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While living in LOS I had a visit from one of my friends from UK. for 1 week he could'nt stop farting. Blamed the food :D I blamed him :o He went back to falang food with the result of no more noise. :D

I noticed I did'nt fart hardly at all in LOS.Thing is since coming back to UK I notice I do a fair bit and my wife won't eat potatoes after a couple of experiences of the helium :D

So what about you guys?



Flatulence is the presence of a mix of gases known as flatus produced by symbiotic bacteria and yeasts living in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals. Flatulence is released under pressure through the anus, often with a characteristic sound and offensive odor. Releasing flatulence is colloquially known as farting.

Many people report that by reducing intake of most refined carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta, potatoes and bread), the amount of flatulence may decrease significantly.

i.e. if your friend reduced the rice intake he may reduced his flatulance.....

read more at:



This is an interesting thread. I fart less when eating Thai food. More when eating Farang food. I figure Thai food is more healthy. Although I am a rice fiend and eat lots of it.

I don't know why, but meat and 3 veg sets me off at a great rate of knots...

the answer for solve the problem is


Surely a champagne cork would be a better shape! :o:D:D

Although if it popped out under pressure :D

Get down!!!

Was he on the Beer Chang? That gets me everytime.

Maybe your friend had an allergy?

I developed a sensitivity to wheat, and produced smells cattle would have been proud of but I wasn't :D

Yorkie farts a lot, the chang explains it :o


Beer had nothing to do with it. He's always excessive with beer :o We put it down to different carbs ie: rice as soon as he changed diet no prob. The same can be said for my thai wife : potatoes make her fart and as a result she avoids them :D

Me ? well I fart when I fart but nothing over regular. :D

I do notice I put on weight in thailand. I put that down to different metabolism and eating small amounts many times a day rather than 1 meal a day as in the UK.


Garlic makes me fart, as do beans or tofu so I try to avoid these foods, but it's difficult since I like them.

When I visit the US I have fart almost constantly--everything I eat there gives me gas.


I find that if I do get the farts and bloating the best way to cure it is to heat the hottest meal I can find. A meal of Pak bung fai daeng and yam pla merk usually does the trick.

  • 1 year later...

Hope no one mind an old thread I found about a flatulance problem I'm having. Diet probably , yes I like to eat alot of rice, pasta, beef, cheese. Aging, you know AN OLD FART" may have some bearing on problem.

Any one know if there is an OTC (Over The Counter) product available to reduce this problem,


what's wrong with farting? those with IBS (irritated bowel syndrome) feel like thanking their God(s) for each and every fart they are managing to squeeze out.

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