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Electricity On The Islands.


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You do seem to get way more blackouts on Samui than I do on Phangan...

We had what you call a lightning strike & 2-3 High voltage power poles down.

Yeah, but I mean generally... People in this thread report way more blackouts than I've seen on Phangan. Granted, I've only been here a year. I've had maybe an average of one blackout a month, usually just a few minutes, with longer (1+ hour) blackouts very few and far between.

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I really started something, yiks!!! facepalm.gif

I just searched through this thread to find the call centre number for electric ..... I was sure I posted a picture of it some where, but no joy in finding it...xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeC.pngcannot find on computer either !!

I think it is 1179 ... but don't hold me to that...

Not a flicker all day here either ....thumbsup.gif

Edited by samuijimmy
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Blackout for the last 50 minutes, that big clap of thunder & lightning hit something alright.

Mae Nam - huge BANG about 10 past 8 this morning. Power off.

Must have been the rain getting into all the sticky tape . . .

Came back on again just as it was getting dark at 10 to 6.


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Hasn't been out for a second here in Maenam soi 3.. And out for most of the day on soi 1

Soi 1 is on a separate little substation all of its own. Very often the power is out on Soi 1 but all the ringroad area is fine.

And the other way round sometimes, except that Soi 1 often gets left until the larger area is sorted.

Like today perhaps? Power came back on here about 6:00 pm.


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All this rain and electricity cuts (read: no internet and tv) suddenly makes one sociable.. Want a beer and a chat!

How can the lights be off with a name like that?smile.png

All back to normal here now, around 6 pm.

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1 phase out around the hills at the back of Lamai all day. Not enough to boot either PC but the laptop is fine. Better than nothing.

10 minutes after posting this the power went off completely. I'm trying to rebuild a PC and can't do it by candlelight.

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Came back on to full power since middle of the night and no problems since. I have a feeling the PEA may have to restock their spare parts shed.

Naaaah. there are plenty of rusty nails around the place (for the small fuses) and loads or rotting rebar on the derelict building sites for those bigger jobs.

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Still getting these less than a minute power cuts just about everyday...w00t.gif I have to unplug my Astro Sat box to re-set it, blinking pain that is! bah.gif

As I drove through Maenam this evening at just about 9 pm, all lights went off and came on again within about 20 seconds... I get home and power went out for nearly 45 minutes ... not a drop of rain or even a breeze! facepalm.gif

One has to wonder why ... although it's better than it was ... something ain't right! blink.png

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Taling ngam, no power for the moment...

Did heard kind of an explosion at the same time when it went off...

Curious to know what it might be this time again bah.gif

Was just about to prepare my dough for the pizza this evening, think I might order some instead...


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