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Tea Money Taken At Kap Choeng Immigration Office

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In Chiangmai Immigration, the list of charges is posted for all to see. There is/used to be also a notice saying "No change given". So you prepare the right amount, and there is no problem.

Kap Cheong, where I have to go these days, has no charges posted, so it's up to the IO to tell you how much.

If all the other offices had the charges posted like Chiangmai, there would be no need for argument or discussion.

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I bought one of these for the purpose of recording crooks at immigration & border,

& road crooks.

it cost 1000 - 1500 at MBK? (spelling) in bangkok,

and then upload on youtube for eternity


Edited by poanoi
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I went to Kap Cheong for my 30day extension, gave 2,000.00 bht and the change handed back with a nice smile, come again???? Mate that took me could not believe that I was handed any change, (he is a long time resident on a retirment visa) it was the topic of the day at Yoon Bar for the night.............

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One of the more efficient and friendly ladies working the desks at Udon Immigration habitually asks people handing over 2000 baht for the 1900 baht service if they want the change. Some of the punters (on another forum) call it a rip-off, others, like myself, consider it small change for good service (and good repeat service). I haven't been here too long and wear rose-coloured glasses, neither am I a Thai apologist. I would suggest that if one already knows that the cost is 1900 baht and doesn't want to appear to condone minor graft, then make the effort and bring the exact change. Those that come on a horse, want to change the way things are done here, don't mind making a noise and embarrassing their partners, please carry on.

Sent from the edge of the moobahn with an Asus eePad Transformer TF201 thingumabob.

I often gave the 100 Baht as a TIP.

But not easy anymore, last time in Udon Thani Immigration, the highest ranking female officer seemed to arrive from brake time,

at 3:20 PM surprised to see a room full of waiting people.

Later the young male officer asked her, what to do, after my GF had forgotten to sign her house book copy, or her Passport? or ID card copy?

I let her talk on the mobile with my GF, but, NO! I was sent home to come another day!

I have a 85 km trip to the Immigration, -one way!-

Could not have signed that paper some day later, mixed, with a shopping trip? sad.png

I believe the new boss is a little more strict than what we have been used to, but then she was burned by purchasing a car from a farang that was found to be stolen, so maybe that has a bearing.

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4000 years of culture and some of you guys think it's our responsibility to stand up for "our rights" and it will change.

Do whatever you want. For $3, I'm not going to risk a bad day. When it's no longer a good trade-off, I'll go home. I doubt that will happen soon...

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in samui, when I went to renew my one year visa, I was received very pleasently by by a senior officer.

Once in his office, he gave me a list of documents that were neccessary for the application.

I gave him all the documents and mentionned that I had also joined the prove that I had paid my personel income taxes and the company taxes.

His face changed and the nice smile disapeared.

he had a look at the documents, asked me in thai if I could speak thai, than after my positve answer asked me if I could read thai.

the answer was no. the smile came back.

He than told me that my documents were not the right one.

As I told him that they had been prepared by my thai accountant, he replied that since I could not read thai I could not know if they were right or not...

He than refused my application and told me to come back with my lawyer.

I told him that I had no lawyer as I am a honest person.

Double smile than, and he handed me 2 names and phone number of lawyers in samui.

Even though I had no will to pass through a lawyer to get my visa reconducted, I called them to enquiry about their fee.

15000 (yes fifteen).

I went the next day to suratthani where I logged a formal complaint about samui, gave them the set of document and 2000, received my extension and 100 back, all that with the smile of the beautifull station officer.

Was told later on by a new friend of mine who is a lawyer that they leave tips of up to 4000/passport to get ultra fast service....

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I went to Kap Cheong for my 30day extension, gave 2,000.00 bht and the change handed back with a nice smile, come again???? Mate that took me could not believe that I was handed any change, (he is a long time resident on a retirment visa) it was the topic of the day at Yoon Bar for the night.............

I am glad i live up north. You hand over 2000 baht for your extension and 100 baht returned. This is at Chiang Rai Immigration located in Mae Sai

Same at Udon.

Once again we see the TOTAL INCONSISTENCY regarding Immigration Police trying it on. The OP made an issue about it at Kap Choeng and a subsequent applicant didn't even get the opportunity. I was asked if I needed the change back at Udon and another applicant receives his without question. It's neither universal nor predictable. The blatant rip-off that is being quoted as the 'norm' for Samui is another matter. Now that's where people should go with their pen-recorders and spy-cams. The 100 baht tea money? Waste of time IMHO.

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The OP may have stood up for his rights just for the principle, but remember that the staff at Immigration have long memories.

If you believe that all the hassle is worth it for 100 baht, then go and get em, lay it on the line and ride em high, cowboy.

Nonsence & only fuels the "they'll throw me out" myth!

Not one person that has acted as suggested @ post 4 has had any problems; indeed under the "face" rule it declares that you know the score and have minimised the chances of it happening.

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The OP may have stood up for his rights just for the principle, but remember that the staff at Immigration have long memories.

If you believe that all the hassle is worth it for 100 baht, then go and get em, lay it on the line and ride em high, cowboy.

Nonsence & only fuels the "they'll throw me out" myth!

Not one person that has acted as suggested @ post 4 has had any problems; indeed under the "face" rule it declares that you know the score and have minimised the chances of it happening.

But the much, much simpler and easier way of giving EXACT change is probably done by the more intelligent, silent majority. Those not of Asian decent that get all noisome about making a local lose 'face' please carry on.

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It seems to be one particular officer at Kap Choeng that is acting like this, he will in time infect his colleagues. I was told that I didn't have a particular document despite my calling him the day before for a list of what was required. I discretely offered a 'special fee' but he didn't accept this. Next morning at 08.30, he did the job quickly with a smile, he asked if I wanted the change, I said no, drink a beer. Maybe next time he will act differently.

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I just wanted to add that

its corrution at its best, i dont accept it and have known about it for years, i have even been told to leave the immigration office because of verbalism regarding an officer trying to bend the rule,( maybe he just did not like my face) only to his shock i knew the rule just as good as him,

nakon is infected aslo khon kaen quite new office,

my frind went to do the 90 days, two days late,

officer: why you late?

friend: im old i cannot drive too far

officer:I can do your future reports today,

friend:What you mean?

officer: you pay 2000 i give receipt for next 90 days until your visa finish,

friend: ok

so the officer stamped and dated 3 or four receipts fro 3, 6 , 9 months from then,

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I went to Kap Cheong for my 30day extension, gave 2,000.00 bht and the change handed back with a nice smile, come again???? Mate that took me could not believe that I was handed any change, (he is a long time resident on a retirment visa) it was the topic of the day at Yoon Bar for the night.............

I am glad i live up north. You hand over 2000 baht for your extension and 100 baht returned. This is at Chiang Rai Immigration located in Mae Sai

Same at Udon.

Once again we see the TOTAL INCONSISTENCY regarding Immigration Police trying it on. The OP made an issue about it at Kap Choeng and a subsequent applicant didn't even get the opportunity. I was asked if I needed the change back at Udon and another applicant receives his without question. It's neither universal nor predictable. The blatant rip-off that is being quoted as the 'norm' for Samui is another matter. Now that's where people should go with their pen-recorders and spy-cams. The 100 baht tea money? Waste of time IMHO.

So you and a few others think because it was only 100b it was a waste of time, So do I have to wait until it goes up 3,100B like quoted in Samui?

Another reply suggesting that next time the officer will remember me and make things difficult for me.

Maybe so, but it is equally as likely if I said nothing then the next time he remembers me and thinks ok he not say nothing before now II go for 2,500B or more.

Where does it stop?

Complaining (in a calm way) just might bring corruption down a fraction of percent, not complaing and putting up with stuff like this will only make things worse.

I appreciate that I/we will never win the wa,r but if we all stand tall just a little bit sometimes, then it just might help.

As I have said before it is my money to give away if I feel like doing so, not for others to take it.

Also my post was also meant to be informative to those that have to use the same immigration office. But this could next be found in another office as the staff do move about.

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And you pay it?

Don't you mean 500B not Five Thousand Baht. Can't see anybody in their right mind handing over 5,000B 'tea money'

I think if that was the case someone would definetely mentiond it before on the forum

It's not 5000 baht extortion money, it's 3100 baht extra.

I have taken the fight and now only leave an envelope marked "FEE 1900 baht".

Many, many are to afraid to take the fight and pay 5000 baht/year.

Even a friend of mine that's going to have his first extension, he says 5000 baht is better then visa runs.

I tell him either you take a stand now or you'll pay 5000 forever or take the fight later instead like I did.

Search Samui forum for 5000 baht and you'll find.

YU'P I confirm, a friend of mine has payed this price B5,000 for a few years, it works like this, B1,900 for the paper work and the rest is the bribe

(tea money)

but i bring the correct money and there is no problem as I will not go outside in the smoking area where there are NO CAMERA'S and the larger bribe's (tea money) is payed. Also I was there the same day when the big boys from BKK govenment were there checking everything was correct. LUCKY HUH hehehehe

If farang want's to stand and not pay the bribe then the visa will be a problem no matter if you have everything correct and in triplicate just expect issues


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I have received a one-year retirement extension three times in a row here in Bangkok. On the first extension, the officer at Chaeng Wattana had the same response when I paid the 1,900 fee with 2,000 - do you want the change? I was surprised by his question and waved the 100 baht away - but now I bring the exact change and have never had a problem. -

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You mean at some stations the officers make you come back the next day...to sign your papers, because of a look of disatisfaction, a hint of sacarism, a taste of tea, as some poster have indicated? Is that the operating procedure of some western embasies or consulates as well?

Is there not a phone number to call, to the THAI MAJOR GENERAL in Charge of Immigration, posted at some immigration offices' walls.

Generally, service varies from immigration station and officer during the rotation period, and the same games are played in different place, or the quality of service improves..

Roll the dice.wai2.gif

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