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Bankrupt Brit Leaps To His Death In Bangkok


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I agree there is no way the report by Mr. Tik about the finances should be taken as gospel truth. First of all, it is likely he didn't really understand the exotic and magical financial life of a foreigner (especially one "not working" and no income who still had money, that does not compute for most Thais) and interpreted what he heard through his cultural filters. Secondly, if there was a relationship, perhaps the story ... no more big money to spend now, taxes! ... was used an excuse to limit or freeze the human ATM function, creating friction in the relationship. Yes, investigate please.

Yes I am speculating but the biggest speculation is to accept the story from Mr. Tik at face value without full confirmation.

Edited by Jingthing
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Mr. Tik said that Mr. John did not have a job, and had been transferring money to his account every month from an inheritance left by his parents. Mr. John came to Thailand in July, and was renting the Bangkok condo for 33,000 THB a month.

That's more money for a place to live that I'm making every month. Wouldn't somebody look for a cheaper solution, before "jumping"?

165,000 baht in five months for a condo's insane. I'm wondering what Mr. Tik would say. RIP! Smells fishy.--wai2.gif

You guys need to get out more. 33k baht a month is not a huge amount of money for rent. Heck i was paying 130k a month in Singapore for my apartment which was only 48sqm. Lets get this in perspective please. This guy was no high roller.

Anyway sad way to end at all. RIP

WOW, sounds like a tory politician talking , i think its you that needs to get out more ,.... funny how ppl with plenty of money think everyone else has plenty too , .....for .MOST thais a condo @ 33,000b is well out of range as most earn around 10-15,000 B pm which is also about the same as i could afford for a condo if i come to retire here , what do you think an OAP in the UK gets PM from the Govt ? , they sure could'nt afford a condo @33k which btw is the cost of my mortgage or what many try and save for their annual flight to LOS .........130k pm rent in singers ???, i dont earn that much, but its more than a few of my mates earn ..............reality check time me thinks !

130k THB for rent in Singapore is on the on the cheap side of the median, my rent is equal to THB 175K

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Is this for real? He was living with a Thai rent boy called Mr Tik?

He was living with a man being called Mr. Tik. That's all the info we've got. Why would you assume he's a rent boy? He might be but that's a stretch to assume that he is.

It's, indeed, possible that Mr Tik is the wealthy scion of a Thai Chinese business family who happened to find Mr Rose wildly attractive. OK let's leave it at that. RIP.

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Yes I suppose money worries happen to us all at some time in our life but most people just move on and get back on their feet and start over again, I think if you were that hard up he could have tried moving into a cheaper condo for a start I have known a few friends recently in BKK whom have moved to low-cost condos while going through a tough financial period maybe Mr Tik could have helped him out more with the finances and upped his shared contribution for a while. R.I.P and condolences to Mr John Rose’s friends and family.


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Is this for real? He was living with a Thai rent boy called Mr Tik?

He was living with a man being called Mr. Tik. That's all the info we've got. Why would you assume he's a rent boy? He might be but that's a stretch to assume that he is.

It's, indeed, possible that Mr Tik is the wealthy scion of a Thai Chinese business family who happened to find Mr Rose wildly attractive. OK let's leave it at that. RIP.

Not exactly. It is pretty common for gay Thai men to be interested in older westerners for live in relationships the same way Thai women are interested in marriages with foreigners. The attraction of financial security is there, no doubt, but that doesn't mean all Thais attracted to such relationships are actually prostitutes. Edited by Jingthing
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Is this for real? He was living with a Thai rent boy called Mr Tik?

He was living with a man being called Mr. Tik. That's all the info we've got. Why would you assume he's a rent boy? He might be but that's a stretch to assume that he is.

It's, indeed, possible that Mr Tik is the wealthy scion of a Thai Chinese business family who happened to find Mr Rose wildly attractive. OK let's leave it at that. RIP.

Not exactly. It is pretty common for gay Thai men to be interested in older westerners for live in relationships the same way Thai women are interested in marriages with foreigners. The attraction of financial security is there, no doubt, but that doesn't mean all Thais attracted to such relationships are actually prostitutes.

that may be true - in fact is true - however it is an 'exchange' which is enjoyed by those who have finance regardless of 'attractiveness'. I get bored with old, fat farang telling me their attractive 30 year younger wives really love them regardless of money. if we accept the ';exchange' what's wrong with that? nothing!

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It's, indeed, possible that Mr Tik is the wealthy scion of a Thai Chinese business family who happened to find Mr Rose wildly attractive. OK let's leave it at that. RIP.

Not exactly. It is pretty common for gay Thai men to be interested in older westerners for live in relationships the same way Thai women are interested in marriages with foreigners. The attraction of financial security is there, no doubt, but that doesn't mean all Thais attracted to such relationships are actually prostitutes.

that may be true - in fact is true - however it is an 'exchange' which is enjoyed by those who have finance regardless of 'attractiveness'. I get bored with old, fat farang telling me their attractive 30 year younger wives really love them regardless of money. if we accept the ';exchange' what's wrong with that? nothing!

Ark lady nailed the Nil rate although I think a $480,000 or $560,000 rate would becapplicable depending in timing or sequence of death. The bug issue is how many heirs and how long ago.

I would also think dude would go higher up if really wanting to kill self to make sure act is accomplished and does not just leave you maimed and worse off. I wonder if Mr. Tik was present when it happened.

Edited by ttelise
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everyone is assuming this man was bankrupt or broke, yes it's in the Title of the OP and the assumptions of finacial difficulty come solely from Mr Tik, I'd rather wait until a relative or an investigation supports the witness statement, having inheritence tax problems in the UK does not tell me he was bankrupt or broke - would Thai police even understand that ?

Exactly,quite the oppposite in fact!

Even a largish family of say 4 kids would mean before the limit he would stand to collect over GBP £80,000/USD $130,000,not exactly chump change.The fact that he was having problems means it could have been considerably more,33k per month baht for a condo for 5 months suddenly pales into insignificance!

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I agree there is no way the report by Mr. Tik about the finances should be taken as gospel truth. First of all, it is likely he didn't really understand the exotic and magical financial life of a foreigner (especially one "not working" and no income who still had money, that does not compute for most Thais) and interpreted what he heard through his cultural filters. Secondly, if there was a relationship, perhaps the story ... no more big money to spend now, taxes! ... was used an excuse to limit or freeze the human ATM function, creating friction in the relationship. Yes, investigate please.

Yes I am speculating but the biggest speculation is to accept the story from Mr. Tik at face value without full confirmation.

Another point worth considering is "Mr Tik" may have been decieved and told anything by the deceased as to where his funds were coming from. There are no shortage of foriegners here in Thailand lying to thier Thai partners for one reason or another about amounts of / and where salaries come from.

Edited by coma
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Indeed, why did he rent expensive condo if he had problems with money. One can rent a nice apartment for 4000 baht/month, with aircon and nice bathroom.

You are correct but I see lots of silly farangs telling girls how much money they have or make and I even know one guy renting a house for more than B120,000 per month, renting now, not buying. Can ya spell stupid.wai.gif

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I think there has been enough speculation on Mr. Tik. Unless/until there is some information concerning him, let's stop the speculation. A number of posts have been deleted as well as replies. A few posters were beginning to refer to Mr. Tik as a ladyboy as if it were a known fact. It is not.

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Indeed, why did he rent expensive condo if he had problems with money. One can rent a nice apartment for 4000 baht/month, with aircon and nice bathroom.

In BKK? I would be interested!

Theses tons of such apartments in BKK. They are know as "mansions" 3500 - 6000 average prices. Basic one is a bedroom, bathroom/shower. Usually have TV and A/C.

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I'm sure it's just poor writing, but the way it was worded, Mr. Tik said Mr. John was transferring money to his(Mr. Tik's?) account every month.

You're almost broke, so come to Thailand to have a last fling and splurge on an expensive place to live, take up with a Mr. Tik (gay or lady boy) give him a nice chunk for the odd favor and when the money runs out you get into your shorts and jump.

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Sounds like Mr. Tik is high maintenance.

but aren't most Thai's high maintenance who live in the city they want all the latest brand name clothes plus taken out with there friends to nice restaurants plus clubs and bars and on top of this send money home and still want more on top of this like iphone and ipad ,,

Not true at all. Do you actually know any Thais?

Do you ?.....although he is generalising he is not far off the mark..wink.png

I should have said gold necklace and bracelet plus new phones heard it all before been here now 9 years... coffee1.gif

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Yes I suppose money worries happen to us all at some time in our life but most people just move on and get back on their feet and start over again, I think if you were that hard up he could have tried moving into a cheaper condo for a start I have known a few friends recently in BKK whom have moved to low-cost condos while going through a tough financial period maybe Mr Tik could have helped him out more with the finances and upped his shared contribution for a while. R.I.P and condolences to Mr John Rose’s friends and family.

yes rip to the guy ....just one thing though its amazing how many people CANT go to a lower living standard ....most people can and will adapt ...but some just cant ...i had a boss years back ....great fellow ...inherited business ...making a good fist of it .. global financial dramas .....and just said sayonara ...he left note apologising ...there r some people who just cant hack life with the common herd ...they need the champers the beamers etc. cheers
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I actually agree with you, I'd love to speak to a relative to confirm the background story of the only witness, also as I understand it there is a threshold before tax kicks in on inheritance money and it isn't a few thousand pounds, also there doesn't need to be a struggle to push someone of a balcony, the police need to look at bank accounts here and see just what this mans finacial position was or perhaps there was a large sum of cash in the room - I'm not usually a conspiritor in these situations but I'd feel more convinced if a few simple checks were made


In the UK there are over 5000 suicides a year, UK has Social Services for people with all sorts of problems, people can get help in the UK, yet still there are 5000 suicides.

In Thailand when you are broke, if you can't borrow anymore money, if you ain't got the fare home, you are screwed. I have known lots of Farangs that have run out of money in Thailand, some went home before they were completely broke and could still gather enough for an airfare, some hung on till they had to borrow the money for an airfare, some became Teachers, some are in Jail and some took their lives.

There ain't no Social Sevices here to help people in financial difficulty.

The only thing that suprises me about Farang suicides in Thailand, is that there are not more of them.

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I actually agree with you, I'd love to speak to a relative to confirm the background story of the only witness, also as I understand it there is a threshold before tax kicks in on inheritance money and it isn't a few thousand pounds, also there doesn't need to be a struggle to push someone of a balcony, the police need to look at bank accounts here and see just what this mans finacial position was or perhaps there was a large sum of cash in the room - I'm not usually a conspiritor in these situations but I'd feel more convinced if a few simple checks were made


In the UK there are over 5000 suicides a year, UK has Social Services for people with all sorts of problems, people can get help in the UK, yet still there are 5000 suicides.

In Thailand when you are broke, if you can't borrow anymore money, if you ain't got the fare home, you are screwed. I have known lots of Farangs that have run out of money in Thailand, some went home before they were completely broke and could still gather enough for an airfare, some hung on till they had to borrow the money for an airfare, some became Teachers, some are in Jail and some took their lives.

There ain't no Social Sevices here to help people in financial difficulty.

The only thing that suprises me about Farang suicides in Thailand, is that there are not more of them.

but 'if' it was a suicide why choose that methodology? if i was going to do that I'd buy an under-the-counter drug etc. to jump? risking a vegetative state?

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I actually agree with you, I'd love to speak to a relative to confirm the background story of the only witness, also as I understand it there is a threshold before tax kicks in on inheritance money and it isn't a few thousand pounds, also there doesn't need to be a struggle to push someone of a balcony, the police need to look at bank accounts here and see just what this mans finacial position was or perhaps there was a large sum of cash in the room - I'm not usually a conspiritor in these situations but I'd feel more convinced if a few simple checks were made


In the UK there are over 5000 suicides a year, UK has Social Services for people with all sorts of problems, people can get help in the UK, yet still there are 5000 suicides.

In Thailand when you are broke, if you can't borrow anymore money, if you ain't got the fare home, you are screwed. I have known lots of Farangs that have run out of money in Thailand, some went home before they were completely broke and could still gather enough for an airfare, some hung on till they had to borrow the money for an airfare, some became Teachers, some are in Jail and some took their lives.

There ain't no Social Sevices here to help people in financial difficulty.

The only thing that suprises me about Farang suicides in Thailand, is that there are not more of them.

but 'if' it was a suicide why choose that methodology? if i was going to do that I'd buy an under-the-counter drug etc. to jump? risking a vegetative state?

That's an interesting question. The building is 28 stories but he "fell" from the 8th. High enough I guess but still ...

I think anytime there is a so called jumper when others are present, a thorough investigation is warranted.

Will this case get that? Doubtful.

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Sounds like Mr. Tik is high maintenance.

but aren't most Thai's high maintenance who live in the city they want all the latest brand name clothes plus taken out with there friends to nice restaurants plus clubs and bars and on top of this send money home and still want more on top of this like iphone and ipad ,,

Not true at all. Do you actually know any Thais?

Do you ?.....although he is generalising he is not far off the mark..wink.png

Plenty are, but there is no way that it's most Thais. If it was, there would be a lot more brand name shops and knock offs than there actually are. Just walk around a busy area and you will see that most Thais don't have any branded goods.

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