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Always Count Your Change At Gas Stations.


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Worst part is they never see that they make a small gain today by cheating,and lost my business forever!

Given that they're staff on minimum wage, I doubt they give a rats backside. 2x100B short changings a day nearly double's their salary!

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Worst part is they never see that they make a small gain today by cheating,and lost my business forever!

Given that they're staff on minimum wage, I doubt they give a rats backside. 2x100B short changings a day nearly double's their salary!

Maybe dignity and self respect could be taken in consideration whistling.gif
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Not only at gas stations. There's a large corner drug store on a busy street just east of Dara Academy where I was shorted 100 baht. I'd tendered 1,000 baht for, what, a 290 baht purchase. The clerk gave me the change in 100s rather than a 500 and 3 100s. Only problem was that she shortchanged me 100 baht. She gave me my change and quickly went elsewhere in the store to take care of other business...or hide. I counted my change and looked around to get her attention. When she noticed me waiting for her, she promptly returned to the till and handed over my remaining 100 baht without my even having to explain the problem!

That said, another time I'd filled my cycle at the gas station beside Dara, and was given 100 baht too much in change. Loss of face or not, the attendant was surprised and pleased that I pointed out the error.

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I check my change everywhere, no matter what country I am in. I get back wrong change the most at 7/11, I think because the workers are distracted and chatting with each other. I would say that more often than not they give me back too much though!

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It can happen anywhere as MrBrad says, and it's not ALWAYS intentional. But, at gas stations it is pretty obvious when they are short changing you. I learned a long time ago to add things up in my head by averaging up or down to the nearest rounded number. It is amazing how accurate you can be when totalling up a lot of items. Even at home with a $100 worth of groceries I'm seldom out more than a few dollars. If you buy ANYTHING, then just bring it UP to the next rounded number. !20 baht would be rounded up to 200 and then you subtract the 200 from 1000 and you should receive at least 800 baht in change. It's quick and easy and you don't get scammed by more than a few baht.

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This was a very useful and wisening thread, and I'll offer my two cents as to what I do which may be of some assist:

1) Gas up when down to about 1/4 tank (avoid sucking water & dirt from the bottom of the tank & quantity is always similar).

2) Use a debit or credit card, and ask for the 2nd register paper that shows the quantity of liters.

3) The gas tank fill lid only opens from the inside drivers side. So I open and then walk around and only after lid is removed do I say which gas is wanted while I look at the pump gauge to ensure it's on zero and that they're putting in the correct gas(except one never knows what is actually being pumped! If a lesser gas perhaps the engine will soon start pinging when under a load.)

4) Pumps stop filling when the gas in your tank first kicks back at the nozzle. Tell them to continue filling and you may get as much as another 5 or 6 liters in the tank.

5) Always watch mileage to ensure engine is operating OK. So after each fill I quickly calculate kilometers/liter (then adjust the speedometer mileage counter back to zero -- mine has 3 settings.)

6) In all stores or gas stations if paying with a 1,000 baht note first rather loudly ask "Do you have change for 1,000 Bt?"

And I have no explanation for this: A few months ago three times in a row gassed up at 2 different gas stations of the same brand name and each time the fill amount was identical at 1,400bt but the liter price & quantity was different. That's a little too coincidental for my blood! And it hasn't occurred again at those same stations. Could it be they had a maximum pump baht amount set on their pumps?

And I'll certainly keep a close watch on the station where I also sometimes gas up close to DK Book where I also have an espresso in the small shop at the front.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

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I've paid for gas thousands of times in Thailand and have never once been shortchanged. Can it happen? Sure, usually by legit mistake. For it to be intentional, you have to be very, very unlucky. It is far more likely to happen in the West.

I've paid for petrol thousands of times too and been shortchanged once. It was on Samui.

I don't think it was any coincidence that my shortchanging and the OP's shortchanging both occurred in fully-blown tourist areas. Tourists are far more likely to fail to notice and far less likely to come back and complain.

Shortchanging happens at the Skytrain stations all the time, it's only 10 baht each time, but these ten bahts can sure mount up.
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Not only check your change,but also check that the pump is set to Zero,I've been done twice. And only realised my petrol guage was well down for 600 bahts worth.Once I went back and they gave me 150 bahts back,which was probably not enough,but better than nothing.

The last time they tried that on me, I pointed it out to the boy and he said, "Oh, sorry. I think you pay for man in front you." laugh.png

If I knew I could get away with it, I would have hit him in the throat and drove off.

Worst part is they never see that they make a small gain today by cheating,and lost my business forever!

What do they care if they've lost your business forever. They are not the owners of the place.

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I've been short changed in countries all over the world. And I've been given too much change in countries all over the world.

A question to all those complaining about being short changed do you give the money back if you are given too much change?

Common sense just check your change where ever you are.

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I've been short changed in countries all over the world. And I've been given too much change in countries all over the world.

A question to all those complaining about being short changed do you give the money back if you are given too much change?

Common sense just check your change where ever you are.

Yes, I have been short changed, and I have been been over changed. And yes I have always handed back the extra money with a nice smile. And I feel a much better person for my honesty.

Nice to hear that. I always give the money back too but I would hazard a guess that people who complain about getting ripped off will pocket the cash when it is to their advantage.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

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i must be lucky,in eight years in,ive never had a proplem at petrol stations when buying petrol,i usually only get 500bhts worth nearly every time,there is a self service petrol station on the moat if it is handy for you,though even that i suppose u could be short changed,but not get incorrect fuel,

I saw it quickly in passing and it did not keep in my brain. Do you remember the location of that self-service petrol station?

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I've paid for gas thousands of times in Thailand and have never once been shortchanged. Can it happen? Sure, usually by legit mistake. For it to be intentional, you have to be very, very unlucky. It is far more likely to happen in the West.

'Legit mistake'? Yeah, right. It may not be apparent to those wearing rose-tinted glasses, but they know exactly what they're doing and it's been happening more and more regularly, including 7-11s and hardware stores (outer ring road, north of city). Occasionally, though very rarely, I've had too much (always point it out), but it is overwhelmingly in their favour. Even the banks do it, albeit at the satang level. Try this op: go back there and try getting away with paying less and see the reaction.

I was shortchanged 100 baht this Sunday evening at the Tops market in Kad Suan Kaew. Bought a 30-baht item, handed the cashier 500 baht, and got back 370 baht. I pointed it out to the cashier, he recounted the money, apologized, and gave me the 100 B without any fuss.

Incidentally, I started paying close attention to my change after reading threads like this on Thaivisa. Folks, check your change, at gas stations and everywhere else!.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

your living in the los,stop being so naive,now if u want to be conned try the western world,there they con. you without the smile,and 100 times more. Edited by onthedarkside
insulting comment removed
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I have always carried this snippet of information from my schooling Economics days.

My teacher always said that giving back change is not a legal requirement anywhere.

You are however obliged by law to tend the required amount to make a purchase; so if you want to hand over a banknote of higher denomination then the shopkeeper is allowed to keep it.

I just checked on the internet if this is still the case, found one site confirming this but difficult to verify, officially.

I suspect it is true, but obviously tradition and fairness to customers has taken precedence.

Therefore, just remember.....you give them more than you are required then its up to them if they want to give change.

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It can happen anywhere as MrBrad says

When people say stuff like this , I always wonder if they understand this : "But the chances aren't the same..."

I could drown trying to swim across the atlantic, or I could drown in a bath tub...

I could die from lung cancer if i smoke every day, or I could die from lung cancer if I don't.

I could fail the test if I study, or I could fail if I don't study.

I could die with or without a helmet..

I could get swindled by a prostitute or a girl scout.

I could win the lottery if I buy one ticket or a hundred tickets...

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i must be lucky,in eight years in,ive never had a proplem at petrol stations when buying petrol,i usually only get 500bhts worth nearly every time,there is a self service petrol station on the moat if it is handy for you,though even that i suppose u could be short changed,but not get incorrect fuel,

I saw it quickly in passing and it did not keep in my brain. Do you remember the location of that self-service petrol station?

bottom left hand corner of the moat.
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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

your living in the los,stop being so naive,now if u want to be conned try the western world,there they con. you without the smile,and 100 times more.

It's not me that's naive,you are the one that dosn't mind being conned as long as its done with a smile,a typical apologist!

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

Or you can can carry on thinking that every Thai you meet is trying to rip you off. That's a sad life to lead and I don't mean to aim it at you it is aimed at many of the sad individuals who have thousands of posts on here.

Cue the flames and before people start saying about how long I've been here I've been here a long time but unlike our regulars I have a life hence my low post count.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

your living in the los,stop being so naive,now if u want to be conned try the western world,there they con. you without the smile,and 100 times more.

It's not me that's naive,you are the one that dosn't mind being conned as long as its done with a smile,a typical apologist!

Or maybe you are a typical grumpy old _________

Just a thought and I expect insults from you back. Just another sad person who will be angry wherever they are.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

Or you can can carry on thinking that every Thai you meet is trying to rip you off. That's a sad life to lead and I don't mean to aim it at you it is aimed at many of the sad individuals who have thousands of posts on here.

Cue the flames and before people start saying about how long I've been here I've been here a long time but unlike our regulars I have a life hence my low post count.

Alternately we could just recognise that it makes sense to pay attention to whats going on around us in Thailand or in any other country. That includes paying attention to the change we receive. It amazes me how common sense can become a debatable topic.

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

Or you can can carry on thinking that every Thai you meet is trying to rip you off. That's a sad life to lead and I don't mean to aim it at you it is aimed at many of the sad individuals who have thousands of posts on here.

Cue the flames and before people start saying about how long I've been here I've been here a long time but unlike our regulars I have a life hence my low post count.

Who said I am "thinking that every Thai I meet is trying to rip me off"?

I quoted two instances of times when I was ripped off,which the same con has happened to others,perhaps you are one of the lucky ones!

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be interesting,to no what you paranoid lot will do after you have run out of petrol stations,that you think have done you for a minscule amount of fuel or maybe a satang or two,buy a bike,then you will propaly complain attendant not put enough air in your tyres.

OK! You can carry on being conned,others will speak up!

your living in the los,stop being so naive,now if u want to be conned try the western world,there they con. you without the smile,and 100 times more.

It's not me that's naive,you are the one that dosn't mind being conned as long as its done with a smile,a typical apologist!

Or maybe you are a typical grumpy old _________

Just a thought and I expect insults from you back. Just another sad person who will be angry wherever they are.


Thankfully you don't know me!

Edited by MAJIC
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Why do people think they know when they've been conned? If someone skimmed 100 baht from my fill up, I'd have no idea unless I caught them from the start. No way I'd drive off and realize my tank should have 100 baht more in it. But of course, I'm no where near as smart as the typical TV poster/sleuth.

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