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Abhisit, Suthep Could Face 700 Charges Of Attempted Murder: Tarit


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I didn't say personal experience is the ONLY way to gauge a situation. I said it was one of the best. Hand in hand are personal observations. The residents, students, hospital patients/staff, and shopworkers at the commandeered site vicinity in downtown Bkk (during the Red occupation of 2010) - their personal observations and chronicles carry more weight than 2nd or 3rd party references from political propagandists (including T and his lawyers). Go research some of those 1st hand experiences and tell me what you find.

Here's a little tidbit that Red apologists won't want to hear: During the Red riots of 2009, Thaksin was interviewed on a major news station (he was hundreds of miles away) and asserted that many Red shirts had been killed/disapperared. Of course none of that happened, and we never heard reference to that afterwards.

You seem to be getting confused Maidu. Witness accounts that others gave are not your personal experiences, indeed to reference them one would have to research the evidence at hand! Didn't you just assert that research is only the recourse of those losing an argument? To even be aware of others accounts means you are combining your personal experiences with those of others ie. informing yourself of the events by researching the evidence at hand.

This must be one of the most bizarre little sub arguments I've ever encountered on a TV thread. You are really going to dig your heels in and try to defend what was clearly a nonsensical statement? I believe you have been immersed in Thai life too long because clearly the notion of face and the inability to admit your own mistakes has consumed you. We are all human Maidu and sometimes we write stupid things...

"research is only the recourse of those losing an argument" is one of those times, never mind, happens to us all, move on...thumbsup.gif

Maybe you didn't read my more recent post which corrected your mistaken quotes and conclusions from them.

Also, if someone who was personally at Red riots of 2009 or 2010 makes a personal observation and chronicles it, I can take that published info and refer to it subsequently. I would quote them correctly, which is more than you've been doing with posts herein. You've been misquoting peoples' posts, and then making biased comments about them. It reminds me of being married, and trying to have a logical argument with one's spouse. (Yes, I know we're not married. Let's not start a sub-thread on that).

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Ferangled asks me, "Did you really assert that research is only the recourse of those losing an argument?"

Maidu responds; No. The sentence you misquoted stated, "As for 'researching every available resource' - that's the refuge of someone who is losing an argument."

nice try Ferangled, but no cigar,

Hint: When you start to talk about yourself in the 3rd person it's time to start worrying!

I did that to try to instil clarity. I may start referring to myself in the plural, but then some might think I'm the Queen of England or a Siamese twin.

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I return your challenge and would ask you to identify 5 pro-red shirt posts on this forum. Similarly I'd ask Tatsujin, our resident troll, to stop making smarmy comments about other members and actually start contributing to these threads constructively.

You throw around the terms red apologists, red sympathisers etc with absolutely no basis. It's just a childish way at avoiding tackling the actual points raised. I actually believe that many on here sympathise with no political party in Thailand but recognise the hypocrisy on both sides and simply support the ideals of democracy.

Avoiding the question, making false accusations and throwing an insult in too.

You obviously categorise yourself as one of the red underpants brigade and one can readily see why. Must have been to one of the boot camps.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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You for a start. H090, Buchholz, Nickymaster, Pimay1 and thats without thinking.smile.png

Find me one pro-yellow post by me and I'll buy you a keg of Heineken.

Daengophile posts are 10 a penny. Righteous, for example, has drafted his own manual

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I return your challenge and would ask you to identify 5 pro-red shirt posts on this forum. Similarly I'd ask Tatsujin, our resident troll, to stop making smarmy comments about other members and actually start contributing to these threads constructively.

You throw around the terms red apologists, red sympathisers etc with absolutely no basis. It's just a childish way at avoiding tackling the actual points raised. I actually believe that many on here sympathise with no political party in Thailand but recognise the hypocrisy on both sides and simply support the ideals of democracy.

I have made some constructive comments within this thread, but you pooh-poohed them as being wrong as they were based on my opinion and that didn't happen to match with your own. Everyone here has an opinion about everything, and that's their opinion based on their experiences. I don't agree with or accept many others opinions, but equally they don't really affect me either. I do like a good "discussion" though, interjected with light humour and put-downs.

At the moment we're all going around in circles, neither admitting to the other that they might have any opinion that "could" be correct, valid or acceptable. Quite similar in fact to what happened in 2010 between the Red protestors and the sitting Government and continues now with Politics here in general.

As I'm neither a Red nor a Yellow supporter (or any other color), I really don't give a monkeys who's in power here, it's unlikely to make my life here any different or any better in the short or the long term. The "majority" of the "people" here got the Government they asked for within the bounds of their twisted form of laws, electoral process and Democracy. Good for them. For those that don't like it, there are legal ways to change things.

Do I think the Abhisit Goverment did things 100% correct? No.

Do I think the current Government (or previous Red Governments) are doing things 100% correct? No.

They are ALL as bad as each other with the overriding desire to "look after" each other financially and to screw as much money out of the "people" as they can in any way they can.

At the point that any one of these Governments starts to make life here for me to live, work and run a business even more difficult that it already is, then I'll walk away . . . to the cheers of many I am sure. Other than that, I remain a (very) amused bystander. cheesy.gif

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I return your challenge and would ask you to identify 5 pro-red shirt posts on this forum. Similarly I'd ask Tatsujin, our resident troll, to stop making smarmy comments about other members and actually start contributing to these threads constructively.

You throw around the terms red apologists, red sympathisers etc with absolutely no basis. It's just a childish way at avoiding tackling the actual points raised. I actually believe that many on here sympathise with no political party in Thailand but recognise the hypocrisy on both sides and simply support the ideals of democracy.

I have made some constructive comments within this thread, but you pooh-poohed them as being wrong as they were based on my opinion and that didn't happen to match with your own. Everyone here has an opinion about everything, and that's their opinion based on their experiences. I don't agree with or accept many others opinions, but equally they don't really affect me either. I do like a good "discussion" though, interjected with light humour and put-downs.

At the moment we're all going around in circles, neither admitting to the other that they might have any opinion that "could" be correct, valid or acceptable. Quite similar in fact to what happened in 2010 between the Red protestors and the sitting Government and continues now with Politics here in general.

As I'm neither a Red nor a Yellow supporter (or any other color), I really don't give a monkeys who's in power here, it's unlikely to make my life here any different or any better in the short or the long term. The "majority" of the "people" here got the Government they asked for within the bounds of their twisted form of laws, electoral process and Democracy. Good for them. For those that don't like it, there are legal ways to change things.

Do I think the Abhisit Goverment did things 100% correct? No.

Do I think the current Government (or previous Red Governments) are doing things 100% correct? No.

They are ALL as bad as each other with the overriding desire to "look after" each other financially and to screw as much money out of the "people" as they can in any way they can.

At the point that any one of these Governments starts to make life here for me to live, work and run a business even more difficult that it already is, then I'll walk away . . . to the cheers of many I am sure. Other than that, I remain a (very) amused bystander. cheesy.gif

If you read through a list of Ferangled's posts you will see that you are not alone in receiving snide quips. He likes to think that he adds to the conversation but just trolls about taking pot shots at anyone who criticises the government accusing those posters of the very things that he does.

Don't take it personally.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

I don't take anything personally, especially on here.

I do love to wind people up that takes things FAR too seriously though . . . cheesy.gif

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Was there ever a court order deeming the protest illegal?

"The government claimed that the protests were illegal and attempted to evict the protesters without a court order, as the Civil Court had ruled that the PM is already empowered to do so." (wiki)


Well that might be a fly in the ointment.

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The worst thing for those who love living in Thailand is the damage the current government is continuing to cause to it's image abroad. Ever since the former PM was ousted for playing ducks and drakes with democracy the country's reputation has slid just as that of it's weaker neighbours has started to shine.

Luckily the 2015 ASEAN union start up date is now deferred to 2016 giving Thailand an extra year to regain it's former reputation.

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@Thai at heart ...

For who?

Sent from my HTC phone.

Abhisit. They should surely have got someone to deem that the protest had broken some law?

Basically, the army shot people who weren't breaking the law

And some who were.

Of course if the police had been doing their duty in the first place there would have been no need for army involvement.

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@Thai at heart ...

For who?

Sent from my HTC phone.

Abhisit. They should surely have got someone to deem that the protest had broken some law?

Basically, the army shot people who weren't breaking the law

The protests had already been declared illegal through the SOE.

The court said that they didn't need to rule on stopping the red shirts from occupying Ratchaprasong.

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You for a start. H090, Buchholz, Nickymaster, Pimay1 and thats without thinking.

Well smutcakes I am definitely anti-TS/YS government for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. I am anti-red mob for the same obvious reasons. I am in no way pro any color. I try to judge the factions, people and parties by their actions not their words. So if in expressing my opinion that people should be honest, fair and caring about other people especially the poor of this country, you surmise I am pro yellow then that's up to you.

Then perhaps you could appreciate that there are many on here who are definitely anti-Dem/ AV for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. Anti-yellow mob for the same obvious reasons. They are in no way pro any colour. They try to judge the factions and parties by their actions not their words... hmm sound familiar?

If by expressing their opinions you feel the need to label them childishly the red under pants brigade, red apologist or red sympathiser then so be it. This is more an indication of your total hypocrisy and infantile tendencies than it is of any actual truth or relevance to discussion.

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You for a start. H090, Buchholz, Nickymaster, Pimay1 and thats without thinking.

Well smutcakes I am definitely anti-TS/YS government for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. I am anti-red mob for the same obvious reasons. I am in no way pro any color. I try to judge the factions, people and parties by their actions not their words. So if in expressing my opinion that people should be honest, fair and caring about other people especially the poor of this country, you surmise I am pro yellow then that's up to you.

Then perhaps you could appreciate that there are many on here who are definitely anti-Dem/ AV for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. Anti-yellow mob for the same obvious reasons. They are in no way pro any colour. They try to judge the factions and parties by their actions not their words... hmm sound familiar?

If by expressing their opinions you feel the need to label them childishly the red under pants brigade, red apologist or red sympathiser then so be it. This is more an indication of your total hypocrisy and infantile tendencies than it is of any actual truth or relevance to discussion.

Being pro-Dem / AV is not the same as being pro-yellow.

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Was there ever a court order deeming the protest illegal?

"The government claimed that the protests were illegal and attempted to evict the protesters without a court order, as the Civil Court had ruled that the PM is already empowered to do so." (wiki)


Well that might be a fly in the ointment.

It never ceases to amaze how different people interpret the same things.

The Civil Court concluded that the PM DID NOT NEED a separate Court Order to evict the protestors, he already had the power to do so under the ISA.

The Civil Court Monday refused to consider the request of the government to issue a court order to force red-shirt protester to stop occupying the Rajprasong commercial area.

The court reasoned that the prime minister as the director of the Internal Security Operations Command, is already empowered by Article 16 and 18 of the Internal Security Act to order the protesters to leave Rajprasong without having to seek the court order again.

The court noted that the ISA empowers the ISOC director to stop and prevent activities that affected the national stability and to carry out actions to return normality to the country.

For those that are hard of reading or understanding I've highlighted the relevant aspects above.

Also, for those that haven't read it, try looking at what the actual ISA states: http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/thailandinternalsecurityactdraftof16oct2007inenglish.pdf. Yes it's a translation, and yes you could claim that it might not be 100% accurate, but it does make interesting reading. #15, #16, #17 and #23 are of particular interest.

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@Thai at heart ...

For who?

Sent from my HTC phone.

Abhisit. They should surely have got someone to deem that the protest had broken some law?

Basically, the army shot people who weren't breaking the law

Mmmmm . . . once again, you are forgetting the ISA, SoE, restricted zones and curfew that was in place at that time and that people KNEW was in effect.

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Also, for those that haven't read it, try looking at what the actual ISA states: http://asiapacific.a...7inenglish.pdf. Yes it's a translation, and yes you could claim that it might not be 100% accurate, but it does make interesting reading. #15, #16, #17 and #23 are of particular interest.

Link doesn't work.

Try this: http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/thailandinternalsecurityactdraftof16oct2007inenglish.pdf

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You for a start. H090, Buchholz, Nickymaster, Pimay1 and thats without thinking.

Well smutcakes I am definitely anti-TS/YS government for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. I am anti-red mob for the same obvious reasons. I am in no way pro any color. I try to judge the factions, people and parties by their actions not their words. So if in expressing my opinion that people should be honest, fair and caring about other people especially the poor of this country, you surmise I am pro yellow then that's up to you.

Then perhaps you could appreciate that there are many on here who are definitely anti-Dem/ AV for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. Anti-yellow mob for the same obvious reasons. They are in no way pro any colour. They try to judge the factions and parties by their actions not their words... hmm sound familiar?

If by expressing their opinions you feel the need to label them childishly the red under pants brigade, red apologist or red sympathiser then so be it. This is more an indication of your total hypocrisy and infantile tendencies than it is of any actual truth or relevance to discussion.

Being pro-Dem / AV is not the same as being pro-yellow.

Quite true and being critical of the Democrats or Abhisit is not the same as being pro-red, pro-Thaksin or any other leaps of logic that have been made repeatedly on this and virtually every other thread on TV...

Taking offence when someone labels you pro-yellow when you have a habit of branding people pro-red seems a tad hypocritical. How many times have the infantile red tag lines been used on this thread compared with say, infantile yellow tags and by whom...?

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You for a start. H090, Buchholz, Nickymaster, Pimay1 and thats without thinking.

Well smutcakes I am definitely anti-TS/YS government for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. I am anti-red mob for the same obvious reasons. I am in no way pro any color. I try to judge the factions, people and parties by their actions not their words. So if in expressing my opinion that people should be honest, fair and caring about other people especially the poor of this country, you surmise I am pro yellow then that's up to you.

Then perhaps you could appreciate that there are many on here who are definitely anti-Dem/ AV for obvious reasons to anyone with a lick of common sense. Anti-yellow mob for the same obvious reasons. They are in no way pro any colour. They try to judge the factions and parties by their actions not their words... hmm sound familiar?

If by expressing their opinions you feel the need to label them childishly the red under pants brigade, red apologist or red sympathiser then so be it. This is more an indication of your total hypocrisy and infantile tendencies than it is of any actual truth or relevance to discussion.

Very astute response my friend showing uncanny and inimical intellect on your part. Have you ever considered speech writing as a profession?

Intellectual: An intellectual is a person who primarily uses intelligence in either a professional or an individual capacity. As a substantive or adjective, it refers to the work product of such persons, to the so-called "life of the mind" generally, or to an aspect of something where learning, erudition, and informed and critical thinking are the focus, as in "the intellectual level of the discourse on the matter was not high".

Edited by Pimay1
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