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Attempted Robbery 5Am This Morning


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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

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Any thread like this brings out NKM and his Phuket negativity.

Isolated incidents like this happen everywhere. Be vigilant of your surroundings.

I used the term, "isolated incident" sarcastically. smile.pngsmile.png Robbery is an everyday occurence here now.

By your own admission, your advice is to "Be vigilant of your surroundings." My question to you, Hans, is do you now have to be MORE vigilant now than you had to be in the past? If the answer is yes, and the crime trend continues, where will this island be in 5 years time?

We have no real policing here on Phuket. It's open season on tourists.

Vigilant of your surroundings everywhere and not just phuket.

I feel much safer on the streets of Phuket than my homeland so it ain't all bad.

Where is your homeland, Iraq?

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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.
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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

I recommend not carrying anything but common sense.

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My old house was burgled several times, two people where raped behind my house one very violently beaten to a pulp. I had 4 bikes stolen (always locked) several attempted muggings.

This was in Uk in a nice area over a period of just 3 months All took place in daytime.The previous 7 years no issue.

Here in Thailand, I have had one attempted break in.In Cambodia got mugged by two 10 year olds :0 Australia got robbed several times.

Point is shit happens everywhere, Phuket has a large population and is bound to attract a percentage of scum.

Here I simply try not to be out to late in remote areas unless in a truck.Guess what I would do the same anywhere else.

Glad your ok OP

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I have never been mugged or robbed on the streets anywhere in the world. Hopefully this luck will continue.

But this is not the point. The point is neither that shit happens everywhere.

The point is that our home, Phuket, is becoming less secure place to live, which is not at all good development.

Now some people are talking about carrying weapons to protect themselves. I have heard many Thais to carry guns in their cars.. for protection. It means that people are more and more afraid to contact other people. This is crazy.

At the end of the day Phuketians have to barricade themselves inside their homes. Making their own 'monkey houses' to keep others out. Feel afraid to go out of the safety zone.. and then there will be people who call this as common sense. It's not. It's living in a box created by fear.

Personally I hate the fact that some of the criminals who are possibly high on yaba are able to affect where and when I wish to go. I hate the fact that if I see an accident, I can not stop and help.. but I have to use my common sense to protect myself and just drive by. I hate the fact that I have to be less human being that I wish to be.

I hope less need for common sense or self protection and more freedom to experience life here without fear.

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For sure home robberies are on the increase. We decided to install security grills inside the sliding glass front doors. Makes the place look like a monkey house (the reason I preferred not to instal when we built), one long stay guest refused the installation.

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I have never been mugged or robbed on the streets anywhere in the world. Hopefully this luck will continue.

But this is not the point. The point is neither that shit happens everywhere.

The point is that our home, Phuket, is becoming less secure place to live, which is not at all good development.

Now some people are talking about carrying weapons to protect themselves. I have heard many Thais to carry guns in their cars.. for protection. It means that people are more and more afraid to contact other people. This is crazy.

At the end of the day Phuketians have to barricade themselves inside their homes. Making their own 'monkey houses' to keep others out. Feel afraid to go out of the safety zone.. and then there will be people who call this as common sense. It's not. It's living in a box created by fear.

Personally I hate the fact that some of the criminals who are possibly high on yaba are able to affect where and when I wish to go. I hate the fact that if I see an accident, I can not stop and help.. but I have to use my common sense to protect myself and just drive by. I hate the fact that I have to be less human being that I wish to be.

I hope less need for common sense or self protection and more freedom to experience life here without fear.

Well said, but unforunately and if the trend continue, Phuket is ending up like a mini Bangkok in 10 years time.

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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

Every time, you pass a Tuk Tuk, there is a testing option!

Unlucky, Taser are illegal, aren't them?

despite the fact, that even BiB's checking the stalls out, with Samurai Knifes, Butterflies, throwing stars and Taser.

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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

Every time, you pass a Tuk Tuk, there is a testing option!

Unlucky, Taser are illegal, aren't them?

despite the fact, that even BiB's checking the stalls out, with Samurai Knifes, Butterflies, throwing stars and Taser.

Who cares if they are illegal? It saves your life doesnt it? Im sure Saergent Somchai will cop 100 baht or an ignorant plea, or both
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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

I recommend not carrying anything but common sense.

The thing is that common sense aint that common is it? I reccommend packing something that gives you an advantage
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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

I recommend not carrying anything but common sense.

The thing is that common sense aint that common is it? I reccommend packing something that gives you an advantage

That's the same reasoning the NRA in the USA has. And I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that reasoning, there seem to be a few chains missing in this line of thinking.

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]The thing is that common sense aint that common is it? I reccommend packing something that gives you an advantage

That's the same reasoning the NRA in the USA has. And I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that reasoning, there seem to be a few chains missing in this line of thinking.

Strange...I don't remember reading that in their mission statement.blink.png

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I have just recently read here on TV that carrying Pepper Gas for self-defense is legal in Thailand. If this is verified to be true.. I highly recommend that people carry a spray canister in a pocket. Having such a handy defense kept me from being knifed by an illegal alien in Texas... Interesting story on this - but some other time. What is important is knowing the benefits, limitations and side effects of having and using Pepper Gas. If you are interested, I suggest you buy a good quality - not cheap canister - larger rather than smaller canister. Keep it in your pocket (right hand / left hand - depending upon your handedness) ... not in the car - nor purse - not on a key chain. Pick a canister that has a at least a 10-15 foot range - strong stream. A cone shape spray if you can find one... Pepper Gas is not MACE .. MACE is CS tear gas (riot gas) - great stuff if you can get it and are allowed by law to use it. Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray or the weaker tear gas CN). The Combo of Pepper and CS is a real double whammy. One draw back with using defensive gas sprays is blow back.. If used in a real situation you may well get a bit of spray on yourself depending on the breeze.. But the 'bad guy' will get much worse. So - I suggest that one do a real live test of the canister of choice. Let some of the gas blow back on you -- just a bit .. to become experienced with the effect. Yes - it's a pain to have to think about carrying a gas spray... but there may come a time when you wish you had.

I used to carry it but it indeed does its pitt-falls, one of which is it runs out of gas quite quickly even if unused and when you go to use it then your screwed. I recommend a taser, which can be charged all the time and tested regularly.

Yes - running out of gas is a problem I failed to mention... I haven't had that much problem of running out with the canisters I have bought in the States - perhaps a quality issue.. Plus I have replaced them often. I often used the canisters that were getting aged to practice or demonstrate to / train others - before the canister is dead.. I just know that using such a gas canister saved me from being stabbed ...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Let's see here - for those who post that they would not carry any defense item - just use common sense or what else I cannot imagine... Say your are just going to the 711 - it is not late at night .. you just went a few blocks from your condo - Then regardless of everything you do to be cautious and safe - some crafty criminal or small gang slips up next to you out of the dark or out of the bushes and threatens you - you give up the money or the motorbike and they stab you, club you or shoot you anyway - despite the fact you complied ... So - some how is this all to common result better than carrying Pepper Gas, MACE, or a Stun Gun? Wow! talk about logic that is difficult to understand - Whew!

In my bad experience I was just walking out of a supermarket door - well lite - people around ... the guy pulled up in a truck - screaming at me - for reasons unknown... he tried to get out with a knife in his hand - I sprayed him on the way out of his truck door... got him in his face ... He swung at me kind of blindly with the knife anyway - I blocked it - then the pepper/cs gas finally took full hold and he staggered back into his truck and screeched out of the parking lot ... I'm sure glad I had the gas canister in my left pocket.. or I just may not be here typing this ...To each his own .. for those who believe in non self-defense, I hope you have good life insurance for your family.

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In my bad experience I was just walking out of a supermarket door - well lite - people around ... the guy pulled up in a truck - screaming at me - for reasons unknown... he tried to get out with a knife in his hand - I sprayed him on the way out of his truck door... got him in his face ... He swung at me kind of blindly with the knife anyway - I blocked it - then the pepper/cs gas finally took full hold and he staggered back into his truck and screeched out of the parking lot .

Be careful, with this, in Thailand.

If he would be a Thai, and on the way out of the parking lot, he would kill someone (Thai), it could be your fault/responsibility!

Point of view, you know. Wouldn't have happen, without the gas!

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<snip> Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray.. <snip>

You've got that the wrong way round. Pepper spray (OC) is not just an irritant like CS and CN, it's also an inflammatory. It inflames the capillaries in the eyes causing temporary blindness and inflames, i.e. physically reduces the radius of the trachea making it difficult for the attacker to breath. That is why it works on people high on drugs, dogs, and bears. It's also why several people on drugs, peppered, and hog tied, have died in police custody. One can build a tolerance of CN and CS. It's based on pain only so people that are high may not feel anything. I've carried, used and been hit with both CN/CS and OC. I've seen guys act like CN/CS was water, and I have seen OC stop guys and dogs in their tracks. OC is impressive stuff.

Your right though, a combination of pepper and CN or CS is probably best, but really anything that contains OC will be good. I was at the weekend market in town last weekend and there is a guy selling some kind of spray, but it isn't marked and he didn't know what it was, and there were too many people around to test it. Plus there was no expiration date. He said it was illegal to sell. Capsicum stays active for at least 2 years. After that, throw it away. A lot of the stuff that is sold in tourist areas is military or police surplus and is past the expiry date.

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In my bad experience I was just walking out of a supermarket door - well lite - people around ... the guy pulled up in a truck - screaming at me - for reasons unknown... he tried to get out with a knife in his hand - I sprayed him on the way out of his truck door... got him in his face ... He swung at me kind of blindly with the knife anyway - I blocked it - then the pepper/cs gas finally took full hold and he staggered back into his truck and screeched out of the parking lot .

Be careful, with this, in Thailand.

If he would be a Thai, and on the way out of the parking lot, he would kill someone (Thai), it could be your fault/responsibility!

Point of view, you know. Wouldn't have happen, without the gas!

Yes - but I would be alive ... so taking the risk is worth it.

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<snip> Pepper Spray or Gas is chemically Oleoresin Capsicum - the spicy hot extreme essence of chili peppers. The best of these defenses is the combo of Pepper Spray with CS Gas... This is what I prefer to carry. Some people - if high on drugs or enraged are sometimes not much affected by Pepper Spray but most people are. CS gas will put most people out of action (versus Pepper Spray.. <snip>

You've got that the wrong way round. Pepper spray (OC) is not just an irritant like CS and CN, it's also an inflammatory. It inflames the capillaries in the eyes causing temporary blindness and inflames, i.e. physically reduces the radius of the trachea making it difficult for the attacker to breath. That is why it works on people high on drugs, dogs, and bears. It's also why several people on drugs, peppered, and hog tied, have died in police custody. One can build a tolerance of CN and CS. It's based on pain only so people that are high may not feel anything. I've carried, used and been hit with both CN/CS and OC. I've seen guys act like CN/CS was water, and I have seen OC stop guys and dogs in their tracks. OC is impressive stuff.

Your right though, a combination of pepper and CN or CS is probably best, but really anything that contains OC will be good. I was at the weekend market in town last weekend and there is a guy selling some kind of spray, but it isn't marked and he didn't know what it was, and there were too many people around to test it. Plus there was no expiration date. He said it was illegal to sell. Capsicum stays active for at least 2 years. After that, throw it away. A lot of the stuff that is sold in tourist areas is military or police surplus and is past the expiry date.

Your analysis is spot on... But I have to add that in my military career I have been exposed (in training) to Pepper Gas, CS and CN...and by far CS is the most powerful - rendering most people pretty helpless with the effects lasting hours... CN is tolerable - but that is a relative statement, You are correct Pepper Gas (OC - capsicum) does disable the attacker quicker... but it is not as lasting as CS... Thus the reason I recommend the combo if available.

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No one has ever tried to rob me in all my years on this planet. I drive a 14 year old motorbike around here and rarely carry more than 1,000 Baht. My wife always jokes that no one would ever want to rob me! They'd get what? biggrin.png

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No one has ever tried to rob me in all my years on this planet. I drive a 14 year old motorbike around here and rarely carry more than 1,000 Baht. My wife always jokes that no one would ever want to rob me! They'd get what? biggrin.png

They'd get kicks.

Don't forget, the tour rep that was killed during a bag snatch in Kata Noi was robbed to pay a 300B bar bill.

Just did the Kata-Rawai road again and the checkpoint is still there, but unmanned. The white SUV is actually an unmarked pick-up and passed me going the other way near the view point with his red and blue dash board lights flashing. Shortly after, 3 bikes with very dodgy looking Thai men passed by as well.

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No one has ever tried to rob me in all my years on this planet. I drive a 14 year old motorbike around here and rarely carry more than 1,000 Baht. My wife always jokes that no one would ever want to rob me! They'd get what? biggrin.png

They'd get kicks.

Don't forget, the tour rep that was killed during a bag snatch in Kata Noi was robbed to pay a 300B bar bill.

Just did the Kata-Rawai road again and the checkpoint is still there, but unmanned. The white SUV is actually an unmarked pick-up and passed me going the other way near the view point with his red and blue dash board lights flashing. Shortly after, 3 bikes with very dodgy looking Thai men passed by as well.

And carrying pepperspray or any other kind of weapon would not have helped her.

I have lived her quite some time now, and have never been in any kind of threatening situation. Used to live in the heart of Rotterdam, and haven never been in any kind of threatening situation there. And I do what I please, go out when I want.

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No one has ever tried to rob me in all my years on this planet. I drive a 14 year old motorbike around here and rarely carry more than 1,000 Baht. My wife always jokes that no one would ever want to rob me! They'd get what? biggrin.png

They'd get kicks.

Don't forget, the tour rep that was killed during a bag snatch in Kata Noi was robbed to pay a 300B bar bill.

Just did the Kata-Rawai road again and the checkpoint is still there, but unmanned. The white SUV is actually an unmarked pick-up and passed me going the other way near the view point with his red and blue dash board lights flashing. Shortly after, 3 bikes with very dodgy looking Thai men passed by as well.

And carrying pepperspray or any other kind of weapon would not have helped her.

I have lived her quite some time now, and have never been in any kind of threatening situation. Used to live in the heart of Rotterdam, and haven never been in any kind of threatening situation there. And I do what I please, go out when I want.

How can you honestly say that Steve? Watch the video of the killing again. It is very possible that she could have used something in the few seconds before she was stabbed.

Of course the best advice for women walking along a dark road in a developing country when meeting robbers is to hand over your stuff.

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No one has ever tried to rob me in all my years on this planet. I drive a 14 year old motorbike around here and rarely carry more than 1,000 Baht. My wife always jokes that no one would ever want to rob me! They'd get what? biggrin.png

They'd get kicks.

Don't forget, the tour rep that was killed during a bag snatch in Kata Noi was robbed to pay a 300B bar bill.

Just did the Kata-Rawai road again and the checkpoint is still there, but unmanned. The white SUV is actually an unmarked pick-up and passed me going the other way near the view point with his red and blue dash board lights flashing. Shortly after, 3 bikes with very dodgy looking Thai men passed by as well.

And carrying pepperspray or any other kind of weapon would not have helped her.

I have lived her quite some time now, and have never been in any kind of threatening situation. Used to live in the heart of Rotterdam, and haven never been in any kind of threatening situation there. And I do what I please, go out when I want.

How can you honestly say that Steve? Watch the video of the killing again. It is very possible that she could have used something in the few seconds before she was stabbed.

Of course the best advice for women walking along a dark road in a developing country when meeting robbers is to hand over your stuff.

Unless she had security training, no there was IMO nothing she could have done. She was just very, very unlucky on several fronts.

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Unless she had security training, no there was IMO nothing she could have done. She was just very, very unlucky on several fronts.

Unfortunately I would agree with steven. The lady was very very unlucky and her friend was very lucky to survive. I doubt any sort of self defence training or equipment would have saved her. Happened too quickly to react.

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You should ALWAYS report incidents like this to the police.

In my experience they really try to do something about it.

A few years ago they broke into my house while I was at home, but it was also my own stupidity as I left the back door unlocked. Luckily they did not steal much just a mobile phone and the cheapest whisky I had in my house.

I later heard that other houses in my street also had visitors during the same period.

When I went to the police and told my story about the break in and that this also happened to the other houses they informed that I was the first one to report this to the police and they where really grateful for this.

If the police don’t get a report they can’t do anything.

The police asked me if they could use my house for a nightly stakeout to try and get the burglars as my house is next to a rubber plantation. And for sure after a few days they arrested a person who confessed to the break-ins and he knew exactly what he stole from my house.

The police and myself where very happy with the result and for sure I have a few extra friends over at the police station from then on.

So yes you should always report a incident to the police regardless what the outcome is.

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i bet you can get pepper spray in Klong Thom market in bangkok, they have everything there, legal and not. i bet if someone on this forum was up that way, and purchased a few cases, they find lots of buyers here, i'd take a few bottles.

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Unless she had security training, no there was IMO nothing she could have done. She was just very, very unlucky on several fronts.

Unfortunately I would agree with steven. The lady was very very unlucky and her friend was very lucky to survive. I doubt any sort of self defence training or equipment would have saved her. Happened too quickly to react.

In this murder you cite, it would seem that nothing would have helped this poor woman but this type of near instant slash and stab incident is not the norm. Confrontations that lead to aggression and violence often start much slower ... arguments, road rage, break-ins, jealousies, money disagreements,etc. Many things can escalate to violence that do not happen near instantly. I just happen to believe it pays to be prepared. So - I reiterate ... .To each his own .. for those who believe in non self-defense, I hope you have good a life insurance policy for your family's benefit.

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Unless she had security training, no there was IMO nothing she could have done. She was just very, very unlucky on several fronts.

Unfortunately I would agree with steven. The lady was very very unlucky and her friend was very lucky to survive. I doubt any sort of self defence training or equipment would have saved her. Happened too quickly to react.

In this murder you cite, it would seem that nothing would have helped this poor woman but this type of near instant slash and stab incident is not the norm. Confrontations that lead to aggression and violence often start much slower ... arguments, road rage, break-ins, jealousies, money disagreements,etc. Many things can escalate to violence that do not happen near instantly. I just happen to believe it pays to be prepared. So - I reiterate ... .To each his own .. for those who believe in non self-defense, I hope you have good a life insurance policy for your family's benefit.

You mention it very well here:there is a cause and things escalate slowly, slowly. That also implies this aggression is easily avoided.

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