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Questions..korat,si Khio(Cq) Area

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Hello to all; I'll be coming to Si Khio,or thereabouts in the spring.I'm trying to get a feel for the area,so any info would be handy.I'm not sure if it'd be better to bring my work clothes,or just buy what I need when I get there.I work cattle in the midwest,and my gear is pretty heavy-duty.I imagine farm duds are probley lighter/cooler in Thailand.Seein how I'll be passin through KORAT and SI KHIO,is there any stores that can outfit me? any idea how much cotton work pants/long sleeve cotton shirts cost? How about footware,I have a short leg(not bad) but it requires a little build-up. Are there cobblers in the towns I mentioned that do that sort of thing? also,SHOTS.Farmers unlike tourists are exposed to all sorts of stuff,I hate needles, and haven't had one parked in me since'77.Better safe than sorry. what do you recommend? One last thing,I carry a Gerber Multi-tool(good-luck charm),you forsee any problem bringin into Thailand? I'll be totin a backpack and don't know how to declare it,or if they'll let me on the plane with it. Thanks

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Hi buck you haven't said what you are going there for .The cattle farmers don't get around like cow boys.or ride horses .if you need special shoes bring with you as for the multi tool don't bring they will take off you .there would be shops that sell western style clothes you should try google first .there a zoo /milk factory near there where it is set up like a cattle ranch the workers dress like ranch hands there is a shop there that sells western clothes and boots I think the name is CHOKYAI milkfactory good luck on your trip

P.S don't say yeehar like riding a bull in Thailand it has adiffernt meaning there rgds Russell

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

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Shots.....don't even think of coming here without tetanus or tetanus booster. If you're anywhere near a farm or construction site you will be cut by rusty metal and step on rusty nails, guaranteed. I'm sure there's lots of shots that would be good to have but tetanus is the only one I won't do without. Google can help on the other shots.

Put the multi tool in checked bagage, you won't get it on the plane.

Good luck.

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Hi, are you hereto stay or just visiting? I did see your contributions to other subjexts. I have a pig farm between si kiew and khorat and also raise rice, casave and othercrops. If you settle in rhis area it might be a good idea to have a talk.

Don't worry about shots . Tou don't need them if you stay in this area and local hospitals are good.

Sent from my GT-S6102 using Thaivisa Connect App

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rubber boots, button up light weight denim work shirts (bring, your size most likely wont exist), hat, .... thais wear flip flops and or rubber boots... dont think leather boots will last long... leather falls apart in thailand (humid, rain, humid, rain, mud, rain, no rain but humid... thats about it)...

also, indoors in many houses its 'shoes off policy' so ... well, u'll see... flannel work shirts are good too... thais seem to like them also...

tetanus, and cream for ringworm type (jock itch/athletes foot/jungle foot)

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Thanks to all for the feedback..... In answer to some of y-alls questions. I'm sort of volunteering at an experimental farm for 6 weeks this spring.... hopefully, if all works out, I'll come back to the U.S. tie-up what few loose-ends I have, then come back permanent. I don't believe I'll be doin much cow-work(thank GOD). I was figuring on picking-up lighter clothes than the denims I'm use to wearing...I sort-of wanted to dress similar. Good that there's familiar folks in the area, I look forward to meeting up with you. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't apprehensive, Most of my life's been spent within 100 miles of my birth place.... so any advice that'll comb the "green" off me would be a help. I have a pretty good idea on how to get from Bangcock to Si Khio, Is there anything I ought to be aware of? Well friends, that'll do for now, anyone out there who cares to "shoot the bull", is welcome.i'd be interested to know just how you desperadoes came to be over there......ADIOS.

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