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Trouble With The Mosquitos! Bum Bitten To Bits!

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Hey, does anybody else have the same crazy reaction to Mosquito bites as me and how are you dealing with it? In other words, how can you help me deal with this?

For example... I've immersed myself in the repellant sprays... Over dosed on antihistamine tablets... Eaten fresh garlic, fried garlic and garlic tablets... but I still get bitten to bits.

I finished a Muay Thai class in the gym recently and found 5 bites on one bum cheek and another 4 bites on the other bum cheek. They swell up and itch for days and days. I'm at my wits end!

I wear long jeans and shirts most of the time, especially in the evenings but they bite through my bloody jeans!! They are super evil in the South.

Your advice would be appreciated :)

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Attractive female asking for advice about being bitten on the bum.

On Thaivisa.

Gawd.....I've seen it all now. blink.png

Anyway.......it's strange you being bitten when exercising like that, was it a one off occurrence or are you being bitten continuously? I remember being bitten terribly 3 years ago, I was doing Muay Thai training at the time but I was never bitten during the training. I was bitten 42 times on my lower legs and it got to the point I thought it was going to be infected. I was also bitten on other parts of my body..........I guessed it must have been the sweat, especially as I wasn't long in the country and I hadn't taken up the Thai diet at that time.

Under advice from the Thais, I changed my diet to real spicy foods, cut out anything sugary and the problem disappeared quickly. I now make a point of ensuring that my diet is spicy before I arrive in Thailand and I've never had anything remotely like the same problem since, so I would say Chilli is your friend.


I get the same awful reaction. They swell up, hurt, itch, and sometimes ooze. Judging by my bites there are four different types of the bastards biting me. I find the bum bites happen when I use the toilet. I hate bum bites. I squirt a little repellent in the bowl before I sit. If I think I'll be sitting for more than the usual time I light one of the incense repellents.

They love me. I don't eat sweets, wear perfume, eat bananas, or drink anything except water. I always eat very spicy.

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Haha, I use other forums but they're not as informal.

I get bitten during the workout and afterwards. Sweating definitely helped them locate the food source. It's probably the Thai diet that's made my arse more popular than my ankles these days.

theblether, what did you use on your legs after the 42 strong attack?


I find the bum bites happen when I use the toilet. I hate bum bites. I squirt a little repellent in the bowl before I sit.

Haha they are the worst... I spray the entire room/cubicle! I love it when they are fluttering about and then suddenly drop down dead!


They do seem to bite some people more than others. I am one of the ones they like.

I spent 3 years in Africa and when out in the bush with others some got bitten to bits and others zero bites.

If anyone could find the answer then maybe a repellent that worked could be produced. It is nothing to do with the shower jell or soap we all had the same.

I do believe research into why this is, But the answer was not found.

Move up to Chang Mai I was OK up there. Bangkok was a nightmare for me


Haha, I use other forums but they're not as informal.

I get bitten during the workout and afterwards. Sweating definitely helped them locate the food source. It's probably the Thai diet that's made my arse more popular than my ankles these days.

theblether, what did you use on your legs after the 42 strong attack?

Believe it or not, vinegar........an old timer told me to shower, dry off, then saturate myself in vinegar, let that dry off, then rinse off with water only. Apparently it cleans out all of the pores and bacterial build up. It worked.

ps. It was stingy though. crying.gif

pps. You've only to do that max once a month, something to do with not killing off all the good bacteria too often.


You need to use an insect repellent that has the active ingredient Diethyl-meta-Toluamide - "DEET" for short. Many pharmacies on the island sell insect repellant with DEET. Just read the lable and buy the cream, or spray, that has the strongest quantity of DEET. An example is below. This is 100% DEET and would certainly do the job, anywhere in the world, but you would not need 100% DEET on Phuket.


DEET is a strong chemical and it has it's critics, but it is very effective. On Phuket, malaria in not an issue, but dengue fever is, so, you will have to decide if the benefits of using DEET outweighs the pain and suffering from bites, and the possible risk of disease. Dengue fever will not kill you, but you would not be able to train, and therefore, would probably have to cancel your fight. I'm currently using the 15% DEET cream and have not been bitten for quite a while.

Being bitten on the ass, and during the day whilst training, is a little unusual. I would suggest that sand lice or sand fleas have bitten you, not mozzies. In general, mozzies are not usually out in the day.

You may consider trying another washing powder, or using a little less washing powder and see how that goes.

Sand lice or sand fleas will bite at anytime. I gather some of your training is warming up and streching whilst sitting on the ground. You might consider speaking to the boss of the training camp and asking if you can run a mild bleach wash over the training mat, concrete or whatever surface you sit on or lay on when warming up. This will also kill bacteria, and therefore smell, and also most diseases suspended in bodily fluids, so, it's good for the gym's hygiene. If they already do this, try adding a little more bleach to the wash. If your request is denied, try laying a towel down and creating a barrier between you and the surface.

If none of the above works, you may have to consider that the dreaded "Bed Bugs" are in your sleeping quarters and don't they bite like hell. They come out at night and bite you whilst you are sleeping. I don't believe they spread disease. They hide in the joints of beds and in matresses. They lay hundreds of eggs and are hard to see. Fumigation is how you kill them, but there have been some high profile cases in Thailand in which the pest controllers have most likely used an illegal chemical to kill the bed bugs, or used too much of a chemical and it has resulted in the deaths of the people staying in the hotel room. See below news article.


If you do suspect that it's bed bugs, I would just change rooms, or better still, change accommodation.


Are you sure you're only getting bitten by mosquitos? Very small fire ants are everywhere on this island it seems. They leave a painful welt that often times ends oozing, if they are scratched or irritated. I use an antihistamine cream, it helps a bit.


NamKanMan has hit it dead on! There are a few things to consider besides bites. One is the little sand fleas or nats, or what ever you want to call them. Bedbugs are for sure a consideration if you are sleeping in training quarters. As for the worst case scenario, since you are training at a gym in Thailand, or anywhere for that matter, you will have to consider Community Aquired MRSA. It is very common in gyms. Most MRSA outbreaks on your body start off looking like mosquito bites, then can spread or or they can get worse. If they are red, swollen, and oozing, and antihistimines aren't working, you might consider a strong antibiotic course of clindamycin. It's easy to get at at just about any local pharmacy. Make sure you don't have any drug allergy issues before taking any medicine.



These are all good things to consider, thanks for the input guys.

Yes I'm certain in ths case that they were Mosquitos because they were flying around me like mad. The BF and I swatted most of them. The workout was from 4pm to 6:30pm so the sun had been coming down and it was well shaded in the camp anyway.

I spent a lot of time travelling between BKK, Isaan and Chiang Mai but the Mosquitos up there were never able to bite through my clothing. That's why I was wondering if they are a different type in the South.

Twinpin, I spent time in Gambia were the mosquitos are much larger but again they could never get through my clothing.

Ok, Deet creams & vinegar baths are the way forward... Marvellous. Any particular type; Rice Wine Vinegar or good old Malt Vinegar?

ps. The bites are healed up now and they didn't ooze. Gawd mrsa on the floor mats??..I'll layer up on the gym trousers.


These are all good things to consider, thanks for the input guys.

Yes I'm certain in ths case that they were Mosquitos because they were flying around me like mad. The BF and I swatted most of them. The workout was from 4pm to 6:30pm so the sun had been coming down and it was well shaded in the camp anyway.

I spent a lot of time travelling between BKK, Isaan and Chiang Mai but the Mosquitos up there were never able to bite through my clothing. That's why I was wondering if they are a different type in the South.

Twinpin, I spent time in Gambia were the mosquitos are much larger but again they could never get through my clothing.

Ok, Deet creams & vinegar baths are the way forward... Marvellous. Any particular type; Rice Wine Vinegar or good old Malt Vinegar?

One thing i find good is the jar of camphor balm they at times use for the massage. Many Thai believe this cures everything, for prevention, sure the mozzie would not like that smell at all and if you use it on the effected area might give some relief also.

I have used this for different things and very suprised it is actually very good for many things.

The lime green color one seems to be best


These are all good things to consider, thanks for the input guys.

Yes I'm certain in ths case that they were Mosquitos because they were flying around me like mad. The BF and I swatted most of them. The workout was from 4pm to 6:30pm so the sun had been coming down and it was well shaded in the camp anyway.

I spent a lot of time travelling between BKK, Isaan and Chiang Mai but the Mosquitos up there were never able to bite through my clothing. That's why I was wondering if they are a different type in the South.

Twinpin, I spent time in Gambia were the mosquitos are much larger but again they could never get through my clothing.

Ok, Deet creams & vinegar baths are the way forward... Marvellous. Any particular type; Rice Wine Vinegar or good old Malt Vinegar?

One thing i find good is the jar of camphor balm they at times use for the massage. Many Thai believe this cures everything, for prevention, sure the mozzie would not like that smell at all and if you use it on the effected area might give some relief also.

I have used this for different things and very suprised it is actually very good for many things.

The lime green color one seems to be best

Haha yeah there are two types... A hot one and a mild one. My blind Thai Grandma gave me the wrong one once... The hot one stings like hell!!


These are all good things to consider, thanks for the input guys.

Yes I'm certain in ths case that they were Mosquitos because they were flying around me like mad. The BF and I swatted most of them. The workout was from 4pm to 6:30pm so the sun had been coming down and it was well shaded in the camp anyway.

I spent a lot of time travelling between BKK, Isaan and Chiang Mai but the Mosquitos up there were never able to bite through my clothing. That's why I was wondering if they are a different type in the South.

Twinpin, I spent time in Gambia were the mosquitos are much larger but again they could never get through my clothing.

Ok, Deet creams & vinegar baths are the way forward... Marvellous. Any particular type; Rice Wine Vinegar or good old Malt Vinegar?

One thing i find good is the jar of camphor balm they at times use for the massage. Many Thai believe this cures everything, for prevention, sure the mozzie would not like that smell at all and if you use it on the effected area might give some relief also.

I have used this for different things and very suprised it is actually very good for many things.

The lime green color one seems to be best

Haha yeah there are two types... A hot one and a mild one. My blind Thai Grandma gave me the wrong one once... The hot one stings like hell!!

Yes i can just imagine (well not really!) but i guess in that case you could say at least a hot botty beats an itchy bottytongue.png


I find the bum bites happen when I use the toilet. I hate bum bites. I squirt a little repellent in the bowl before I sit.

Haha they are the worst... I spray the entire room/cubicle! I love it when they are fluttering about and then suddenly drop down dead!

You are not alone.

Read if you have time ... how-do-i-survive-living-at-the-farm-tips-and-tricks-please/

I also spray the sitting room ... but the Farm Father has placed a fan in there so it great.

Wack the fan on for 5 secs ... stir them up .. a quick spray, shirt over the nose, then fan back on ... enjoy the peace of contemplating life for a good 10 mins.

If you want a buddy to moan about just how bad the mossie bites are ... I will listen till the sun come up ... I get you ... biggrin.png



If you want a buddy to moan about just how bad the mossie bites are ... I will listen till the sun come up ... I get you ... biggrin.png


You have had some Mossie problems? I didn't realise wink.png

  • 3 months later...

Thanks again for all the input.

I'm having a much better time with the mossies now! Hoorah :)

Firstly, I realised that the creams I was using had a really low Deet ingredient of 13% and were lightly floral fragranced. So I started using the 50% concentration and its like wearing a Mosquito-Shield. They just cannot sense me and fly right on by. Thanks Namkangman for bringing that to my attention.

Second thing, I guess it's just down to body-chemistry but the antihistamine Loratadine was not helping my allergic reaction to the bites, it's very affective for pollen and animal hair - airborne style allergies. But for the skin Cetirizine came up with top marks. 10mg twice per day after a bad mossie attack completely calms the itchiness down and prevents it from getting bigger and bumpy.

Lastly and most ultimately... I came across this bad boy... (You did ask for pics)

A mosquito electrocution racquet. I can play tennis with them all day now and I catch them before they catch me. It's much better then spraying chemicals indoors but you still have to sweep up the corpses.



Thanks again for all the input.

I'm having a much better time with the mossies now! Hoorah smile.png

Firstly, I realised that the creams I was using had a really low Deet ingredient of 13% and were lightly floral fragranced. So I started using the 50% concentration and its like wearing a Mosquito-Shield. They just cannot sense me and fly right on by. Thanks Namkangman for bringing that to my attention.

Second thing, I guess it's just down to body-chemistry but the antihistamine Loratadine was not helping my allergic reaction to the bites, it's very affective for pollen and animal hair - airborne style allergies. But for the skin Cetirizine came up with top marks. 10mg twice per day after a bad mossie attack completely calms the itchiness down and prevents it from getting bigger and bumpy.

Lastly and most ultimately... I came across this bad boy... (You did ask for pics)

A mosquito electrocution racquet. I can play tennis with them all day now and I catch them before they catch me. It's much better then spraying chemicals indoors but you still have to sweep up the corpses.


No problems. DEET works great for me as well. Try not to use it too often. Give your body a break from it, if you can. DEET has it's critics - it's believed it stays in your body long after you've applied it, which means it could accumulate in your body if use in large doses and regularly.

When you wear DEET, I think the mosquitos still "sense" you are there, they just can't handle the DEET chemical. I believe it's a repellant, not a killer of them.

In relation to the mosquito electricution racquet - just remember, we are in a Buddhist country. From memory, you were Muay Thai training and some of these camps have monks. Best not go play tennis with mosquitos if you are in the company of people with strict Buddhist principles, but even a devout Buddhist would probably secretly cheer that tennis match on. :) :)

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In my studies of alternative medince , I recently came across an answer for any insect bite. It is alleviated entirely by strong heat applied to the bite for about 30 seconds. The article suggested using very hot water soaked towels. I immediately tried this and the bites itch go away within one minute and do not itch again for at least 6 hours. I have also used a hair dryer and this morning I held a hot cup of coffee on a bite. This has never failed me yet. Stop laughing and try it. Truly a Godsend for me. I hate mosquito and ant bites. I don't think this would work on some of these two kilo black bee stings though. I got bit a year ago by one of these B-52's and it was painful for a month, not an hour like most bee stings.


"I finished a Muay Thai class in the gym recently and found 5 bites on one bum cheek and another 4 bites on the other bum cheek. They swell up and itch for days and days. I'm at my wits end!"

Wow, I gotta go to one of these camps and watch the ladies with no shorts on, workout, whoooooohooooo!!!

Otherwise how are mozzies biting you on the ass while you are working out?

Considering the nylon boxing shorts I've seen, could it possibly be prickly heat instead?

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