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It's a little bit of everything. Foreigners riding motorscooters in crazy Thai traffic is one reason. As already stated, elderly men who come here as a last ditch measure to save a failed life is another. Men who get drunk and flash their money around in places where thieves and crooks hang out is another. Getting involved in business deals that have no way of succeeding is another. It is like statistics everywhere, they can be skewed to alter whatever data you want to prove. Hospitals are pretty good in Thailand and fairly reasonable, but they can't account for everything. If you have enough money for a specialist then you'll be okay, but if not then you'll get lumped in with all the other patients with little or no money. In those cases, misdiognosis happens frequently.

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I believe a very real syndrome of flying out of high balcony windows or off of balconies exists in Thailand. In Jerusalem especially, but all over Israel they have something called the Jesus syndrome where people get so wrapped up in the religion thing that they end up in the local nut house.

Bit strange that as the vast majority of Israelis are Jewish and therefore wouldn't have Jesus as a part of their religion.

Edit - Just been reading about it on Wiki. Very interesting stuff really.

Edited by Colonel_Mustard
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"Coming home in a body bag" Great name for a movie! Not a good one. But a movie so bad it is fun to watch. I suggest Stephen Seagal/Dolf Lundgren or good ol' JCVD fo course in Thailand.

How shall we call the sequel..

Edited by Dancealot
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Look at it this way:

In a 12 month period in 2008/2009, there were 853,000 Brits living in and visiting Thailand. 288 of them died.

That’s one death per 3,000 Brits traveling to (and living in) Thailand.

If you figure the average lifespan of a Brit is 75 years, then about 1 in 75 dies every year (yes, I know the math isn't that clean, but bear with me)

That means that Brits that stayed home were 40 times more likely to die than those that came to (and/or lived in) Thailand.

If that's not on the Thai Travel Brochures, it's beyond me why.

Source:http://www.traveldailynews.com/images/upload/File/british-abroad-report-240809.pdf I have not vetted the source at all...

The UK death rate is 9.33/ 1000 per annum. So based upon that figure the death rate is 1% of the population per annum. You can't use that figure in the context of tourists though, that may only spend a couple of days or weeks in Thailand.

It would only be appropriate if it was applied to expat UK nationals that are based in Thailand, you would then need to factor in demographics to the equation too. Obviously there will be a higher death rate among the elderly than other demographics.

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Well, one solution is to block anyone with mental illness from coming to Thailand. Another is to enforce the requirements to have the required funds on hand and to enforce the laws. For example one could crack down on the call centers (remember the boiler room swedes that knifed one of their workmates?) Perhaps mandatory psychological fitness testing could be implemented. This way those folks prone to the abuse of various drugs including alcohol would not reach a state where they used too much and lost their grip on reality and took a leap when their bar girl/ bar boy dumped them. Perhaps a restriction on the sale of alcohol to foreigners might help. It seems that alcohol is fueling the idiotic misadventures of a number of foreigners such as the drunk Australian kid in Patong that decided to play on the ledge of his hotel. Medical exams should also be mandatory. That way those people with terminal diseases won't be here and reach a point in their painfull terminal illnesses where they kill themselves. (2 in the last quarter in Phuket.)

Hope my suggestions help.

Wot another "nanny state"!wai2.gif

This post is so stupid , a total crock

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In any given population about 1% will die each year. In the UK that's about 500,000 + per year. I don't know how many ex-pats live in Thailand but say it's 100,000. So you would expect 1,000 to die a year or 3 a day. Considering though that most ex pats are old then the 3 a day easily becomes 6 or more a day.

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In any given population about 1% will die each year. In the UK that's about 500,000 + per year. I don't know how many ex-pats live in Thailand but say it's 100,000. So you would expect 1,000 to die a year or 3 a day. Considering though that most ex pats are old then the 3 a day easily becomes 6 or more a day.

So if only 288 died in a year as quoted by a poster a little earlier in the thread we're well below the annual average so......... Thailand is clearly a safer place to live than the UK!!thumbsup.gif

Edited by gmac
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Death stuff in your own country is probably similar but you don't hear all. sad.png

I know that people get killed every day back where I'm from,but not foreigners.There just seems to be an awful lot dying over here wether it be by their own hand or that of another.

Thailand attracts a high amount of strange, criminals, drug addicts, retired and bitter people.

They live a violent and dramatic life over here.

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A lot of farangs do die from accidents in Thailand, especially the motorbike riders that on they’re first trip out on their high powered special custom bikes compare themselves to stallions running in the wind and many are murdered each year because they become involved with the wrong crowds.

Illegal property and land speculators are a favourite choice, sometimes ending up at the bottom of a lake somewhere or shot while out or in the convenience of their own homes.

Other common occurrences are the elderly farangs that decide to settle down with a much younger Thai wife or girlfriend, usually handpicked from the underclasses of Thai society. Can be described as the black widow wives, when once they have sucked the farang dry of all his assets then have him either beaten to death and on occasions shot if the Thai boyfriend is handy with a gun.

Quite a few expire from the taking of backstreet highly toxic acquired drugs and there is the odd suicide that can happen when the farang checks his bank balance and is suddenly hit with a page full of zero balances.

So there you have it. Don`t get involved in Thailand, don`t come here if you can`t afford it and don`t place yourselves into situations that are out of your league.

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impulse i hope your post was a joke.

Of course it was.

In fact, a few months ago I linked to the same source to compare how much more dangerous it seems to be for Brits to travel and/or live in Thailand than in some other countries.

The statistics presented in the link are pretty scary if you start comparing the death rate, hospitalization rate and arrest rate for Brits traveling to different countries, including Thailand.

Yourauntbob pointed out the flaws, the reasons the numbers don't actually indicate it's 40 times safer to travel to Thailand than to stay home. And he's right, there are a lot more reasons he didn't get to.

You should not joke about these things.

Think about all the TV members who live for the conspiracy theories, the mafia stories, the scam stories, Farang=ATM stories, etc,etc.

You ruin it for them.


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I'm sure the death rate is higher here but it also feels even higher because the news reports all the suicides. I don't think many suicides are reported by the news in farangland.

where is farangland

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I'm sure the death rate is higher here but it also feels even higher because the news reports all the suicides. I don't think many suicides are reported by the news in farangland.

where is farangland

Epcot Center, Disney Wold, Orlando. thumbsup.gif ......................smile.png
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