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Can anyone tell me about the Songkran Days on 13-15 April, please?

Is it the people splash water on each other? Why?

Many thanks for advance.


Why? Because it's so hot! :D

Seriously, the water used to not be thrown on people, but that is the way it is expressed now. Originally, it was a way to show respect, especially to your elders.

From http://asiarecipe.com/thaifestival.html

"During the afternoon of the 13th, Buddha images are bathed as part of the ceremony. Young people pour scented water into the hands of elders and parents as a mark of respect while seeking the blessing of the older people. In ancient times, old people were actually given a bath and clothed in new apparel presented by the young people as a mark of respect for the New Year"

Hope that answers your question :o


Nowadays it's mostly a nationwide water fight, all good fun but a terrible waste of water at a time of the year when water shortages and drought rule the day.

I've taken part in the pouring of scented water over the hands of the parents/elderly, and being blessed by them, it's facsinating. It shows another aspect of Thai culture.


It's the biggest, baddest party of the year, and I love it even after 10 years.

pics: http://sukstalker.fotopages.com/?entry=90452

vids: http://netasia.org/video/Songkran.wmv

(Plays in Windows media player).

But if you don't like it, because you're an old fart or a lady with big hair: Leave to go South or abroad, or make sure you have a car with doors that lock, and get plenty of books & DVDs. Or if you ever felt like having a crack at hibernation, this would be a good time. :D

I'm already looking forward to this year.. I can almost smell it, the weather is reminding me more and more of Songkran every day now.. The hotter daytime temperatures, trees with no leaves but full of flowers, the jasmine, heck, even the haze... You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why: Soooooongkran is coming your way baby!!! :D My only worry is really if my mum in law will let me use her truck again after I sort of broke it a little last time... :o:D


As I said in my last post...all good fun. And it is, until you have experienced it it's difficult to imagine just how much fun it is. I'm the big 50 and not an old fart cos I love it!

I have a late 60's Dutch friend up north and he really hates it, complains bitterly, but then again his idea of fun is having a nice nap in the afternoons!


it is awesome,i cant describe when i come back to the uk and tell people.its a mix between the rio carnival and a night out in glasgow maybe.i got back to the uk mid january,but will be back april for a month.i cant wait.very good natured fun,in the best city in thailand.heaven!


I'm almost ashamed to admit that, the 2 times CM-songhkran I've had to handle from within those scaringly much water containing moats, I've handled by buying sufficiently amounts of food and drinks to survive indoors for the 3-4 peak-days.

However, inspired by a couple of posters in this thread, I hereby promise myself to at least try surmounting those moats this year.

However, inspired by a couple of posters in this thread, I hereby promise myself to at least try surmounting those moats this year.

If you don't throw some water yourself, it's not as much fun.

Buy a BIG water gun and participate! :o


> But dont shoot that moat water down my beer, ok?

Visit your closest Tesco/Carrefour and get some thermo-jug thingy, preferably with a strap so you can wear it around your neck and keep your hands free when needed. :o Should have an easily closeable faucet, straw, etc. On the pics link I gave, note the Tweety bird cups. They're perfect for beer during Songkran. :D


Can anyone tell me about the Songkran Days on 13-15 April, please?

Is it the people splash water on each other? Why?

Many thanks for advance.


Why? Because it's so hot! :D

Seriously, the water used to not be thrown on people, but that is the way it is expressed now. Originally, it was a way to show respect, especially to your elders.

From http://asiarecipe.com/thaifestival.html

"During the afternoon of the 13th, Buddha images are bathed as part of the ceremony. Young people pour scented water into the hands of elders and parents as a mark of respect while seeking the blessing of the older people. In ancient times, old people were actually given a bath and clothed in new apparel presented by the young people as a mark of respect for the New Year"

Hope that answers your question :o

This is how it,s supposed to be, do not be misled by it.

It starts off as good fun with plenty of laughs.

It quickly degenerates into chaos with drunks and mindless idiots who are oblivious to decency,

going crazy.

If you enjoy being in the middle of build up of soccer hooligans or a mob getting out of hand then you will no doubt enjoy it.

Hundreds are killed in the name of fun and tens of thousands injured every year, many seriously.

Sadly most are not " old farts " and that is a fact.

It is also an excuse for many Thai and foreigner to grope ladies while pretending to put talc. powder on them without any thought for decency, age is not taken into account either.

It used to be a festival to look forward to and have a really good time, sadly the mindless idiots have taken over.

If you are coming be very careful and make sure your belongings are safe and wrapped up in plastic to prevent water damage as it,s also a good time for dishonest people to ply there dispicable skills.

Do not take your eye off the ball for a second and watch the drunken drivers/riders.

Otherwise enjoy if it,s to your liking but remember what can happen wether your an old fart or otherwise.

And that is reality.

marshbags :D:D:D


People do get silly, but then as millions are celebrating it its not that surprising!

Avoid moat water as I was violently sick after being consistently soaked with it.

Dont buy an impressive looking water machine gun thing, they are not nearly as good as the boring looking water slider thingy!!!!

This is how it,s supposed to be, do not be misled by it.

It starts off as good fun with plenty of laughs.

It quickly degenerates into chaos with drunks and mindless idiots who are oblivious to decency,

going crazy.

If you enjoy being in the middle of build up of soccer hooligans or a mob getting out of hand then you will no doubt enjoy it.

Hundreds are killed in the name of fun and tens of thousands injured every year, many seriously.

Sadly most are not " old farts " and that is a fact.

It is also an excuse for many Thai and foreigner to grope ladies while pretending to put talc. powder on them without any thought for decency, age is not taken into account either.

Excuse me, but this is mostly a load of cr*p, :o although a lot of people are killed in automobile accidents caused by drunks, so don't drive anywhere during the festival.

Other than that, avoid negative old farts and enjoy! :D


I agree with Ulysses G.

Every year, I get in my truck and spend the afternoon cruising through the throngs downtown taking videos. The perfect way to stay dry, yet enjoy the scene. Rarely do I see anything untoward.

Just one day, though. The other days I'm at home relaxing. :o


This is how it,s supposed to be, do not be misled by it.

It starts off as good fun with plenty of laughs.

It quickly degenerates into chaos with drunks and mindless idiots who are oblivious to decency,

going crazy.

If you enjoy being in the middle of build up of soccer hooligans or a mob getting out of hand then you will no doubt enjoy it.

Hundreds are killed in the name of fun and tens of thousands injured every year, many seriously.

Sadly most are not " old farts " and that is a fact.

It is also an excuse for many Thai and foreigner to grope ladies while pretending to put talc. powder on them without any thought for decency, age is not taken into account either.

Excuse me, but this is mostly a load of cr*p, :o although a lot of people are killed in automobile accidents caused by drunks, so don't drive anywhere during the festival.

Other than that, avoid negative old farts and enjoy! :D

Your difference of opinion is welcome but i invite you to open your eyes and see the statistics.

So the drunks that cause the tragedies are normally in this state every day of the year eh.

It,s only a fraction of the problem all the pain and sorrow that this period brings.

I could give you a list of negatives but if you,ve been here long enough and are honest with yourself you already know that.

Again in my opinion, Songkhran has been hyjacked by idiots and hooligans who are selfish and cannot even see all the distress that follows.

I speak from many observations which go back a long way as no doubt yours will.

I invite you and others who think like you to go out this year and think of others who may not enjoy your idea of fun, perhaps then songkhran can go back to what it,s supposed to be like and we can once again take part.

By the way, just because we think of others it does not make us old farts.

I sincerely hope you do not wake up and find one of your own has suffered and that,s the truth.

Celebrate it as it is and enjoy the period along with all the families trying to be a part, after all that is truly what Songkhran is all about.

marshbags :D:D:D

Again in my opinion, Songkhran has been hyjacked by idiots and hooligans who are selfish and cannot even see all the distress that follows.

I speak from many observations which go back a long way as no doubt yours will.

I invite you and others who think like you to go out this year and think of others who may not enjoy your idea of fun, perhaps then songkhran can go back to what it,s supposed to be like and we can once again take part.

I feel nothing but wonder at how kind, friendly, tolerant and happy our hosts are while celebrating their favorite holiday. If someone had a 3 day water-fight in the middle of town in a Western country it would be just as you describe it, but here - other than a few whinging old grumps who think that local customs shouldn't apply to them (and I don't mean to suggest that marshbags is one of them)- it is nothing but smiles and fun.

Yes, something should be done about drunk drivers and yes, I would prefer the holiday to not go on so long, but it is not my country, so I just enjoy it and say Mai phen rai! :o:D

:o Obviously many people don't enjoy it, there seems to be little middle ground here.. People seem to either love it, or leave. :D

One day is more than enough, that's the middle ground !


Another middle ground would be to spend the songkran days elsewhere but Chiang Mai or Bangkok. I guess any other place (except maybe Pattaya and Patong Beach) would do as a middle ground.

Some years ago, I spend songran in a large village/small town in Long (near Prahe). The old ways were still taken care of and the "modern" splashing of water on each and everyone, was handled in a much more polite and considerate manner. Not quite sure whether I, as a foreigner, would like getting wet - the Thais hesitated a bit before throwing water or even politely asked.

Well, I didn't like it - but my hosts had learnt me that the proper thing was - not to refuse, but to say 'nit noy'. And actually, the splashing mostly were rather symbolic - (but 'nit noy' obviously is a relative measure).

Ever been to Bangkok during Songkran? Mostly near-empty streets downtown :D

One Songkhran I was in Samutprakan, and they were throwing icy water from the fish market.

There's nothing better in the evening to be wearing damp, fishy clothes :o

And although it's not my favourite holiday it is good fun to get a policeman with some iced water.


:o Obviously many people don't enjoy it, there seems to be little middle ground here.. People seem to either love it, or leave. :D

All these posts are a reasonable assessment of the solution, after all no one is suggesting it should be cancelled.

rishi,s post is of a similar experience to the later ones i have witnessed and really highlights the gentle side of our hosts and Ulysses has a fair assessment of the situation.

How nice it is to see young Thai,s dressed in traditional styles paying respect to all there Thai elders, no matter who they are.

It is also humbling to be included and made to be an equal part in it all as a foriegner.

First a wai, then a gentle touch on the forehead with some wet, scented talc and a sincere wish of happiness brings joy to all who are lucky enough to share this experience.

In particular and most important, the very young are very happy and feel special while older ones feel very happy that we wish to celebrate also.

In the tourist areas maybe even have a reasonable period ( we call it a mad half hour ) for the more enthusiastic water distributors to let go and do there thing while the moaners/old farts, get out of the way.

( only joking on the terminology with no offence meant )

I would be more than happy to have a go also.

After all we only want to be a part of this Thai tradition " songkhran " and cut out the tragedies that always needlessly happen.

There was never a question on stopping Thai traditions in Thailand, this would really be disrespectful to our hosts.

marshbags :D:D:D


I had my first Songkran in CM last year and had an absolute ball - through Thai friends got to see the "serious" side ( visited temples for various ceremonies) plus the "fun" side at a number of locations.

So much so that I'll be back in April with my Son and Daughter in Law who wre amazed at the photos.

I had a list of events that I found last year showing the days/ times / locations of all the main activities(processions etc). I know I got them off the net, but can't seem to find it yet - perhaps a bit early.

Wondering if anyone has come across the program as yet

All the Best


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