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Someone Faraway Pushed For Murder Charges, Sathit Says

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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

Considering the fact that Thaksin has been using the exact same "I wasn't there, it was the military" defense for the deaths of muslims loaded in trucks and left to die of heat prostration, one would think that you would be embarrassed to bring it up.

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Lovely story...full of cold hard facts that make us sit up and take notice of the irrefutable proofthat is to be provided to a skeptical nation. Here we have a fine upstanding Democrat MP from Trang, a pillar of the community, his impartiality and selfless actions make him a model MP, makes accusation against Kun Thaksin. Quelle surprise! To make this claim, he must have had access to the personal communications and telephone calls of said Kun Thaksin or of Tarit (does he have their phones tapped, I wonder?), and so we can be assured that this in no empty claim brought by a political opponent seeking to denigrate Tarit and undermine his authority. No we are shortly going to see the transcripts of the telephone call that ordered Oily Abhisit's arrest...you can bet your life on it.

There is no way our Rt Hon MP would have made this claim without hard evidence is there? After all he's totally upstanding, selfless MP who has devoted his life to advancing the prosperity of the Thai working class with never a thought for his own interests...or am I being too cynical?

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

Not to mention the Red Shirts, and Saedangs little horde of secret warriors.

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^^ Why weren't the yellow shirts removed from the country's main airport and government house?

The precedent was set way before the red shirts took centre stage.

Don't forget the Democrat Party MPs among the yellow shirts.

Seems like karma for what they started.

There is one Democrat MP that spoke once on a yellow shirt stage. He has since distanced himself from them.

The yellow shirts were at the airport for 9 days and then moved on voluntarily.

While they were at government house, the government used the police to try and remove them. The red shirts also did their fair share against the yellow shirts with regular grenade attacks.

As to "what they started", the red shirts started the violence in 2007.

The redshirts under various names were using violence well before 2006.

Political free speech intimidation under Thaksin goes way back.

Edited by animatic
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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

If what you're saying is true, which I don't, that would mean the army are responsible not Abhisit as he was only following orders. You can't just work your way up the line of command until you find someone you want to pin it on and then stop. Still we'll have to wait and see what happens now. It doesn't look like Abhisit will be running away like Thaksin.

Whilst I think it's quite possible that Thaksin (I assume that's who Sathit is refering to) is behind this I don't think it helps to make these type of accusations about Thaksin all the time without some proof.

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You Thaksin lovers need to get your heads out of your posteriors. The Red T-shirt gang got what they had coming. The only thing Abhisit did wrong was be too lenient. He let that rogue, nefarious lot run rampant and take the city hostage for 2 full months before lowering the ax. The man was too kind in my book... No other country would have allowed what he did. We all know how it would have been dealt with in China, Japan, England, USA, Australia... in no less than 72 hours it would have been confronted and dealt with with a heavy hand. And once violence was threatened by the mob, it would absolutely be returned. The Reds chose their own fate.

Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

Good post. I salute you sir. wai.gif
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What-ever.....after all the rhetoric from the press and observers here on Visa......all without political clout.......the "same-same" rule will continue.......the opposition party isn't strong enough to pose a threat....the press is biased and heavily pressured..(read "managed")......and the western opinions here,while good on content, are generally wasted without representation.......it's frustrating that we have no say!!

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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

For the life of me I cannot understand how the poster can come to this conclusion. It defies all logic. It defies an understanding of the events. To me it is so absolutely against the historical facts that either this post is a wind-up or the poster has, indeed, no idea of what happened in Bangkok and why it happened.

The answer is quite obvious my friend.


One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

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Although i do not support the YELLOWS, in my opinion Khun Abhisit is a decent fellow. Its the greedy old bugger that was always whispering into his ear that is the cause of most of his problems. To be honest, i think that Suthep just manipulated Abhisit for his own benefit.

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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

<deleted>. The PM has the duty to control a violent gathering impeding citizens of the capital. A SoE was rightfully declared and ample warnings given that force would be used to end it. Extrapolating a stray shot into a murder charge for giving legitimate orders is a ridiculous construct that appeals only to the mindless.

Heyyyyyyy!! how about RUBBER Bullets !

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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

When is your main man Thaskin going to return to Thailand and face the music?

When is he going to return and serve his fail term?

When will he be charged for the deaths of 2500 alledged drug dealers?

When will he be charged for all the deaths in the south?

At least Abisit says he wil face the music ... your man ran like a coward

Trumped up political charges all of them . If i had to face these charges which were incited by the army, i would know there would be no justice whatsoever so would not be so stupid as to sit around and argue, i would have been over the hill and far away innocent or not. And i believe that most honest people would be thinking the same way.

Edited by oldsailor35
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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

Well if Thaksin got away with it, why not Abhisit?

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

When where ?

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Abhisit and his cronies did really think they would get away with this Scott free didn't they, amazing, how on earth did he expect anything other than charges for what he did in 2010. And to now try to say it s part of some conspiracy aimed and reconciliation is just embarrassing.

Time to face the music Abhisit. The sad thing is he was probably just a puppet in all this and the orders came from the army that put him in power, they saw a weak man and took advantage of him and now He must pay the price.

Well if Thaksin got away with it, why not Abhisit?

He will, this is just another way of administering Thai politics.

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

When where ?

You won't get a response OS35, he's just throwing smoke............

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

When where ?

You won't get a response OS35, he's just throwing smoke............

Sorry I didn't respond within the time limit.

Sent from my HTC phone.

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Thaksin was never accused of using the military to atatck and kill civilians. The charges in this matter are significantly different than the charges laid against Thaksin. More importantly, Thaksin was on hand to answer to the investigations into the suspicious deaths of people that died iin the drug war.

Thaksin used the police to attack and kill civilians.

When where ?

Drugs war, and who do you think controls them. 2010 v 2012?

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