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Chiang Mai Night Safari Offers Special Spot For Couples

Jai Dee

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Chiang Mai Night Safari offers special spot for couples

Today being Valentine's Day, Chiang Mai Night Safari is taking it special with activities prepared especially for couples.

The "I Love You" point has been erected for couples to say the phrase while visiting the zoo. The spot is considered the most beautiful of the entire Chiang Mai Night Safari as it is filled with blossoms from various flowers. The point is adjacent to the orangutan display area, where one orangutan couple has just recently fallen in love and have been hugging and cuddling each other for 2 weeks. Night Safari project director Plodprasop Surassawadee (ปลอดประสพ สุรัสวดี) said that people faking the "I love you" phrase at the point will prompt the specially-trained orangutans to snarl at them.

Couples who register their marriage today may enter the safari for free, and bring along two extra companions without charge (provided they bring with them the registration documents).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 Febuary 2006

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Another confirmed link to the Great Apes, and another Governmental Official's desire to exploit that fact. :o

people faking the "I love you" phrase at the point will prompt the specially-trained orangutans to snarl at them.
If the 'I love you' seems sincere, what do the orangutans do?

These kinds of images do manage to make life here interesting, na'? :D

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The point is adjacent to the orangutan display area, where one orangutan couple has just recently fallen in love and have been hugging and cuddling each other for 2 weeks.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 Febuary 2006

All this sweetness is making me vom :o

Anyway, I thought that Valentines Day was being played down this year, what with it being the Farang Month of Love, or whatever it was that they called it.

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