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Complications In Thailand?.......

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Just a few but there are many:

1. Being impatient.

2. Thinking close to certain tourist places would be a nice place to live.

3. Believing other foreigners advice.

4. Counting on a good exchange rate.

5. Using a lawyer.

6. Thinking that Thai experts know about their job

7. Buy cheap stuff

Without the details:

1. Made some silly decision while not having all the info. Now learned to be very very patient.

2. Samui... brrrr

3. 90 year rent is no problem, why not start a company for buying land etc... Barstool wisdom!

4. That caused living a year very very frugally.

5. Made things more complicated then it was, caused by my own lack of knowledge. Most lawyers have their own set of believes that do not concur with Thai law but only the loopholes that are actually not there.

6. Even when a Thai tradesman does his job for over 20 years, the probability he does most things wrong is 99%

7. Thinking that saving a few baht would be good (caused by point 4 but got stuck in it), it actually minimizes lives pleasure.

I would question no6, As far as car and motorbike mechanics are concerned, I never came across one who did not do a good job. Computer engineers about 50/50, the one I use now is excellent. I think your'e 99% is way off the mark.
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Another major consideration apart from the visas ,insurance health usual beaurocratic nonesense{what the brits taught the world eh)is Pollution.

I,m sure there is a high number of Uk passport holders that came to Thailand for the sunshine amongst other things,,me included.

What was totally unexpected was the pollution in the hills and you can add CM to that equation.

On that i would retire to the south to get away from the hill fires but off course temperture wise is better for me anyway to be in the North,so again the pollition in BK and CM i was aware of ,but not out in the sticks where in many ways the real Thailand is.

I would seriously advise them to retire to Cambodia as there are so much little hassle regarding visas Work,land etc ,though having said that a lot of land on offer to foreigners is land that the army has taken from local people by force,but again the foreigners dont give a monkey as long as they can brag that they own land.but thats another story.

like you said originally blether they have done their homework on visas etc,but for me pollution is a major concern for my long term future and i have a beautiful wooden bamboo house surrounded by beautiful trees and mountains ,so personally i am weighing up going back to freezing Scotland and the beautiful pollution free air or doing my lungs in here

I was up in Caithness on Boxing Day.........

Not much pollution there.....stunning.

Those lovely photos look just like some mountain lakes my father took me to in New Zealand. Brings back great memories. The trout fishing wasn't half bad, either.


This is not in reply to any one person here, but it is appropriate to the topic. When a wealthy person is lying on their death bed with millions of dollars in the bank I can pretty much guarantee they aren't wishing they had bought one more piece of property and a few more cars.

My only advice is to enjoy life to the fullest and spend every day like it is your last.

Indeed. One day it will be.


Holiday visits and actually "living" in Thailand are vastly different. Thailand laws make it difficult for any foreigner to own anything of any value in Thailand. Many others before me have all said the same thing... never buy what you can rent. And, don't try to plant roots too deeply because you might have to move quicklyfor any one of a thousand reasons.

Other than property what is there that is so hard to own? True you might have to move quikly for any one of a thousand reasons. But that can be said the world over. If you were forced to leaave Thailand I strongly suspect if you examined it you would find out it was for some thing you did wrong.

I don't buy into this bit that Thailand dosen't want us. If that were so they would make it a lot tougher to stay here.

The complications I run into are not really complicated. They are mainly the attitudes of foreigners towards the Thais. It has been my experience that if you give them a chance they will be very friendly. But you can not find that hanging around tourist areas. They are there to make as much money as they can the same as you when you were working.

Thailand doesn't want us, it's our money they want.
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First thing they should do is take Thai language lessons... would recomend 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for at least a few months, then maybe pull it back to at least a few times a week for the next 6-9 months.

As once you can speak passable Thai a whole lot of things become easier and a whole lot less frustrating.

The funny thing is, once you can speak good Thai, you will start to notice that things really ain't that much different here then anywhere else in the world...

Once you get out of the bars and tourist areas, Thais are mostly just normal folks going through life trying to better themselves in the rat race and trying to provide best possible future for their kids that they can afford...

Also don't believe it if anyone makes some outragous claim about having to pay or do something that doesn't make much sense or feels wrong to you, as it is "Thai Culture".

As once you get outside "the scam zone", it really ain't like that... and the sooner you can speak Thai, the less time you will be spending in "the scam zone".

I dont speak Thai but i see where you are coming from about being able or putting the efforti nto speaking Thai.

people who aew wasuly frustrated would be anywhere so just relax and enjoy the sunshine and the mosquitoes.

Thailand to me is like Scotland 30 years ago or even today.I Peole doing shitty jobs for little or no money having a good drink with there mates after work

going home to the wife and kids/Talking to their wives and kids

go to bed get up g to work

simple no scams just good hard workinh honest people who speak a different language

,.Knowing the language can also lead to your understanding of how much shit the average peson speak,only need to look at Thai tv to see that but that is another story

Being friends of the blether i,m sure they have their heids screwed on the right way

If people are doing shitty jobs in Scotland for little or no money they cannot afford to drink, do you know how expensive alcohol is in the UK? Most of the many drunken Scots, or English for that matter who can afford to get drunk are the ones on benefits.

First thing they should do is take Thai language lessons... would recomend 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for at least a few months, then maybe pull it back to at least a few times a week for the next 6-9 months.

As once you can speak passable Thai a whole lot of things become easier and a whole lot less frustrating.

The funny thing is, once you can speak good Thai, you will start to notice that things really ain't that much different here then anywhere else in the world...

Once you get out of the bars and tourist areas, Thais are mostly just normal folks going through life trying to better themselves in the rat race and trying to provide best possible future for their kids that they can afford...

Also don't believe it if anyone makes some outragous claim about having to pay or do something that doesn't make much sense or feels wrong to you, as it is "Thai Culture".

As once you get outside "the scam zone", it really ain't like that... and the sooner you can speak Thai, the less time you will be spending in "the scam zone".

I dont speak Thai but i see where you are coming from about being able or putting the efforti nto speaking Thai.

people who aew wasuly frustrated would be anywhere so just relax and enjoy the sunshine and the mosquitoes.

Thailand to me is like Scotland 30 years ago or even today.I Peole doing shitty jobs for little or no money having a good drink with there mates after work

going home to the wife and kids/Talking to their wives and kids

go to bed get up g to work

simple no scams just good hard workinh honest people who speak a different language

,.Knowing the language can also lead to your understanding of how much shit the average peson speak,only need to look at Thai tv to see that but that is another story

Being friends of the blether i,m sure the"y have their heids screwed on the right way


"Thailand to me is like Scotland 30 years ago or even today.I Peole doing shitty jobs for little or no money having a good drink with there mates after work"

Don't tell that to the bletheror any other Scotsman they all think they do a good job of making Scotch Whiskey.whistling.gif

I'm a Scotsman, and I've never drank alcohol in my life.

Thailand doesn't want us, it's our money they want.

Isn't that true everywhere? Politicans don't want us, they only want our vote. The punters in the hooker bars don't want a wife; they only want a quick lay with no complications. Most wives don't want a life time lover. They want someone to support them. Bar owners don't want a room full of free loaders. They want the patrons to drink more. Everybody wants the big spenders no matter where they come from. You don't see big ads for back packer "Cheap Charlie" type resorts. It's all about big, palacial mansions with swimming pools... etc, etc.

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Best thing i can add here is dont be getting around with expensive jewellery, clothes ect.

When speaking to Thai lady DONT tell her anything about your life at home, your past, or about family or anything. Best to offer as little info as possible to anyone, in fact then when you do, is best to tell a crock of lies, and that you have very average wealth ect

To many like to Hi-note themself and brag about this and that, and then will wonder why they get in trouble with the wrong type of person.rolleyes.gif

This way if you do get involved with Thai lady you have the freedom to tell all the lies you need, your brother who is big Italian Mafiosa is on his way to Thailand laugh.png Cannot say this if at first you did tell her you were only child!!

I see some farangs on this site comment that Thai woman is not interested in them or the falang culture but really this they do you a favour not asking to many questions.thumbsup.gif


Thailand doesn't want us, it's our money they want.

Isn't that true everywhere? Politicans don't want us, they only want our vote. The punters in the hooker bars don't want a wife; they only want a quick lay with no complications. Most wives don't want a life time lover. They want someone to support them. Bar owners don't want a room full of free loaders. They want the patrons to drink more. Everybody wants the big spenders no matter where they come from. You don't see big ads for back packer "Cheap Charlie" type resorts. It's all about big, palacial mansions with swimming pools... etc, etc.

Yes, Rene, most of what you say is true, but a lot of punters do go to the hookers bars for a wife, a few of my friends did.

I'm a Scotsman, and I've never drank alcohol in my life.

More or less, I owe them about 8000GBP in council tax.

Did they throw you out of the country? tongue.png


The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.


The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

What country are you talking about? I thought they had blue uniforms.smile.png

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I'm a Scotsman, and I've never drank alcohol in my life.

More or less, I owe them about 8000GBP in council tax.

Did they throw you out of the country? tongue.png

thats 8000GBP o councilers drinking money

The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

What country are you talking about? I thought they had blue uniforms.smile.png

The bile and sxxi coming from his mouth turned the uniforms brown

<what had you holding your head in your hands in frustration?>

trying to find out information at immigration/ getting an extension.

<If you had your time again, what would you do different?>

Stay in Pattaya instead of moving to the village.


It amazes me that once again so many negative comments here about living in Thailand.

Yes of course things are different here than in your home country otherwise why would you want to leave there and come here in the first place. Everywhere has it's own type of problems, except it and try to learn about the culture before you decide to move here, the negatives as well as the positives. Always remember this is Thailand and you are a foreigner in their country.

For those who do nothing but moan you are free to return from wherever you came from.

For all it's frustrations at times, I love it here and will remain a foreigner in Thailand

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It amazes me that once again so many negative comments here about living in Thailand.

Yes of course things are different here than in your home country otherwise why would you want to leave there and come here in the first place. Everywhere has it's own type of problems, except it and try to learn about the culture before you decide to move here, the negatives as well as the positives. Always remember this is Thailand and you are a foreigner in their country.

For those who do nothing but moan you are free to return from wherever you came from.

For all it's frustrations at times, I love it here and will remain a foreigner in Thailand

Nobody wants to hear a person who is too happy. They would then wonder what it was that they themselves did wrong. They want to hear about someone else who has worse problems than themselves, and in that way they can feel better about their own sorry lives.

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For those who do nothing but moan you are free to return from wherever you came from.

They are bored with moaning about their own country. Moaning about Thailand is a new experience.

We should count our blessings at least they have never been here to actually bother anyone. smile.png

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The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

Why stop?

Why not continue right on to the airport and go home where you belong?

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It's safe to say that complaints are amplified in expat communities worldwide, not just in Thailand. Most expats are affected with the same narrow band of problems, and those that can handle the problems often take great delight in the misery of others.

There's nothing so sickening as the I'm alright Jack brigade, and nothing so delightful as that same brigade getting their come uppance.

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The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

Why stop?

Why not continue right on to the airport and go home where you belong?

That comment is so infantile and ignorant it does not render a reply.


The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

What country are you talking about? I thought they had blue uniforms.smile.png

The bile and sxxi coming from his mouth turned the uniforms brown

As you apparently is unable to read an comprehend simple text, I quote a sentence from the OP: " The issue is, what unexpected complications did you come across when you moved to Thailand?"

I replied some of the things I had not expected when I came here. If my experiences and thoughts do not comply with yours, it does not give you the right to be abusive and to forward your limited way of thinking as the only right way. Your comment was not funny, only childish.


The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

Why stop?

Why not continue right on to the airport and go home where you belong?

That comment is so infantile and ignorant it does not render a reply.

Actually you are not doing to well in English yourself. I think your lack of empathy in trying to learn another language is obvious by your statement that all Thais are lazy and ignorant. If I knew what render a reply meant I would respond but I don't.smile.png

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The sheer stupidity you are met with all the time. The inability to speak even a single sentence in another language no matter how long they have in school. The total lack of empathy, the lazyness ang ignorance at all levels in society. The curroption. The criminals in brown uniforms. I stop here.

What country are you talking about? I thought they had blue uniforms.smile.png

The bile and sxxi coming from his mouth turned the uniforms brown

As you apparently is unable to read an comprehend simple text, I quote a sentence from the OP: " The issue is, what unexpected complications did you come across when you moved to Thailand?"

I replied some of the things I had not expected when I came here. If my experiences and thoughts do not comply with yours, it does not give you the right to be abusive and to forward your limited way of thinking as the only right way. Your comment was not funny, only childish.

I think your statement that all Thais are lazy and ignorant is very abusive. Maybe the most abusive thing I have read on Thai Visa all day. Do you not think calling people lazy and ignorant is abusive?

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,,The SHEER STUPIDITY YOU ARE MET WITH ALL OF THE TIME ranks as one of the most abusive comments on TV so well done TANAKASAN you have done your self proud with that one.


The inability to SPEAK even a single sentence in another language no longer they have in school is a point that is FAIRLY stated against The Japanese and the Japanese school system.

Tanaka being a Japanese name Just wondering who he is talking about as on a whole i dont think the amount of time that Thais learn English in school and the amount of time Japanese learn in and at after school English classes is even remotely comparable and in general the level of English is much higher here in Thailand than in Japan

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