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After trying to read through 4 pages have not seen one point, that I believe is central and positive, mentioned.

With the higher fee structure there will be much less pressure for well meaning officials to recommend shortcuts that could put your freedom at risk. With the 500 baht per day rule it becomes much more reasonable to pay for a legal extension of stay and they should feel more comfortable in giving that advise.

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It's simple.... be responsible and don't break the law..and you will be in good shape.. :D if you are over stay then is that goverment fault? I don't think so. :o

After trying to read through 4 pages have not seen one point, that I believe is central and positive, mentioned.

With the higher fee structure there will be much less pressure for well meaning officials to recommend shortcuts that could put your freedom at risk. With the 500 baht per day rule it becomes much more reasonable to pay for a legal extension of stay and they should feel more comfortable in giving that advise.

There have been people chucked in jail for short overstays who said they were overstaying on the advice of Thai officials.

I actually think it's a good idea.... those who need to do repeated visa runs will take their visas a bit more seriously, which should actually improve the Thai officials opinion of us.

It will also encourage people working illegally ( e.g. teachers ) to go legit since the cost of not doing so will go up.

At the end of the day it's not really going to impact the tourist industry that much..... the majority of Tourist income comes from people who spend less than a month here anyway, and this seems to be the direction that they want things to continue going.

For me I don't care.... it's more than a year since I went legit here, but even after spending more than 18 months as a tourist I didn't have a single days overstay.... even when I was visa running from Koh Tao to Rayong.


Well, NO wonder that the new immigration office in Pattaya "earned" or better "made the turnover" of 9 Mio. Baht in January !!

.... even when I was visa running from Koh Tao to Rayong.

Geez.... now that's a SERIOUS visa run, going all the way across the Gulf of Thailand. :D

the ol' tongue-twister comes to mind... " Rayong, Ranong, Yala " (repeat 10 times as quickly as you can) :o

move the fine up to 1000 baht. who cares. i dont really see any reason why u would overstay more then 1 day... due to miscalculation. anyone who does go over that day is either lazy or just dumb and doesnt care. hel_l they should put the limit to only 1 week and throw them in jail after that. i just thought the 200 baht a day was so cheap for breaking the law. so good for them to raise the fine.


"only 1 week and throw them in jail after that"

Geez; you know what you should do, Mister: go and have a look inside a jail in Thailand . . . . . Then se if you still want to make silly remarks like that ! Grow-up and join the human race ! !



So from 200 to 500 clams per overstay day (always that the BiBs don't catch you on the way to the border prior :o ). That's 2.5 times more.

Now the next step is to bring the money in the bank up from 400k to 1,000,000 to be married legally with a local lass and to 2,000,000 for retirees.

To make all this happen allow a maximum of 6 months here per year, equal to six 30 days on arrival stamps or some other (incomprehensible difficult to get and with a lot of crawling) non "X" visa (always for some exorbitant price of course!).

Getting WP and other long stay type visas can be upped also by 2.5 times and reduce the 90 day reporting to a 36 day time frame (90 day over 2.5= 36.. it fits the logic!) or, why not, let any other gov. offal decide by how much (our western dip cores issues "them" with visas on a gut feeling too, so why not, tit for tat :D

Once all this happens (and from what ones reads in these TH oriented fora, its already happening now) many non uppercrust retired oldtimers that are on some outdated pension, married and/or not married to a local lass, will just take their chances and dissapear into the jungle's woodwork!

Heck up the 20,000 max overstay fee to 50,000 why not?

As some OP rightly mentioned, other bordering countries will benefit from all this goal post moving.

For me its all the same, I will follow the path of less resitance, but one thing is sure none of my money in a 3rd world country bank.

12 Visa runs a year now at say @ jack golf/others rates = approx. 24,000..26,xxx... ~73baht per day? what a bargain!

ah, but I hear some say what if.. they are gonna cut it down to a max 180 days p.a. total "stay in country" ? Great! Incentivate me to move... Vietnam, Cambodia, PH, MY.. I think Penang or KL would be just great, the malaysian Cameroon Highlands during the hot spell, 3 mos visa granted free on arrival, 4 border hops p.a. to some other country via Air Asia... why the ph@ck not?

Don't get me wrong TH, is a nice place but not the only nice place on this side of the globe

so if the going get$ tough the tough get going ...elsewhere :D


BANGKOK: -- The fine for remaining in Thailand past the expiry date of a permit to stay, currently 200 baht a day, will rise to 500 baht a day with effect from March 15.

However, the maximum fine payable will remain the same, at 20,000 baht, Pol Lt Gen Suwat Thamrongsrisakul, Commander of the Immigration Bureau, stated in a document posted in Thai on the Bureau's website. The document gave no reason for the increase.

--Phuket Gazette 2006-02-21


I don't know what's going on with the current government, but it seems to me that they are becoming less & less "user-friendly" with regards to tourists . . . . .

I also understand, that the regulations regarding "retirees" in this Kingdom has been made significantly less attractive also . . . . .

Perhaps I am the moron, but would a "sane" government not absolutely rejoice at the prospect of attracting as many as possible retired folks from all over this globe to spent their pensions in this country ? ?

These are people who do not participate in the labour-process, yet spend all their money here ! ! !

What is the logic behind some of these totally silly policies anyway ? ? ? T.I.T. ? ? - I guess !



I guess in my 30 plus years in Thailand I've been (good luck to me) there at both ends. Done the "hop" across the border and return and the "fly-in by business class and limo to hotel" scence. Did a 30 day overstay one time when I read 90 day visa which was really a 60 day visa. The day of the backpacker coming over the border is ending, as the Thai standard of living is changing. That is how it will be in the future, and the Thais will intend to want the big package tourists. Raising the "overstay" charge is just another way to collect from the tourists.

After all somebody has to pay the bills.



P.S. I remember once at Patong Beach, when the fishermen used to bring their boats there about 1:30 every afternoon; that you could have fresh crabs and prawns grilled right there on the beach, and then eat your fill for less than 50 baht, or maybe 100 baht if you also splurged on a large beer (1 liter) with the meal.

Now doesn't THAT go back a while.


move the fine up to 1000 baht. who cares. i dont really see any reason why u would overstay more then 1 day... due to miscalculation. anyone who does go over that day is either lazy or just dumb and doesnt care. hel_l they should put the limit to only 1 week and throw them in jail after that. i just thought the 200 baht a day was so cheap for breaking the law. so good for them to raise the fine.

Further to add: Knowing the Thais I believe that they just want tourist to be more aware of the hight of the fines in order to prevent overstaying, not just to milk the Foreign tourist. Yes it is a lot of money but you shouldn't be overstaying anyway! I believe its the governments interest not having the tourist overstay. Therefor the price hike.

Go tell that to the Government employed teachers in schools and universities on 17,900 Baht per month contracts

You know, I have thought about it and thought about it, and I simply cannot account for rigidity, judgmentalism and authoritarian mindset that seems to represent much of the culture of TV. It is ironic to find such tongue clucking and finger wagging in a country many come to for the relaxed lifestyle and attitudes. Particularly unfortunate, I think, is the dripping hostility and contempt for poor people often expressed here. It's a no brainer; if a guy has to live on a fixed income of, say, the equivalent of 40,000 THB in his home country, he will, and he will do what he has to do to make ends meet. However, it is only natural someone in that situation will be attracted to the idea of how much further his money would go and how much better he could do that same 40K in LOS and other countries. However, going by the letter of the law regarding income and assets, he's ######ed. Meanwhile, as you point out, Gaz, falang Engarishe teachers are living and working legally in the kingdom for considerably less than 40K.

Personally, I think we should just take all these poor people out into a field and shoot them! In the first place, they are obviously responsible for their own circumstances and therefore don't deserve the least bit of empathy or consideration or human kindness. In the second place, they disturb all the solid, decent farang residents, working on their next heart attack, stuffing their face with ribs at Tony Roma's as they cluck their tongues, irate about the scofflaws and dirty poor who cannot afford to pay for a visa.



. . . the maximum fine payable will remain the same, at 20,000 baht . . .

Interesting about this 20,000 THB maximum fine. I guess it wouldn't do to have debtors prison, that is, after all, a bit old fashioned, and usually frowned upon in civilized societies :D . However, the way the system works now, the 20K becomes "cost effective" very quickly. Theoretically (and assuming that you do not get arrested, imprisoned, deported and blacklisted first :D ) you could overstay several years and leave via the airport for only 20K. That's a bargain compared to futzing around with visas and annual visa trips in and out of the country!

Aloha, :o


:D Malaysia would be rubbing it's hands with glee !!!!

They treat retirees with respect, offer more perks and even allow you to buy land and own you own home.... :o

... and they allow a tourist to stay 3 months from the entry stamp without any kind of Visa!


What will happen if you just don't have the money available to you for some reason at the time of departure? Jail time? Blacklisted from return? Wash dishes till you've earned the fine money?

Swim the Mekhong maybe!

I have a problem, my flight scheduled 25 and my visa expirer 24 and I have 250 km to closest border (and immigration)!

What to do?

There are no magic solutions. I think most people will boil your choices down to four:

(1) Change the date of your flight.

(2) Do nothing and leave on the 25th as planned, and hope nothing happens in the meantime to get you noticed by the cops.

(3) Go to an immigration office and be prepared to pay 1,900 THB for an extension.

(4) Cross the nearest land border and return without having to pay any fees.

The fact that you are 250 km from the nearest border or immigration office (and you may want to double check to be sure there isn't someplace closer) is unfortunate and inconvenient, but not really relevant.



:D Malaysia would be rubbing it's hands with glee !!!!

They treat retirees with respect, offer more perks and even allow you to buy land and own you own home.... :o

... and they allow a tourist to stay 3 months from the entry stamp without any kind of Visa!

A bloke could do a lot worse than retiring in Georgetown! Have to make a little hope over the border every once in awhile to get your jollies . . . but what the hel_l!




I do not see how the increase of the daily fine to B500, is going to increase Thaksin's take. The purpose of the excercise is to reduce the number of overstayers, so that the immigration officers can devote more time to processing normal Tourists who do not buck the system. This is their clear intention, as they have not increased the maximum penalty of B20,000. If they wanted to line their pockets, they would have increased the maximum fine.

It should be expected that, if the overstays are reduced by 60%, the workload will go down and the income will remain the same, not increase.

I always remember a friend of mine who had overstayed 9 years, he paid B48,000 to be smuggled past Thai immigration using a British Airways ground staff badge. He then sold his story to the Daily Express, boasting how he had avoided a B100/day fine x 9 years. We were all chuckling, being that the maximum fine then, [11 years ago], was still the same as now, B20,000. So as the maximum fine has not been increased for many years, the Thais cannot be accused of hurting Tourism.

As for Malaysia being more friendly to Retirees, well I lived there for two years, and the people are great. However, they follow the same strict tax rules as the UK, it is much more expensive to live there than Thailand, and the food is terrible.

Thailand, "A Third World Country"! I left the UK in 1994 because it has become a third world country. I consider Thailand to be a great place to live, and is definately not a Third World Country.


I suddenly find that my usual Qatar Airways fligh on Saturday is 200 PERSONS OVERBOOKED!!!

Could this have anything to do with the 12 Overstayers in Jail and the increase in overstay fees? According to Qatar Airways, this is their low season!

I think the dicision to make the raise is due to all the people who repeatidly over stay a few days or more. Apparently this is very common and most of the customs officers are probably aware that we are so to speak "taking the piss". Whats 200 for 1 day overstay? Still i dont understand how they can raise the fine by 150% how do you justify a raise as much as that. I agree 500 or 1000baht whats the difference if you make the border on time. But the figure was 200 baht, which is 1 days hard work for the common thai worker. Its certainly getting harder for a foreighner to live in Thailand. They certainly make it as hard as possible for us. One days work for me back home in England would of crippled me. Why do Thai's think that because we are from another country we are more wealthy than everyone else?

In a more aggresive nature! I wish all farang would go home, and every tourist from around the world would stop comming to Thailand. What would happen to the Thai ecconomy if that happened? Perhaps thats there goal?

I distinctly suspect that the rise to 500 is connected with to that Ranong trip causing all that fuss.

Especially that remark about 5000 baht bribes being asked will have annoyed some Thais.

Whatever, many people came here years ago, have a Thai familly for years and maybe living on a small pension while most of their savings may have been years ago invested in income producing business, run by their families.

Ie, its easy to say stick 800000 in the bank (stupid place) but that you cannot deduct having a house or other assets.

Essentially I can live here very well on less per month as the overheads arent there.

No housing/housekeeping/food (ok, I like Thai food but still eat out a lot).

I also have a business and can free up the cash if I ever want but there is no need.

Other problem is that many years ago amounts / rules were different and a lot of people living here for many years will not have assets to go back home and live there and what about their families???

Easy to say whats that 800000 baht but its causing big problems to honest retired people while it causes money to be borrowed to meet that limit and others are in reality involved in work.

Its easy if you arent living here for many years to comment while you may not even be in the same circumstances as those people...

Interesting that the maximum fine will not increase, making a maximum fine under the new system equivalent to a forty-day overstay.

Not a lot of logic in increasing the daily rate and leaving the maximum at 20,000


I have a problem, my flight scheduled 25 and my visa expirer 24 and I have 250 km to closest border (and immigration)!

What to do?

You have several options:

1. Make a nice trip of 500km to the border and back

2. Change your return ticket

3. Hope that you get not caught before checking out at the airport immigration

Good luck whatever you are going to do.


I can't understand the Thai goverment.

200 - 500 Baht is a big jump, but i dont care anyway..

I like the idea its still a max overstay fine of 20-000 Baht because i'm now on my 5th consecutive year of overstay. WHY!! Because i love this country so much and i never want to go back home to England with its nasty violence and bad people.

I've been married to a Thai for 7 years so why cant leniency be given to a guy like me with 2 Children from a Thai national? I don't have 800-000 Baht to get full Thai residence. What about my family? I cant even get them to England even though i dont want to go there. I'm a true lover of the country and people and spend the little income i get in Thailand.

Can anyone give me an answer to the above ????

Thanks, Paul


I have a problem, my flight scheduled 25 and my visa expirer 24 and I have 250 km to closest border (and immigration)!

What to do?

I suppose you mean exit stamp says 24 you have to be out. As you donot mention what border you have options (and better hurry) but not many as its now 22 and a wednesday.

If you really are 250km away from border check if you can by bus go their early in the morning, cross and return. I did that once from Phuket to border, night buss had Yai, taxi to / from border), back with bus to Phuket. After a cross you should have a stamp for another month etc.

You donot mention where you are so situation obviously depends on that. Other option is if you leave from BKK to go a day early to BKK and overstay and pay in airport but make sure you have enough cash.

3rd option is see if you can fly a day early, many airlines donot mind if seats are empty.

Finally, why did you book a ticket exceeding your entry time?? is kind of bad planning...


How ironic that so many of the people who are complaining about the increase of an overstay fine (and it is a fine - for breaking the law - and so is easily avoidable) are also happily breaking the spirit of the immigration laws by telling us of exploits about visa runs.


Interesting that the maximum fine will not increase, making a maximum fine under the new system equivalent to a forty-day overstay.

Not a lot of logic in increasing the daily rate and leaving the maximum at 20,000

The 20k is set in law so would probably not be as easy to change.

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.



Interesting that the maximum fine will not increase, making a maximum fine under the new system equivalent to a forty-day overstay.

Not a lot of logic in increasing the daily rate and leaving the maximum at 20,000

The 20k is set in law so would probably not be as easy to change.

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.


That's one of the primary reasons for my asking for clarification:

Inquiry About English Translation Of The Rule Change

Can we get some assistance...



I can't understand the Thai goverment.

200 - 500 Baht is a big jump, but i dont care anyway..

I like the idea its still a max overstay fine of 20-000 Baht because i'm now on my 5th consecutive year of overstay. WHY!! Because i love this country so much and i never want to go back home to England with its nasty violence and bad people.

I've been married to a Thai for 7 years so why cant leniency be given to a guy like me with 2 Children from a Thai national? I don't have 800-000 Baht to get full Thai residence. What about my family? I cant even get them to England even though i dont want to go there. I'm a true lover of the country and people and spend the little income i get in Thailand.

Can anyone give me an answer to the above ????

Thanks, Paul

Paul, this isnt eactly the smartest post...

They catch you and you are sitting in jail, likely banned.

And what guarantees you immigration hasnt got access to server details? All they need is ip address, gives them internet provider and phone number.

Whatever, some others are borrowing money just long enough to get their visum but obviously thats a problem at present for you... You would first have to out out of the country.

Likely without passing immigration. Go home, get new passport and visum and return and then hope they believe your computer data is wrong. Personally I would expect someone to blab you have been there all the time...

No idea if you married in Umpur, likely not. If you didnt, you would need to make sure that the kids were registered in your name (likely never done as you couldnt show them the passport) and you need to goto Umpur and make paper that you are legally the father (also needs passport).

If you are legally the father then you have Thai dependents. Doesnt have to be wife.

800000 baht doesnt give you full Thai residence, only means you can live here a year.

You want full residence you need 3 years continious year visums and then you have to gamble on a permanent one and its extreemly unlikely you get one.

Whatever, remember if you get the boot out, you are out and family is inside Thailand and you can go England, familly cannot and you cannot goto Thailand. Its sure going to catch up with you somewhere...

I can't understand the Thai goverment.

200 - 500 Baht is a big jump, but i dont care anyway..

I like the idea its still a max overstay fine of 20-000 Baht because i'm now on my 5th consecutive year of overstay. WHY!! Because i love this country so much and i never want to go back home to England with its nasty violence and bad people.

I've been married to a Thai for 7 years so why cant leniency be given to a guy like me with 2 Children from a Thai national? I don't have 800-000 Baht to get full Thai residence. What about my family? I cant even get them to England even though i dont want to go there. I'm a true lover of the country and people and spend the little income i get in Thailand.

Can anyone give me an answer to the above ????

Thanks, Paul

Paul, this isnt eactly the smartest post...

They catch you and you are sitting in jail, likely banned.

And what guarantees you immigration hasnt got access to server details? All they need is ip address, gives them internet provider and phone number.

Whatever, some others are borrowing money just long enough to get their visum but obviously thats a problem at present for you... You would first have to out out of the country.

Likely without passing immigration. Go home, get new passport and visum and return and then hope they believe your computer data is wrong. Personally I would expect someone to blab you have been there all the time...

No idea if you married in Umpur, likely not. If you didnt, you would need to make sure that the kids were registered in your name (likely never done as you couldnt show them the passport) and you need to goto Umpur and make paper that you are legally the father (also needs passport).

If you are legally the father then you have Thai dependents. Doesnt have to be wife.

800000 baht doesnt give you full Thai residence, only means you can live here a year.

You want full residence you need 3 years continious year visums and then you have to gamble on a permanent one and its extreemly unlikely you get one.

Whatever, remember if you get the boot out, you are out and family is inside Thailand and you can go England, familly cannot and you cannot goto Thailand. Its sure going to catch up with you somewhere...

The 20k is set in law so would probably not be as easy to change.
Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.


That makes sense in a roundabout, governmental sort of way. That would mean that the powers-that-be could conceivably increase the daily fine to 20000 baht without changing any laws, provided that the maximum fine doesn't exceed 20000 baht.


I can't understand the Thai goverment.

200 - 500 Baht is a big jump, but i dont care anyway..

I like the idea its still a max overstay fine of 20-000 Baht because i'm now on my 5th consecutive year of overstay. WHY!! Because i love this country so much and i never want to go back home to England with its nasty violence and bad people.

I've been married to a Thai for 7 years so why cant leniency be given to a guy like me with 2 Children from a Thai national? I don't have 800-000 Baht to get full Thai residence. What about my family? I cant even get them to England even though i dont want to go there. I'm a true lover of the country and people and spend the little income i get in Thailand.

Can anyone give me an answer to the above ????

Thanks, Paul

Paul, this isnt eactly the smartest post...

They catch you and you are sitting in jail, likely banned.

And what guarantees you immigration hasnt got access to server details? All they need is ip address, gives them internet provider and phone number.

Whatever, some others are borrowing money just long enough to get their visum but obviously thats a problem at present for you... You would first have to out out of the country.

Likely without passing immigration. Go home, get new passport and visum and return and then hope they believe your computer data is wrong. Personally I would expect someone to blab you have been there all the time...

No idea if you married in Umpur, likely not. If you didnt, you would need to make sure that the kids were registered in your name (likely never done as you couldnt show them the passport) and you need to goto Umpur and make paper that you are legally the father (also needs passport).

If you are legally the father then you have Thai dependents. Doesnt have to be wife.

800000 baht doesnt give you full Thai residence, only means you can live here a year.

You want full residence you need 3 years continious year visums and then you have to gamble on a permanent one and its extreemly unlikely you get one.

Whatever, remember if you get the boot out, you are out and family is inside Thailand and you can go England, familly cannot and you cannot goto Thailand. Its sure going to catch up with you somewhere...

I can't understand the Thai goverment.

200 - 500 Baht is a big jump, but i dont care anyway..

I like the idea its still a max overstay fine of 20-000 Baht because i'm now on my 5th consecutive year of overstay. WHY!! Because i love this country so much and i never want to go back home to England with its nasty violence and bad people.

I've been married to a Thai for 7 years so why cant leniency be given to a guy like me with 2 Children from a Thai national? I don't have 800-000 Baht to get full Thai residence. What about my family? I cant even get them to England even though i dont want to go there. I'm a true lover of the country and people and spend the little income i get in Thailand.

Can anyone give me an answer to the above ????

Thanks, Paul

Paul, this isnt eactly the smartest post...

They catch you and you are sitting in jail, likely banned.

And what guarantees you immigration hasnt got access to server details? All they need is ip address, gives them internet provider and phone number.

Whatever, some others are borrowing money just long enough to get their visum but obviously thats a problem at present for you... You would first have to out out of the country.

Likely without passing immigration. Go home, get new passport and visum and return and then hope they believe your computer data is wrong. Personally I would expect someone to blab you have been there all the time...

No idea if you married in Umpur, likely not. If you didnt, you would need to make sure that the kids were registered in your name (likely never done as you couldnt show them the passport) and you need to goto Umpur and make paper that you are legally the father (also needs passport).

If you are legally the father then you have Thai dependents. Doesnt have to be wife.

800000 baht doesnt give you full Thai residence, only means you can live here a year.

You want full residence you need 3 years continious year visums and then you have to gamble on a permanent one and its extreemly unlikely you get one.

Whatever, remember if you get the boot out, you are out and family is inside Thailand and you can go England, familly cannot and you cannot goto Thailand. Its sure going to catch up with you somewhere...

A support visa based on marriage to a Thai requires an income/savings mix of 400,000 baht not 800,000 baht.

A support visa based on marriage to a Thai requires an income/savings mix of 400,000 baht not 800,000 baht.

That is because everyone knows it costs twice as much to support yourself as a single person as it does to support a wife and a bunch of kidlets! :o


Total revenue will increase, because very few of the overstay charges are for 40 days.

But I know how to start a very loooooooong thread on ThaiVisa: just make it about visa overstays!

200 baht wasn't enough of a wake-up call for overstayers. 500 baht will be harsh enough to wake up the stoned kids on Khao Sahn Road (both of them) and keep other people more on their toes.

Haven't read all 189 pages of this thread yet, but I assume the penalty increase will be retroactive in this sense: somebody whose departure date is March 1, and who leaves March 17, will pay all 16 days of overstay at the new rate, without it being prorated at both rates.

I was a calculator of income taxes for many years, so I think of such things....

What is the logic behind some of these totally silly policies anyway ? ? ? T.I.T. ? ? - I guess !

It's amusing that people keep criticising Thais for not being logical.

Thai's have not yet risen to properly embrace the "concept" level of consciousness - within this level reason trumps authority.


The basic levels of human consciousness are:

1. pre-personal unity (ie: like an animal or a new born baby - you don't realise you are a conscious entity unto yourself; 2 seagulls on the beach looking at each other do not realise they are 2 seagulls...they just "are").

2. Relationship level (Emotions are life, tribal society was all about this)

3. The Action level (discipline, willpower, Responsibility & authority come into play here, eg: the roman empire was a pioneer here)

4. The concept level (where dogma & authorty, such as religious dogma, is frequently abandoned and/or scrutinised in favour of logic).

There are levels above this that have not been reached by a significant number of people but I won't go into them as this is not the point of this note.

Thailand is still largely at the action level. What a person in authority thinks & says IS CORRECT !!! They must cannot be effectively criticised using logic, Authoritative opinions can only trumped by person(s) having greater authority. If you can appreciate this point you will understand Thais amazingly easily.

Sure there is a growing shift in Thailand towards concept/logic but it is a long long way behind the west.

Additionally, most poor Thais (ie: bargirls) are still battling to get a foothold in the Action level. They still largely live life dwelling in their emotions. The middle class Thais look down on them as not having any discipline in the same way many westerners look down on Thais as not having any logic! When an "action" level Thai hears our western logic arguments, all they hear is that you are trying to challenge their authority - the logic cannot & does not register (as a general rule).

However because the poor Thais largely live in their emotions they are better at "emotion" then us westerners - they put all their life's energy into their emotional states, unlike our paltry investment here. So not surprisingly they are very different and are (usually) a lot of fun. They can also be very fickle & dangerous as they lack self-discipline.

Note that they do not lack discipline entirely!! Otherwise they couldn't even ride a motorbike etc... It's where your focus in life is that determines the consciousness level, poor Thais focus on feelings.

Have you noticed how bland & boring (ie: less emotional) many Thai businesspeople & small business owners are? These people are focused on the action level in life.

I could go on for hours into detail but am too busy & it's kinda off topic anyway.

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