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End Attacks On Children In Thai South: U N


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End attacks on children in Thai south: UN

UN BANGKOK, Dec 12, 2012 (AFP) - The UN on Wednesday called for an end to violence against children in southern Thailand following the "senseless and unacceptable" shooting of a baby girl in a region racked by nine years of unrest.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) condemned Tuesday's attack on a teashop in Narathiwat that killed the infant and left a 10-month-old boy injured, in a rare statement on an insurgency that has killed thousands in three provinces bordering Malaysia.

The shooting, in which gunmen sprayed bullets at villagers who were having breakfast, was "a tragic, senseless and unacceptable act", said Bijaya Rajbhandari, UNICEF representative in Thailand.

"Every time a child is killed or injured, every time a child loses a parent or relative, and every time their schools and teachers are attacked, the more all children in the deep south suffer," he said.

"Bringing an end to the violence is the only way to ensure that the rights of all children in the south are fully protected and respected."

Near daily attacks -- including shootings, bombings and even beheadings -- mean violence is a part of life for many in Thailand's Muslim-majority southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala. More than 5,300 people, both Buddhist and Muslim, have been killed since the unrest reignited in 2004.

The fighting has claimed the lives of more than 50 children, with around 340 injured, according to the UN.

Tuesday's teashop attack left five people dead, while a headmistress and teacher were also killed in a separate shooting at a school in Pattani.

Militants view the education system as an effort by Bangkok to impose Buddhist culture on the region and teachers working in non-religious schools are frequently targeted.

On October 31, an 11-year-old boy was shot and killed in an ambush with his father, in an attack that also left his nine-year-old brother in a critical condition in a district of Yala.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-12-12

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Thailand needs to either negotiate somehow with the Muslims down south, say maybe a state within a state type of deal or if not that then treat it almost like a war zone and do house to house searches but instead they are doing neither, kind of just sitting on the fence. But one thing they definitely need to do is get the military back in charge down there instead of the incompetent and corrupt police!

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Unfortunately, the Thai gov't just turns their backs on all this..basically unwilling to recognize that its even happening...sort of the same way most people here deal with serious problems...pretend it doesn't exist and it will just go away...very non confrontational...If they do reciognize it then they basically are admitting there is a big problem...bordering on "terroism" maybe...and if you throw that word into the mix, you risk the possibility of a great deal of income from tourist money as well as other business investments being jeopardized....and that they don't want......

so maintain denial I guess.

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Dis # 4 & 6 are right.....this government, and past administrations of course, obviously do not want to accept that there are issues in the south....as unbelievable as it may seem....the token gestures from this administration that are being publicised and sprouted to be "actions"....beefing up security....sending in the troops etc..etc...are, as everyone understands now, are all pure lip-service...nothing more....

Sending in reservists and volunteers to manage these serious issues in the south, is proving totally futile....wasting good people for the sake of politics.

Thailand is losing teachers and children to this maniacal "war"!!........

The world is watching....not that that's a solution or a deterant.....but eventually, there may be intervention hopefully.

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Unfortunately, UN won't be able to do anything about the situation there.

By the way, OIC (Organisation of Islamic Countries) is nothing but a sad joke ! Do they ever speak out strongly against human rights abuses among the Muslim-majority countries ? I think not. For example, abuses against women in many Middle Eastern countries, attacks against Christians in Nigeria, human rights abuses against the Kurds in Turkey and Iran....the list goes on.

I am actually against political organisations, groups, etc based on religion. Yes, even political parties (eg. Muslim Brotherhood parties in some Arab countries, Christian Democrat parties in Europe).

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Some bash UN in other thread for doing nothing and then here UN gets bashed as incompetent when saying a problem needs to be addressed.

What do you expect the UN to do, waive a magic wand and make a problem disappear that Thailand has not been able to address in many years? Also, neither the US nor the UN can just invade Thailand and start a war on terrorist in the South. Geez, that would be really well received on here.

Abihist and Yingluck et al. Need to actually join forces or drop the partisan bs and show solidarity in this issue or the issue will never get resolved.

I am also afraid that Abihist et al may actually welcome the problems as they can use that against Yingluck et al. Prove me wrong, cross the aisle, drop the personal issue and show solidarity and conviction to stop the suffering of innocents.

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I think that the focus is on the murdered children because it's a statement from UNICEF whose primary goal is the protection of children. May not say so in this statement but I think you'll find that the UN condems the murder of civilians all over the world on a regular basis.

Edited by Bluespunk
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You raised a good point here. If they had any guts, the UN should threaten to invade. Give the Thai government an ultimatum: you have 30 days to show the world you are taking positive action, or we will end our troops in. That will do one of 2 things; it will either force the Thai government to act or the Thai government will just allow the UN to come in. the second choice might be preferred for the Thai government, because if anything goes wrong, they can blame the UN.

Some bash UN in other thread for doing nothing and then here UN gets bashed as incompetent when saying a problem needs to be addressed.

What do you expect the UN to do, waive a magic wand and make a problem disappear that Thailand has not been able to address in many years? Also, neither the US nor the UN can just invade Thailand and start a war on terrorist in the South. Geez, that would be really well received on here.

Abihist and Yingluck et al. Need to actually join forces or drop the partisan bs and show solidarity in this issue or the issue will never get resolved.

I am also afraid that Abihist et al may actually welcome the problems as they can use that against Yingluck et al. Prove me wrong, cross the aisle, drop the personal issue and show solidarity and conviction to stop the suffering of innocents.

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You raised a good point here. If they had any guts, the UN should threaten to invade. Give the Thai government an ultimatum: you have 30 days to show the world you are taking positive action, or we will end our troops in. That will do one of 2 things; it will either force the Thai government to act or the Thai government will just allow the UN to come in. the second choice might be preferred for the Thai government, because if anything goes wrong, they can blame the UN.

Some bash UN in other thread for doing nothing and then here UN gets bashed as incompetent when saying a problem needs to be addressed.

What do you expect the UN to do, waive a magic wand and make a problem disappear that Thailand has not been able to address in many years? Also, neither the US nor the UN can just invade Thailand and start a war on terrorist in the South. Geez, that would be really well received on here.

Abihist and Yingluck et al. Need to actually join forces or drop the partisan bs and show solidarity in this issue or the issue will never get resolved.

I am also afraid that Abihist et al may actually welcome the problems as they can use that against Yingluck et al. Prove me wrong, cross the aisle, drop the personal issue and show solidarity and conviction to stop the suffering of innocents.

Tell me, which countries would supply troops to support UN intervention in Thailand and what the rues of engagement would be. In any case do you really believe the Thai government would request UN military intervention?

Edited by simple1
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You raised a good point here. If they had any guts, the UN should threaten to invade. Give the Thai government an ultimatum: you have 30 days to show the world you are taking positive action, or we will end our troops in. That will do one of 2 things; it will either force the Thai government to act or the Thai government will just allow the UN to come in. the second choice might be preferred for the Thai government, because if anything goes wrong, they can blame the UN.

Some bash UN in other thread for doing nothing and then here UN gets bashed as incompetent when saying a problem needs to be addressed.

What do you expect the UN to do, waive a magic wand and make a problem disappear that Thailand has not been able to address in many years? Also, neither the US nor the UN can just invade Thailand and start a war on terrorist in the South. Geez, that would be really well received on here.

Abihist and Yingluck et al. Need to actually join forces or drop the partisan bs and show solidarity in this issue or the issue will never get resolved.

I am also afraid that Abihist et al may actually welcome the problems as they can use that against Yingluck et al. Prove me wrong, cross the aisle, drop the personal issue and show solidarity and conviction to stop the suffering of innocents.

Tell me, which countries would supply troops to support UN intervention in Thailand and what the rues of engagement would be. In any case do you really believe the Thai government would request UN military intervention?

Hell no they won't request help, at least not until their loss of control impacts tourism. The biggest tragedy a culture can have is an attack like this on the education system. Tourism pales in comparison, but Thailand only concerned with money and is very short sighted.

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Intervention from the UN is not the answer. It is a noble but toothless organisation. Far more could be accomplished by the involvement of the international media running articles and exposiing the indifference of the Government to the plight of it's people. Hit them where it hurts in their precious "Thainess" and tourism industry. Let the world know that this country has a civil war raging in it's southern provences where men , women and children live in daily fear for their lives.

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The concept of the United Nations is of noteworthy accomplishment...However...

the UN has become nothing more than a mouthpiece of information everybody

already knows or knows about...ie..."End attacks on children in Thai south: UN".

The UN is good these days for only one thing and that is to have a meeting in

order to agree on having another meeting, preferably at a 5 star resort, in the

future. I used to to work for the UN, I quit in disgust, many other former UN staff

have done the same. All the UN is today is a clicquish club of mouth waggers.

Sip satang for what it's worth.

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