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Blocking Of Krabi Video Considered


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Censorship in all its forms is wrong. If Thailand wants international respect they must get their fingers out of the internet and stop censoring - period (they block Rolling Stone magazine for crying out loud)! As someone else said, by censoring this issue, it will aid it going viral and make Thailand look like a backward totalitarian state bent on mind control (controlling information and entertainment is draconian and is an attempt to control how a society thinks, it is a distortion and is always wrong). How's that for promoting tourism.

I was amazed to read that Rolling Stone is blocked, so - forgive me for being incredulous - I checked, and it is true.

What the hell is that about?

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That's disgusting.

I was going to point out the obvious fact that the people that are already inside Thailand are not the ones that would be dissuaded from visiting... but then I remembered this is the government and logic doesn't enter into it.

Edited by BeforeTigers
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Krabi police said earlier yesterday that they would produce a clip to counter the one produced by the father, because they believe some of the points mentioned are incorrect, provincial police chief Pol Maj-General Nuntadet Yoinuan said yesterday.

What exactly are they going to say in this? She had it coming? These people are absokutely cretinous.

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Its about time the Thai Donkeys woke up to the Western 21st Century & not their sleepy 16th Century mind set ….people are very internet savvy now and will not settle for this idiotic response from Krabi police. For pitys sake a young Woman was assaulted and raped…another young Woman was attacked only a week ago in a busy area of Ao Nang by 16/17 year old kids …..What the He_ll are the police doing in AoNang……………………………guess their personal collection service and business interests take up all the policing time

Ao Nang is a shiiit hole with all the billions of baht that flow into the resort yearly it is disgusting how the place is run controlled and maintained.

I hope the Guy makes another track and even Re-mix the first Gangnam style then the Krabi Police can all make a video of dancing to it .,..thats how pathetic they are

International Tourist Resort with a Police force that is almost NON EXISTENT….just drive thro the place (the main road racetrack) and see if you can spot 1

Edited by terryp
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"The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape...

No comment necessary.

A lot of politician types say stupid stuff all over but all that matters is what the legal system says. I honestly don't know the facts of the case but assumed she was raped but what I am also guessing is she had been drinking and possibly invited/allowed the guy back to her place. Cases like this in the west are not always easy to prosecute and would be based a lot on credibility which means both his and her past being looked at. I have no idea what the injuries were in terms of her going to the hospital but obviously if we are talking injuries of struggle or being overpowered then the case should become much much easier but she may very well have gone to the hospital after sobering up worry she may have got some STD or impregnated. Any links to the actual crime and arrest being reported?

Nisa I'm not sure what you are getting at in your post - first you admit you know little about the case then suggest that she may have been drunk and invited/allowed the guy back to her place - does this somehow mean that he was justified in raping her (if he did), the assault alone is easy enough to investigate and prove, DNA may complete the picture - I'm not having a dig here but I don't see the worth in your above post.

The worrying fact is that this guy is out and about like a free man

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"The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape...

No comment necessary.

A lot of politician types say stupid stuff all over but all that matters is what the legal system says. I honestly don't know the facts of the case but assumed she was raped but what I am also guessing is she had been drinking and possibly invited/allowed the guy back to her place. Cases like this in the west are not always easy to prosecute and would be based a lot on credibility which means both his and her past being looked at. I have no idea what the injuries were in terms of her going to the hospital but obviously if we are talking injuries of struggle or being overpowered then the case should become much much easier but she may very well have gone to the hospital after sobering up worry she may have got some STD or impregnated. Any links to the actual crime and arrest being reported?

Yes there is an earlier report..she accepted a lift by a thai tour guide on the back of his motorbike back to her hotel but he then raped her...the guy then admitted his crime and was detained in custody but then without warning was released after changing his plea to not guilty....The father obviously saw this as yet another cover up in progress and decided to do something outside the square...read into it what you want as this seems to be an all too familiar pattern occurring here..As for blocking this off Thai sites by the MICT..(sorry Thai Tourism Minister)that is just yet another futile exercise to try and detract any ommission of guilt and problems happening in the Utopia commonly portrayed as "The Land of Smiles"..They just don't get it here and don't want to!!!

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I vaguely remember an old quote "The difference between seduction and rape is the price of a dinner."

Perhaps the minister can help me track down the source, he seems familiar with it.

I also wonder if he beats the crap out of his wife when they have a "misunderstanding"

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Is the daughter willing to come back to testify or is this a matter of they want justice done magically. Regretfully but unavoidably, you need to have victims relive their experience through testimony if you want prosecution ... even in his country.

Why should she come back?? What does she have to gain or what does she have to prove?

There is sufficient evidence to show the incident took place.

If only Thai's could see them selves the way the world at large sees them they might (jusy might) do something about correcting the way of life of (a) the criminal events taking place in the first place and (B) getting their collective heads out of the sand.

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"The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape...

No comment necessary.

A lot of politician types say stupid stuff all over but all that matters is what the legal system says. I honestly don't know the facts of the case but assumed she was raped but what I am also guessing is she had been drinking and possibly invited/allowed the guy back to her place. Cases like this in the west are not always easy to prosecute and would be based a lot on credibility which means both his and her past being looked at. I have no idea what the injuries were in terms of her going to the hospital but obviously if we are talking injuries of struggle or being overpowered then the case should become much much easier but she may very well have gone to the hospital after sobering up worry she may have got some STD or impregnated. Any links to the actual crime and arrest being reported?

Yes there is an earlier report..she accepted a lift by a thai tour guide on the back of his motorbike back to her hotel but he then raped her...the guy then admitted his crime and was detained in custody but then without warning was released after changing his plea to not guilty....The father obviously saw this as yet another cover up in progress and decided to do something outside the square...read into it what you want as this seems to be an all too familiar pattern occurring here..As for blocking this off Thai sites by the MICT..(sorry Thai Tourism Minister)that is just yet another futile exercise to try and detract any ommission of guilt and problems happening in the Utopia commonly portrayed as "The Land of Smiles"..They just don't get it here and don't want to!!!

And never will.....

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Well it can be blocked in Thailand, but doing so will likely just massively INCREASE the viral nature of the video internationally .... where the international tourists come from. coffee1.gif

Yes I think it is a good idea to block it, and lets hope some major newspaper jump on it and bring a nice story. They will really amplify the effect.

Maybe not what the Tourism Minister wants but still a good thing.

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Censorship in all its forms is wrong. If Thailand wants international respect they must get their fingers out of the internet and stop censoring - period (they block Rolling Stone magazine for crying out loud)! As someone else said, by censoring this issue, it will aid it going viral and make Thailand look like a backward totalitarian state bent on mind control (controlling information and entertainment is draconian and is an attempt to control how a society thinks, it is a distortion and is always wrong). How's that for promoting tourism.

I was amazed to read that Rolling Stone is blocked, so - forgive me for being incredulous - I checked, and it is true.

What the hell is that about?

Well, you won't believe how many books are banned in Europe and how many people sit in jail for saying something political not allowed.

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so, let's all hide the truth for the "sake" money tourism industry and let's blame this farang who's daugther got raped and got no justice and block the video (in thailand)

looool thailand... only the rest of the world can she this coverup shamefull attempt to save face

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Non rape after a hugely violent assault and these idiots not only deny it as rape, the release the criminal. And t=you get 5 years for smoking a joint? How dumb is the legal system in this country? You only have to watch Big Trouble in Thailand Eps 1-5 before you will shake your head and meanwhile the PR machine says they are going to counter the video - with what? Sick puppies, the lot of them.

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Childish and stupid.

Childish because a problem has to be faced to be solved.

Stupid because this guy doesn't even understand that blocking it here will have a zero impact. Foreign tourists come from... foreign countries where freedom of expression do exist. And where justice is expected.

Money ruling over justice has been the DNA of many regimes that do not exist anymore.

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Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape.

Having read the previous article yesterday, My jaw dropped when I saw the above comment.....

But then perhaps hospitalising the person you're having sex with is just normal for Chumphol Silapa-archa. I really hope that this video (And Chumphol's comments etc) go more "viral" than what they have already.

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(they block Rolling Stone magazine for crying out loud)!

I was amazed to read that Rolling Stone is blocked, so - forgive me for being incredulous - I checked, and it is true.

FYI, everyone who is confused about Rolling Stone and perpetuating this myth...

It's ROLLING STONE who are doing the geoblocking because... God knows... Undoubtedly something to do with copyright gone insane. God forbid that freely available content be freely available worldwide.

Anyway, nothing to do with Thailand. Thailand blocking would result in you landing on MICT's 'content blocked' page, not getting a permissions error from the server hosting Rolling Stone!

Edited by bobl
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I think that many Thai men don't believe there is such a thing as rape. The problem there is that most of these like minded thinkers are in the police force.

and furthermore, clueless politicians that have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement bah.gif

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape.

and whose only concerns are the monetary fallout from crime on tourists, instead of justice.

The Tourism Minister has nothing whatsoever to do with getting involved in a criminal investigation.

Does any country not have some character in government who is prone to making ridiculous comments. Possibly he only meant it was not "forced rape" as one US politician claims is different and whose colleague recently stated it is God's will should a rape victim get pregnant ... and these are comments made around elections time in a first world nation.

What this moron says means nothing. He is about tourism and has nothing to do with the justice system and doubt he has a law degree. On top of it, I find it a frequent thing for English reports on what Thai leaders say are often misquoted or taken out of context but if not mistaken, this guy is known for making stupid comments.

The politician you are quoting was booted out of office unlike the gentleman here who hasn't even bean moved to an inactive cashier position.
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What a moron, nobody in Thailand is viewing the video, except maybe TV members. Its the rest of the world that would be visiting Thailand that is viewing the video. Not likely this moron could get the rest of the world to block the video.

If you looked at the video on the Facebook page, you would actually find that particular statement to be factually incorrect.

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These idiots just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper; and in the process, showing themselves for what they really are!!

"Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape. He quoted provincial tourism police chief, Pol Maj-General Loi Ingkhaphairoj as saying: "The woman had dinner with the Thai suspect and a foreign man. Later, she told the foreign man to return to the hotel before heading off with the suspect."

This is equivalent to saying stupid, sexist things like, "she was wearing a short skirt and so she was asking for it!" The rest of the world has outgrown this type of moronic male B.S.

PLEASE Thailand--wake up before it's too late!!!!

Edited by atsiii
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(they block Rolling Stone magazine for crying out loud)!

I was amazed to read that Rolling Stone is blocked, so - forgive me for being incredulous - I checked, and it is true.

FYI, everyone who is confused about Rolling Stone and perpetuating this myth...

It's ROLLING STONE who are doing the geoblocking because... God knows... Undoubtedly something to do with copyright gone insane. God forbid that freely available content be freely available worldwide.

Anyway, nothing to do with Thailand. Thailand blocking would result in you landing on MICT's 'content blocked' page, not getting a permissions error from the server hosting Rolling Stone!

Thanks for the heads up, my mistake, bobl.

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These idiots just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper; and in the process, showing themselves for what they really are!!

"Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape. He quoted provincial tourism police chief, Pol Maj-General Loi Ingkhaphairoj as saying: "The woman had dinner with the Thai suspect and a foreign man. Later, she told the foreign man to return to the hotel before heading off with the suspect."

This is equivalent to saying stupid, sexist things like, "she was wearing a short skirt and so she was asking for it!" The rest of the world has outgrown this type of moronic male B.S.

PLEASE Thailand--wake up before it's too late!!!!

Indeed, they really do dig themselves into a hole. I don't know whether it is a karma thing, but they really do try to put the fault for this type of thing on the victim to some degree. Just look at the girls who died from the dodgy drinks. At a point, there were Brazilian men involved, and they attempted to smear the dead girls instead of admitting 100% who was wrong.

It really is a bizarre trait, because what is he really trying to say? That rapists deserve to be understood? Rapists deserve some kind of sympathy?

Actually, I prefer to take the view that the bloke is so thick, he doesn't actually know or understand what he is trying to say. All he knows is that Thailand is in the news for something bad, and he reverts to type to try to deny it, that's all he knows to do, and nothing more. Slimey, devious, disingenuous, sexist, racist pig.

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So here we go:

It is possible to block from viewing in Thailand a YouTube video clip produced by the father of a Dutch girl who was reportedly raped in Krabi, permanent secretary of the Tourism and Sports Ministry Suwat Sitthilor said yesterday.”

Hooray! ...and of course it is, as we all know, because you are blocking tons of crap, that you don't like to see in this oh-so-cultural advanced country!

The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image".”

And what exactly was it, he didn't understand? That you let the alleged rapist just wonder off into the night, as his daughter will most likely be crippled emotionally for some time, if not for the rest of her live???

Honestly...i would have some difficulties to understand that as well.

But okay...as long as it helps to restore the countries image, sure it is fine, because that is what we all should care about most!

In addition, a video clip promoting Thailand as a tourism destination will be produced and distributed among ambassadors of many countries, including the Netherlands, Australia, UK and China, he added.”

Great! More videos about graceful dancing (instead of Pole- dancing!), beautiful national parks (instead of the full- of- plastic- garbage- reality!) and more temples (instead of mega- shopping malls)!. That is exactly what we need to see! More made up fantasy- LaLaland for everybody!

"I am now consulting with the Information and Communications Technology Ministry about the possibility of blocking the video from being viewed in Thailand," he added.”

Good man! The only question is “Why?”

Everyone in Thailand knows, that getting help and finding justice is to be considered pure luck. Who INSIDE Thailand cares for this video anyways?

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape. He quoted provincial tourism police chief, Pol Maj-General Loi Ingkhaphairoj as saying: "The woman had dinner with the Thai suspect and a foreign man. Later, she told the foreign man to return to the hotel before heading off with the suspect."

So, do me a favor and define “rape” for me? As long as dinner is involved, it obviously is not rape! Maybe that is why that other guy, who shot his ex-wife with an UZI got immunity, because it happened at dinner!

This is BY FAR one of the most disgusting things I have heard in this country! And I heard a lot of apesh@t! This “minister” should have his head checked, not even talking about his heart- they will most probably find nothing in both cases! In ANY civilized country, a man who says this -even more in a political and public function- would step down quietly. Where are Thailand's women on this? Not to be heard! Of course...like good women do, when the master talks!

Krabi police said earlier yesterday that they would produce a clip to counter the one produced by the father, because they believe some of the points mentioned are incorrect, provincial police chief Pol Maj-General Nuntadet Yoinuan said yesterday.”

Oh, I would love to see that! I hope they do it in English! A laugh is guaranteed!

The YouTube clip entitled "Evil Man from Krabi" condemns Krabi police for failing to bring justice to his 19-year-old daughter, who was allegedly raped while celebrating her birthday at Ao Nang beach earlier this year.

News reports say that the birthday party was held on July 28 at a bar on Ao Nang beach and that suspect Chumpon Khaonuan had offered to take the girl back to her apartment on his motorbike. In her testimony, the victim told police that she was beaten so badly that she had to stop resisting in order to survive. She was treated for her injuries at a Krabi hospital before she filed a police report and returned to the Netherlands.

Chumpon was arrested on September 20 and released on bail later.

In the video, the father sings: "Evil man of Krabi, we've got to put him in jail. Evil man of Krabi, we don't accept no bail. They let him free, so he can do it again and again. Don't you feel the pain you put inside my child?" The clip has gone viral on YouTube.”

Separately, DPA reported that Western tourists have cancelled a large number of hotel bookings and local tourism authorities are complaining that the clip is affecting their earnings.”

...and what about restoring the confidence into Thailand, with some ACTION against criminals, jet-ski- scams, police rip- offs and other complete failures in the safety- and judical system of this country?

If you are 65 years old, have cancer and are most likely not able to use a mobile- phone, but someone accuses you of sending messages to someone else...you get 25 years in prison.

But if you rape a woman (after dinner!), you go free, because it can not be considered rape?

This article and the statements of all officials are shame to this country!

End of rant

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