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It's amusing that people keep criticising Thais for not being logical.


I could go on for hours into detail but am too busy & it's kinda off topic anyway.

completely off-topic post, but very interesting and good material for further thinking ! :o

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It's amusing that people keep criticising Thais for not being logical.


I could go on for hours into detail but am too busy & it's kinda off topic anyway.

completely off-topic post, but very interesting and good material for further thinking ! :o

I second that comment, and it's certainly more interesting than listening to some of the babble on the raising of the fee for overstay fine from 200 bht to 500 bht / day and all the other "off-topic" ramblings.

In my view, and as we are living / staying / visiting Thailand, the government are entitled to do what ever they like with the laws, fines, fee's etc. - it has nothing what-so-ever to do with us other than to abibe by them. Although I don't necessarily agree with some of the changes, ideas etc, if I want to continue living here in Thailand, I just have to accept it or get out - simple, no if's, but's or maybe's.


This is hardly big money for the 1 year visa, if a person can't pony up with this, are they really making a significant impact on the economy here?}



I have noticed over years that in the main the over stayers -are generally the lazy malingerers that blight THailand ,and give the decent falangs a bad name, Take a look around and see the large amount of westerners that live off their own countries social security systems,{benefit scroungers}

Pattaya is a haven for the Riff Raff of the world because of its easy going lack of enforceing its laws

I have over the years witnessed guys that live in dirty single rooms paying thai rents -and living like refugee's- theses are the ones that the Taksin government wants out , because they contribute NILE to to the Thai economy -,they are attracted to Thailand by the -sun -sea and BEER,And of course if they can ever remember through the fog of alcohol, SEX-which was probably the original motive to live in Thailand,

Also I have noted after my own observation's ;and after speaking with hundreds of ex pat's over the years that Pattaya is a magnet for peadophiles , particulary in the soi sunnee area -where these sicko's congregate together oblivious to their pathetic existence and perverted life styles, Thaksin needs to get these haven's stripped out also,and rid thailand of it's world renown image,the reason i mention this place is that because the amount of over stayer's in and around sunnee is at a very high percentage rate,many are in the retiree age bracket and live like bums-for i assume the reason they cannot or will not drag themselves away from the young kids they prey on,

the bonafide retirees [over 65s]----as was so rightly said by Stevero-would have to be brain dead to ignore the laws regarding over stay, I think its Right to ensure that a certain level of money is Maintained deposited in thai Bank account, after all these are the people who can afford to buy homes and live the life style you would expect people in this catergory to maintain with out having to flout the law,

I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always , I obtain a double entry Visa in my country before I leave home and then I over stay generally about 10 days -my reason and thinking is that its less hassle than standing in lines at a visa office ,

To me over stay costs have been no problem monatory wise, however I think now that the charge has more than doubled , I shall change my stratagy and perhapes either go home a few days earlier -or add the 10 days ,

I think overstayer's rate should be 1000 a day and no limit of 20000 ,

And to add I think its reasonable fopr the Thai's to increase the departure Tax from 500 baht to 1000, ---this tax has remained at the same rate since I first visited 9 years Ago and should rise with inflation,


This is hardly big money for the 1 year visa, if a person can't pony up with this, are they really making a significant impact on the economy here?}



I have noticed over years that in the main the over stayers -are generally the lazy malingerers that blight THailand ,and give the decent falangs a bad name, Take a look around and see the large amount of westerners that live off their own countries social security systems,{benefit scroungers}

Pattaya is a haven for the Riff Raff of the world because of its easy going lack of enforceing its laws

I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always , I obtain a double entry Visa in my country before I leave home and then I over stay generally about 10 days -my reason and thinking is that its less hassle than standing in lines at a visa office ,


Well; you certainly seem to have ALL the answers and coem across a s fairly slick and self-gratified' type of person. You're probably from German descent.

However: Mr. Know-it-all; you've been missing the boat tremendously when you write "I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always , I obtain a double entry Visa in my country before I leave home and then I over stay generally about 10 days -my reason and thinking is that its less hassle than standing in lines at a visa office"

If you would have walked into a routine "Alien-Check" by either the Police or the Immigration chaps; you WOULD have been put behind bars, without a shadow of a doubt !

Mind you; you would have been able to verbally justify that situation too, since you know it all and never do anything wrong ? ? ? ? ? ? ?




you seem to be man of pretty low esteem , just the type of person refered to I assume !!!

did i touch a raw nerve,-which catagory applies to you , ?

I am aware any person could be arrested if caught before reaching the airport if over stayed by even 1 day, [at least thats the theory]----

is it proper that a persons views be attacked in this childish manner, ?

referances to german nationals shows contempt or any kind of decent respect ,

I stand by my words, infact your reply reinforce's what i said about certain types of people ,

if you havent got anything intelligent to contribute then best you dont embarrass your self

I have noticed over years that in the main the over stayers -are generally the lazy malingerers that blight THailand ,and give the decent falangs a bad name,


I have over stayed on several occations , however its been part of my plan always ,

As Trink would have said, any comment would be superfluous. :o


I agree entirely with putting up the over stay fine.Good for the Thai Economy.Should make everyone stay in the country legally.The only people who this will effect are the people staying illegaly so Iam all for it :D

:o EPG.

Thai's have not yet risen to properly embrace the "concept" level of consciousness - within this level reason trumps authority.


The basic levels of human consciousness are:

1. pre-personal unity (ie: like an animal or a new born baby - you don't realise you are a conscious entity unto yourself; 2 seagulls on the beach looking at each other do not realise they are 2 seagulls...they just "are").

2. Relationship level (Emotions are life, tribal society was all about this)

3. The Action level (discipline, willpower, Responsibility & authority come into play here, eg: the roman empire was a pioneer here)

4. The concept level (where dogma & authorty, such as religious dogma, is frequently abandoned and/or scrutinised in favour of logic).

Thailand is still largely at the action level. What a person in authority thinks & says IS CORRECT !!! They must cannot be effectively criticised using logic, Authoritative opinions can only trumped by person(s) having greater authority. If you can appreciate this point you will understand Thais amazingly easily.

Sure there is a growing shift in Thailand towards concept/logic but it is a long long way behind the west.

Have you noticed how bland & boring (ie: less emotional) many Thai businesspeople & small business owners are? These people are focused on the action level in life.

So... you are going to try to convince me that increasing the overstay charge, clearly a decision based on target marketing, and trying to upgrade the type of tourist Thailand gets away from law breaking people is somehow not logical?

OK, I can maybe, maybe at a real push see that the cost of a visa is an issue (although given the logic that they are trying to get higher paid expats and leave lower paid work to locals now I don't really see it clearly), and I agree that retirees and teachers at govt schools are out there as well, but cost of overstay has nothing to do with either of these groups; the issue of funds required or the cost of the visa is a valid issue worthy of debate. Maybe. I still think it is not much money, and for teachers the govt should provide the visa for them like most private sector employers do. However.... are you trying to propose that Thai people for whom these costs have no direct effect should reach this 'concept' stage and thus ignore or debate this change?

For what?


Let's talk overstaying

I can lay out a ton of research supporting why the fees can go up, and the effect of the change on probably 95% of tourists will be nothing. There is ample TAT travel data to show most tourists coming here are staying for much less than 30 days, so this is a minor minor issue. It is not going to affect tourism hardly at all. I can see it would have a significant effect on systematic overstayers, and what is illogical about a govt going after this group?

And let's talk about retirees

Currently, Thailand is now, according to retirees, getting more strict, and some are saying they will move offshore. My guess is that the Thai govt is quite happy to not have people with insufficient money here (such as the overstaying poster earlier in the thread) because tourism and number of foreigners here has an impact, so why not maximise the financial positive impact by setting a high price? The logic would be the same as Oxford Street, Central HK or Orchard Road deciding to set up a fruit orchard instead of high end retail, because 'why not' - in these cases there is a finite amount of land available, why not rent it to the highest payer (i.e. high end retail).... with what Thailand has why have a whole bunch of retirees who have no money? I would further note that the few retirees I know here have significantly more money that the 400 or 800k or whatever it is that is required to get the permit.

And the cost of visa

Well, companies and people in the private sector, other than teachers, have minimum monthly incomes based on their nationality for the most part in the realm of 40 - 60k a month minimum. 1900 is not a lot. Many employers pay the fee anyway. Again, if a company is running at 1 foreigner for 5 employees, surely the govt should be trying to encourage high end expertise not available locally and much of this group have nil problem with 1900 or probably even 19000 in fees. I do agree that teachers are potentially a loser in the equation, and perhaps some compromise should be made there, however AFAIK that teachers in govt schools on the Thai side are also very poorly paid (a teacher can probably confirm that this is true) so this stems from a lack of focus on education, and the number of foreign teachers in govt schools AFAIK is far less than the total number of foreigners working in the private sector.

If we are talking about the magnitude of the increase for overstaying... this is not a cost reflective increase. This is a disincentive to overstay. So references to % increase are IMHO irrelevant. We need to only look at focus of why.

Threats that 'if we are stop coming here to Thailand they will be on their knees and will get rid of these fees' are impossible and impractical, since most tourists aren't affected by fee changes and thus have nil incentive to change behaviour, so the only way that will happen is if there is a war, coup or natural disaster, and I would be very disappointed if anyone would wish that on the people of Thailand simply so that the visa fee would get reduced. And even among those affected, my guess is 90% don't consider this a significant change to their lives, but I have NO evidence of that, it is my own guess.

Thailand has been very very open in letting people come here in an intensive effort to increase tourism. It is not surprising that having gone for growth, we now move onto the next phase of business which is control - getting the 'right' people here. Quantity vs. quality. One of the major issues is how to know what is 'quality' and the measures (since we want them for their money, expertise and ability to fit in) are much the same as getting into most other countries (e.g. NZ). Like most theoretical frameworks, such as the product lifecycle or Maslow's heirachy of needs, then the number of holes in the theory are far greater than a piece of swiss cheese, but businesses tend to go through a period of rapid growth, things get a bit crazy, then someone comes in and gets things under control, and so on. Countries are much the same.

If someone can explain why this strategy is illogical as a big picture (and let's set aside the teacher issue within govt schools which is one far beyond tourism and deserving its own topic, why doesn't Thailand invest heavily in education and get decent teachers and have a worldclass university) then I would be curious to hear...

Finally, regarding your 'bland business leader' comment, I would have to take issue with this. If you get to spend time with people like the head of True, L&H, Sansiri, Major, King Power and a ton of other companies, you would see these are people FAR from boring.

Regarding your phrase 'concept level' that you claim that the west is at by implication (since Thailand is at the action phase, and is far behind the west), can you please therefore explain why America is gripped by the religious right at the moment; why France is also experiencing racial/religious problems; how the development of chav culture in the UK is a sign of the 'concept level' and is a positive thing to not respect authority and how people in lessor positions in Thailand such as the farmers from Bak Moon Dam or the protestors for EGAT and Beer Chang have been able to operate and influence authority figures with far more power than their own?

I don't deny that aspects of the west are much further developed than Thailand, but I just think that this framework has little to do with increases in overstay charges and reasons behind that. I further think there is far more anti authority things going on the background than some people are aware of, while finally I do agree that there is massive corruption by authority corruption here with rich abusing poor and so on, that some aspects of authority are a nice way to avoid the rise of chav type behaviour.

They should start jailing all the overstay trash in Thailand. Starting with Khao San Road

I think when it comes to overstayers you'll find a lot more round sukhumvit way on in Patters so better to start there. Backpackers rarely get in this kind of trouble compared to the amount of long term stayers/expats. :o

The 20k is set in law so would probably not be as easy to change.
Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.


Lopburi, I hadn’t noticed that Section 81 before. Does it also seem to you to be in contradiction to Section 54?
Section 54 : Any alien who enters or come to stay in the Kingdom without permission or when such permission expires or is revoked , the competent official will deport such alien out of the Kingdom.
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


The 20k is set in law so would probably not be as easy to change.
Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.


Lopburi, I hadn’t noticed that Section 81 before. Does it also seem to you to be in contradiction to Section 54?
Section 54 : Any alien who enters or come to stay in the Kingdom without permission or when such permission expires or is revoked , the competent official will deport such alien out of the Kingdom.

Not at all. The higher paragraph number are the legal punishments allowed. Section 54 comes under the "Deportation of the Aliens" section of the law and Section 81 is under "Penalty". So they can fine you, jail you and deport you for this offense.


You know, I am appalled at how every news item posted on this site immediately draws a knee-jerk outpouring of cynicism, negativity, paranoia, bitterness, hostility and out-and-out ignorance. There doesn’t seem to be any topic under the sun that some moaners here can’t interpret as some form of attack upon them, or more disingenuously, as an attack on the tourist industry which they laughably claim to be part of; as if living here permanently and doing monthly border runs constituted the definition of tourism. Thai Immigration enact a trivial change in the law and off these people go like dogs out the gate. It’s an attack on tourists! A personal vendetta promulgated by Prime Minister against farangs. They’re doing it to make money out of us! Guys, get real. These opinions are absurd and are expressed by people who have completely lost sight of how lucky we are to be allowed to live in this country. This is the great irony, lost on the moaners: It is precisely because we farangs get treated so well here that we can even have this discussion. Precisely because the offence of overstaying has been treated so leniently that some people have come to regard it as their right. Do they ever stop to think about the shameful way our embassies treat Thai people applying for a visa? The girls, especially - subjected to humiliating, intrusive, insolent cross-examinations in which the subtext is the insinuation that she a prostitute. It’s deeply insulting to the Thais and you couldn’t blame them for responding in kind, but they don’t. They continue to extend to us the most relaxed visa and residency system anywhere in the world and permit hordes of us to live here for years on a tourist visa. And all they ask in return is we obey the rules. But even that seems beyond the ability of some of the respondents to this forum.

I don’t believe the Thai authorities are prosecuting any particular vendetta against farangs. I don’t believe they greatly care. But if they read the comments in these forums and others like them, they might feel like starting one. The never-ending chorus of bile and indignant outrage at every action the government takes must surely count as the grossest display of ingratitude to be found anywhere on the planet. Do you think it would be possible for us to take stock and maybe moderate things a bit? To temper our attitude with a dose of humility? Count your blessings guys, it’s clearly a wonderful country for all its faults or you wouldn’t be here.


Perhaps VoAs should be abandoned and all people wishing to visit the Kingdom of Thailand be required to apply for the correct visa BEFORE coming to the country. THAT would cut out alot of the TRASH that washes up here.

I don’t believe the Thai authorities are prosecuting any particular vendetta against farangs.

I don't think that the powers-that-be are out to get anybody either. Repeating what I said much earlier in this thread:

Much like with the visa-fee increases a few years back, these things are not reviewed periodically and increased gradually over time. Once the powers-that-be finally do decide to take action on some of these fees, the increases tend be whopping with the logic that the item in-question hasn't been increased in x-number of years.

I don't believe that routine increases in administrative fees would merit much comment if they were reviewed more frequently and increased gradually (but perhaps I'm being naive about that!). :o


sriracha john - you maintain a continuously high standard , it makes your posts worth reading. :o

3-4 lines in the phuket gazette and then basically 7 pages of rants on thaivisa - I suppose , to be expected ?

Has this rule change been confirmed by any other sources ? or could it be just one of the standard mis -interpretations that seem to be common.


you seem to be man of pretty low esteem , just the type of person refered to I assume !!!

did i touch a raw nerve,-which catagory applies to you , ?

I am aware any person could be arrested if caught before reaching the airport if over stayed by even 1 day, [at least thats the theory]----

is it proper that a persons views be attacked in this childish manner, ?

referances to german nationals shows contempt or any kind of decent respect ,

I stand by my words, infact your reply reinforce's what i said about certain types of people ,

if you havent got anything intelligent to contribute then best you dont embarrass your self


Arrogance will get you anywhere . . . . .


You say that you are aware that any person could be arrested if caught before reaching the airport if over stayed by even 1 day, [at least thats the theory]

- - - - - - and in the same text you're advising ME not to embarrass myself ? ? ? ? ?

You're right about one thing though; I am certainly a man with a very low esteem; for some !

Perhaps VoAs should be abandoned and all people wishing to visit the Kingdom of Thailand be required to apply for the correct visa BEFORE coming to the country. THAT would cut out alot of the TRASH that washes up here.

Perhaps you should consider the potential negative impact for the Thai economy as regards genuine tourists, the majority of whom probably only stay for two or three weeks?

I suspect many might be put off by the full visa application process.

sriracha john - you maintain a continuously high standard , it makes your posts worth reading. :o

3-4 lines in the phuket gazette and then basically 7 pages of rants on thaivisa - I suppose , to be expected ?

Has this rule change been confirmed by any other sources ? or could it be just one of the standard mis -interpretations that seem to be common.

Yes it is confirmed and the official document in PDF format (Thai) is posted on the immigration web site HERE


Perhaps VoAs should be abandoned and all people wishing to visit the Kingdom of Thailand be required to apply for the correct visa BEFORE coming to the country. THAT would cut out alot of the TRASH that washes up here.

Perhaps you should consider the potential negative impact for the Thai economy as regards genuine tourists, the majority of whom probably only stay for two or three weeks?

I suspect many might be put off by the full visa application process.


I'd put the impact at almost nil for the reason you name; most stay only for 2-3 weeks, and therefore the 30 day visa on arrival as a tourist is the correct visa. For the few that stay longer, most I know of get the 90 day visa (this is from NZ) so they can do so, or just do a 10 day extension at the Dtor Mor.

I do not know of any tourist personally that this would affect ( I should point out I know basically none of the people in this thread, so this is based on friends and friends of friends and work people visiting) and the general consensus seems to be that most people here who are expats already have the correct visa. The retirement thing is perhaps more debatable.

Therefore, I'd say that there is no real potential negative impact for the Thai economy from 'genuine' tourists, however there may be a potential negative impact from people who are using tourist visas to stay for a long period of time who may be working or in a relationship or simply travelling around, and can't be bothered getting the right paperwork to do so, and thus choose to go to Malaysia or similar instead where the paperwork is apparently much easier?! I guess....less than 10,000 people a year tops. (total stab in the dark).

After trying to read through 4 pages have not seen one point, that I believe is central and positive, mentioned.

With the higher fee structure there will be much less pressure for well meaning officials to recommend shortcuts that could put your freedom at risk. With the 500 baht per day rule it becomes much more reasonable to pay for a legal extension of stay and they should feel more comfortable in giving that advise.

I agree with this very much and do hope it will be true. :o

Khun jean I do not agree with your statement that 400,000 baht is not enough for people who are married and looking after a wife & kids. If you look at the poll in another thread then you will see that there is a lot of people on 40 - 50 k a month. If you make this higher then its not just the farang husband that you punish its the thai wife & family. :D


They should start jailing all the overstay trash in Thailand. Starting with Khao San Road

I think when it comes to overstayers you'll find a lot more round sukhumvit way on in Patters so better to start there. Backpackers rarely get in this kind of trouble compared to the amount of long term stayers/expats. :o

BKK - Not so certain, I've bumped into quite a few that really had no time table or concerns. Convo normally goes like this

How long you going to stay? When I feel like leaving

I say make sure you take care of Visas, dont want to be nicked and thrown in Thai prison cell? Uh no worries I won't be caught. :D


I have a problem, my flight scheduled 25 and my visa expirer 24 and I have 250 km to closest border (and immigration)!

What to do?

Go to the airport 2 hours before your flight, the sweet steward will tell to go to the immigration office inside the airport, and you will pay the rate, and no problem, but don't arrive just 10 minutes before your flight.


No reason for ovverstay? I think some member should think again.

Last month I lost my passport and have to wait more than 3 weeks to get a new passport from the embassey. Overstay 23 days.

I think that's a good reason for overstay.


Perhaps VoAs should be abandoned and all people wishing to visit the Kingdom of Thailand be required to apply for the correct visa BEFORE coming to the country. THAT would cut out alot of the TRASH that washes up here.

Perhaps you should consider the potential negative impact for the Thai economy as regards genuine tourists, the majority of whom probably only stay for two or three weeks?

I suspect many might be put off by the full visa application process.


I'd put the impact at almost nil for the reason you name; most stay only for 2-3 weeks, and therefore the 30 day visa on arrival as a tourist is the correct visa. For the few that stay longer, most I know of get the 90 day visa (this is from NZ) so they can do so, or just do a 10 day extension at the Dtor Mor.

I do not know of any tourist personally that this would affect ( I should point out I know basically none of the people in this thread, so this is based on friends and friends of friends and work people visiting) and the general consensus seems to be that most people here who are expats already have the correct visa. The retirement thing is perhaps more debatable.

Therefore, I'd say that there is no real potential negative impact for the Thai economy from 'genuine' tourists, however there may be a potential negative impact from people who are using tourist visas to stay for a long period of time who may be working or in a relationship or simply travelling around, and can't be bothered getting the right paperwork to do so, and thus choose to go to Malaysia or similar instead where the paperwork is apparently much easier?! I guess....less than 10,000 people a year tops. (total stab in the dark).

I think we may be talking at cross-purposes. :o

I was responding to "thaipro_pattaya" who was advocating the abolition of the 30 Day permission to stay, or so I thought, requiring all visitors to obtain a visa before visiting Thailand?

The 30 Day permission to stay is a Tourist Visa Exemption as far as I am aware. It is not a visa.

That would therefore mean that all visitors would have to apply for a visa outside of Thailand prior to visiting. That being the case, I believe that it would put many would-be tourists off.


Why are some people so self-righteous regarding overstay, saying overstayers get what they deserve and it's illegal. Speeding is illegal but I bet all these high and mighty types have done that before. For me overstay has been unavoidable on certain occasions. I was working for a multinational company in Bangkok who are genuinly doing everything they can to get me a work permit, but couldn't do so due to the number of foreigners that they employed. I am also married to a Thai. I'd get year visa if I had a spare 1 million baht to slap in a Thai bank account (I'm only 23 I haven't had time to save any money yet!). If it was easier to get the correct visa, two of which i was actually entitled to. Does this mean that I am scum that has washed up on these shores as someone suggested. I think not. I don't spend all my time drooling over girls in Patpong, I simply stay in the country a couple of days longer than I should and I pay the fine when requested, usually accompanied with a friendly chat with the immigration guy who doesn't give a s**t. Anyway maybe I've gone a little over the top here, all I meant to say was some people don't overstay on purpose to break the law and spit in the Thai governments face, it's just due to circumstance. I'd happily apply and pay for a visa if it were possible. Rant over. Point made... I think :o .

Why are some people so self-righteous regarding overstay, saying overstayers get what they deserve and it's illegal. Speeding is illegal but I bet all these high and mighty types have done that before. For me overstay has been unavoidable on certain occasions. I was working for a multinational company in Bangkok who are genuinly doing everything they can to get me a work permit, but couldn't do so due to the number of foreigners that they employed. I am also married to a Thai. I'd get year visa if I had a spare 1 million baht to slap in a Thai bank account (I'm only 23 I haven't had time to save any money yet!). If it was easier to get the correct visa, two of which i was actually entitled to. Does this mean that I am scum that has washed up on these shores as someone suggested. I think not. I don't spend all my time drooling over girls in Patpong, I simply stay in the country a couple of days longer than I should and I pay the fine when requested, usually accompanied with a friendly chat with the immigration guy who doesn't give a s**t. Anyway maybe I've gone a little over the top here, all I meant to say was some people don't overstay on purpose to break the law and spit in the Thai governments face, it's just due to circumstance. I'd happily apply and pay for a visa if it were possible. Rant over. Point made... I think :o .

Do you really believe you have to deposit 1 million baht for an extension of stay? You don't. The figure is 400k and if you have emplolyment that is only 40k per month income rather than bank deposit being required. If you live here you should be checking on your options rather than overstaying your visas.


Yes, to get an extension of stay I have to have a 60 day tourist visa. I had this when I first came to Thailand. But I work, I have no time as of yet to get to Penang or Vientiane (although I plan to soon). For the 1 million visa I was talking about getting a year visa because I'm married to a Thai, which you do need. I don't want to overstay, i want to stay here leagally with the proper visa.


To obtain an extension of stay you should have a non immigrant O visa and at Penang that means apply before noon and pick up next day at 1400. You then extend your stay on a yearly basis after you have been here 60 days on that visa.

But you say you are working. Do you have a work permit and non immigrant visa now? Can you perhaps extend on the basis of your work? The support Thai wife is probably better as you are not tied to one job but it may be another option.


Pure ripoff!

A fine has been increased for illegal activity in Thailand, how's that a rip off?

It's easy not to overstay, so just don't. And before anyone flames me, I'm no angel, I've had plenty of overstay before when the rules were less strict but it was all my own fault, and if I hadn't been so lazy could have not been in that situation at all.

So does that mean other people have to higher fines imposed on them?

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