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Caught With Weed


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Guys we are talking weed here not heroin or crack

I don't know if any of you even live in Thailand by some of your comments,once you get out off Bangkok weed is everywhere in Thailand a high percent of lOcals smoke it everyday.

As long as the ops friend is not an asshol_e and shows respect to the people dealing with this he could walk with just a fine no deportation,however if he thinks he is a cocky jack the lad type then yes anything could happen.

My advise get a lawyer asap and start negotiations to avoid a court hearing

Everywhere? The only place i have ever seen it is sukhumvit in 20 years of living here, mostly up country.

Now other stuff, that us everywhere.

Loads upcountry. Always has been.

Perhaps the fact that you've never seen it has more to do with your choice in lifestyle and that of those around you (and/or the discretion of those around you).

It certainly ins't necessarily reliable evidence of the actual prevalence of the drug, is it?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Guys we are talking weed here not heroin or crack

I don't know if any of you even live in Thailand by some of your comments,once you get out off Bangkok weed is everywhere in Thailand a high percent of lOcals smoke it everyday.

As long as the ops friend is not an asshol_e and shows respect to the people dealing with this he could walk with just a fine no deportation,however if he thinks he is a cocky jack the lad type then yes anything could happen.

My advise get a lawyer asap and start negotiations to avoid a court hearing

Everywhere? The only place i have ever seen it is sukhumvit in 20 years of living here, mostly up country.

Now other stuff, that us everywhere.

You are obviously mixing with the wrong types.

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It actually does grow naturally, and can be found in most unusual places sometimes. The thing is it's being removed as soon as anyone sees such a plant :) For unknown purposes.

I didn't see any "business license" mentioned in the OP's first post. Business visa, yes, but it's not that difficult to get and it doesn't imply that you're doing any sort of business in LOS.

But OP's friend is a silly billy indeed. If one smokes this crap, he should keep it where it cannot be found, not carry it around.

OP, any update on the situation?

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Signs when entering Thailand tell you what the maximum penalty that can be applied is.

Do they tell what the maximum penalty for 35 grams of marijuana? Really? Tell us what it says.

Even if they did (they don't), so what? Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

One may say ignorantia juris non excusat, another may say Lambert v. California, 355 U.S. 225 (1957)

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Discussing drug laws in Thailand is one thing, but I just deleted a post giving advice on how to break them and not get in trouble. That goes too far. Please try to be smart and self-moderate, so that we can keep the discussion as open and free as possible.

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Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

One may say ignorantia juris non excusat, another may say Lambert v. California, 355 U.S. 225 (1957)

Does anyone here claim that he shouldn't be punished becasuehe didn't know it was illegal and therefore isn't to be blamed?

One may say ignorantia juris non excusat, another may say Lambert v. California, 355 U.S. 225 (1957)

Interesting (though I'm not sure how a case of registration law in California is helpful: do you think even in California that oen could claim ignorance of the law against marijuana and be excused on that basis?)

Question remains vaild, no? (At the time of my posting) did anyone claim he shouldn't be punished because he didn't know it was illegal? If not, I don't know what (non-existent) signs at the airport informing someone about punishment for 35 grams of marijuana have to do with anything.

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To OP : How are things so far ? A follow up would be nice.

And no I'm not one of the lock 'em up and throw a way the key brigade, my opinion is more aimed towards being extremely careful of you want to play around with dope out here.

In my younger years back in the 90's when I was still a tourist I didn't really care if I would have been deported or not, yet now many many moons later, with certain investments and wife here I will no take that chance.

Stay safe wai2.gif

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I still have not seen the OP explain how his friend got caught? Was it a police check point? Was it in Bkk? Did he get rolled up by the person he bought it from? Did they arrest him at a residence? You know Thailand has some crazy laws about busting a house like they have to wait until the morning in some cases<Sh*t you not Koh Lanta>. There are all kinds of factors involved if it was a pinch they want money not time. From what I understand 50k baht is pretty standard. With the right lawyer and the right amount of baht there is a chance of not having too much damage. I have heard more of those stories than I have ever heard about being locked up and the key being thrown away. Weed is not Yaba even then they have a little space the two stories I know were 1 month in jail no charges because of too many people in the apartment and the other they let the guy stay in Thailand because of a wife and 3 kids he had probation and drug testing. The amount of laws broken in this country everyday are staggering most of them are public safety related. There are a 100 different answers to your question. No he won't get the death penalty but "yes" its going to cost some baht and maybe some time in jail depending of representation.

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I'm having a hard time with this. OP says his friend is busted for 35 grams. He asks serious questions about his mate's business license, visa, jail time... It's really serious.

Then some are helpful but too many go off on tangents about anything but this guy's legal and financial issues. Business license. He has a business? Is he going to lose it? Is he going to lose everything?

Without debating the legality, fairness, morality, or anything else, I really feel for the OP. He isn't busted. His friend is. I feel for the friend too. He screwed up but I feel bad about it all.

Do we have no feelings at all for other people, but rather take the opportunity to rant about our personal beliefs about Thais, or debate MJ, or whatever?

Can we help the guy - the OP?

Thank you man. My friend is a good guy, he made a mistake, thats it! For the people who couldn't understand the questions i asked, and went off on righteous rants to hide their ignorance of the subject! I truly feel sorry for you.

Your friend made a serious crime (mistake in your opinion) and now you want help to somehow turn the time back to the point before he did this mistake. As the only thing that helps in cases like this is money, I suggest that you should contact his family or friends to send bail money. And there's no need to feel sorry for us, spare your sorrines for your friend.

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...now you want help to somehow turn the time back to the point before he did this mistake...

I missed that part. Can you show me?

All I saw was how he wants input about what to do, or what to expect, now that crime has been committed/mistake has been made.

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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

last i checked prostitution was illegal too, doesnt deter many on here though does it.

This is what really annoys me about many of the self righteous posters on this board, They bang on about how awful people are who overstay their visa and how anybody that breaks the law taking drugs deserves everything they get but we all know where many of them met their wives so it seems they are very selective about the laws they respect and those they feel they can ignore.

Obviously, the penalty for breaking the laws regarding marijuana are more severe, so it may be justifiable to point out how stupid somebody is to get themselves into such a situation but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground if they have ever consorted with a lady of the night during their time in this country.

Whether this person was stupid or not is besides the point as far as I'm concerned. Nobody deserves to be locked up for smoking weed and if I was able to help in any way, I would.

@ Scully - Bob Marley smoked more than that in one day I believe, let alone two.

Strange comment! Why not just obey the laws of the country you are in? Tell me ? Do you think anyone who travels to another country has the right to demand that country change their laws to suit the individual?

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Is "Reefer Madness" making the rounds of Thai $1 Cinemas?

From many of the posts here, a lot of folks seem to think it was the definitive documentary of marijuana use.

Lord, I hope they didn't colorize it like so many old movies...

Edited by impulse
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No, it's not a hyperbole at all. In certain cases it's even written in the book, that the offender might compensate losses (in case of death or injury caused by him) and suffer no other consequences, other than that. I believe that was the case, when a bloke from a super-rich family ran over a policeman on his Ferrari. Some 2.5mil. THB if I remember it correctly.

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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

last i checked prostitution was illegal too, doesnt deter many on here though does it.

This is what really annoys me about many of the self righteous posters on this board, They bang on about how awful people are who overstay their visa and how anybody that breaks the law taking drugs deserves everything they get but we all know where many of them met their wives so it seems they are very selective about the laws they respect and those they feel they can ignore.

Obviously, the penalty for breaking the laws regarding marijuana are more severe, so it may be justifiable to point out how stupid somebody is to get themselves into such a situation but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground if they have ever consorted with a lady of the night during their time in this country.

Whether this person was stupid or not is besides the point as far as I'm concerned. Nobody deserves to be locked up for smoking weed and if I was able to help in any way, I would.

@ Scully - Bob Marley smoked more than that in one day I believe, let alone two.

<but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground >

I doubt anyone on here can claim not to have sinned or broken some pointless law, but breaking a law that can have serious consequences for one's future, as opposed to one that has no practical penalty, is just plain daft, and nothing to do with morality.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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It will cost it just depends how much.

Location, location, location. All depends where he is and who he is dealing with.

I would have hoped he would have tried to bribe them by now.

100,000 baht the worst comes to the worst.


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Any numnut knows what happens if one is caught with stuff in LOS, BUT, numnuts think l will not be caught, will not happen to me.


He was caught, so numnut must smile and see what happens eh.

If it were my friend l would tell him not to f---- around with stuff in LOS on your business trip. thumbsup.gif

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<but in no way can anybody claim the moral high ground >

I doubt anyone on here can claim not to have sinned or broken some pointless law, but breaking a law that can have serious consequences for one's future, as opposed to one that has no practical penalty, is just plain daft.

True, but one day when they come to the door and toss the cuffs on you for downloading illegal torrents, or catch you with the 4 disks of porn you just bought at Pantip, or knock on the door when you're going at it with a local hooker, or...or..., I'd like to think there will be a little compassion from us other sinners.

As far as I'm concerned, the guy didn't harm me at all, so I have no problem with his actions. That said, he chose to take a risk that I'm pretty sure he understood and it's time to accept the consequences.

It isn't about evil or poisons or moral turpitude (sp?) or despoiling youth- it's about a choice that looks poor in retrospect.

Kind of like when they send the bill for all those torrents... And then some TV wisenheimers will go on forever about how evil you were for stealing that IP from hard working people.

Quality. Every word.

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A friend got caught with 23.5 grams for personal use, and the cops would not take a bribe (a considerable amount). He was sentenced to 7 years, then after 2.5 years in prison he was released on parol on the King's birthday, and deported out of the country. It cost him about bt3000 a month to stay healthy in prison.

7 years for a small bag of weed. That is really harsh. Very bad luck for him especially considering all the things that many people get away with here.

Not Harsh at all since WE ALL KNOW NOT TO DO DRUGS IN THAILAND because the sentences are extensive he knew it was Illegal so NO PITY HERE FOR THAT GUY OR THE OP'S FRIEND

Both deserve everything they get then maybe they will learn not to do drugs in Asia because you really have to be a dumb shit to do it knowing the consequences.

No good bitching after the fact


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