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Blocking Of Krabi Video Considered


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Not to condone or dismiss rape for I feel it is a horrible crime. But there is a cultural side to this that seems to have been missed that may have enraged the man as stupid as it may sound. I am also sorry that it is me who has to bring this into the thread.

Has anyone ever heard a thai man say to a woman "Nong tong can pye hong cap pee mai?" This translate to "Do you want to go to a room with me?" Which is the thai way of saying can we go have sex together.This is purely speculation on my part ok . But perhaps the innocent, nieve young woman invited the thai man to her room or vice versa and the went to a room together. She wouldnot have been aware that he was expecting sex as it would be understood by a thai woman. When he was denied sex he may have became outraged by what he may have seen as an insult or loss of face. In a thai court he may be found innocent for this very reason sad as it may sound.

If he d asked her come to see his etchings i could believe she might not get it.

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It's also just struck me (and apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere in the thread)....

How is blocking the video within Thailand designed to prevent the loss of money from potential tourists in every other country in the world apart from Thailand? (And possibly China where everything is censored.)

How does blocking the video within Thailand stop foreigners, whose YouTube videos they can't control, from seeing it?

If you're already in Thailand not being able to see the blocked video, chances are you've already paid to get here or you're a Thai. The last time I checked the Thai already in Thailand weren't a particularly large demographic of the foreign tourism sector.

It makes no sense at all.

It's like running to shut the wrong stable door after the horse has bolted, spent a long and fruitful life winning many trophies over 20 years, retired, become a grand-father horse and finally then shutting the stable door.

Try and take the video down? Oh, you can't. It's not your account. Try and force YouTube to take it down? It's a rape warning for foreign tourists, do you really think YouTube would side with you?

This is a blatant attempt at suppressing the truth to protect income, where the truth is a young lady was raped and beaten and the man who was guilty of this crime is currently free (if on bail which is basically the same thing) to rape more tourists and will almost definitely not be brought back to justice.

Thailand also has a duty to not just punish the criminal accordingly, which they aren't doing, but also to protect society at large from people that rape and commit grievous bodily harm to others.

To all of those people in this thread saying it's potentially a cultural misunderstanding and that inviting a Thai man back to your residence as a lady alone, might indicate to that Thai man that you are explicitly and obviously asking for sex - that's a maybe.

There's no Thai I know that would condone grievous bodily harm as a sane and appropriate response to having your sexual advances rebuffed. It's the element of extreme violence (to the extent the girl feared for her life) and the extremely blase attitude by most of the Thai authorities involved that confuses the crap out of me.

'Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape. He quoted provincial tourism police chief, Pol Maj-General Loi Ingkhaphairoj as saying: "The woman had dinner with the Thai suspect and a foreign man. Later, she told the foreign man to return to the hotel before heading off with the suspect."'

Lastly, Khun Silapa-archa, as Tourism Minister how are you even slightly qualified to be an authority on the subject of rape and why are you quoting the local Roi Et as if you are something of an authority.

Utter madman this Silapa-archa character. There's no inference from the Maj-General's statement alone that he intended it as mitigation for the suspect. It's just a statement of what happened that's been dangerously misinterpreted by this total tool.

Edited by ManInSurat
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'Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape. He quoted provincial tourism police chief, Pol Maj-General Loi Ingkhaphairoj as saying: "The woman had dinner with the Thai suspect and a foreign man. Later, she told the foreign man to return to the hotel before heading off with the suspect."'

Lastly, Khun Silapa-archa, as Tourism Minister how are you even slightly qualified to be an authority on the subject of rape and why are you quoting the local Roi Et as if you are something of an authority.

Utter madman this Silapa-archa character. There's no inference from the Maj-General's statement alone that he intended it as mitigation for the suspect. It's just a statement of what happened that's been dangerously misinterpreted by this total tool.

I wonder if perhaps there's some sort of buffer or link missing in the way the various Thai departments and ministries are organized. In other countries it is unfortunately also often the case that people who appear to have very little, if any, intelligence or knowledge of an area, are still put in charge of leading the department responsible for that area.

These clueless department heads however usually have some sort of advisor or press secretary that assists them with the public announcements, where to sit, and other complex tasks. Since these advisors to a greater extent have got their jobs through other means than simply brown-nosing or bribing their way into them, they are often not wholly incompetent. As long as the department heads thus have the slight amount of brain required to announce their often less than well-thought out opinions through their press advisors, rather than going to the press directly, the advisors are often able to save the department heads from countless faux pas.

In Thailand this advisor seems to be missing from the organizational chart, or perhaps the department heads are simply too eager in their quest to say something to impress their friends, to take advantage of the advisor. Instead one ends up with the proverbial shit hits the fan moments more often than otherwise necessary.

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Not to mention there is any hint at all, and actually an indication to dismiss the possibility, the accused is anything but an average Thai

Could you elaborate on this?

I know you like to think of yourself as a defender of the poor defenceless Thais against the ignorant Thai Visa posters but even for you this seems an extraordinary statement.

Just a note from the perspective of the international tourism industry:

The accused is certainly not an "average Thai" - according to all reports I have seen, he was a Tourist Guide, which makes the alleged assault much worse for the Thai Tourism industry. A number of posters have suggested that the victim should have been more wary of a "stranger". While that is a very debatable issue, the fact is the one person a foreign tourist in any country should be able to trust is a

Tourist Guide. Indeed, a reputable Tourist Guide does not even have consensual sex with foreign clients under any conditions.Such conduct is simply not professional, and would be grounds for dismissal in most travel businesses around the world.

Clearly, the Tourism Minister was either uninformed or overlooked this detail when he stated that the alleged victim had " consensual sex" with the accused. However, since there seems to be ample evidence that the victim was, in fact, severely beaten and then raped, the fact that the alleged perpetrator is a Thai Tourism Guide creates yet another serious public relations problem for the Thai Tourism Industry.

Prediction: thanks to the professional incompetence and callous insensitivity of the Thai Tourism minister, this story will continue to snowball unless the government makes a drastic change of course and shows some empathy for the victim and her father. thumbsup.gif

Great points but just an FYI - the original quote about his being an average Thai is taken out of context as it was talking about his wealth compared to other Thais but again, great points as to making a clear connection to why this can more easily and understandably be connected to tourism.

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I read thru this tread earlier this evening,and some had one posted a report from a Thai national regarding the alleged qualifications of a senior government minister. Now that post is no longer on TV.Is this censorship?

Yes. It's also the rules that are agreed to when registering.

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I read thru this tread earlier this evening,and some had one posted a report from a Thai national regarding the alleged qualifications of a senior government minister. Now that post is no longer on TV.Is this censorship?

Yes. It's also the rules that are agreed to when registering.

Which rule is that? The rule that says you're not allowed to quote a particular Thai National newspaper, or the rule that says you're not allowed to discuss the qualifications of a government minister?

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An interesting article on the subject.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention,I will pass this along to my friends on the internet who may find it Interesting,to know how Thai officials think.

It would seem that the father of the alleged rape victim,has done more to expose how the Thai police and officials treat foreigners,than anybody previously,and that includes our embassies.

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News on Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa's comments regarding the rape case of The Evil Man From Krabi as well as other aspects of the topic is getting out in the Thai press as well





An interesting article on the subject.


Thanks for the article and agree, very interesting and well written.

Also, enjoyed the new word as it applies to this situation....


The Omnishambles Minister


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An interesting article on the subject.


"The danger exposed in Krabi isn’t the suspected rapist who is on bail, but the officials who are in charge of security of the thousands of tourists who flock to the beaches of Krabi and elsewhere in Thailand. If the message gets out that their safety and welfare is not a priority that message has registered loud and clear in this case". Christopher G. Moore

Edited by waza
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An interesting article on the subject.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention,I will pass this along to my friends on the internet who may find it Interesting,to know how Thai officials think.

It would seem that the father of the alleged rape victim,has done more to expose how the Thai police and officials treat foreigners,than anybody previously,and that includes our embassies.

Agreed. I don't know about other embassies but the American embassy bunch of loosers have never posted one word to my knowledge about how Thai police and officials treat Americans in Thailand even though it is their job to keep us informed of potential known dangers.

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An interesting article on the subject.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention,I will pass this along to my friends on the internet who may find it Interesting,to know how Thai officials think.

It would seem that the father of the alleged rape victim,has done more to expose how the Thai police and officials treat foreigners,than anybody previously,and that includes our embassies.

Agreed. I don't know about other embassies but the American embassy bunch of loosers have never posted one word to my knowledge about how Thai police and officials treat Americans in Thailand even though it is their job to keep us informed of potential known dangers.

US State Department detailed travel advisory info for Thailand at:


Edited by simple1
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An interesting article on the subject.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention,I will pass this along to my friends on the internet who may find it Interesting,to know how Thai officials think.

It would seem that the father of the alleged rape victim,has done more to expose how the Thai police and officials treat foreigners,than anybody previously,and that includes our embassies.

Agreed. I don't know about other embassies but the American embassy bunch of loosers have never posted one word to my knowledge about how Thai police and officials treat Americans in Thailand even though it is their job to keep us informed of potential known dangers.

US State Department detailed travel advisory info for Thailand at:


Thank you simple1. I am supposed to be on their mailing list for these updates but haven't received any in a long while. Will do accordingly. I still stand by my statement that there are some loosers working there becuase of previous experiences I had with them when my mother passed. Especially the bleach blond at the front window.

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Latest views: 484,496. Should reach half a million some time tomorrow.


I'm beginning to get hooked on the tune and start humming it quite often.

He ought to release it as a single.


Edited by JetsetBkk
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An interesting article on the subject.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention,I will pass this along to my friends on the internet who may find it Interesting,to know how Thai officials think.

It would seem that the father of the alleged rape victim,has done more to expose how the Thai police and officials treat foreigners,than anybody previously,and that includes our embassies.

Agreed. I don't know about other embassies but the American embassy bunch of loosers have never posted one word to my knowledge about how Thai police and officials treat Americans in Thailand even though it is their job to keep us informed of potential known dangers.

US State Department detailed travel advisory info for Thailand at:


I think the relevant part (Crime in Thailand) is actually this link .. http://www.travel.st...1040.html#crime

Which includes ... In addition, casual acquaintances you meet in a bar or on the street may pose a threat.

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Yeah...she didn't read that, had dinner with him and was just asking for it!coffee1.gif

Pretty sick thing to suggest.

Being sarcastic here, but that is not your strong side anyways!

...and if you followed that case (which you claim to have done), you would know, that your hint...

"Which includes ... In addition, casual acquaintances you meet in a bar or on the street may pose a threat."

...is plain useless, because the guy was no "cassual acquaintance" she met "in a bar or on the street" but a tour- guide, who should be (for the part, that during a tour, you place your well- being in his hands) a figure you trust.

But don't let facts ruin your day!

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