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Obama's Help Sought To Secure Release Of Two Thai Activists From Cambodian Jails


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Obama help sought for jailed Thais

Pravit Rojanaphruk

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A Senate panel has called on US President Barack Obama to help secure the release of two Thai activists from Cambodian jails when he visits Phnom Penh.

Tuang Anthachai, chairman of the Senate committee on human rights and freedom, said he had submitted a letter to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to forward to Obama.

The letter asks Obama to call for the release on humanitarian grounds of Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaibul, who were jailed in Cambodia after entering the country's territory during a protest over a border dispute. Tuang said the letter calls on Obama to ask the Cambodian government to reduce the penalties for the two Thais or at least agree to exchange them with Cambodian inmates in Thailand.

Tuang said he believed Obama's intervention would prompt Cambodia to release the two activists.

Meanwhile, Washington-based Freedom House urged Obama to highlight human-rights issues during his visit to Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia.

"Freedom House expresses deep concerns about the way in which such a high-profile visit will be spun by the Myanmar and Cambodian governments to further legitimise their rule. Significant human-rights violations plague both countries, while a nominally democratic Thailand grapples with sectarian violence in the South and lese majeste laws that curtail freedom of expression.

Several human-rights defenders have been killed and arrested ahead of Cambodia's general elections and land grabbing and evictions remain rampant.

"In [Myanmar], hundreds of political activists still remain imprisoned, violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority has recently escalated, and military abuses in ethnic areas continue unabated," the group stated.

Myanmar is far from being a vibrant democracy and this visit seems to "unduly reward the regime", said David J Kramer, president of Freedom House. "Given that the trip is set and announced, what we now hope for at a bare minimum is that President Obama will use this opportunity to further press the [Myanmar] regime to free all political prisoners, provide legal protections to the Rohingyas, and halt military abuse in ethnic areas."


-- The Nation 2012-11-16

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These two are trouble makers who got caught and now are serving out their time. They tried to spin the story around to get Thai peoples support but to no avail. They even stooped as low as to ask Taksin to help them out. I say, leave them where they are. There is no better place for them than a nice cozy Cambodian prison cell.

Edited by RedNIvar
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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well Moe, I think it is due to the fact that the Democrat Senators pushing the cause of the 2 convicted allies of the Democrat party do not care about the plight of the Redshirts.

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The letter asks Obama to call for the release on humanitarian grounds of Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaibul, who were jailed in Cambodia after entering the country's territory during a protest over a border dispute.

No, they weren't. They were convicted of the ridiculous charge of espionage for spying on barren scrub land that the Cambodians laughingly called a military installation, even though there's no military there and nothing secretive on it.


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The letter asks Obama to call for the release on humanitarian grounds of Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaibul, who were jailed in Cambodia after entering the country's territory during a protest over a border dispute.

No, they weren't. They were convicted of the ridiculous charge of espionage for spying on barren scrub land that the Cambodians laughingly called a military installation, even though there's no military there and nothing secretive on it.


Perhaps if they had not illegally entered Cambodia, the situation would have been easier to resolve?

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I am sure there are US citizens in jail who could use his help....then again maybe they are better off where they are.

It will be interesting to see if/how the president handles this request. It is really an interference between two nations and unless the present gov't asks for assistance, it would create a big problem.

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Those two just just be thankful that they were only charged with espionage and jailed by the Cambodians. What would have happened to them if they were accused of illegal logging on Cambodian soil, and then subsequently shot to death, which is what the Thai's do to the Cambodian trespassers. (38 dead in 6 months)

Edited by Kalbo
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Surely the person to arrange their release would be Hun Sen's busom buddy (is there an unnecessary "so" in that?), holder of several Cambodian awards, and frequent visitor (brings his own sycophants.)

Oh that's right, he was asked and replied DILLIGAF?

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wow this thing "face" agian..not even the thai government can think past this stupid egotisitic principle, even when in front of the eyes of the world!!

Seems to me like the thai will be screaming foul on anything about this border dispute only to try gain face with something that doesnt really matter.

now want to involve president to make him help them regain face?

what about the those people arrive to thailand on a broken boat? does the thai do anything for them? NO either bullet to head or turn them around to go in to deeper water!

now this BS about 2 guy, who is stupid to pass border where trouble goes on, thinking government will protect them because doing their bidding

thai governemt is a bit like asking hall monitor obama to punish the other naughty child

really, must be more important things to worry about? no?

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The letter asks Obama to call for the release on humanitarian grounds of Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaibul, who were jailed in Cambodia after entering the country's territory during a protest over a border dispute.

No, they weren't. They were convicted of the ridiculous charge of espionage for spying on barren scrub land that the Cambodians laughingly called a military installation, even though there's no military there and nothing secretive on it.


Perhaps if they had not illegally entered Cambodia, the situation would have been easier to resolve?


Punish them then for illegal entry in the poorly charted, shared territory.

I think the punishment is like a 50 baht fine and escorted back to the vague borderline.

Instead, convicting them of espionage and sending them to prison for a half-dozen years was a farce beyond absurd.


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It will be interesting to see if/how the president handles this request. It is really an interference between two nations and unless the present gov't asks for assistance, it would create a big problem.

When Yingluck was in Cambodia and there was speculation that she would assist in getting them out of prison, she had this to say, over a year ago..., on the situation...

''I'd only be glad if they were freed. It's my duty to see to it that they will be released"

That was over a year ago... she didn't get them out then or made any effort to do so since.

The current request to Obama is actually nothing more than a reminder to Yingluck of what she stated earlier was her duty.

From her Nephew's News Service,


btw, the linked article refreshes my memory that the two were sent to prison for 8 years, not a half-dozen.

Pretty excessive for "spying" walking at a "secret military base" dried-out clay wasteland. blink.png


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Those two just just be thankful that they were only charged with espionage and jailed by the Cambodians. What would have happened to them if they were accused of illegal logging on Cambodian soil, and then subsequently shot to death, which is what the Thai's do to the Cambodian trespassers. (38 dead in 6 months)


The major difference being that rather than firing RPG's like the Cambodian illegal loggers do, the most dangerous weapon they had was a pen.

A group of Cambodian illegal loggers fired five rocket-propelled grenades at Thai border police in Si Sa Ket province then retreated in the face of retaliatory gunfire on Sunday night.



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Those two just just be thankful that they were only charged with espionage and jailed by the Cambodians. What would have happened to them if they were accused of illegal logging on Cambodian soil, and then subsequently shot to death, which is what the Thai's do to the Cambodian trespassers. (38 dead in 6 months)


The major difference being that rather than firing RPG's like the Cambodian illegal loggers do, the most dangerous weapon they had was a pen.

A group of Cambodian illegal loggers fired five rocket-propelled grenades at Thai border police in Si Sa Ket province then retreated in the face of retaliatory gunfire on Sunday night.



Oh come on!

These two idiots did something stupid (and illegal) at a time of high sensitivity.

They got caught- they were jailed!


You are always the first one to point out any wrongdoings by "reds"...but since these guys are your ideological "friends". 50 Baht fine would have been enough.

And I agree with you, because I personally think, that borders and espionage and the likes belong in a James Bond- movie, but not in the modern world!

But your way of arguing is the same like a driver, who goes 80 km/h in a 50km/h- zone and says "yeah...but the road was free, so I figured, I could go faster!"

No...you very well couldn't because it is the law.

The two guys broke the law, they suffer the consequences.

Whether you think, their punishment should be less severe, doesnt count for sh@t!

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Those two just just be thankful that they were only charged with espionage and jailed by the Cambodians. What would have happened to them if they were accused of illegal logging on Cambodian soil, and then subsequently shot to death, which is what the Thai's do to the Cambodian trespassers. (38 dead in 6 months)


The major difference being that rather than firing RPG's like the Cambodian illegal loggers do, the most dangerous weapon they had was a pen.

A group of Cambodian illegal loggers fired five rocket-propelled grenades at Thai border police in Si Sa Ket province then retreated in the face of retaliatory gunfire on Sunday night.



Oh come on!

These two idiots did something stupid (and illegal) at a time of high sensitivity.

They got caught- they were jailed!


You are always the first one to point out any wrongdoings by "reds"...but since these guys are your ideological "friends". 50 Baht fine would have been enough.

And I agree with you, because I personally think, that borders and espionage and the likes belong in a James Bond- movie, but not in the modern world!

But your way of arguing is the same like a driver, who goes 80 km/h in a 50km/h- zone and says "yeah...but the road was free, so I figured, I could go faster!"

No...you very well couldn't because it is the law.

The two guys broke the law, they suffer the consequences.

Whether you think, their punishment should be less severe, doesnt count for sh@t!


don't hold back

Yes, they broke the law by crossing illegally.

To reiterate, that point was my the first to point out any wrongdoings by "reds" (by yellows) in this situation (so your attempted point falls flat).

I think it's excessive and not consistent what other transgressors receive.

At least you agree the espionage angle is preposterous... which would lend to the notion that you think the 8 years imprisonment is absurd.

Perhaps we're not as far off from each other as you attempt to portray.


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You got me wrong on that.

If 8 years is what you get for espionage in Cambodia...then so be it!

It is an existing law, if the guys would have been in possession of 3 working braincells, they could have figured that out!

That being said: I think the whole espionage- thing is quiet rridiculous in general.

Let me give you another example: if I insult a certain person, I can get up to 15 years in prison.

Do I think that is madness?

Yes I do!

But do I KNOW that and still do it?

Hell, no!

If I KNOW...if I DO...and if I get convicted...my problem and only my problem.

I guess they could have figured out, what they were in for - especially given the sensitive timing of their offense- and made the decission either a) not to figure it out or b ) to know and to ignore!

In both cases, they can not really hope for my empathy!

edited for b ) turning into B)

Edited by DocN
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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well so far Obama has spent no time on it and if he does spend time on it he will probably just laugh. This is Barack Obama the president of the United States. Not J W Bush the world conscience and righter of all wrongs except for what he did to his own country.

The reason the loyal red shirts are in prison with out being paroled is because they deserve it for being stupid enough to follow a leader who did not care one baht for them. Ask Mr paymaster Thaksin why he is not bailing out his loyal followers.


Just got to thinking about it do you suppose they are still Loyal followers of Mr T. If they are well just as best to not let them add to the gene pool.

Edited by hellodolly
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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well so far Obama has spent no time on it and if he does spend time on it he will probably just laugh. This is Barack Obama the president of the United States. Not J W Bush the world conscience and righter of all wrongs except for what he did to his own country.

The reason the loyal red shirts are in prison with out being paroled is because they deserve it for being stupid enough to follow a leader who did not care one baht for them. Ask Mr paymaster Thaksin why he is not bailing out his loyal followers.

And likewise, i expect him to give 2 seconds to helping the yellows in Cambodia.

All the time, we are told, domestic issue, falang stay out of it. But, now, pleeease.....

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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well so far Obama has spent no time on it and if he does spend time on it he will probably just laugh. This is Barack Obama the president of the United States. Not J W Bush the world conscience and righter of all wrongs except for what he did to his own country.

The reason the loyal red shirts are in prison with out being paroled is because they deserve it for being stupid enough to follow a leader who did not care one baht for them. Ask Mr paymaster Thaksin why he is not bailing out his loyal followers.


Just got to thinking about it do you suppose they are still Loyal followers of Mr T. If they are well just as best to not let them add to the gene pool.

Who's J W Bush? Jorge W. Bush?

Sorry, couldn't resist.


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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well so far Obama has spent no time on it and if he does spend time on it he will probably just laugh. This is Barack Obama the president of the United States. Not J W Bush the world conscience and righter of all wrongs except for what he did to his own country.

The reason the loyal red shirts are in prison with out being paroled is because they deserve it for being stupid enough to follow a leader who did not care one baht for them. Ask Mr paymaster Thaksin why he is not bailing out his loyal followers.

And likewise, i expect him to give 2 seconds to helping the yellows in Cambodia.

All the time, we are told, domestic issue, falang stay out of it. But, now, pleeease.....

Usually that "falang stay out of it" comes from the government in charge, eg. "we don't need tsunami assistance".... "the UN is not my father", etc.

There would be no need for anyone to take the matter any further than the government in charge if the Prime Minister would follow through with her own self-declared "duty".

''I'd only be glad if they were freed. It's my duty to see to it that they will be released"


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Why is so much time spent on these two idiots when hundreds of loyal red shirt canon fodder are languishing in prison for doing Big Ts bidding

Well so far Obama has spent no time on it and if he does spend time on it he will probably just laugh. This is Barack Obama the president of the United States. Not J W Bush the world conscience and righter of all wrongs except for what he did to his own country.

The reason the loyal red shirts are in prison with out being paroled is because they deserve it for being stupid enough to follow a leader who did not care one baht for them. Ask Mr paymaster Thaksin why he is not bailing out his loyal followers.

And likewise, i expect him to give 2 seconds to helping the yellows in Cambodia.

All the time, we are told, domestic issue, falang stay out of it. But, now, pleeease.....

Usually that "falang stay out of it" comes from the government in charge, eg. "we don't need tsunami assistance".... "the UN is not my father", etc.

There would be no need for anyone to take the matter any further than the government in charge if the Prime Minister would follow through with her own self-declared "duty".

''I'd only be glad if they were freed. It's my duty to see to it that they will be released"


If you think obama is going to assist getting yellows out of jail while the reds are in, you're nuts.

In fact, it would appear that since he is visiting, he expects the reds to stay for a while.

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