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“There Is No Prostitution In Pattaya”

Chao Lao Beach

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Obviously, there is no prostitution at all, in Thailand.

Because it is banned by law.

And as we all know, Thai'a are very close to the books.

In special the BiB's.

So the answer to your question must be: yes, he was serious.

btw: Escort is no prostitution. And as long you pay for time, but not for sex,....!

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I don't know that a mayor ever said that. A LONG time ago (20 years?) a government minister went on an inspection tour and said she saw no signs of prostitution in Pattaya.

Are you people saying you've seen some?!

By the way, saying "prostitution is illegal in Thailand" is correct in precise terms but a bit of an oversimplification.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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There might be some along Beach Road. However, there are regular roundups by the police for that. smile.png

I suspect OP and most other posters except SteeleJoe have no idea how "prostitution" is actually defined in Thailand. What goes on is mostly, according to law, not prostitution.

Edited by JSixpack
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I don't know that a mayor ever said that. A LONG time ago (20 years?) a government minister went on an inspection tour and said she saw no signs of prostitution in Pattaya.

Are you people saying you've seen some?!

By the way, saying "prostitution is illegal in Thailand" is correct in precise terms but a bit of an oversimplification.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

The lady is a self publicist and has never been a Government Minister. She came to see for herself, giving BIB fair warning first of course, about 6 or 7 years ago. One of the tricks she pulled to gather some attention was to 'accidentally' fall into the Chao Phrya and one of her close aides drowned trying to 'rescue' her. I think she is now a sitting politician where she will be surrounded by prostitutes, all of whom have been bought and paid for, who have sold the country down the river. As a sideline I think she also saves wicked women. Give her a call. She might save one for you.

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I don't know that a mayor ever said that. A LONG time ago (20 years?) a government minister went on an inspection tour and said she saw no signs of prostitution in Pattaya.

Are you people saying you've seen some?!

By the way, saying "prostitution is illegal in Thailand" is correct in precise terms but a bit of an oversimplification.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

The lady is a self publicist and has never been a Government Minister. She came to see for herself, giving BIB fair warning first of course, about 6 or 7 years ago. One of the tricks she pulled to gather some attention was to 'accidentally' fall into the Chao Phrya and one of her close aides drowned trying to 'rescue' her. I think she is now a sitting politician where she will be surrounded by prostitutes, all of whom have been bought and paid for, who have sold the country down the river. As a sideline I think she also saves wicked women. Give her a call. She might save one for you.

The incident I recall was well before 6 or 7 years ago. But from your description it was Paveena Hongsakul (which now sounds right but I was thinking it was someone else for some reason) and she was not a minister but an MP.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

EDIT: On the timing, the more I think about it the more I think I might be conflating two different things -- in other words, my memory is s**t and I'm confused. But I could have sworn it was longer than 6 or 7 years ago.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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No prostitution, everyone wearing helmets, no running red lights, jet ski scammes are over, pedestrian lights all working, and everyone knows there is no corruption, things are really looking good now.

Some are, some aren't:

http://goo.gl/maps/ZLmdq http://goo.gl/maps/7Qn9H

I'm kidding! The one, that worked, was test, only for some weeks.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Since the Thai-Language does not have a direct and clear word for prostitution it offers something like "soahht-penny" instead.

This understanding can range from " pleasing someone for a return favor" all the way to "searching for money", to the other extreme.The different stages in between are too numerous to mention.

Due to the lack of a precise description af this activity or line of work, of course, there is no prostitution in Thailand as the rest of the world understans it.

I for one, I am not going to loose sleep over it.


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Prostitution is only illegal in Thailand if carried out in a promiscuous manner. The barfine system is an idea of genius and keeps prostitution away from the bars and gogos and other places of "entertainment". And nobody could possibly call those nice ladies who stand around on Beach Road promiscuous could they? Quite how Soi 6 gets away with it, is another matter!

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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Quite correct, but there is a considerable amount of "Compensated Dating" taking place.

I love the term 'Compensated dating'...Mine led to 'Compensated marriage' 14 years ago with one son..Best woman Ive ever had the pleasure to be with...Worth every baht...Call it prostitution if you like..but we all pay for our pleasure one way or another...and how much would any western woman cost!!

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I'm not sure why you think your post makes you look more sensible than the person you are refering to.

I'm sure he would be asking ..... was there a guy on TV that thought I was serious ?

Is that a cryptic puzzle? How much time do I have to come up with an answer? :rolleyes:

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