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Money And Borrowing


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I'm going to back up very slightly....

IF your girlfriend is from a respectable background (NEVER worked in bar, good education, possibility she will inherit land) it is not unreasonable to suggest a substantial dowry, though from a young unmade man which I guess you are it could well be much less, or just for show.

It is possible they think you have more means than you do.....or more likely they are just not thinking (not unheard of in LOS!).

If this is the case they may have not acted improperly they just see you as a man with a very good job by their standards (though never heard of 2 months early.....this definitely is a red flag which needs investigating....you are NOT there to get some debt paid off.)

So if you want to stick around, and I tend to agree with Mark here, if they are legit you have a responsibility, you must be sure they're informed fully about your exact financial situation and prospects. Then you simply put it back on them.......do they still now expect anything, if so what, and how do they propose you raise the money? Then YOU will learn more about the way they think, the way they are, and must decide....with the excellent advice you can get here....whether it's OK, or to make like the Invisible Man (one problem on the village scene is that you are always outnumbered, so you must always be firm and clear and independent in your decisions. Take a week or two away from her with friends then think it over.)

Bear in mind:

1. IF repeat IF they are inconsiderate this is likely to be just the first payment, her parents will always come first. If you have limited means t is important to you to know if they can support themselves when they are old.

2. An astonishing number of women worldwide, not just in Thailand, are inseminated by a third party.

3. They are going to accept you regardless.....it's more a matter of if you accept them, and the details.

Good luck

Edited by cheeryble
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I am trying to do the right thing but it seems too rough ahead with her and her family. Considering jumping ship anything I should worry about

Let's say it this way:

In case, you do not know, what it's all about, till now. (who wants the 250k, you getting it back or the parents/wife will share alone, ....).

It's not getting better, I think.

Usually, all this details are cleared, with the future hubby, before the arrangement is accepted.

Looks like, you only got informed about the things, they expect you to do, but do not 'need' to know, what it is all about.

I don't think, that this is good for you!

Also i have an idea, why the money is needed, now: The car 'thing' is limited to end of December. Order now, pay down, get the car before 31. of December, get up to 100k back, in one year. And Isuzu has a great king size pick up for about 950k available, these days.

Edited by noob7
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I am trying to do the right thing but it seems too rough ahead with her and her family. Considering jumping ship anything I should worry about

Looks like you leapt before you looked!

Explain to her that you haven't got the money for dowry, but you want to be honourable and look after her and the baby. If they can accept this then its love, if they can't then its another money grabbing Thai family looking for a dumb farang story.

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it could be your gf.is the one trying to save face,i expect she has told mare&por that she has a farang bf.so you can sit at home all day and your worries are over,that was till she found out you are not rich after all,and if she is pregnant[by you] that is the entrapment.as for the borrowing of money dont even think about it,i have seen first hand what can happen if you cant pay back.good luck and dont look back.

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A family that I know had two daughters who both got pregnant before getting married. In both cases they asked the father 200K for making their girls pregnant ... and to marry the girls. In both cases the fathers were poor local guys and 200k was an awful lot of money for them. We asked the parents why they asked so much money, the mother answered the guys will probably run away in a couple of years (or even earlier) and they will have to raise the baby, that's what they need the money for.

One of the guy raised the money with the help of his mother and married the girl, the other ran away. Everyday life in Isan ...

The problem of the OP is not the Sin Sot, it's that he got the girl pregnant and that he has to assume his responsibility.

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Local money lenders round here charge 10%/month. Just to give him an idea what he faces.

first you need some security or a guarantor,my bil stuck himself up as a guarantor for a family member who did a runner and he was left with the debt,first they took his pick up,then his bike and if we had not been in los at the time he might have lost his life.beside that he couldnt carry on his bussiness without transport.so if he thinks he can borrow the money on the understanding its only for a day or two think what will happen if it suddenly goes missing.
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You are pathetic dude!

First of all there is no "decent teachers" salary!

Second of all if your "girlfriend" is putting you in a situation where you have to cough up 250k ASAP to her demand, then she is not your girlfriend but just another "rental ho!".

This may sound harsh to you but dont be another stupid farang in thailand.


The situation is "sticky" as long as you keep your head in the sling. If you kick your rented girlfriend to the curb, pack your shit and leave then you dont have those weird issues!


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Think of it like this...

It is not great to be poor and married, but you can work towards a brighter future...

It is crazy to go into debt to get married as you (not her) are starting in the hole with people who will break your face at the drop of a hat.

Get a DNA test before signing any birth certificate... If you have ever seen those Maury - You are not the father videos on youtube, then you would not think twice about it.

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I am trying to do the right thing but it seems too rough ahead with her and her family. Considering jumping ship anything I should worry about

Yes, there is something you need to worry about.

Your unborn child.

You need to decide if you are going to be a father to the child, or are you going to walk away.

Sometimes the other party(ies) make it impossible, or hell on earth, to be a father, outside of financial support.

Sometimes live and learn is called for.

All this depends, of course, on the accuracy of the information we are being given.

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She wants 250k I don't know what to do there's another issue BABY is invovle she is prego too

Lots of teaching jobs in Viet Nam. And, they pay far better than here, so you'll be able to send some child support.

Next time, think with the bigger head,

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The problem of the OP is not the Sin Sot, it's that he got the girl pregnant and that he has to assume his responsibility.

Well, I assume she wasn't raped, so she should take responsibility for her own "actions". Why is it always the man, that have to take the responsibility, what happened to the gender equality?

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I want make sure you know the truth about thai culture sin sod, if your girlfriend has been married before and divorced, or had a child before, or bar girl then you DO NOT need to pay ANY dowry (sinsod) but if she normal lady but little or no education you have to pay about 50,000- 100,000 baht, or if she normal lady with education university and possable land in the family then you will have to pay sinsod 100,000- 300,000 baht. but if the family is very highly educated and high satus in there village or city then the sin sod can go to quite a high amount,,,

The correct way is that the money for sinsod is you have to bring for her parent/parants on the wedding day for show, but what i don't understand is why she is asking you pay before the married day? you should ask her the question and she should be able to give you an answer, BUT BE SURE SIN SOD IS ONLY PAYED ON THE WEDDING DAY OR AFTER IF AGREEMENTS ARE MADE, NEVER BEFORE!!!

I am a thai lady and this is my culture so yes I know what I'm talking about.

I wish you good luck

Why would a Thai lady who is a bar girl be excluded from Sin Sot if she hasnt been married before or by the same token having a child out of wedlock...being married before makes perfect sense but the other 2 dont ?

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I want make sure you know the truth about thai culture sin sod, if your girlfriend has been married before and divorced, or had a child before, or bar girl then you DO NOT need to pay ANY dowry (sinsod) but if she normal lady but little or no education you have to pay about 50,000- 100,000 baht, or if she normal lady with education university and possable land in the family then you will have to pay sinsod 100,000- 300,000 baht. but if the family is very highly educated and high satus in there village or city then the sin sod can go to quite a high amount,,,

The correct way is that the money for sinsod is you have to bring for her parent/parants on the wedding day for show, but what i don't understand is why she is asking you pay before the married day? you should ask her the question and she should be able to give you an answer, BUT BE SURE SIN SOD IS ONLY PAYED ON THE WEDDING DAY OR AFTER IF AGREEMENTS ARE MADE, NEVER BEFORE!!!

I am a thai lady and this is my culture so yes I know what I'm talking about.

I wish you good luck

Why would a Thai lady who is a bar girl be excluded from Sin Sot if she hasnt been married before or by the same token having a child out of wedlock...being married before makes perfect sense but the other 2 dont ?

I want make sure you know the truth about thai culture sin sod, if your girlfriend has been married before and divorced, or had a child before, or bar girl then you DO NOT need to pay ANY dowry (sinsod) but if she normal lady but little or no education you have to pay about 50,000- 100,000 baht, or if she normal lady with education university and possable land in the family then you will have to pay sinsod 100,000- 300,000 baht. but if the family is very highly educated and high satus in there village or city then the sin sod can go to quite a high amount,,,

The correct way is that the money for sinsod is you have to bring for her parent/parants on the wedding day for show, but what i don't understand is why she is asking you pay before the married day? you should ask her the question and she should be able to give you an answer, BUT BE SURE SIN SOD IS ONLY PAYED ON THE WEDDING DAY OR AFTER IF AGREEMENTS ARE MADE, NEVER BEFORE!!!

I am a thai lady and this is my culture so yes I know what I'm talking about.

I wish you good luck

Why would a Thai lady who is a bar girl be excluded from Sin Sot if she hasnt been married before or by the same token having a child out of wedlock...being married before makes perfect sense but the other 2 dont ?

Shopsoiled ?

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I want make sure you know the truth about thai culture sin sod, if your girlfriend has been married before and divorced, or had a child before, or bar girl then you DO NOT need to pay ANY dowry (sinsod) but if she normal lady but little or no education you have to pay about 50,000- 100,000 baht, or if she normal lady with education university and possable land in the family then you will have to pay sinsod 100,000- 300,000 baht. but if the family is very highly educated and high satus in there village or city then the sin sod can go to quite a high amount,,,

The correct way is that the money for sinsod is you have to bring for her parent/parants on the wedding day for show, but what i don't understand is why she is asking you pay before the married day? you should ask her the question and she should be able to give you an answer, BUT BE SURE SIN SOD IS ONLY PAYED ON THE WEDDING DAY OR AFTER IF AGREEMENTS ARE MADE, NEVER BEFORE!!!

I am a thai lady and this is my culture so yes I know what I'm talking about.

I wish you good luck

Why would a Thai lady who is a bar girl be excluded from Sin Sot if she hasnt been married before or by the same token having a child out of wedlock...being married before makes perfect sense but the other 2 dont ?

Yeah, in fact should pay more for experience. :rolleyes:

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