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Am I A Cheap Charlie If I Don't Tip?


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That's not a tip that is an insult.

Hardly. A 10B tip probably covers the cost of her trip in to work. Or a third of the cost of her lunch. Or half a bottle of beer. As such it is not negligible.

Just because you may have no idea of the value of money does not mean that no one else does either.

And if she didn't like it she could always give it back. (She never has, nor has any of the other 6 barbers who work in the same shop.)

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Had my hair cut this morning. The lady barber took about 20 minutes to do a good job for a charge of 60B to which I added 10B tip (which represents 16%). She seemed pleased enough and the total seems reasonable when compared to the national minimal daily wage of 300B which many people dont get anyway.

Don't quite see why anyone, anywhere could possibly deserve more than 20% no matter how good the job is. (Many people seem to have forgotten that you are supposed to do a good job simply in return for what you are paid, even without the incentive of any sort of tip.) Anyone who tips 50 or 100% just seems ostentatious to me.

i went there

never again!


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That's not a tip that is an insult.

Hardly. A 10B tip probably covers the cost of her trip in to work. Or a third of the cost of her lunch. Or half a bottle of beer. As such it is not negligible.

Just because you may have no idea of the value of money does not mean that no one else does either.

And if she didn't like it she could always give it back. (She never has, nor has any of the other 6 barbers who work in the same shop.)

Keep saying it long enough mate and you will convince yourself that you are not a cheap charlie but you wont convince me.

Edited by Tolley
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Tip is an obscenity where i come from.

I never gave a tip, i never got a tip, i never saw a tip, (except on television, action movies with mel gibson)

That is my values i grew up with, and no thai or american bitches can change my values no matter how much you bitch.

On the contrary begging is very strongly looked down on where i come from, the lowest of the low,

and i equal this bitching to begging

Edited by poanoi
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Those who do not tip for a good service are CC's

I think my mailman gives a very good service, should I give him a tip? rolleyes.gif

The answer to your question is why not? In Uk At Christmas the postman (if he was the regular one) would get a tip at Christmas. The same for the garbage collectors and years ago when thee was milk delivered, the milkman.

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Do you tip the dentist, doctor?

A rather silly comment. There is a great, no huge, difference in the wages/income from the likes of the proffessionals, you mentioned above, to the workers (cheap labour) that the OP mentioned.

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Keep saying it long enough mate and you will convince yourself that you are not a cheap charlie but you wont convince me.

Do you mean that I'm supposed to care what you think about me? If so, why?

You seem to have an over-inflated opinion of your own worth. Presumably giving 50 or 100% tips (which still only amount to a couple of USD) does something to bolster this misapprehension.

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Do you tip the dentist, doctor?

A rather silly comment. There is a great, no huge, difference in the wages/income from the likes of the proffessionals, you mentioned above, to the workers (cheap labour) that the OP mentioned.

Correction. A VERY silly comment!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Do you tip the dentist, doctor?

A rather silly comment. There is a great, no huge, difference in the wages/income from the likes of the proffessionals, you mentioned above, to the workers (cheap labour) that the OP mentioned.

My local barber charges 30 Bht for a haircut with shave. If I should start tipping him, I'd be concidered an idiot among the other customers.

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Keep saying it long enough mate and you will convince yourself that you are not a cheap charlie but you wont convince me.

Do you mean that I'm supposed to care what you think about me? If so, why?

You seem to have an over-inflated opinion of your own worth. Presumably giving 50 or 100% tips (which still only amount to a couple of USD) does something to bolster this misapprehension.

It's like talking to a brick wall.

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It's always nice to be nice.

Giving a tip for a service your happy with is just being nice. If you cant grasp that concept you have a very flawed character.

The "flawed character" would be you.

I pay what they ask for their service, If I'm happy with the service I'll use them again.

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In theory a Tip should not be expected,as it has been proved around the world that tipping keeps the workers wages down,and tips should not be relied apon as wages, so that the employers can pay less and be more competitive,with similar businesses.

However it really comes down to feeling sorry for the employee (and their low income) and generally a tip is given,at least by most of us,who know when they are being a Cheap Charlie,assuming the service was good.So if you need to ask yourself "Am I a Cheap Charlie" then you probably are one.

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In theory a Tip should not be expected,as it has been proved around the world that tipping keeps the workers wages down,and tips should not be relied apon as wages, so that the employers can pay less and be more competitive,with similar businesses.

However it really comes down to feeling sorry for the employee (and their low income) and generally a tip is given,at least by most of us,who know when they are being a Cheap Charlie,assuming the service was good.So if you need to ask yourself "Am I a Cheap Charlie" then you probably are one.

I would classify a cheap charlie as one who attempts to bargain down the asking price, not one who pays the asking price without issue.

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just my personal opinion:

1.Every employee has the responsibility of giving high work performance. No matter you are a CEO or a service trade worker. No matter you get tips or not. If you are not happy with the income, then change a job. Customers don't owe you anything.

2. There are also many countries that don't have the tip habit. So, live and let live. Nothing to do with cheap charlie or blah la la.

3. Customers go massage for relaxing. If they have to wonder tip or not tip, how much etc, it is already annoying. Profit, wage, employee welfare, etc.. these are the factors that the business owner should consider when setting up prices, not the customers. Do not mess up different concepts.

4. Tips is a plus, not a must. If they reduce service quality because of no tip, then, change another shop, simple.

My hub gives tip and I don't because we are from different countries. Recently, I start to give tips when they give help for our newborn BB. But again, I wonder, isn't helping others a good and natural thing ? Will you refuse to help others if they don't tip you, eh??


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just my personal opinion:

1.Every employee has the responsibility of giving high work performance. No matter you are a CEO or a service trade worker. No matter you get tips or not. If you are not happy with the income, then change a job. Customers don't owe you anything.

2. There are also many countries that don't have the tip habit. So, live and let live. Nothing to do with cheap charlie or blah la la.

3. Customers go massage for relaxing. If they have to wonder tip or not tip, how much etc, it is already annoying. Profit, wage, employee welfare, etc.. these are the factors that the business owner should consider when setting up prices, not the customers. Do not mess up different concepts.

4. Tips is a plus, not a must. If they reduce service quality because of no tip, then, change another shop, simple.

My hub gives tip and I don't because we are from different countries. Recently, I start to give tips when they give help for our newborn BB. But again, I wonder, isn't helping others a good and natural thing ? Will you refuse to help others if they don't tip you, eh??


Just my personal opinion

1. In most cases these ladies don't have a choice, since they don't have enough education to become a CEO of any company, and changing jobs that they are able to do would land them in a similar situation.

2. It is not important from which country you come,Soi Bhuakow is in Thailand, and they have the tip habit

3. Customers should be aware that it's usual to tip in Thailand before they even visit the country, so they can have their massage in a relaxed way

4. See above

My hub gives tip and I don't because we are from different countries.

So if you come from a country where there is no VAT system, you should also not pay VAT, correct ?

1. Everyone has a choice.

2. Anywhere or anyone in Pattaya is not a fair representation of Thailand.

3. It's not usual to tip. If you're talking about clueless sexpats/tourists in Pattaya, that's a different story.

4. ?

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