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Paris Hilton Phuket Beach Party Gets Green Light

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Paris Hilton Phuket beach party gets green light

Phuket Gazette -


Local authorities in Phuket have given the 'Paris Hilton' New Year beach bash the go-ahead. Photo: Facebook


Phuket Marine Office chief Phuripat Theerakulpisut saw no issues with the construction of the floating stages off Surin Beach. Photo: Facebook

PHUKET: The “Paris Hilton” New Year beach bash organized by Sydictive Element on Surin Beach has, after strong opposition, finally been approved, local officials have confirmed to the Phuket Gazette.

The approval came after Sydictive Element assured the local government that they will take care of three key areas of concern, Ma-ann Samran, president of the Cherng Talay Tambon Administration Organization (OrBorTor) explained.

“They guaranteed that they will be responsible for public safety and drug control; maintaining cleanliness on the beach; and they will extend assistance to beach vendors to ensure their livelihoods do not suffer,” he said.

“They have not told me how they are going to deal with all these problems… They just said they will manage them,” Mr Ma-ann said.

Phuket Governor Maitri Inthusut has also thrown his weight behind the event after Mr Ma-ann announced that he had come to an agreement with the organizers.

“Since Ma-ann and the Marine Department have already given their permission for the event I am okay with it – it’s already been approved. However, I have not been informed of what compromises Sydictive has made to ensure the event's success,” Gov Maitri told the Gazette.

Gov Maitri initially feared that the event would cause beach vendors to lose business and residents would be disturbed by the noise and crowds. He suggested that the event be downsized to a more manageable size, as Sydictive originally expected the beach bash to attract about 50,000 revellers.

“Scaling down the party could provide an opportunity for beach vendors to work as usual and perhaps earn more. Furthermore, it will cause less of a disturbance to residents,” he said.

Gov Maitri’s approval also follows representatives from Sydictive Element meeting Phuket Marine Office chief Phuripat Theerakulpisut to explain how they intended to deal with a raft of issues.

“I have given my permission for the party to go ahead,” Mr Phuripat told the Gazette. “They [the party organizers] presented their plan to deal with the problems of having such a large party, and I was satisfied with their arrangements.”

Chanchai Duangjit, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand Phuket Office, confirmed that he also was willing to support Sydictive’s event on condition that they resolve concerns held by the vendors and local residents.

“If they can convince us that the plans to prevent problems that might arise before, during and after the party will work, and if those plans [appear to us to be] reasonable and practical, then I am more than happy to support them,” said Mr Chanchai.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2012/Paris-Hilton-Phuket-beach-party-gets-green-light-19708.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-12-14

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"after strong opposition, finally been approved, local officials have confirmed "

Could it be, nah, for sure not. The strong opposition wasn't a make up for fuller envelopes.

Everyone got really convinced about the project.

And the very high tides, this time of the year, doesn't trouble this party at all.

Also all the rubbish will be cleaned up after the event.

And the hotel (manager)s get compensated, too!

Why do I have a bad feeling?

In case, this 'works' out (financially), I wouldn't really wonder, when some 'event organizer' starts thinking about big full moon parties with celebrities.

minimum in the high season.

Will be interesting to see the prices for TukTuk/taxi service to /from that location.

Maybe that's, why Phuket needed Yaris and Jazz as legal Taxi's, now.giggle.gif

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“They have not told me how they are going to deal with all these problems… They just said they will manage them,” Mr Ma-ann said.

It's like signing a blank contract. Nothing written, nothing said, but "we'll manage them".

Truly pathetic.

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Everyone (around Surin) had the chance, to pick an envelope. Now it's time, to show the 'organizers' of this event, that it is better, to clear all 'details' with the relevant authorities on this island, beforehand.

And never forget the power of Patong, in the envelope game. 'Free event', I guess, this idea has a short lifetime. How long does the 'postman' need, to deliver a letter?

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There's an article in the local news source that can't be named here due to forum rule 31 that says the governors office confirmed the party won't be held in Surin, but at some other beach. Less than two weeks until New Years and they can't even confirm where the party is going to be held. Brilliant planning!

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Good luck to the "organizer" he's going to need it to put something together at this late stage.. I wonder what the total tea cost up to this point for sydictive has been?

What about the cost to people who have bought tickets, booked flights and accommodation. Or those who booked a long time ago for a peaceful NY at Surin but then cancelled because of this event and the resorts who have lost out on these bookings.

This whole fiasco has done nothing for Phuket and indeed may have done real damage.

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Good luck to the "organizer" he's going to need it to put something together at this late stage.. I wonder what the total tea cost up to this point for sydictive has been?

What about the cost to people who have bought tickets, booked flights and accommodation. Or those who booked a long time ago for a peaceful NY at Surin but then cancelled because of this event and the resorts who have lost out on these bookings.

This whole fiasco has done nothing for Phuket and indeed may have done real damage.

Agree, and the main cause of this is the inaction of the government, who waited and waited with making any kind of decision, leaving organisers, hotels and guests in the blind, with all no idea what was/is going to happen.

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Good luck to the "organizer" he's going to need it to put something together at this late stage.. I wonder what the total tea cost up to this point for sydictive has been?

What about the cost to people who have bought tickets, booked flights and accommodation. Or those who booked a long time ago for a peaceful NY at Surin but then cancelled because of this event and the resorts who have lost out on these bookings.

This whole fiasco has done nothing for Phuket and indeed may have done real damage.

Agree, and the main cause of this is the inaction of the government, who waited and waited with making any kind of decision, leaving organisers, hotels and guests in the blind, with all no idea what was/is going to happen.

"the inaction of the government, who waited and waited with making any kind of decision" - no, there was no "waing" involved. They were "mediating." Finally, a price was agreed upon and the party gets the green light.

It's business, Phuket style. :) :)

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Good luck to the "organizer" he's going to need it to put something together at this late stage.. I wonder what the total tea cost up to this point for sydictive has been?

What about the cost to people who have bought tickets, booked flights and accommodation. Or those who booked a long time ago for a peaceful NY at Surin but then cancelled because of this event and the resorts who have lost out on these bookings.

This whole fiasco has done nothing for Phuket and indeed may have done real damage.

Agree, and the main cause of this is the inaction of the government, who waited and waited with making any kind of decision, leaving organisers, hotels and guests in the blind, with all no idea what was/is going to happen.

"the inaction of the government, who waited and waited with making any kind of decision" - no, there was no "waing" involved. They were "mediating." Finally, a price was agreed upon and the party gets the green light.

It's business, Phuket style. smile.pngsmile.png

OK you are a little behind. After the 'green light' was given more players have come to the table, some local hotels are demanding 6 figure compensation payments which the organisers can't pay so it was proposed to move the party to Patong. The authorities there have said it they use Patong Beach it would have to be a free event as Patong Beach is public, Surin Beach I guess is semi public and can be closed to the public if the price is right. Also various businesses in Patong have said they too would demand compensation if the event is staged there so it looks like Sydictive may well be VSF.

Event planning 101. First secure the venue.

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It's all corruption and the holding to ransome for money.

Look no further than that.

You are mixing with mafia and mini-mafia and opportunistic mafia. They all want money. When the palms are greased thaey have an event.

That's when they come for your money.

Only the blind and foolish support it.

Stay away. Vote with your feet because you'll never be listened to. Nothing will change. You have to stop the flow of eaasy money to these crooks.


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It's all corruption and the holding to ransome for money.

Look no further than that.

You are mixing with mafia and mini-mafia and opportunistic mafia. They all want money. When the palms are greased thaey have an event.

That's when they come for your money.

Only the blind and foolish support it.

Stay away. Vote with your feet because you'll never be listened to. Nothing will change. You have to stop the flow of eaasy money to these crooks.


BangTaoBoy was back! Shortly.... But he's right this time!

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Sounds like it's a failed party at this point!

Sydictive Party: One night without Paris

Phuket Gazette - Friday, December 21, 2012 6:42:59 PM phuketnews_Socialite_and_DJ_Paris_Hilton_performs_live_in_India_at_the_India_Reso_19769_JRRjcAqMks_jpeg.jpg

Socialite and DJ Paris Hilton performs live in India at the India Resort Fashion Week on December 1. Photo: AFP

PHUKET: Global celebrity Paris Hilton will not be attending the three-day New Year beach party originally slated to be held on Surin Beach from December 30 to sunrise on January 1.

The news of Ms Hilton’s imminent no-show at the event came in an email from her lawyer sent to the Phuket Gazette clarifying that Ms Hilton’s name was not to be used in any promotion of the event other than the event’s launch in Bangkok on October 22.

The glamor-gilded launch was covered and broadcast across the world by global media agencies.

However, Glenn “GG” Gulino, Esq. of g2 entertainment wrote in his email, “Your rights to use her name ended weeks ago and since you cancelled her NYE appearance you cannot use her name. Thank you.”

However, as the Phuket Gazette at no time invited or cancelled Ms Hilton’s attendance to the party, Gazette editors were left to believe the email was intended to be sent to the party organizers. To date, Mr Gulino and party organizers Sydictive Element, despite many attempts by the Gazette to clarify the situation, have yet to confirm this.

While the Paris Hilton mystery unravelled, Sydictive Element had also yet to respond to reports that the beach party will be moved to Phuket’s premier party town, Patong.

At last report, Sydictive Element had been granted approval by local authorities to hold the party at Surin Beach – after weeks of strong opposition from some local residents and businesses, but a mixed response from others.

Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukban told the Gazette on Wednesday, “The party organizer had a talk with Phuket Vice Governor Sommai Prijasilpa yesterday [December 18] about moving the party from Surin Beach to Patong Beach.

“I have no idea right now if it is going to be held in Patong because we still have to discuss with other local organizations and agencies, such as the police, and we have to talk this over with local beach vendors and other operators who would be affected by the party,” he said.

Mr Chairat also explained that Patong Municipality did not have enough budget to quickly provide all the ancillary services required by such a large-scale event, which was touted at the party’s launch in October as expected to attract up to 50,000 revellers.

“If the party is going to be held in Patong, the organizer has to deal with issues such as security, cleanliness and other problems that might arise, all by themselves,” Mr Chairat said.

Echoing Patong Mayor Pian Keesin’s concerns voiced publicly on Tuesday, Mr Chairat raised the issue that Patong Municipality regulates public areas.

“Usually, when we arrange concerts or performances, they must be free of charge. So how can you set up a restricted area and charge people for entry when you are using public land? How can you stop people from entering the beach when the beach is public?” he asked.

“Just imagine the idea of closing Patong Beach. I feel it would be very difficult and I think it is a very 'big' idea,” Mr Chairat added.

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please continue:

Sydictive Party: One night without Paris

Phuket Gazette


Socialite and DJ Paris Hilton performs live in India at the India Resort Fashion Week on December 1. Photo: AFP

PHUKET: -- Global celebrity Paris Hilton will not be attending the three-day New Year beach party originally slated to be held on Surin Beach from December 30 to sunrise on January 1.

Full story:


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