you can even call it that, they havn't even any coherent political ideal beside getting

some extra cash from whomever made the last 5 min. commercial.

I also get the impression literacy is far and away below thai standard.

This is from both Rep. & Dem. sides


Not that race had any part in the election win, but interesting that an Alabama county is challenging the Voting Rights Act (1965).


Finally I agree (almost) with one of your posts.

Race had "NO PART" with the Obama win. Oops!


Vote was astronomical for Obama in some Philadelphia wards

November 09, 2012|By Miriam Hill, Jonathan Lai, and Andrew Seidman, Inquirer Staff Writers

(Shakiena Williams with daughter Jahira in the 44th Ward: "I like what [Obama]… (RON TARVER / Staff Photographer )

Some Philadelphia neighborhoods outdid themselves in Tuesday's presidential election.

In a city where President Obama received more than 85 percent of the votes, in some places he received almost every one. In 13 Philadelphia wards, Obama received 99 percent of the vote or more.

Those wards, many with large African American populations, also swung heavily for Obama over John McCain in 2008. But the difficult economy seemed destined to dampen that enthusiasm four years later.

Not to worry. Ward leaders and voters said they were just as motivated this time.


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I didn't like Republicans then (Nixon was their top banana at that time), but I thought I could do damage to them from the inside, if I was a member of their party.

Now, that's a real knee slapper! cheesy.gif

Is that because you think the Watergate burglars and Spiro Agnew got the job done?

In respect to the references to David Frum comments, it should be kept in mind that Frum was a Canadian and raised in an an environment where the Conservative party included "Red Tories". These were people that had strong conservative fiscal views but had progressive social views. I think Frum is an outsider that still doesn't understand the Tea Party and its backers. These are people that do not share his "liberal" views on reproductive issues, same sex relationships or social policy. Frum is out of touch with the core supporters of the Republican party.


^ Hugo 6, you are a gem, and I hope you stay around here. We could use facts like this and I hope some of the Fox lovers will <deleted>. No surprise about O'Reilly, about the only watchable thing on Fox. Wow, never saw that one before. Pretty funny that CNN is only marginally better than Fox, and both are only a few slots above Jerry Springer. cheesy.gif

Speaking of absolutely hilarious, have you seen this one from Hannity yet?

Just two days after President Barack Obama won a second term, boosted by more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, some Republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:


yeah, I heard that one today... amazing. The right could have avoided pissing off all the immigrant minorities who will eventually together form electoral majorities if they had been less condescending, less denigrating, more respectful of other people and a touch more reasonable in their policies.

Actually, some of the die hard democratic TV pundits have been relatively quiet and not spiking the ball in the aftermath of this devastation for the Republicans. I watched Bill Maher's Friday show, and if anything, he was in more of a mentoring or coaching mode than gloating as he warned that Republicans need to change and adapt to the realities if they want to survive. I also watched his segment on Hard Ball with Chris Mathews. I do not like Mathews at all, and I know he made a big screw up comment on air about Sandy, but he was also subdued, when I expected him to be turning cartwheels.

One thing Maher predicted came true. He said if Democrats win, Comedy loses. His show was not at all funny. I haven't watched the daily show yet, but I hope Fox News gets revved up again or comedy really will suffer.

comedy will have to take a short breather, perhaps. But Jon/Stephen have had a couple of great shows. Stephen had one of his best interviews ever with Rachel Maddow. And Jon had a great time with Fox-in-denial-mode.

I agree that the left pundits who I watch did not do any end-zone dancing. They were happy, relieved, etc, but not gloating.

One exception perhaps, but also done a bit analytically, was the left gloating a bit about all that money Rove & co spent. They point out that they didn't get much for it and that the dark money did not make a difference in the results. I think that could be considered gloating a bit. (And I also think the left is going onto dangerous ground strategically to down-play the influence of the dark money. For the sake of American democracy, we need to not be complacent about this and get rid of it. That most likely means a constitutional amendment and that is hard work.)


The NYT had an interesting opinion piece on how the GOP misread Independents. The opinion is that many people now calling themselves independents are in fact former Republicans who moved away from the party.


Interesting Factoids from this historic and very important election:

Bush did better among Mormons than Romney. Surprised?

Single women voted for a Obama vs. Romney by a MASSIVE margin of 37 percent, even more important because women overall vote in greater numbers than men

Popular vote in the the congress was won by DEMOCRATS, but the republicans retain control because of gerrymandering of districts by republican state leaders

There are now SIX openly gay congressmen and the first openly gay U.S. Senator.

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There are now SIX openly gay congressmen and the first openly gay U.S. Senator.

Allow me to be the first to say that's a dam_n fine thing. I'm not one of those fools who wants to see a member of a previously ill-treated sector of society (ethnic minority, women, homosexual) elected because they are a a member of that subset (and there are plenty of those fools among my fellow Liberals) but certainly I don't want someone not to be elected simply because they are member of said subset; I celebrate every incidence of visible progress towards the day that one's sexuality ethnicity religion or a lack thereof is no impediment whatsoever regardless of one's ambitions - in short, progress towards an America that lives up to its ideals.

So all other things being equal (ie they were the best candidates for their slot) then I'm very pleased that those openly gay legislators were elected. (And I thank you for pointing it out as well as the other interesting facts in your post)


I've expressed my disgust with Fox Noose often enough, but now for something completely different.

One of the heroes of election night was Megan Kelly.

Yes, the pretty lady with the ugly sneer, whose on-air sentiments are as consistent as Mitt Romney's. Here's why;

in the course of the blahblahblah waiting for the results to come in, up suddenly comes a graphic that the people on-air had no warning of -- Ohio was called for Obama. Megan and the other FN employee said "huh?" while their guest Karl Rove said "no way" and had a stack of papers in front of him with facts and figures supporting why it couldn't possibly be true. In deference to him being one of the cardinals of the GOP, they let him go on for about a minute, and then she said the now famous line:

“Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?”

I was dumbstruck. If someone told me earlier that day that she would say this I would have said it would be more likely the Virgin Mary would explain her preference for uncircumcised men. At the time I took this to be her losing patience and the crankiness of working a long day, with a long night looming ahead, and her walk to the off-stage area, I figured she was copping a move from CNN.

If nothing else, it was a breakthrough as if someone in The Bubble (to use Bill Maher's symbolism) suddenly acknowledged the existence of it.

Now I get it. Rove was there ready to bring the battleground states into contention, He had his Ohio case prepared in advance, my guess is he was also prepared for Florida and Virginia. His plan was to sell the contention to Fox, with the other networks falling in behind them, just like 2000. They still had a right-wing Supreme Court to come through for them. Unwittingly or not, I believe she headed off a recount fiasco. I think most of the other people who work there would have just let Rove run with the ball.

Good work Megan, come over from the Dark Side.

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^Yeah, I've said before how sharp Megan is (I think maybe among the sharpest) and I don't know how she has been able to hold her tongue working at Fox these years. I imagine she must have cried herself to sleep on most nights after trying to smooth that sneer away with night cream. Anyway, cat's outta the bag, and she's been a bad girl. Look for her to make the move to CNN soon. smile.png

BTW, watching Letterman now he has a very funny segment on Dick Morris. 9 Nov. program.


^Yeah, I've said before how sharp Megan is (I think maybe among the sharpest) and I don't know how she has been able to hold her tongue working at Fox these years. I imagine she must have cried herself to sleep on most nights after trying to smooth that sneer away with night cream. Anyway, cat's outta the bag, and she's been a bad girl. Look for her to make the move to CNN soon. smile.png

BTW, watching Letterman now he has a very funny segment on Dick Morris. 9 Nov. program.

You gotta be kiddin? Kelly is another conspiracy theorists, Been On the "Benghazi cover up by obama" for weeks, She's another of the Blonde air head Fox Bimbos


There are now SIX openly gay congressmen and the first openly gay U.S. Senator.

Allow me to be the first to say that's a dam_n fine thing. I'm not one of those fools who wants to see a member of a previously ill-treated sector of society (ethnic minority, women, homosexual) elected because they are a a member of that subset (and there are plenty of those fools among my fellow Liberals) but certainly I don't want someone not to be elected simply because they are member of said subset; I celebrate every incidence of visible progress towards the day that one's sexuality ethnicity religion or a lack thereof is no impediment whatsoever regardless of one's ambitions - in short, progress towards an America that lives up to its ideals.

So all other things being equal (ie they were the best candidates for their slot) then I'm very pleased that those openly gay legislators were elected. (And I thank you for pointing it out as well as the other interesting facts in your post)

I can't ever hear this without thinking of George Carlin....


Interesting Factoids from this historic and very important election:

Bush did better among Mormons than Romney. Surprised?

Single women voted for a Obama vs. Romney by a MASSIVE margin of 37 percent, even more important because women overall vote in greater numbers than men

Popular vote in the the congress was won by DEMOCRATS, but the republicans retain control because of gerrymandering of districts by republican state leaders

There are now SIX openly gay congressmen and the first openly gay U.S. Senator.

Gerrymandering is a black eye on American democracy.

20 women senators now, too.

As I understand it, Obama's margin of popular vote victory is greater than GWB's in 2004. Mandate time.


If Romney had won, there would have been a smooth transition of power with a lot of complaining by those that lost and a lot of celebration by those that won but the transition would still have occurred.


Er, no. Don't you remember the bickering after the 2000 elections, which had to be submitted to the Supreme Court for a decision, and that they could have gone the other way if Fox hadn't called them for Bush before the result was in? The only reason the Republicans didn't contest this one is because Obama's doing everything they want anyway.


^ Hugo 6, you are a gem, and I hope you stay around here. We could use facts like this and I hope some of the Fox lovers will <deleted>. No surprise about O'Reilly, about the only watchable thing on Fox. Wow, never saw that one before. Pretty funny that CNN is only marginally better than Fox, and both are only a few slots above Jerry Springer. cheesy.gif

Speaking of absolutely hilarious, have you seen this one from Hannity yet?

Just two days after President Barack Obama won a second term, boosted by more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, some Republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:


yeah, I heard that one today... amazing. The right could have avoided pissing off all the immigrant minorities who will eventually together form electoral majorities if they had been less condescending, less denigrating, more respectful of other people and a touch more reasonable in their policies.

His views have 'evolved'? Does Hannity think evolution is more than a contested 'theory'? What on earth or in God's given Heaven could Hannity be referring to? Evolved. I should hope not. I believe, and with belief I need no truck with 'evolution', that Hannity meant to say that his views have 'changed' and we all know that change is NOT evolution which, by the way, is a wicked idea causing teenage blow jobs and abortions.


^ Hugo 6, you are a gem, and I hope you stay around here. We could use facts like this and I hope some of the Fox lovers will <deleted>. No surprise about O'Reilly, about the only watchable thing on Fox. Wow, never saw that one before. Pretty funny that CNN is only marginally better than Fox, and both are only a few slots above Jerry Springer. cheesy.gif

Speaking of absolutely hilarious, have you seen this one from Hannity yet?

Just two days after President Barack Obama won a second term, boosted by more than 70 percent of the Latino vote, some Republicans are striking a new tone on illegal immigration.

Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued:


yeah, I heard that one today... amazing. The right could have avoided pissing off all the immigrant minorities who will eventually together form electoral majorities if they had been less condescending, less denigrating, more respectful of other people and a touch more reasonable in their policies.

His views have 'evolved'? Does Hannity think evolution is more than a contested 'theory'? What on earth or in God's given Heaven could Hannity be referring to? Evolved. I should hope not. I believe, and with belief I need no truck with 'evolution', that Hannity meant to say that his views have 'changed' and we all know that change is NOT evolution which, by the way, is a wicked idea causing teenage blow jobs and abortions.

Quite frankly it's pretty astounding how fast Hannity pivoted from his usual creationist misogynist babble. I'm not sure I believe it yet, nor will I ever. Maybe he learned from Romney that you can flip flop at will and get away with it. I'm not sure, but it is quite remarkable.


This election cycle has taught me something.

It's taught me how much I DESPISE political correctness:

Every time you call a racist a racist, a xenophobe a xenophobe, a misogynist a misogynist or a homophobe a homophobe you get accused of using hate speech. Man, I hate that.


Yup, and this thread has probably run its course, but not sure how I'll feel when it gets closed as where will be go? I went from several hundred posts in over 5 years to 1100 just on these election threads in the past few months. I guess I'll have to go back to working and sometimes hanging out in the auto forum. Oh, just remembered, we have a "Guess who's coming to dinner in Thailand - as a courtesy call on the way to Burma" thread so, I'm not quite done yet.


Conservative Fox News and radio host Sean Hannity said Thursday that his views on immigration have "evolved." Hannity continued

yeah, I heard that one today... amazing. The right could have avoided pissing off all the immigrant minorities who will eventually together form electoral majorities if they had been less condescending, less denigrating, more respectful of other people and a touch more reasonable in their policies.

His views have 'evolved'? Does Hannity think evolution is more than a contested 'theory'? What on earth or in God's given Heaven could Hannity be referring to? Evolved. I should hope not. I believe, and with belief I need no truck with 'evolution', that Hannity meant to say that his views have 'changed' and we all know that change is NOT evolution which, by the way, is a wicked idea causing teenage blow jobs and abortions.

It seems lots of people have been afflicted with this newly discovered Evolution disease. Here's another recent case...


By Devin Dwyer

May 9, 2012 12:25pm

Timeline of Obama’s ‘Evolving’ on Same-Sex Marriage

President Obama will sit down with “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts today at the White House for a wide-ranging interview, his first since Vice President Joe Biden publicly voiced his support for same-sex marriage and North Carolina voters imposed a new ban on all same-sex unions.

Here’s a look back at the various positions he has held on the issue: from appearing to support the unions as a young state senate candidate, opposing them outright as a matter of faith in 2004, to suggesting a shift in line with public opinion:

FEBRUARY 1996: “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,

OCTOBER 2004: “What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman …

OCTOBER 2010: “I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage

DECEMBER 2010: “My feelings about this are constantly evolving. I struggle with this.

JUNE 2011: “The president has never favored same-sex marriage. He is against it.

JUNE 2011: “I think it’s important for us to work through these issues

OCTOBER 2011: “I’m still working on it,”

MAY 2012: I support gay marriage


Disclaimer: Fox News had nothing to do with this article.

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Anyway, I have great hopes for President Obama's second term!

We know he is going for legacy and has the ego to try to be a GREAT president. Now he has the chance.

We all hope for such an optimistic forecast. You can remember the days when we had such respect and reverence for our President, that when the election was over, even if we didn't vote for him, we all got behind him. I'll never forget being in I think it was maybe 1st or 2nd grade when Kennedy was shot. I grew up in a highly conservative state and city. I'll never forget standing around the flagpole and the entire school, principal, teachers, students all were weeping.

I guess we will never get back to that kind of patriotism again. Sad.

interesting you posted about reaction to Kennedy's shooting. I was in grade school when the announcement was made. It was the Jewish girls in my class who were most audibly shocked, but then again, there were a lot of jewish kids in my neighborhood (suburb of Wash.D.C.).

The first time I registered to vote (while h.s. age), I did so as Republican. I didn't like Republicans then (Nixon was their top banana at that time), but I thought I could do damage to them from the inside, if I was a member of their party.

On March 10, 1971, the Senate voted 94–0 in favor of proposing a Constitutional amendment to guarantee that the voting age could not be higher than 18.

1972 was the first year 18-20 year olds could vote in a Federal election (and probably most state elections as well, since it took a while for enough states (37?) to ratify the amendment).

I know I was in 7th grade in 1963 when Kennedy was shot - I was a senior in college before I could vote for the first time, after a couple of my high school classmates had been killed in Vietnam. It was generous of the nation to decide to let those that fight the wars have a chance to vote.


Yup, and this thread has probably run its course, but not sure how I'll feel when it gets closed as where will be go? I went from several hundred posts in over 5 years to 1100 just on these election threads in the past few months. I guess I'll have to go back to working and sometimes hanging out in the auto forum. Oh, just remembered, we have a "Guess who's coming to dinner in Thailand - as a courtesy call on the way to Burma" thread so, I'm not quite done yet.

Well, you know, whatever you do decide don't neglect to work on your farewell speech. Might I suggest something from Steinbeck?

Maybe it's like Casey says. A fella ain't got a soul of his own, but only a piece of a big soul, the one big soul out there that belongs to everybody. And then it don't matter. Then I'll be all around in the dark. I'll be everywhere…Wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Wherever there's a cop beating up a guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the way guys yell when they're mad and I'll be in the way kids laugh when they're hungry and they know supper's ready…And when our people eat the stuff they raise, and the houses they build, I'll be there too.

....if Hannity's views are evolving, do you reckon that means that he believes organism are too? I reckon the fella could be going out on a limb here - not, I hasten to add, a branch on an evolutionary tree. Such things are unicorns to me.

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we have a "Guess who's coming to dinner in Thailand - as a courtesy call on the way to Burma" thread so, I'm not quite done yet.


work is important, don't put it off too long.


Well, in spite of Hannity's sudden post-election epiphany, Democrats should be happy to hear Boehner thinks the Republican Platform is rock solid, and only needs to be "presented better." It's dangerous loose talk like Hannity's that could get the Republicans electable again. Luckily he is not an elected official. wink.png

Reflecting on this week's election, in which Democratic President Barack Obama won re-election and Democrats made gains in Congress, House Speaker John Boehner said the GOP has "some work to do" in how it presents the party's ideas.

"It's clear that as a political party we've got some work to do," Boehner, an Ohio Republican, told reporters during a press conference on Capitol Hill on Friday. "I think the principles of our party are sound.


The people talking about how the GOP needs to change are mostly outsiders.

These are conservatives, they don't believe in change, that what makes them conservatives!

In the past few days I saw a clip of Limbaugh doing his show, and he was blasting this notion that the party is racist

"What about Colin Powell? And Condy Rice?" I guess tokenism is another of the core values they hold dear..

A joke from the early 2000's: who said no black folks voted for W Bush? Of course there were black folks who voted for him, and he put both of them on the cabinet! biggrin.png


we all know that change is NOT evolution which, by the way, is a wicked idea causing teenage blow jobs and abortions.


evolution vs. creationism. a play on words that didn't work I guess. biggrin.png

I seldom quote them since I know what derision will come from the liberal side by using it.

Maybe it's changed in nine years, but if you watched it now I think you'd understand why most educated people don't take Fox seriously as a news source.

And people like Chris Matthews are definitely just as bad.

The problem is that every pinchful of news they put out is obfuscated by bucketloads of manure.

Thank you for calling me uneducated.

Where did I do that then?

You implied that only uneducated people take Fox seriously, ergo you implied thjat he is uneducated. Words do matter.

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we have a "Guess who's coming to dinner in Thailand - as a courtesy call on the way to Burma" thread so, I'm not quite done yet.


work is important, don't put it off too long.

I'm off to Burma - turns out the same time Obama was going to be there.

Outside the Burmese embassy this morning in BKK getting my visa and two older American gentlemen, let me just say, mentioned the Obama's trip. One bloke could barely bring himself to spit out Obama's name, prefering instead "well there is no point going in the 19th as that.......P-P-President is going to be there' (and no, he didn't stutter otherwise).

Thought is was funny but watching him say it you could see the anger and blood pressure rise and the Rush Limaugh-esq rouge face that rotound 'conservatives*' have managed to perfect.

I guess I've seen me an Obama hater then.

*conservatives in inverted comma as they give conservatives a bad name.

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