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Blocking Of Krabi Video Considered


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Actually the clip is popular within the Thai internet community and people are outraged by the way it is handled by the police.

<unsipped> What part of the police actions? Their getting video footage from the bar, showing it to the girl, getting her to identify they girl and then arresting and charging the guy after she left Thailand? The fact the court granted him bail is a clear indication at this point they are pursuing a case against him. Accused don't get bail when they are not accused / charged with a crime. Dad is simply mad that an accused person has been afforded the right to bail and presumably because a trial has already taken place that has found him guilty ... this is an understandable thing when victims and their families feel like they are violated because in all civil society the courts treat a person as innocent until proven guilty and if cannot be proven to be a flight risk or danger to the community they are also granted reasonable bail.

If I am missing something in this case then let me know but even the side we have heard so far being just the victim's indicates it is not going to be an easy prosecution. If she was raped, I am guessing she was, any defense attorney is going to bring up the fact she sent her boyfriend away (or he left her on her own that bar depending on version I have read) and chose to go out on a date of drinking and dinner with local and then invited him to take her home. The next question they may pose is if any injuries she received were from the boyfriend for going out and possibly having sex with the local. No saying any of this happened but a defense attorney would be reckless not to suggest this as a possibility and if she isn't here to defend such claims they he is likely going to walk but even with all this, the police have still charged him and are pursing prosecution. <unsipped>

Tell me what I am missing in terms of police handling this wrong?

How about the part where the alleged perpetrator admits rape and the part where his sister allegedly offered a bribe (which was refused) to drop the matter?

The family of the victim located overseas says something (but not to the police) and this is somehow shows the police mishandling the case? They claim he admitted to the crime even though he wasn't arrested until after she left the country and then say he recanted and this somehow is the police's fault? Again,I ask what I am missing in terms of police misconduct in this case?

FYI - added back in what you snipped to make my question relevant and not so out of context.

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"The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

What a joke, do not care about the victim or justice for the victim. They only care about Thailand's image.

People should realize before the arrive that Thailand is not the same same as any civilized nation. Thailand

is like the wild west. They should realize that Thailand is a 3rd world nation where laws are not obeyed and

there are laws for the rich, laws for the Thais and laws for foreigners

And nobody abides by any.

edited for typo

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Nisa, I dont really understand your post. If a young girl goes to dinner with a man. She is then offered a lift home but is instead beaten and raped; exactly where is the confusion??? TBH is their anyone on here who has lived here for a number of years and hasnt heard of something very similar happening before? The only difference here is the Father has very cleverly utilised online media to get this story out, I hope the message continues to spread, along with the story about the British couple who were attacked and stabbed in the resort. Anyone who has ever been to Ao Nang knows the Police are non existent!!

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Nisa, I dont really understand your post. If a young girl goes to dinner with a man. She is then offered a lift home but is instead beaten and raped; exactly where is the confusion??? TBH is their anyone on here who has lived here for a number of years and hasnt heard of something very similar happening before? The only difference here is the Father has very cleverly utilised online media to get this story out, I hope the message continues to spread, along with the story about the British couple who were attacked and stabbed in the resort. Anyone who has ever been to Ao Nang knows the Police are non existent!!

Not sure what post you are refering to but assume it is my confusion over those who condemn the police when I haven't seen or read about them doing anything wrong. As for rapes happening after dates and/or out drinking like this, yes they happen all the time all around the world and the accused is usually offered bail which some can afford and some cannot. I believe I read once that most rape victims know their accuser. Also agree that this case is different because the father created a song and music video about his pain regarding the incident.

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Thai at Heart, you are quite correct and it is more of a tabloid label used in reporting these cases.

However, the fact remains that in many countries (and I'm thinking specifically of the UK) these cases were particularly difficult to prosecute, and the conviction rate was very low. I'm talking about 15-20 years ago so I'm sure it may have changed. Certainly the punishment WAS lower for someone convicted of rape where the circumstances were such that it would be considered a "Date Rape".

In the USA for example, sentencing for "Date Rape" cases would usually be a fraction of the sentence for a rape where a woman was picked at random, attacked and raped. Again, I'm out of touch with current sentencing policy and it may have changed.

In the UK, an apparently modern and civilized society, marital rape was considered legally impossible until the early 90's.. now it's recognized and punished.

Ideally, all (convicted) rapists should be punished to the full extent of the law.

It's easy to get all upset by a comment like "this case cannot be considered rape", and assume that it's because Thai's don't believe in rape.. etc etc.

Well, lets look at it for a western perspective. A few years ago, if this sort of thing happened in the west it WOULD NOT be called rape, ii would be labeled "DATE RAPE"... sounds the same, but adding the word DATE in front of the word RAPE changes the meaning quite substantially, not only in name but in many cases in the form of punishment IF a perpetrator was found guilty.

I AM NOT SAYING that she was not raped, and I'm certainly NOT suggesting for one moment that the crime was any less heinous just because she had dinner with him and possible went back to his place, or invited him to hers..

What I AM SAYING is that when you translate a word into Thai you have to accept that meanings can differ, in the same way that meanings differed in the west 30 years ago to some extent. If you accept that in the west (in some countries) we have a DIFFERENT expression that we call "Date Rape", then it's understandable that when you translate just the word RAPE that a Thai can say "this case cannot be considered rape". Defense lawyers in the west SAY THE SAME THING under circumstances where both parties had been drinking and they go into a bedroom environment of their own free will. I AM NOT SAYING that what happened is not rape, I just don't know what happened, and neither does anyone except the man and woman in the room at the time.

Also, for the record. The suggestion that bail was inappropriate is a difficult call. Bail is often given in the west to people accused of similar offences under similar circumstances.. remember he's a suspect and an alleged rapist that has not been given the opportunity yet to defend himself in a court of law. He may be an evil man, I just don't know and neither I suggest do you.

It doesn't mitigate what charge the rapist would face, and whether or not Thailand is able to understand the concept of rape, apparently the guy beat the crap out of her too. The concept of date rape was created to describe what was a statistically common type of offence, to make people aware of the concept to protect themselves and to teach stupid people, that just because you buy someone a dinner, and they appear interested, it doesn't give anyone the right to rape them,.

I might be wrong, but people are not accused of date rape, it is a tabloid concept that came out of studying statistics to highlight a type of very serious offence to highlight it and raise awareness.

So a violent rape that occurs like this is rarely if ever classified as a "date" rape in the West.

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A pointless action that only encourage to see the clip. The clip is a warning for people abroad that the Thai police, prosecutors and judges are crooked. The Thai government cannot block the clip abroad so it is not only pointless it is counter productive and except for the ministry of truth any Thai person who wants can still see the clip using a VPN or anonymizer.

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Nisa, I dont really understand your post. If a young girl goes to dinner with a man. She is then offered a lift home but is instead beaten and raped; exactly where is the confusion??? TBH is their anyone on here who has lived here for a number of years and hasnt heard of something very similar happening before? The only difference here is the Father has very cleverly utilised online media to get this story out, I hope the message continues to spread, along with the story about the British couple who were attacked and stabbed in the resort. Anyone who has ever been to Ao Nang knows the Police are non existent!!

I think you're missing the point Nisa was making. It doesn't appear as if the police have done anything wrong, or covered it up (from the facts presented). People often change their pleas after speaking with a lawyer or whatnot (this also happens in the west). He is not charged with murder (which would not receive bail), but with sexual assault. Nothing said he was even charged with violent sexual assault (as another poster above said).

He is presumably going to appear in court and has always been on that path. So I agree with Nisa, besides this idiotic politicians comments (of which he may know jack about the actual facts, which wouldn't be a first), what have they done wrong. He got bail and the father is pissed about that, but he is still going to appear before a judge and the courts in time.

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Is the daughter willing to come back to testify or is this a matter of they want justice done magically. Regretfully but unavoidably, you need to have victims relive their experience through testimony if you want prosecution ... even in his country.

She already gave testimony at a special hearing - presumably for that reason.

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A pointless action that only encourage to see the clip. The clip is a warning for people abroad that the Thai police, prosecutors and judges are crooked. The Thai government cannot block the clip abroad so it is not only pointless it is counter productive and except for the ministry of truth any Thai person who wants can still see the clip using a VPN or anonymizer.

Where does it say the accused has been acquitted or found not guilty? I haven't read that anywhere. Only he was granted bail (and we are unsure if there was an amount of bail paid and what amount) and that he will appear before court when the court system allows, as their is delays in court proceedings for all courts around the world.

Please show me where it says he will not be facing trial.

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"The father was possibly furious due to a misunderstanding. He went on to say that the authorities would try to help the girl's father understand the situation in order to "rebuild the country's image"

Tourism Minister Chumphol Silapa-archa had said earlier that the incident could not be considered rape...

No comment necessary.

A lot of politician types say stupid stuff all over but all that matters is what the legal system says. I honestly don't know the facts of the case but assumed she was raped but what I am also guessing is she had been drinking and possibly invited/allowed the guy back to her place. Cases like this in the west are not always easy to prosecute and would be based a lot on credibility which means both his and her past being looked at. I have no idea what the injuries were in terms of her going to the hospital but obviously if we are talking injuries of struggle or being overpowered then the case should become much much easier but she may very well have gone to the hospital after sobering up worry she may have got some STD or impregnated. Any links to the actual crime and arrest being reported?

I take it you are serious here.... Before making such assertions you should do a bit more reading - Google is your friend. Why would you make such nasty speculations when you, by your own admission "honestly don't know the facts of the story"? She didn't allow him to her place (where her boyfriend was anyway)... she accepted a ride "home" and he dragged her into the woods. So yeah, you're guessing. And sure thing, when women fear they contracted an STD or became impregnated from an illicit affair, they go to the hospital with bruised faces and report a rape to the police... And then they encourage their fathers to make music videos about it. Excellent guess, Sherlock.

And it doesn't just matter what the legal system says. If the international media picks up the story - which is pretty likely with the "blame the victim" mentality that seems to be popular with some (western media loves that angle) - then a lot of pressure will be brought to bear on that "legal system" to quit behaving like cavemen and mete out some justice for a change.

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In addition, a video clip promoting Thailand as a tourism destination will be produced and distributed among ambassadors of many countries, including the Netherlands, Australia, UK and China, he added

Surely they realise that this group are the least likely to fall for it, given the numbers that land in their intrays each month?

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I'm afraid without a detailed report of the events, it is not possible to go beyond "alleged rape".

- she had a bruised jaw and a split lip. are these injuries a consequence of being beaten up?

- rescue foundations volunteers were called because there allegedly was a motorcycle accident, who called the volunteers? to where?

- at the hospital, doctors found "signs of rape". which signs?

Is there a source with more details about what happened?

Another thing I found troubling is that Lt Col Thaksin from the police said there are many cases of rape in Krabi.

Does rape happen more in Krabi than in Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Pattaya?

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The various factions of the Thai government need to work to get the true facts on the table with a real trial. That is where the effort should be. Banning a YouTube video is just putting your head in the sand and does not serve the victim, the accused, or the families, and it certainly doesn't serve Thailand.

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The various factions of the Thai government need to work to get the true facts on the table with a real trial. That is where the effort should be. Banning a YouTube video is just putting your head in the sand and does not serve the victim, the accused, or the families, and it certainly doesn't serve Thailand.

Almost 350,000 views on youtube today.

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Krabi tour guide denies charges of sexually assaulting a Dutch tourist

Phuket Gazette


A Thai tour guide has denied charges of raping and assaulting a young Dutch model on holiday in Ao Nang (pictured), in Krabi. Photo: Gazette file

PHUKET: -- A 26-year-old Thai tour guide on trial for the alleged rape of a Dutch model on holiday in Krabi in July has denied the charge, claiming that the couple had consensual sex.

The trial began at Krabi Provincial Court on Friday, Krabi City Police chief Thaksin Phochakorn confirmed to the Phuket Gazette.

An arrest warrant for the man was issued following the filing of criminal charges, but the man chose to voluntarily present himself to police, Lt Col Thaksin explained.

“He said he could not take the pressure anymore. He admitted that he did have sex with the woman, but claimed that she had consented to it,” Col Thaksin said.

“I cannot comment much further, as the case is now being heard in court,” he said.

However, Col Thaksin did confirm that at the time the complaint was made, the woman had suffered deep bruising to the right side of her face and a split lip.

“We were first notified of the woman’s condition after she was rushed to Krabi Hospital by a team of rescue foundation workers. They said that she had been in a motorbike accident.

“However, she was later examined by a doctor who confirmed that there were signs of rape,” Col Thaksin explained.

“The woman filed a complaint with police and gave her statement against the suspect on the morning after the incident. Once we had enough evidence against the suspect, police applied for an arrest warrant for charges of assault and rape,” he added.

Col Thaksin said the recurring issue of rape and sexual assault was starting to take its toll on his officers.

“We are heavy-hearted over this issue because it is consistently recurring in Krabi and, according to Krabi Police records, in many cases the victim is a tourist.

“Almost 100 per cent of sexual assault victims in Krabi knew their attacker beforehand. The encounter usually begins with the victims being friendly [with the attackers] and being willing to drink and hang out with men they do not know well,” he said.

“I would like to warn tourists to please be aware that once you start drinking, a situation can become more dangerous due to the effects of alcohol,” he added.

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...rist-17985.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-09-24

For full story & thread see:

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Nisa...what are you on about?

Firstly, we are talking about the Nations report.

In this report, people want to make a VIDEO responsible for cancellations of holiday- bookings.

Not alleged rape, murder, fraud, sams of all kinds, police that is not doing a proper job, traffic- laws being broken every second or the general feel of not-being safe in Thailand...but a video, that was made as a reaction to one of these things!

Block it, censor it (like so many things in Thailand) and the problem will vanish?

Just ignore the fear and insecurity?

Just ban a video and everything will be okay?

Secondly, a Tourism Minister of this great nation of Thailand (an official, political, public figure) says "they had dinner together, so you can't call it rape"! ...and seems to get along with it!

This is one of the most absurd, inhumane and bad things you could say about a rape victim! "She forced it, she wore a short dress!", "She forced it, she was flirting with me!", "It was her fault, we had dinner before!"

What the hell???

There is a "coincident" of a motorcycle accident, that happened close to the victims turning up at the hospital?!


I bet, there is easily more than one accident like this, happening at one night in Ao Nang!

So therefore...let's say, we have 3 rapes and 6 accidents...chances are, there were actually no rapes?? All just pesky foreigner, trying to blame a heart-of-gold Thai-guy, for driving drunk and crashing???

Here is a hint: the doctor said, there were signs of rape!

So, I will make it easy for you: if a swollen eye and a split lip where signs of rape, Klitschko's opponents could all apply as rape- victims.

Of course I am only speculating, but SIGNS OF RAPE may include ripped tissue at the vagina and/or rectum? Signs of a struggle, like bruises on the neck? Otherwise, I would not really know, how to differenciate between rape- signs and the signs of an "ordinary" fight!

And one more thing: the first confesses, then denies...

One thing is for sure: there are very clear signs, that sex is not consensual, one is the word "NO"!

If I am trying to fondle a womans breasts and she says "No"...it is somehow a sign, that I should not do this, because she is not enjoying it!

If I try to <Snip!> her and she screams "NO" and struggles...there is another sure sign!

So as a man, I can be very certain and I can easily depict, if a raped a woman, or not!

There is no way, I am at the police-station and confess to rape but later make up my mind, and say "Oh no...I didn't rape her!...well...maybe a little! But it was only because we had dinner and she had a short skirt! Yes...she said NO, but we all know, it means YES, if you have dinner, first!"

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Again I ask, as it seems people NEGLECT THIS SINGLE FACT.

WHERE does it say he has been found not guilty or acquitted of any charges against him? I have not seen, or read that anywhere.

As someone above me posted...the initial injuries were claimed as a motorbike accident...why wouldn't she have claimed someone just assaulted her.

I'm not saying it didn't happen. But none of us know the full story, only the small fragments in the media reports.

Or is everyone just outraged that a foreigner was attacked and that's it, no trial, no court, guilty.

According to the initial report, he did not plead guilty, rather he stated it was consensual and not rape.

See how facts get twisted.....................................

How about let the system do what it's supposed to do.......which seems like it was being done anyway.

The whole minister and tourism blocking thing, is a separate issue.

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Block... Block... Block.... the Truth in Thailand,.... while it Rocks the rest of the world!

Great Tourist Marketing program.


change rocks to robs and i think you could have a hit song on your hands there !
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As it is (according to one of the articles above) mostly British tourists cancelling their holidays on Krabi, I think that their reason would more likely be the assault on the British couple a few weeks ago by a gang of juvenile bikers. This was reported big in the British and European media.

The video on the evil man had less then 50.000 views until 2 days ago.

Its gone from 190000 to 333000 overnight:)

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Krabi Police reject YouTube rapist bail blame

Phuket Gazette –


Krabi Provincial Police Commander Nunthadej Yoinual said that the Krabi Provincial Court allowed the rape suspect to be released on bail, despite his officers opposing it. Photo: Kritsada Mueanhawong

PHUKET: The Krabi Provincial Police will post a YouTube video in response to the “Evil man in Krabi” music video that has caused a furore in Phuket’s sister tourism province across Phang Nga Bay.

The news was announced at a press conference yesterday called by Krabi Governor Prasit Osathanon to answer publicly what action has been taken in the case.

“The case is about the Dutch tourist raped by a Krabi tour guide on July 28. We arrested the suspect on July 29 and presented him to Krabi Provincial Court,” explained Krabi Provincial Police Commander Nunthadej Yoinual.

“Later, the court allowed him to post bail. Our investigation officers opposed the bail, but were unsuccessful,” he said.

“The content of the video is totally different from what really happened. It is said in the video that police ‘easily’ released the suspect, which is absolutely wrong. It was the judge who allowed the suspect to be released on bail. Police cannot be involved in this decision,” the police general added.

Governor Prasit voiced his support for the Krabi Police chief.

“The Krabi Provincial Office was aware of the case since the beginning. However, once the case was presented to the Krabi Provincial Court, we could not interfere,” he explained.

Maj Gen Nunthadej defended the efforts of his officers to protect tourists and deliver justice.

“We try our best to protect tourists’ lives and property. We have never ignored them and we will never stop our work in making tourists confident and reassured that their stays in Krabi will be safe and secure,” he said.

He highlighted the recent case of a teenage gang attacking a young British couple near a parking lot at Nopparat Thara Beach on October 22.

“The injured tourists were a 21-year-old couple from England. Police arrested the three suspects and presented all of them to the Krabi Court. They are now being held in the detention cells at the court while police collect more evidence and question more witnesses in preparing our case against them,” he added.

“We will shortly release a video to respond to the ‘Evil Man From Krabi’ video on YouTube. The video will clarify the truth to the public,” Gen Nunthadej said.

Wiyada Srirangkul, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Krabi office, said her office will step up its efforts in assisting police in getting clear, accurate information out to the public.

“We were not involved in the Dutch female rape case and were not aware of it. We have helped in other cases, such as the British tourists who were attacked at Ao Nang. We even received a thank-you email from them saying they will come back, if they can,” she said.

“From now on, the TAT Krabi office will work more closely with the local police so we can coordinate better and make the media report the truth,” Ms Wiyada added.

Present at the conference was Krabi Hotel Association President Ittirit Kinglek, who this week blamed the handling of the case by local authorities for a backlash of holiday cancellations by tourists who had already booked trips to Krabi.

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...lame-19403.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-11-10

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What?? Read the article.....once in was in the court's hands, we could not interfere...

but further down he states "We were not involved in the Dutch female rape case and were not aware of it:

So either the Krabi police were involved (we can assume they are), or they were not involved. Was something lost in translation?

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