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Blocking Of Krabi Video Considered


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NO doubt this scumbag raped and beat this poor girl


DiamondKing you are a genius, without seeing any evidence or interviewing any witness you have decided that there is "No Doubt" that he's guilty of rape and beating the girl.

Well... who the hell needs a legal system when we have you? Why don't you sentence him as well...

The Thai guy admitted it!!!! He only later changed his story.

He may have or he may have not. I have no evidence that he did (except one journalist's blog). Even if he admitted the crime, it may have been part of a "deal", the American-style of "justice". It doesn't mean that he did it.

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I have just emailed; [email protected] and canceled my proposed family holiday with my two grown up daughters.

I bet you have booked a trip to New York instead, where crimes likes this are so common that they are not even reported in the press.

I also bet that you tell your daughters it's OK to go with strangers when they are drunk at 3 o'clock in the morning in a foreign country.

No, I don't blame you, I just think some general warnings to young girls are in order. While we all want the world to be safe, it isn't. Thailand is much safer than many other countries that come to mind, though.

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What?? Read the article.....once in was in the court's hands, we could not interfere...

but further down he states "We were not involved in the Dutch female rape case and were not aware of it:

So either the Krabi police were involved (we can assume they are), or they were not involved. Was something lost in translation?

Two different people from two different organizations said two different things. Please read the article before commenting.

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Yeah sure ...so you're implying that it was the boyfriend's fault then ? You and Nisa make a fine double-act !

Different people ? I know how a Thai man would administer perceived justice ...in a manner alot swifter and more painful than that eventually may be served by his country's court of Justice !

Rule-of-law is a cornerstone of democracy.

I hope you are not suggesting to not wait for the judge's decision and incite violence against somebody who has not been proven guilty.

I don't believe I,m suggesting or inciting anything of the kind....I'm merely expressing an opinion ...freedom of which being another cornerstone of Democracy .

Thanks for your clarification. I was worried for a moment there.

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Its now on one of the big dutch forums like Thaivisa its not a hot topic yet but there is a link going to this forum now. I really hope it catches on. The stupid Dutch government would not apply any pressure.

What's stupid about that? It's a legal case, not a political case. No government is supposed to interfere.

That's a basic principle of democracy.

I assume things are very different up where you are, but down here, governments do interfere and apply pressure when they feel their own people, be they individual citizens or companies, are getting badly mistreated by foreign governments. Unfortunately it often requires a couple national newspapers to apply pressure to the government first, but these things do happen, down here.

Also, something does not become a "basic principle" of anything just because somebody more or less retarded claims it to be so.

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I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

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I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

Are you suggesting a tourist haven is one where people accused of crimes (including tourists) are to be called scum, convicted without trial and denied bail?

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That is Thai democracy at work. That the society would even consider such a thing, says alot about how immature, and how little they possess, in the way of understanding, and the ability to address a problem, and come up with a working solution. Let's just stick out heads in the sand, as we have been doing for 500 years now, and pretent the problem does not exist. How could a country that is so perfect, and a people that are so superior on every level, have a problem like this? It must be something that is being created outside of Thailand, to tarnish this wonderful land, in a way we cannot understand. So, let's just block the video. That will make the problem go away. I wonder how this fabulously ignorant minister, who says this cannot be called rape because she had dinner with the rapist first, would feel if foreigners raped his daughters? Would there be an excuse for them too? Where I come from, if a woman says no, that means no. It does not matter if she had dinner with this creton? She probably realized by the end of the meal that she allowed herself to be charmed by a cockroach. And decided to move on. Most likely the cockroach felt his prey slipping away. Life imprisonment, where he can be the girlfriend of fellow inmates, who takes their turns "dating" him, would be an appropriate punishment for this absolute heinous thug.

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And the Krabi police comment now is posted as an answer on the original 'Evil Man' Vid.

Unfortunately it is only in Thai (8 min.). Hopefully some kind person on here being able to understand will be giving us a summary of what is said?! Pretty please!

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I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

Are you suggesting a tourist haven is one where people accused of crimes (including tourists) are to be called scum, convicted without trial and denied bail?

No, an arrest, a trial, and a long prison sentence would be appropriate. But will it happen? Depends on how much money the creton has to spread around, who he knows, and he his family is. Case closed.

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And the Krabi police comment now is posted as an answer on the original 'Evil Man' Vid.

Unfortunately it is only in Thai (8 min.). Hopefully some kind person on here being able to understand will be giving us a summary of what is said?! Pretty please!

What's up with the scrawny arse Barney Fifth wanna give a bullet cops. Suspect probably threatened to kick their wimp arse so they let him go. If my kid, I might have to pay a visit to a dude like that. Heck with YouTube video. That would come after our little come to Jesus.

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I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

Are you suggesting a tourist haven is one where people accused of crimes (including tourists) are to be called scum, convicted without trial and denied bail?

No, an arrest, a trial, and a long prison sentence would be appropriate. But will it happen? Depends on how much money the creton has to spread around, who he knows, and he his family is. Case closed.

Did you just wake up today to discover the rich, all around the world, can buy a different kind of justice than the poor? But in this case it would seem the facts are...

Foreign Women and boyfirend out at bar together.

Boyfriend leaves (possibly at girlfriends request according to one report)

Women hangs out drinking and eating with local who she then leaves with.

Women found with facial injuries reportedly from a motorbike accident.

At hospital doctor says she shows signs of being raped.

Women goes to police who pull up security video from the bar and women identifies her attacker.

Women leaves Thailand after making police report.

Police arrest suspect.

Court grants suspect bail (we don't know how much the bail is) against police wishes

Suspect is currently going to trial.

Am I missing something here or is it the same all song and dance of how police are corrupt and any Thai arrested for a crime (especially against a farang) is guilty while any farang acused of a crime (especially against was probably set up.

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I am sorry but just an attempt to justify this situation is a discrace, there is no excuse for the the lowlife scum NOT to be in jail from day one. If we still want to be known as a turist paradise in the future then now is a good time to show the world what justice is. The people who thinks this is a attack on the tourist industry are the same causing harm by trying to hide and deny cases like this.

The comments from officials are for many tourists a severe case of CROSSING THE LINE on how NOT to handle a RAPE case.

Are you suggesting a tourist haven is one where people accused of crimes (including tourists) are to be called scum, convicted without trial and denied bail?

No, an arrest, a trial, and a long prison sentence would be appropriate. But will it happen? Depends on how much money the creton has to spread around, who he knows, and he his family is. Case closed.

Did you just wake up today to discover the rich, all around the world, can buy a different kind of justice than the poor? But in this case it would seem the facts are...

Foreign Women and boyfirend out at bar together.

Boyfriend leaves (possibly at girlfriends request according to one report)

Women hangs out drinking and eating with local who she then leaves with.

Women found with facial injuries reportedly from a motorbike accident.

At hospital doctor says she shows signs of being raped.

Women goes to police who pull up security video from the bar and women identifies her attacker.

Women leaves Thailand after making police report.

Police arrest suspect.

Court grants suspect bail (we don't know how much the bail is) against police wishes

Suspect is currently going to trial.

Am I missing something here or is it the same all song and dance of how police are corrupt and any Thai arrested for a crime (especially against a farang) is guilty while any farang acused of a crime (especially against was probably set up.

No telling what report says now. Thai cops are somewhere between Keystone cops and Mayberry. And no, money don't get you out of crap in US. Seems like stars, athletes and financial guys actually get it worse now than the little man.

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No telling what report says now. Thai cops are somewhere between Keystone cops and Mayberry. And no, money don't get you out of crap in US. Seems like stars, athletes and financial guys actually get it worse now than the little man.

Aren't the Keystone cops and Mayberry based on cops in the US? You are incredibly naive if you think money doesn't buy you a better justice than the poor in the US (or just about anywhere else) and as for the cases that make headlines for famous people, yes they do sometimes get stiffer sentences just like the one here where you cry the only reason they got jail time was because of the publicity. But bottom line it seems you think the US justice system is just as corrupt but instead of favoring the rich and famous they favor the poor .... not sure any rational person would agree with this view but good to see you coming around to the reality things are far from perfect all over and certainly even more messed up in a much poorer and less developed country. But go ahead and keep pointing out the obvious, it is like constantly pointing out and complaining about the rain in a tropical rain forest ...and I believe in your case, one you don't even live within.

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No telling what report says now. Thai cops are somewhere between Keystone cops and Mayberry. And no, money don't get you out of crap in US. Seems like stars, athletes and financial guys actually get it worse now than the little man.

Aren't the Keystone cops and Mayberry based on cops in the US? You are incredibly naive if you think money doesn't buy you a better justice than the poor in the US (or just about anywhere else) and as for the cases that make headlines for famous people, yes they do sometimes get stiffer sentences just like the one here where you cry the only reason they got jail time was because of the publicity. But bottom line it seems you think the US justice system is just as corrupt but instead of favoring the rich and famous they favor the poor .... not sure any rational person would agree with this view but good to see you coming around to the reality things are far from perfect all over and certainly even more messed up in a much poorer and less developed country. But go ahead and keep pointing out the obvious, it is like constantly pointing out and complaining about the rain in a tropical rain forest ...and I believe in your case, one you don't even live within.

Haha, your funny. Brother is Agent/ LE and I am a lawyer. Clerked for Court of Crminal Appeals and Supreme Court of my State. My first boss, judge, out of lawschool was AG from maybe 97 until a few years ago. Forgot date. My large firm handle securities litigation, white collar crime and represents politicians, judges and lawyers when they need counsel. I am somewhat tied in to the system.

Oh yeah, Keystone Cops and Mayberry were comedy routines not reality in US. Unfortunately, seems to be reality in Thailand. I guess you get what you pay for at 300 whatever for 7 day work weeks.

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It really does get incredibly old to have such ignorant people believe an entire group or race of people are corrupt based on news stories of individuals actions.

The entire group or race may not be corrupt. But, wasn't ABAC that did a poll that showed the close to 70% thought corruption was just fine, as long as they benefited?

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It really does get incredibly old to have such ignorant people believe an entire group or race of people are corrupt based on news stories of individuals actions.

The entire group or race may not be corrupt. But, wasn't ABAC that did a poll that showed the close to 70% thought corruption was just fine, as long as they benefited?

Aren't the polls great reposted here? Every time one come out everyone admits they are a joke and cannot be trusted but the great things is when they say something we want to repeat they all of a sudden become valid. And the poll by the way stated: that 64% of responds did not mind corruption by a government as long as they also benefit from it. (The poll also said 52 per cent believed the Yingluck government was not corrupt and thought PM Yingluck would not allow corruption in her government) I'd have to say I am in that boat too because I am happy as heck I can get away with a couple hundred baht for a violation here rather than being hauled down the the station to pay a fine and producing my passport but of course I know most farangs here don't feel this way and want the law strictly enforced. wink.png

But again, absolutely no hint of corruption going on in this case but still the miserable self loatthing doom and gloom brigade are out in full force pretending the police or courts have somehow not followed the law in this case.. Can life really be so miserable that one has to feign reasons to bring up the obvious such as corruption in a less developed country and they can't simply wait around for the next news story of an actual corrupt even in this country of near 70 million people?

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No telling what report says now. Thai cops are somewhere between Keystone cops and Mayberry. And no, money don't get you out of crap in US. Seems like stars, athletes and financial guys actually get it worse now than the little man.

Aren't the Keystone cops and Mayberry based on cops in the US? You are incredibly naive if you think money doesn't buy you a better justice than the poor in the US (or just about anywhere else) and as for the cases that make headlines for famous people, yes they do sometimes get stiffer sentences just like the one here where you cry the only reason they got jail time was because of the publicity. But bottom line it seems you think the US justice system is just as corrupt but instead of favoring the rich and famous they favor the poor .... not sure any rational person would agree with this view but good to see you coming around to the reality things are far from perfect all over and certainly even more messed up in a much poorer and less developed country. But go ahead and keep pointing out the obvious, it is like constantly pointing out and complaining about the rain in a tropical rain forest ...and I believe in your case, one you don't even live within.

Haha, your funny. Brother is Agent/ LE and I am a lawyer. Clerked for Court of Crminal Appeals and Supreme Court of my State. My first boss, judge, out of lawschool was AG from maybe 97 until a few years ago. Forgot date. My large firm handle securities litigation, white collar crime and represents politicians, judges and lawyers when they need counsel. I am somewhat tied in to the system.

But what you don't mention is being part of or living in reality ... or Thailand for that matter... when it comes to the wealthy being able to afford a better brand of justice than the poor but the fact you want to pretend this is not the case in most the world over (including and possibly especially in the US) then not really much sense debating as it is like debating about if the surface of the sun is hot. wink.png

Not to mention there is any hint at all, and actually an indication to dismiss the possibility, the accused is anything but an average Thai. So again, just seems like a subject to bring up to bash for one's own self-esteem.

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No telling what report says now. Thai cops are somewhere between Keystone cops and Mayberry. And no, money don't get you out of crap in US. Seems like stars, athletes and financial guys actually get it worse now than the little man.

Aren't the Keystone cops and Mayberry based on cops in the US? You are incredibly naive if you think money doesn't buy you a better justice than the poor in the US (or just about anywhere else) and as for the cases that make headlines for famous people, yes they do sometimes get stiffer sentences just like the one here where you cry the only reason they got jail time was because of the publicity. But bottom line it seems you think the US justice system is just as corrupt but instead of favoring the rich and famous they favor the poor .... not sure any rational person would agree with this view but good to see you coming around to the reality things are far from perfect all over and certainly even more messed up in a much poorer and less developed country. But go ahead and keep pointing out the obvious, it is like constantly pointing out and complaining about the rain in a tropical rain forest ...and I believe in your case, one you don't even live within.

Haha, your funny. Brother is Agent/ LE and I am a lawyer. Clerked for Court of Crminal Appeals and Supreme Court of my State. My first boss, judge, out of lawschool was AG from maybe 97 until a few years ago. Forgot date. My large firm handle securities litigation, white collar crime and represents politicians, judges and lawyers when they need counsel. I am somewhat tied in to the system.

But what you don't mention is being part of or living in reality ... or Thailand for that matter... when it comes to the wealthy being able to afford a better brand of justice than the poor but the fact you want to pretend this is not the case in most the world over (including and possibly especially in the US) then not really much sense debating as it is like debating about if the surface of the sun is hot. wink.png

Not to mention there is any hint at all, and actually an indication to dismiss the possibility, the accused is anything but an average Thai. So again, just seems like a subject to bring up to bash for one's own self-esteem.

Huh, haha, completely nonresponsuve. Talking to you in person must really be entertaining . . . and confusing. Somewhat like talking to someone with Alzheimers. "Hey pop, did you have a good lunch this afternoon?" "No, I haven't seen Santa Claus today, was he supposed to come by."

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Not to mention there is any hint at all, and actually an indication to dismiss the possibility, the accused is anything but an average Thai

Could you elaborate on this?

I know you like to think of yourself as a defender of the poor defenceless Thais against the ignorant Thai Visa posters but even for you this seems an extraordinary statement.

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It really does get incredibly old to have such ignorant people believe an entire group or race of people are corrupt based on news stories of individuals actions. It is like they never read the paper in their own country.

Indeed, although not as old as the Thaier than Thai drivel perpetuated by some that the natives can do no wrong.

If you really were so ignorant to move to a country without knowing even the basics then your not too bright and even less bright if you then remain in the country for years and repeatedly moaning and groaning about things you cannot change and that you complained about thousands of times ... yea the police can be corrupt here. GET OVER IT or GET OUT but just quit your freaking moaning and groaning about the same stuff over and over especially when such things are not even relevant to the the thread.

I wish you would take a dose of your own medicine.

I have never seen a post indicating Thais can do no wrong but have seen a plethora of posts condemning all Thais.

As for taking my own medicine, I would if I had the same ailment, I can effect change by pointing out to people how ignorant they are and how their issues arr within themselves and not with some other group and have had people thank me numerous times to standing up to such ignorance and making them feel it is okay to post non-hateful and sometimes actually positive things about Thais.

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Aren't the Keystone cops and Mayberry based on cops in the US? You are incredibly naive if you think money doesn't buy you a better justice than the poor in the US (or just about anywhere else) and as for the cases that make headlines for famous people, yes they do sometimes get stiffer sentences just like the one here where you cry the only reason they got jail time was because of the publicity. But bottom line it seems you think the US justice system is just as corrupt but instead of favoring the rich and famous they favor the poor .... not sure any rational person would agree with this view but good to see you coming around to the reality things are far from perfect all over and certainly even more messed up in a much poorer and less developed country. But go ahead and keep pointing out the obvious, it is like constantly pointing out and complaining about the rain in a tropical rain forest ...and I believe in your case, one you don't even live within.

Haha, your funny. Brother is Agent/ LE and I am a lawyer. Clerked for Court of Crminal Appeals and Supreme Court of my State. My first boss, judge, out of lawschool was AG from maybe 97 until a few years ago. Forgot date. My large firm handle securities litigation, white collar crime and represents politicians, judges and lawyers when they need counsel. I am somewhat tied in to the system.

But what you don't mention is being part of or living in reality ... or Thailand for that matter... when it comes to the wealthy being able to afford a better brand of justice than the poor but the fact you want to pretend this is not the case in most the world over (including and possibly especially in the US) then not really much sense debating as it is like debating about if the surface of the sun is hot. wink.png

Not to mention there is any hint at all, and actually an indication to dismiss the possibility, the accused is anything but an average Thai. So again, just seems like a subject to bring up to bash for one's own self-esteem.

Huh, haha, completely nonresponsuve. Talking to you in person must really be entertaining . . . and confusing. Somewhat like talking to someone with Alzheimers. "Hey pop, did you have a good lunch this afternoon?" "No, I haven't seen Santa Claus today, was he supposed to come by."

Not being a lawyer like you I may be wrong (sarcasm) but using the term nonresponse would indicate you had asked a question (which you didn't) and that I was replied in an evasive way. What I did do is respond to your comments in that post and others you have posted in this thread.

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It really does get incredibly old to have such ignorant people believe an entire group or race of people are corrupt based on news stories of individuals actions. It is like they never read the paper in their own country.

Indeed, although not as old as the Thaier than Thai drivel perpetuated by some that the natives can do no wrong.

If you really were so ignorant to move to a country without knowing even the basics then your not too bright and even less bright if you then remain in the country for years and repeatedly moaning and groaning about things you cannot change and that you complained about thousands of times ... yea the police can be corrupt here. GET OVER IT or GET OUT but just quit your freaking moaning and groaning about the same stuff over and over especially when such things are not even relevant to the the thread.

I wish you would take a dose of your own medicine.

I have never seen a post indicating Thais can do no wrong but have seen a plethora of posts condemning all Thais.

As for taking my own medicine, I would if I had the same ailment, I can effect change by pointing out to people how ignorant they are and how their issues arr within themselves and not with some other group and have had people thank me numerous times to standing up to such ignorance and making them feel it is okay to post non-hateful and sometimes actually positive things about Thais.

That works about as well as those silly Thai face saving video and press releases. Maybe we all are not the ones who is suffering ignorance.

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It really does get incredibly old to have such ignorant people believe an entire group or race of people are corrupt based on news stories of individuals actions. It is like they never read the paper in their own country.

Indeed, although not as old as the Thaier than Thai drivel perpetuated by some that the natives can do no wrong.

If you really were so ignorant to move to a country without knowing even the basics then your not too bright and even less bright if you then remain in the country for years and repeatedly moaning and groaning about things you cannot change and that you complained about thousands of times ... yea the police can be corrupt here. GET OVER IT or GET OUT but just quit your freaking moaning and groaning about the same stuff over and over especially when such things are not even relevant to the the thread.

I wish you would take a dose of your own medicine.

I have never seen a post indicating Thais can do no wrong but have seen a plethora of posts condemning all Thais.

As for taking my own medicine, I would if I had the same ailment, I can effect change by pointing out to people how ignorant they are and how their issues arr within themselves and not with some other group and have had people thank me numerous times to standing up to such ignorance and making them feel it is okay to post non-hateful and sometimes actually positive things about Thais.

Nisa as I look the world over I see humans that are greedy corrupt dishonest and blatently evil, often religon is the evil driving force

When I first moved to Thailand some 8 years ago I had a general good feeling about Thailand and Thai people, every country has its share of bad people and bad things going on, Thailands nasty ratio has risen considerably in that time driven by increased poverty corruption drug use and greed and ultimately the lack of effective law enforcement (go hire a jetski on pattaya beach and you'll see what I mean).

A civilised society is supposed to improve over time unfortunately that is not happening here, in my opinion it is getting worse, if something doesn't change here very soon it will be out of control if not already.

Yes there are positive things about Thais but as time goes by it is becoming more difficult to find

I partly blame westerners for corrupting this society - we are not good role models

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I partly blame westerners for corrupting this society - we are not good role models

Don't overwhelm yourself with white middle class guilt.

There was corruption, cronyism. nepotism and all the social ills people like to blame on the West here long before Thailand even knew what a white face looked like.

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