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Plane Spotting - The Quiz


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That would be Lion Air's subsidiary airline 'Wings Air' and their ATR-72

Oh sorry...I forgot the question.....what airport is it at ?

Would that airport be in Thailand?

OH diddums ... thanks for sharing ... we need contributions like this

The variety is appreciated ... wai.gif

Edited by David48
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I'm taking a stab at Cathay Pacific..

Sharp pair of knives there you have GrantSmith ... clap2.gif

When you have a second ... care to explain your logic as to how you arrived at the correct guess 1st up?

EDIT:- It would enlighten me, as I have no idea how you do it.

Edited by David48
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# 023

So ... well done to both lubbkis and GrantSmith for a combination guess and others (Vinny1967) who confirmed it as a Cathay Pacific flight.

Yes, I did remove the Aircrafts identifying marks as that would have made it to easy and I didn't have the usual photos as the sucker flew directly overhead till it dissapeared in the distance ...

A Cathay Pacific Airbus A330-343X





Edited by David48
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You have to have some good bandwith to watch this as it 12 mins in duration.

Words fail me ...

Do they land/take-off on auto pilot?

If it's manual (pilot controlled) ... I liked the effortof the Air Berlin crew ... seemed to handle the conditions the best.

I liked how he allowed the elements to control the plane until the rear wheels touched then straightened it to allow steerage as the nose wheel touched ... clap2.gif

Spare a thought also for the photographer ... in a car for sure because there is no camera shake and sounds like he is eating crisps ... but still ... a great affort.

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If it's manual (pilot controlled) ... I liked the effortof the Air Berlin crew ... seemed to handle the conditions the best.

I liked how he allowed the elements to control the plane until the rear wheels touched then straightened it to allow steerage as the nose wheel touched ... clap2.gif

Being a licensed pilot myself, I find cross wind landings the most 'entertaining' and challenging flight maneuver as precision is more critical. I originally trained in North Dakota where winds were often strong and due to only a single runway, cross wind landings were common. There are two techniques and often combined to land with strong cross winds. Crabbing the aircraft, that is the angle you see where the aircraft is pointing off center, to keep the flight path down the center. The other is the 'wing down, opposite rudder' method where the wing that is towards the wind is dropped lower than the other so you are essentially in a bank.

Both keep the aircraft from slide slipping across the runway path. I always used both as that was how I was taught. Crab until near touchdown, then rudder straighten the nose of the aircraft while at the same time dropping the wing to keep the aircraft down the center line. This usually means landing on one wheel, the windward side wheel, first. This keeps lateral forces from pushing the aircraft sideways when touching down and minimize side loading of the wheels. I often have come in with the nose 45 degrees off the center line. A bit like patting yourself on the head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. biggrin.png

Small aircraft it is pretty much essential to do the above technique. Large (Heavy) have a few degrees of rotational latitude in the wheels. Here is an example.

From the Boeing 747 Flight Crew Training Manual:

"It is not necessary to eliminate the crosswind crab angle prior to touchdown on wet runways. Allowing the airplane to touch down without removing the crab angle will reduce drift toward the downwind side of the runway".

Here are some extreme examples at a Boeing test field.

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^^ WOW ... that is some serious <deleted>. I never would have believed!

May I reiterate ...

Do they land/take-off on auto pilot?

If it's manual (pilot controlled) ...

Also ... is it an opticial illusion or do the wheel struts 'bend' or pivot at the point of attachment to the aircraft?

Edited by David48
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Do they land/take-off on auto pilot?

If it's manual (pilot controlled) ...

Also ... is it an opticial illusion or do the wheel struts 'bend' or pivot at the point of attachment to the aircraft?

Manual. Things change way to fast for auto-pilot (actually auto-land is more correct in these scenarios as the methodology is different) and even more so in gusty wind environment. Humans are still better at responding to quickly changing conditions. Not sure of the airport system requirements to support it. ILS for sure but CAT ? not positive of. Believe pilots are required periodically to perform an auto-land to keep current but most pilots prefer the hands on approach.

Not sure about the struts, but suspect there must be some give as the side loads are pretty severe.

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I'm taking a stab at Cathay Pacific..

Sharp pair of knives there you have GrantSmith ... clap2.gif

When you have a second ... care to explain your logic as to how you arrived at the correct guess 1st up?

EDIT:- It would enlighten me, as I have no idea how you do it.

David even from the angle of the shot you can just make out the Cathay livery on the tail.

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I've not been on the Thai retro but photographed it leaving Heathrow and photo shopped it as if leaving (TWZ) the twilight zone.My LHA340 was parked next to it at Munich on 19th Dec last.

I was on the Thai Royal Barge 747 just after the Boxing Day Tsunami coming down from HK.

Finnish also do the twilight zone but the Irish Flag carrier hasn't yet been beamed over there by my Photoshop set up.

Here's some of my retro collection.

# 024

Try for the ...

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I'll try and post at different times on different days so everyone gets a shot at spotting ... wink.png


Thai Airways 747-400 it the retro livery, have been on that one a few times.






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I'm taking a stab at Cathay Pacific..

Sharp pair of knives there you have GrantSmith ... clap2.gif

When you have a second ... care to explain your logic as to how you arrived at the correct guess 1st up?

EDIT:- It would enlighten me, as I have no idea how you do it.

Hi David48,

As RabC mentioned earlier, in your photo, you can just see the markings of the CX logo on the tailfin, at the time of my guess I was plodding away on my iPhone so the resolution wasn't so great, so I couldn't rely on the tailfin image as it was a little blurred.

Looking at the undercarriage and the applied paint job lead me to guess it was CX - where it goes from a light blue/green/white colour to grey - which I believe is unique to the CX livery.

Have spent my fair share of time around SYD airport photographing various aircraft.

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Yesterdays EK A380 2 hours out of BKK


The Emergency Exit is sealed by blankets , pillows and duct tape after the explosion. Picture: David Reid

The hyped up story here.

Which A380 was it ????tongue.png I am sure you could tell form that image!

Seems now that EK has a tie up with QF, they'll be in for some media bashing by the Australian media...

Typical News Limited beat up.

Will be interested to read the official report from the relevant government aviation safety authority

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# 024

Try for the ...

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I'll try and post at different times on different days so everyone gets a shot at spotting ... wink.png.

Thai Airways 747-400 it the retro livery, have been on that one a few times.

Well done RabC ... great spotting, wai.gif and nice to know that you have indeed flown on said aircraft.

It is indeed a Thai Airlines Boeing 747-4D7



My YouTube isn't my finest cinemagraphic moment, so if you wish to see a better take have a look at

taken at the Sydney Airport. The first 3 odd minutes is just taxing ... but the take-off footage is commendable. Edited by David48
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Now ... I will be quiet for a short time as my lady flies to Australia this week and as much as I like you guys, well ... biggrin.png

So, a good time to make this thread your own and have some personal contributions.

I still have quite a few 'unspotted' planes in the data bank and will share that again soon ... but for the moment, I have a VIP plane on the Radar.

If you have a bit of time on your hands and wish to meet me and the Lassie, drop by our thread in the Farming Forum or interested how the Thais manufacture their Charcoal ... lot's of visuals, so not a hard slog to read.




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Enjoy your time with your other half!

And stay off the forums until she has cleared Customs on the way BACK tongue.png

Mate ... thanks for that ...

But the Lassie is out here for 3 months ... so that won't be happening.

This being her 4th visit to this wide brown land the novelty has well worn off.

But I have upped the stakes and have installed a Wi-Fi so she can watch the Thai Soaps study English for the few minutes that I allow myself on Thai Visa ... biggrin.png


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