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Hundreds Of Thai Schools Close After Teacher Attacks

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Hundreds of Thai schools close after teacher attacks

BANGKOK, Dec 6, 2012 (AFP) - Teachers in Thailand's restive south suspended lessons at hundreds of schools Thursday after gun attacks on two educators this week, in the second recent class stoppage in the region over security fears.

The local teaching association in Narathiwat, one of three insurgency-plagued southern provinces, said it had called for all state schools in the area to close for two days after a teacher was shot dead on Monday.

"We demand effective security measures for teachers.

State agencies should take responsibility for this incident," said chairman Sanguan Intarak, adding the group would reassess the situation before schools reopened early next week.

Chatsuda Nilsuwan, 32, who was shot as she left school on Monday, became the 155th education worker killed in the Thai south, which has been in the grip of insurgency for nearly nine years.

Another teacher in Narathiwat was shot and wounded on Tuesday.

Militants view the school system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the Muslim-majority south.

Teachers working in non-religious schools are frequently targeted because they are seen as a symbol of government authority.

Sanguan said about 70 percent of the province's 378 state schools had closed Thursday -- with the rest not made aware of the decision in time.

The move follows the closure of more than 300 schools in neighbouring Pattani last week to protest the risks faced by educators.

Thailand's southern unrest has claimed more than 5,300 lives, both Buddhist and Muslim, with near-daily bomb or gun attacks.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-12-06

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The whole scheme.....security...back-up....management..it seems that it is a total scam....the UN and all other agencies, including governments of countries that deal with Thailand, should be inform and informed to what is really happening in this region........simply crimes at unimaginable levels continue without response!!........

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The whole scheme.....security...back-up....management..it seems that it is a total scam....the UN and all other agencies, including governments of countries that deal with Thailand, should be inform and informed to what is really happening in this region........simply crimes at unimaginable levels continue without response!!........

In today's Bangkok Post there is a report that Thailand has been ranked eighth in a global list of countries where terrorism has had the most impact in the past decade. The UN and major powers will be well aware of the conflict in the Deep South. To date there has not been any spill over of violence to neighbouring countries, nor into other areas of Thailand. Accordingly, right now, the conflict in the Deep South is not a current threat to other other countries strategic interests. Therefore minimal activity from the global community as would be viewed as a domestic problem. Should any proof of involvement from outside organisations surface, such as Al Qaeda , it will be a different story. So far any criticism that has been leveled at the Thai government has been rejected.

Edited by simple1
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Itis really awful these muslim terrorists. Israel´s hopeless defense against

the very same agressors come to mind....


I think the situation is more complicated then that...I haven't seen any clear sign that these are muslim terrorists of the middle eastern variety - SE asian muslims seem to be more laid-back, not like dictators, in my experience. It seems like local organized crime, or separationist militias, rather than something ordered by militant Muslim leaders (imams). It seems impossible to negotiate a ceasefire since it doesn't seem clear what is behind the attacks, and a military crackdown doesn't work against an insurgency since that simply inflames the locals even more..

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This topic needs to go Global.........relying on the Government , or it's agencies, to apply a solution, just is not going to happen here...

It's so tragic that the local people in the area have to endure these horrific conditions day in and day out, and no-one in the government is concerned........"beef up security".....thats's the usual response which is meaningless!

By now it should be clear to the local population the Thai Govt is ineffective. According to many reports from local leaders, it is less than 1% of Muslims raising all the hell. Thats a 100 to 1 advantage. If locals really want to have peace in their region, they are going to have to start taking care of this themselves. It seems weapons are easy to get down there, so get bizzy.
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This topic needs to go Global.........relying on the Government , or it's agencies, to apply a solution, just is not going to happen here...

It's so tragic that the local people in the area have to endure these horrific conditions day in and day out, and no-one in the government is concerned........"beef up security".....thats's the usual response which is meaningless!

By now it should be clear to the local population the Thai Govt is ineffective. According to many reports from local leaders, it is less than 1% of Muslims raising all the hell. Thats a 100 to 1 advantage. If locals really want to have peace in their region, they are going to have to start taking care of this themselves. It seems weapons are easy to get down there, so get bizzy.

I think the perpetrators (armed groups) have broader support than 1%. I don't know if the comparison is apt, but a lot of organized criminal/insurgent groups tend to have local support (Pablo Escobar and Al Capone come to mind) since they're more in tune than the central government with what the locals actually want. There's a book available on Google Books entitled "Sultans, Shamans, and Saints: Siam and Muslims in SE Asia", by Federspiel, detailing the history behind this. It's beginning to make more sense.

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Here is a noble idea. How about they open a US military base in Thailand, say in Utapo. Then they can send troops down south and "liberate" the area.

Deputy PM Chlerm has said that Thailand does not have terrorist.

That jokers also said he was going to clean up the drug trade in three months. How did that work out? How that clown is in office is beyond me.

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Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

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Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

There has been resentment towards Siamese rule of this area for a long time. Several centuries before, the Malays allied with the Chinese in order to strengthen their defense against Siamese marauding. See the book I referenced above. I think the "militant Muslim" aspect is not as much a part of it as most people on here insinuate, though minority militant Muslim parties exist in Malaysia and certainly have something to do with this.

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Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

Some interesting POV at the URL below from the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. To specifically respond to your comment from the research it states "Thailand’s military once prided itself on having stabilised the situation in the deep south. But in 2002 the military was stripped of its long-held responsibility for maintaining the peace there. Responsibility was handed over to the police, an institution with a track record of nepotism and petty corruption. In short order they made a hash of it, destroying a network of internal security informants that had previously enabled the army to address concerns before they got out of control".


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This topic needs to go Global.........relying on the Government , or it's agencies, to apply a solution, just is not going to happen here...

It's so tragic that the local people in the area have to endure these horrific conditions day in and day out, and no-one in the government is concerned........"beef up security".....thats's the usual response which is meaningless!

By now it should be clear to the local population the Thai Govt is ineffective. According to many reports from local leaders, it is less than 1% of Muslims raising all the hell. Thats a 100 to 1 advantage. If locals really want to have peace in their region, they are going to have to start taking care of this themselves. It seems weapons are easy to get down there, so get bizzy.

Thai Police, Army and Gov appear to have very little inside Intelligence, We all know how ineffective the Boys in Brown are , seems there's no such things as Internal Security undercover units.

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Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

Some interesting POV at the URL below from the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. To specifically respond to your comment from the research it states "Thailand’s military once prided itself on having stabilised the situation in the deep south. But in 2002 the military was stripped of its long-held responsibility for maintaining the peace there. Responsibility was handed over to the police, an institution with a track record of nepotism and petty corruption. In short order they made a hash of it, destroying a network of internal security informants that had previously enabled the army to address concerns before they got out of control".


Wow, so it's your position that responsibility for the killing of defenseless teachers remains with Thailand's manner of policing the insurgents? Those that knowingly and intentionally commit violent crimes against innocent and defenseless civilians are 100% responsible for their own actions. Making excuses for terrorism does nothing be perpetuate the violence and place more defenseless civilians in harms way.

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That's very interesting, thanks for the link. I took the train from Hat Yai to Sungai Golok yesterday, surrounded by veiled Muslims so I felt pretty much safe. Some of the areas it passes through appear to be out of the direct control of the central government. Locals on the train were very interactive, more than anywhere that I've encountered in SE Asia, since I guess most everyone takes other routes in and out of Malaysia.

Does anyone know if they have NES teachers at the government schools in the Far South?

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Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

Some interesting POV at the URL below from the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. To specifically respond to your comment from the research it states "Thailand's military once prided itself on having stabilised the situation in the deep south. But in 2002 the military was stripped of its long-held responsibility for maintaining the peace there. Responsibility was handed over to the police, an institution with a track record of nepotism and petty corruption. In short order they made a hash of it, destroying a network of internal security informants that had previously enabled the army to address concerns before they got out of control".


Wow, so it's your position that responsibility for the killing of defenseless teachers remains with Thailand's manner of policing the insurgents? Those that knowingly and intentionally commit violent crimes against innocent and defenseless civilians are 100% responsible for their own actions. Making excuses for terrorism does nothing be perpetuate the violence and place more defenseless civilians in harms way.

<deleted> I posted content from a professional Strategic and Defence Studies Centre that is also attended by Thai military officers. Got any issues email the Centre

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The whole scheme.....security...back-up....management..it seems that it is a total scam....the UN and all other agencies, including governments of countries that deal with Thailand, should be inform and informed to what is really happening in this region........simply crimes at unimaginable levels continue without response!!........

The army is strictly against UN put it's nose into Thai business
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Itis really awful these muslim terrorists. Israel´s hopeless defense against

the very same agressors come to mind....


I think the situation is more complicated then that...I haven't seen any clear sign that these are muslim terrorists of the middle eastern variety - SE asian muslims seem to be more laid-back, not like dictators, in my experience. It seems like local organized crime, or separationist militias, rather than something ordered by militant Muslim leaders (imams). It seems impossible to negotiate a ceasefire since it doesn't seem clear what is behind the attacks, and a military crackdown doesn't work against an insurgency since that simply inflames the locals even more..

Are you daft or just overly reticent to admit that this is the work of Muslim terrorists?

You call SE Asian Muslims "laid-back?" I would hate to see what the overly focused, gregarious SE Asian Muslim is capable of.

You then postulate that they are the work of "organized crime" or "separationist militias" which is comical at best.

Listen, I have several friends that are Muslim that would decry such behavior but at the same time would tell you that there are militant Muslims intent on terrorist activities - which is what this is.

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coffee1.gif The military needs to sweep the are areas from north to south and east to west and keep sweeping with helicopter ships over head for the ground troops until every one of these terroists is dead.

This is not a police action, it is a war. Until Thailand reaslizes it is a war they are fighting instead of a police action...this crap will not end.

Innocent people will die but they are dying now.


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OK firstly I'm not a racist person as i am of mixed race, nor do I suport one religion over another, BUT I would like to know why is it that any where in any country where musilums are then there are problems, I do understand that it is the extreamists that cause this not the mainstream, so why can't the moderates pressure the right wing people to change the tactics and use interlect not bombs to get thier piont across???

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Are you daft or just overly reticent to admit that this is the work of Muslim terrorists?

You call SE Asian Muslims "laid-back?" I would hate to see what the overly focused, gregarious SE Asian Muslim is capable of.

You then postulate that they are the work of "organized crime" or "separationist militias" which is comical at best.

Listen, I have several friends that are Muslim that would decry such behavior but at the same time would tell you that there are militant Muslims intent on terrorist activities - which is what this is.

Yeah, SE Asian muslims I've found tend to be laid-back; the ones I know practice a live-and-let-live life, and have even offered to arrange a Muslim wife for me. The dictators are mostly in the middle least. The ones here I've found mostly quite friendly and civilized - anyways that's the stereotype I've made after numerous encounters. They actually call me by my first name rather than "you" or "falang", which is very refreshing and welcoming. In fact, walking into a Muslim restaurant in Yala province, I was told, in a warm voice in passa angrit, "Welcome, brother, please come in." Have you all ever encountered this kind of hospitality in a non-Muslim restaurant here?

This is all ironic since I've heard both Hindus and Buddhists talk about Muslims as being nothing more than sword-wielding rats, but actually I've had more positive experiences per capita with SE Asian Muslims (Myanmar/Thai/Malaysian, and Chinese for that matter) than with SE Asian Hindus or Buddhists, who nearly always are out to get something from you. I don't think it's coincidence that the most civilized places/people I've come across in this part of the world have been Muslim. This is why the anti-Islamic "feed them swine" people on here seem completely hypocritical when they insult Islam or talk about Muslims being uneducated, when they obviously have 0 clue of the levels of civilization achieved by Islamic cultures. Do some research folks.

Not to justify terroristic methods by either side, but I stick with my original statements. The terrorist groups are reported to be connected with "organized crime" in the form of drug trafficking, and they want an Islam-controlled state in the south, which is why it's appropriate to describe them as separationist. Having seen both sides of the Thai/Malay border in that region, I don't blame them for wanting to get rid of control by Bangkok. Not to justify terroristic methods by either side.

Actually I rode through this region by train and bus today. FYI they're operating Islamic schools in the rural areas (students in the full garb), while the Thai "wittaya" schools are mostly closed, except a few of the schools inside of the larger cities - in the cities of Narathiwat and Pattani I saw government schools open.

Edited by squarethecircle
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