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European Union Suspends Enforcement Of Carbon Tax On Air Travel


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European Union suspends enforcement of carbon tax on air travel < br />

2012-11-13 08:36:41 GMT+7 (ICT)

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (BNO NEWS) -- The European Commission of the European Union on Monday announced it will suspend enforcing its controversial carbon tax on air travel until at least autumn 2013, creating space for political negotiations to agree on international action.

Connie Hedegaard, the European Union's (EU) commissioner for Climate Action, said last week's meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) resulted in the agreement on the need for a high-level policy group. "Very good news came from the ICAO Countil last Friday," she said.

The EU's carbon emissions trading scheme, which took effect on January 1, requires airlines flying in and out of the EU to offset some of the carbon that their planes emit by buying 'allowances' from greener industries. The scheme met disapproval from India, Russia, China, the United States, and other countries.

"The EU has always been very clear: nobody wants an international framework tackling CO2-emissions from aviation more than we do," said Hedegaard. "Our EU legislation is not standing in the way of this. On the contrary, our regulatory scheme was adopted after having waited many years for ICAO to progress."

With an increasing number of countries joining the opposition against the plan, Hedegaard said she decided to offer to freeze the current program. "I've just recommended in a telephone conference with the 27 Member States that the EU 'stops the clock' when it comes to enforcement of the carbon tax on air travel in the group," she said.

But Hedegaard warned the scheme will continue if the international community is not able to find a compromise by next autumn. "But let me be very clear: if this exercise does not deliver - and I hope it does, then needless to say we are back to where we are today with the EU ETS. Automatically," she said.

Airlines previously alleged the carbon tax would cost the aviation industry some 17.5 billion euros ($22.2 billion) in extra expenses over a period of about eight year, but the EU has instead offered airlines to raise their prices for passengers.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-11-13

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I said long ago that the whole 'Global Warming' nonsense would lead to carbon taxes and was called a tin foil hat wearing kook.

The tax may have been stalled, but unfortunately it will be installed eventually.

And then further down the road there will be the carbon quotas we will all have to learn to live with.

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I said long ago that the whole 'Global Warming' nonsense would lead to carbon taxes and was called a tin foil hat wearing kook.

The tax may have been stalled, but unfortunately it will be installed eventually.

And then further down the road there will be the carbon quotas we will all have to learn to live with.

So what are they doing about shipping which spews out at least 5 times more than world-wide aircraft fleets, and what about cattle farts that spew out more green house gases than either aircraft or shipping put together? the world will go completely mad (emphasis on the word completely, I accept we are part way there already) before man has any effect on global warming.
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I said long ago that the whole 'Global Warming' nonsense would lead to carbon taxes and was called a tin foil hat wearing kook.

The tax may have been stalled, but unfortunately it will be installed eventually.

And then further down the road there will be the carbon quotas we will all have to learn to live with.

Global warming nonsense? Well it does appear to be warming and human beings obviously contribute to this, however what is missed is any clear scientific proof as to how large an effect humans have compared to natural climate fluctuations over time. The world is only now just entering a warm phase after many millions of years of relative cold. I'm not arguing in favour of waste or doing nothing, but before we legislate tax policy or subsidies to so called 'green' industries some facts from the global warmists would be nice.


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And now the Tax has gone, will the airlines still reduce their prices?

I doubt it.

"But the EU has argued that it only adds between four and 24 euros to the price of a long-haul flight."


Yes, but Etihad put it slightly better - it would cost their airline alone 500 million euros a year.

F*** these unelected pieces of eurotrash trying to find ways to grab more cash with back door taxes!

Edited by Chicog
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And now the Tax has gone, will the airlines still reduce their prices?

I doubt it.

"But the EU has argued that it only adds between four and 24 euros to the price of a long-haul flight."


Yes, but Etihad put it slightly better - it would cost their airline alone 500 million euros a year.

F*** these unelected pieces of eurotrash trying to find ways to grab more cash with back door taxes!

Just take a look at Australia the 1st country to introduce the carbon tax, everything is going through the roof and it is the man in the street who is paying not the big corporations who produce the carbon emmissions. They just raise thier costs to recoup the tax.
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Anyway, taxes do not reduce carbon emissions...

All the industry and each individual have to become "carbon savers" and do efforts to keep this little planet liveable for their children and gran children and followers...

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Another extortion indeed belg. My reading indicates that only 3% of total emissions are man made. Apart from the arrogance of thinking we can make a change with such a low contribution, it's just plain stupid to think for a second that we can.

I saw a Climate Change Academic (whose name I don't recall) on TV recently, a Scandinavian guy living in the US, and he said that countries will spend $250 BILLION a year on fighting climate change every year until the turn of the century, and it MAY make a maximum of .02 degrees difference, but only MAY.

David Mault, the red headed rag had decreed prior to the election that there would be no carbon tax, but then the minority government was formed with the Watermelon Party (Green on the outside, red on the inside), and she was led by her considerable nose. There are NO principles in politics. Brown Finger Bob has bailed as leader of the Watermelon Party because he knows they'll be decimated at the next election, largely because of 'initiatives' like the carbon tax.

Climate change/global warming will go down as the greatest lie of our time, if not ever.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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