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Uproar As U S Newspaper Publishes Gun Owner Details Online


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Uproar as US newspaper publishes gun owner details online

Nick O'Malley

US Correspondent

NEW YORK: -- A New York newspaper has sparked an acrimonious debate over gun rights and privacy by publishing the names and addresses of thousands of handgun owners in an interactive map.

The Journal News obtained the records of residents with handgun permits under Freedom of Information laws and published them as part of the paper's coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, prompting a widespread backlash.

There have been calls for boycotts of the paper and threats to staff have been made, according to a Journal News story about the response.

In retaliation, bloggers have already published what they believe to be the home addresses of the paper's publisher, editor and the reporter who wrote the story.

None of the comments on an accompanying Facebook page viewed by Fairfax were supportive of the paper's decision to publish the database, which was of permit-holders, not necessarily gun owners. One of the comments included the names and address of people thought to be Journal News staff. [more...]

Read more: http://www.smh.com.a...1227-2bwvl.html

-- The Sydney Morning Herald 2012-12-27


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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

Oh look! According to the map, this household doesn't own a gun! Let's rob it! I really hope that happens and when they catch the crook, he admits using the map as a guide. Then hopefully, there's a big fat lawsuit.

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Now, if someone needs a gun all they need to do is use the locator (soon to be a mobile app? GPS coords?), wait until the house is empty, then go get it.

Sounds like someone decided to treat gun owners like they were sex offenders, and it doesn't fly. The most impressive thing about this idea is the level of stupidity.

If half of the burglars are as bungling as the ones in Home Alone then it is only the other half that are a threat.

Future headlines: Gun Thefts on the Rise, Law Enforcement Can't Explain Why

Edited by bendejo
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It is pretty surprising that NIC checks or gun registration

falls under Freedom Of Information laws. That allows

a newspaper to publish such information

That a newspaper can publish private citizens information

without consent does make one wonder how far it goes.

Edited by mania
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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

Oh look! According to the map, this household doesn't own a gun! Let's rob it! I really hope that happens and when they catch the crook, he admits using the map as a guide. Then hopefully, there's a big fat lawsuit.

One has to be pretty warped to wish bad or harm on another just to prove a political point. Truth is both sides are wrong here, but that does mean you wish harm on completely innocent people caught in the middle just so you can say told you so. Obviously, it would be one if your fellow gun worshippers doing such harm.

Might not have been motivated by anything other than $$$$$, i.e., selling papers.

That's really low, whatever side you take.

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What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers, being it by accident or on purpose. In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

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What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers, being it by accident or on purpose. In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

Oh really, I was under the impression that the sex offenders had a criminal record of some type. Just where do they come up with those lists? I guess if you want to go by that logic, let's start by publishing lists of smokers, drinkers, and drug users, etc. And you guys don't understand why we don't take you seriously.

Edited by beechguy
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What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers, being it by accident or on purpose. In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

"What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers ...?"


I no longer wonder why we can't all get along.

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If you take away guns people will just use another tool to kill. But there is no reason why stricter screening, limited types of guns and proper safekeeping rules can't be introducted.

Yeah...I am really scared of the next headline:"27 children killed with a spoon..."

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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

I heard someone commenting on the story stating that the papers hidden aganda was to harrass, and he thought people would NOT break in to thier house. But I agree with you, crooks like to steal guns. Might as well told everyone how much money each had in the house.

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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

Oh look! According to the map, this household doesn't own a gun! Let's rob it! I really hope that happens and when they catch the crook, he admits using the map as a guide. Then hopefully, there's a big fat lawsuit.

One has to be pretty warped to wish bad or harm on another just to prove a political point. Truth is both sides are wrong here, but that does mean you wish harm on completely innocent people caught in the middle just so you can say told you so. Obviously, it would be one if your fellow gun worshippers doing such harm.

Hmmm, are you saying gun ownership is wrong? It's a constitutional right, so is neither legally nor morally wrong.

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So it's OK to publish this information because some people don't want their children playing in or near a house with guns? Or that they believe any gun owner is a potential murderer? Well, a lot of people wouldn't want their kids playing in or near a house with people in it who promote a behavior that goes against the teachings of their religion and/or could be a health risk. So it's probably a good idea for someone to publish an interactive map showing where they live. I'm sure that would be welcome by everyone, eh? If not that, then DEFINITELY please publish a list of people on certain medications or with a history of mental health issues. Those people are crazy and dangerous.

Edited by koheesti
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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

Oh look! According to the map, this household doesn't own a gun! Let's rob it! I really hope that happens and when they catch the crook, he admits using the map as a guide. Then hopefully, there's a big fat lawsuit.

One has to be pretty warped to wish bad or harm on another just to prove a political point. Truth is both sides are wrong here, but that does mean you wish harm on completely innocent people caught in the middle just so you can say told you so. Obviously, it would be one if your fellow gun worshippers doing such harm.

Being a crook dosen't make one a gun worshipper or even a supporter of guns rights. They are just crooks. I really doubt the politics interest them.

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What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers, being it by accident or on purpose. In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

Because they are not anymore potential killers then you are. That is just a stupid statement and I can't believe anyone thinks that way. In addition, if you are putting sex offenders in the same group as gun owners thier is no hope in speaking any reason and logic with you as you have none. properly prescribed medication kills more children then guns, as do cars and many other things in this world. In fact, gun accidents are so low as to be insignificant statistically.

You are the type of duff that thinks guns are the problem, but just get in your thick head that it's people. Outlawing guns will only take them away from people who are honest as criminals don't follow the laws. Just like locks only keep out honest people.

The only reason this was done was to harrass gun owners (people like you have no other real agenda) but sure they will say it was for another reason that makes no sense to a rational person (like you).

PS: The rate of violent crime in the areas mentions have consistantly fallen, though guns have increased. But facts like that are never mentioned by people like you.

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Might not have been motivated by anything other than $$$$$, i.e., selling papers.

That's really low, whatever side you take.

Yeah, I was thinking that. Just about every pro takes off these last 2 or 3 weeks of the year, this idea was probably by some junior staffer trying to make his/her mark.

Great Caesar's ghost, Olsen!

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Unbelievable...Guns are among the most common items stolen in home burglaries. Why not just post who owns a diamond ring, iPad, or keeps cash under the mattress? Convicted felons are not allowed to purchase firearms--but now, with this handy map, and a little B&E, they can find one. One of the dumbest moves this newspaper could possibly do, short of telling sex offenders where single women live.

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In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

The 600 number is for what? It's for Suicides. Well over 700 died from hanging, so maybe we need to out law rope? It makes as much sense. Of the 12,000 that died accidentally only 138 were from guns. Most were cars, so if you own a car your a potential killer by your logic.

People like you give thier kids ritalin (speed), junk food, and let them get fat playing video games and watching TV 12 hours a day, then blame gun owners for killing your kids.

Sure 2/3rd of homicides are guns, but the number would not change because if the intent to kill is there, whatever was used 1/3 the time would increase 2/3rds.

Get your facts right and people like you should not buy guns, it's true. IQ should be above moron first.

In the US, I believe the number of legal guns is over 300 million. I doubt the number of deaths caused by them is higher than the number of road fatalities, but there is no call for a ban on cars.

I don't include illegal weapons, as no ban on guns will remove illegal weapons from the hands of criminals, none of which would get a gun permit anyway.

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In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

The 600 number is for what? It's for Suicides. Well over 700 died from hanging, so maybe we need to out law rope? It makes as much sense. Of the 12,000 that died accidentally only 138 were from guns. Most were cars, so if you own a car your a potential killer by your logic.

People like you give thier kids ritalin (speed), junk food, and let them get fat playing video games and watching TV 12 hours a day, then blame gun owners for killing your kids.

Sure 2/3rd of homicides are guns, but the number would not change because if the intent to kill is there, whatever was used 1/3 the time would increase 2/3rds.

Get your facts right and people like you should not buy guns, it's true. IQ should be above moron first.

In the US, I believe the number of legal guns is over 300 million. I doubt the number of deaths caused by them is higher than the number of road fatalities, but there is no call for a ban on cars.

I don't include illegal weapons, as no ban on guns will remove illegal weapons from the hands of criminals, none of which would get a gun permit anyway.

Cars are not designed to kill. Reducing the number of guns easily obtained would tend to reduce the number able to be acquired illegally by nut cases.

I think the action of the newspaper is deplorable but so is the 'thinking' that proliferation of guns is of benefit to any but the macho cowboys.

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Wow, I bet every crook in town has a copy of that map already...

Oh look! According to the map, this household doesn't own a gun! Let's rob it! I really hope that happens and when they catch the crook, he admits using the map as a guide. Then hopefully, there's a big fat lawsuit.

One has to be pretty warped to wish bad or harm on another just to prove a political point. Truth is both sides are wrong here, but that does mean you wish harm on completely innocent people caught in the middle just so you can say told you so. Obviously, it would be one if your fellow gun worshippers doing such harm.

Hmmm, are you saying gun ownership is wrong? It's a constitutional right, so is neither legally nor morally wrong.

Something cannot be morally wrong if it's in the constitution?? The constitution came from where? God Himself?

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What is wrong with publishing the names and addresses of potential killers, being it by accident or on purpose. In the US they publish the names of sex offenders too, lots of them who would never be on any other list as they never abused anyone or intended too. I would hold my children away from any gun owner too the 600 kids that were accidentally killed by weapons this year are proof that the cozy times of the weapon lobby must come to an end. Besides, the NRA claims that guns protect, so what is wrong?

Those people are mostly killed by police officers ............ who tend to shoot each other accidentally in locker rooms, etc.

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