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Going "all In" In Thailand........

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Another point I would make is that 99 percent of the people in the world are "all in" no matter where they live , most people are tied financially to their house or rented trailor or whatever their stuation is , very few people can just walk out the door of where they are living and create a new life down the road without selling a certian amount of things to fund it. Because most people don't have enough in savings to accomplish that. So if your all in in Thailand it's not especially different than if you were living anyplace else except it's Thailand.

If you were to ask a person in ANY country if they were "all in" they would have to say yes. At least 98 percent of them anyhow. ...... The 2 percent dont really count ! lol

My defenition of "all in" is that you would need to sell some assets to move down the road, or get a new job, or wait to get your rental deposit back if in that income level. But pretty much everyone is all in because of employment , or housing , or lack of savings the world over.

I saw a figure once that 88% of the World population lives and dies within a 10 mile radius of where they were born. I believe it, and that's why I never underestimate what it takes to move to another country.

With 7 billions inhabitants on the planet the remaining 12% are 840 millions... enough to fill a few planes whistling.gif

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Thats a reasonale point I guess, the only way you could really be all in is to renounce your citizenship , But I think he meant all in financially with your main assets like your house and retirements funds to such an extent that you would need to sell what you had here to live a similar life someplace else. my bolding

That really is the ultimate all in hand ... 'to renounce your citizenship' ... not for this little black duck ... whistling.gif

EDITED to add ...

Under Thai Law believe it or not ..... in order to sue on the grounds of your husband cheating on you he would have to have done it in the wifes bed. Making banging your girlfriend at the hotel a lot less risky in Thailand, at least for the divorce part !

The things you learn on Thai Visa ... rolleyes.gif


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Since most Thaivisa posters come from countries with welfare systems, including myself, I can't see how anyone can truly go 'all in' as they can always go running back to their own country and get some health care, some social security, some accommodation relatively easily.

It's called plan B. smile.png

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Just as an example ...... most or many divorces are over men sleeping with another woman , in the west thats a reason to sue for divorce and she would win ...... Under Thai Law believe it or not ..... in order to sue on the grounds of your husband cheating on you he would have to have done it in the wifes bed. Making banging your girlfriend at the hotel a lot less risky in Thailand, at least for the divorce part !

America and the UK have 'no fault' divorce. The award doesn't change depending on who was naughty.

They have the same here in Thailand , In the US it has to be agreed on by both parties , No state requires people to give up their right to sue over agregious behavior , they allow no fault divorce because they are allowing people to voluntarily give up their rights to sue , not because they are required to accept a no fault divorce if they don't want to.

Just as an example ...... most or many divorces are over men sleeping with another woman , in the west thats a reason to sue for divorce and she would win ...... Under Thai Law believe it or not ..... in order to sue on the grounds of your husband cheating on you he would have to have done it in the wifes bed. Making banging your girlfriend at the hotel a lot less risky in Thailand, at least for the divorce part !

America and the UK have 'no fault' divorce. The award doesn't change depending on who was naughty.

They have the same here in Thailand , In the US it has to be agreed on by both parties , No state requires people to give up their right to sue over agregious behavior , they allow no fault divorce because they are allowing people to voluntarily give up their rights to sue , not because they are required to accept a no fault divorce if they don't want to.

You didn't really understand my post, the judge does not award depending on fault, but on the needs of the children.

She can shag 50 guys, he can be a church minister, and she will still get the house.


Another point I would make is that 99 percent of the people in the world are "all in" no matter where they live , most people are tied financially to their house or rented trailor or whatever their stuation is , very few people can just walk out the door of where they are living and create a new life down the road without selling a certian amount of things to fund it. Because most people don't have enough in savings to accomplish that. So if your all in in Thailand it's not especially different than if you were living anyplace else except it's Thailand.

If you were to ask a person in ANY country if they were "all in" they would have to say yes. At least 98 percent of them anyhow. ...... The 2 percent dont really count ! lol

My defenition of "all in" is that you would need to sell some assets to move down the road, or get a new job, or wait to get your rental deposit back if in that income level. But pretty much everyone is all in because of employment , or housing , or lack of savings the world over.

I saw a figure once that 88% of the World population lives and dies within a 10 mile radius of where they were born. I believe it, and that's why I never underestimate what it takes to move to another country.

With 7 billions inhabitants on the planet the remaining 12% are 840 millions... enough to fill a few planes whistling.gif

Yup....and 800 million of them stay 11 miles away from where they were born. smile.png

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Thats a reasonale point I guess, the only way you could really be all in is to renounce your citizenship , But I think he meant all in financially with your main assets like your house and retirements funds to such an extent that you would need to sell what you had here to live a similar life someplace else. my bolding

That really is the ultimate all in hand ... 'to renounce your citizenship' ... not for this little black duck ... whistling.gif

EDITED to add ...

Under Thai Law believe it or not ..... in order to sue on the grounds of your husband cheating on you he would have to have done it in the wifes bed. Making banging your girlfriend at the hotel a lot less risky in Thailand, at least for the divorce part !

The things you learn on Thai Visa ... rolleyes.gif


No need to renounce your citizenship, but I agree getting Thai Citizenship is really going all in. It really surprises me that more don't do it - buy land no visas etc.


No need to renounce your citizenship, but I agree getting Thai Citizenship is really going all in. It really surprises me that more don't do it - buy land no visas etc.

It's cos you have to earn money in Thailand, and most of us come here after retirement with so much money, it's not worth our while grubbing around for three years to earn the paltry Thai wages.


Just as an example ...... most or many divorces are over men sleeping with another woman , in the west thats a reason to sue for divorce and she would win ...... Under Thai Law believe it or not ..... in order to sue on the grounds of your husband cheating on you he would have to have done it in the wifes bed. Making banging your girlfriend at the hotel a lot less risky in Thailand, at least for the divorce part !

America and the UK have 'no fault' divorce. The award doesn't change depending on who was naughty.

They have the same here in Thailand , In the US it has to be agreed on by both parties , No state requires people to give up their right to sue over agregious behavior , they allow no fault divorce because they are allowing people to voluntarily give up their rights to sue , not because they are required to accept a no fault divorce if they don't want to.

You didn't really understand my post, the judge does not award depending on fault, but on the needs of the children.

She can shag 50 guys, he can be a church minister, and she will still get the house.

Thats only true is the Man agrees to do a no falut divorce , while thats true why would he do that ? Or why would a woman do that if she was abused or whatever it might have been ...... It's a voluntariy action that both parties agree to before the judge rubber stamps it, and divides the assets according to the wishes of the parties or in accordence with the Statutes.

I would also add that in such an extreme situation as you describe the Judge would probabbly not allow for the no fault proceding ...... Not only do you need both parties to agree, just like a plea bargin which is essentially what it is , the Judge has to allow it, just like a Judge has to allow any agreement between parties in a court. He might he might not , but he is not required to accept a no fault agreement if he finds it to be against the intrests of Justice.


I went "all in" and you are absolutely right, what a mistake! At the time I did so (11 years ago) I should have been thrown in a mental institution for what I did. Oh, but back then the world was my oyster, and on top of that everyone was so nice to me! I was a big hit in the village!! And Holy Jesus could I ever dance! Now I can barely piss straight, so I sit down to do it! But as they say back where I come from, whatta ya gonna do? Screw it, I'm still having a laugh on a regular, and I'm a pretty fun guy to be around believe it or not. Granted, if anyone were to ask me what they should do with 200,000US I would say FIND A COUNTRY WHEREIN THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU LEGALLY INVEST HAS YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME ON THE TITLE!!!!

OR, you know, just rent.

Years ago there was a saying going aroud Europe: There are only 2 types of flat-roofs: The ones that leak and the ones that don't leak YET.

These days one can hear things like: There are only 2 types of real-estate-deals involving a Farang in Thailand: The ones that have turned "sour" or the ones that have NOT YET turned sour.

Food for thought. Cheers.

Did you tell William E. Heinecke.

Minor International, Anantara among others.

I guess you should do a little research eh?


I think the "community property" Laws and States are more applicaple to your principle ..... In those states by Statute their is a certian amount of comunity property that either party is entitled to reguardless of the reason for divorce , California is like that and they have Statatory requirements on the home ownership for example even if the divorce was the wifes fault and she never contributed a penny to the house the community property Laws allow her some of the asset. They do that to set the foundation for negoitations in hopes to reduce the Law Suits and encourage more no fault procedings with are easier and less costly.


I understand your thinking and your question.

But for me it's a question of going all in for the person, rather then for the country.


I agree with David on this. Ive found the old cliche, you can take the girl outta Thailand but you cant take Thailand outta the girl. Which means if she wants to move home with our daughter, then Im going to

I went "all in" and you are absolutely right, what a mistake! At the time I did so (11 years ago) I should have been thrown in a mental institution for what I did. Oh, but back then the world was my oyster, and on top of that everyone was so nice to me! I was a big hit in the village!! And Holy Jesus could I ever dance! Now I can barely piss straight, so I sit down to do it! But as they say back where I come from, whatta ya gonna do? Screw it, I'm still having a laugh on a regular, and I'm a pretty fun guy to be around believe it or not. Granted, if anyone were to ask me what they should do with 200,000US I would say FIND A COUNTRY WHEREIN THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU LEGALLY INVEST HAS YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME ON THE TITLE!!!!

OR, you know, just rent.

Yep, never invest more than your willing to loose in Thailand, and best business in Thailand is no business.

Jim Thompson was doing pretty well till he went missing. The truth is so are a lot of other people who don't go missing. But it is easier to poke fun at people who fail than praise people who succeed in some cultures.


Never invest more in Thailand than your williing to lose deoesn't seem especially Thai related to me ..... unless investing more than you are willing to lose is a principle you would use in Timbucktoo

More to the point can you name the places where you WOULD invest more than you were willing to lose ?


I think the "community property" Laws and States are more applicaple to your principle ..... In those states by Statute their is a certian amount of comunity property that either party is entitled to reguardless of the reason for divorce , California is like that and they have Statatory requirements on the home ownership for example even if the divorce was the wifes fault and she never contributed a penny to the house the community property Laws allow her some of the asset. They do that to set the foundation for negoitations in hopes to reduce the Law Suits and encourage more no fault procedings with are easier and less costly.

Someone tell Mr Real Deal how divorce works in the States. It is too painful for me to discuss.smile.png And I have a lawyer friend in Australia who lived in a tent for two years while his case was heard. wai.gif


I have no regrets. Living in Thailands for more than two decades has been the best time in my life. I came here with very little and have always managed to have good time and a decent lifestyle. There are a few things that I would have done differently if I had known how everything would turn out, but that is the wisdom of hindsight.

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I think the "community property" Laws and States are more applicaple to your principle ..... In those states by Statute their is a certian amount of comunity property that either party is entitled to reguardless of the reason for divorce , California is like that and they have Statatory requirements on the home ownership for example even if the divorce was the wifes fault and she never contributed a penny to the house the community property Laws allow her some of the asset. They do that to set the foundation for negoitations in hopes to reduce the Law Suits and encourage more no fault procedings with are easier and less costly.

Someone tell Mr Real Deal how divorce works in the States. It is too painful for me to discuss.smile.png And I have a lawyer friend in Australia who lived in a tent for two years while his case was heard. wai.gif

What are you talking about? You skipped out of the divorce court looking like a Cheshire cat cos you knew you were freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! and heading for Thailand.

Which personally speaking seems like a perfectly acceptable reaction to me. biggrin.png

Anyway the topic is "all in"........not the Tommo divorce story. Again. <deleted> Tommo. saai.gif


I think the "community property" Laws and States are more applicaple to your principle ..... In those states by Statute their is a certian amount of comunity property that either party is entitled to reguardless of the reason for divorce , California is like that and they have Statatory requirements on the home ownership for example even if the divorce was the wifes fault and she never contributed a penny to the house the community property Laws allow her some of the asset. They do that to set the foundation for negoitations in hopes to reduce the Law Suits and encourage more no fault procedings with are easier and less costly.

Someone tell Mr Real Deal how divorce works in the States. It is too painful for me to discuss.smile.png And I have a lawyer friend in Australia who lived in a tent for two years while his case was heard. wai.gif

What are you talking about? You skipped out of the divorce court looking like a Cheshire cat cos you knew you were freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! and heading for Thailand.

Which personally speaking seems like a perfectly acceptable reaction to me. biggrin.png

Anyway the topic is "all in"........not the Tommo divorce story. Again. <deleted> Tommo. saai.gif

I haven't heard Tommo's story yet. What is it all about?


Anyway the topic is "all in"........not the Tommo divorce story. Again. <deleted> Tommo. saai.gif

I haven't heard Tommo's story yet. What is it all about?

There's a term for posters like you ... something like stirring and some smelly stuff.

BTW ... what is that particular story about ... rolleyes.gif



I went "all in" and you are absolutely right, what a mistake! At the time I did so (11 years ago) I should have been thrown in a mental institution for what I did. Oh, but back then the world was my oyster, and on top of that everyone was so nice to me! I was a big hit in the village!! And Holy Jesus could I ever dance! Now I can barely piss straight, so I sit down to do it! But as they say back where I come from, whatta ya gonna do? Screw it, I'm still having a laugh on a regular, and I'm a pretty fun guy to be around believe it or not. Granted, if anyone were to ask me what they should do with 200,000US I would say FIND A COUNTRY WHEREIN THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU LEGALLY INVEST HAS YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME ON THE TITLE!!!!

OR, you know, just rent.

Years ago there was a saying going aroud Europe: There are only 2 types of flat-roofs: The ones that leak and the ones that don't leak YET.

These days one can hear things like: There are only 2 types of real-estate-deals involving a Farang in Thailand: The ones that have turned "sour" or the ones that have NOT YET turned sour.

Food for thought. Cheers.

Did you tell William E. Heinecke.

Minor International, Anantara among others.

I guess you should do a little research eh?

Yeah, yeah, Billy Heinecke, every time there's a somewhat credible attempt to portray Thailand as a great place for a foreigner to succeed in business, without fail, Bill Heinecke's name is always brought up. And you know, it's a valid point. Mr. Heinecke is without question a great success story. But don't forget, Chiangmaikelly, that for every Bill Heinecke there's a thousand complete and utter F'ups. He rolled the dice with a cleaning company, then pizza, then hotels and Burger King and so on and so forth. He rolled the dice and he came up big; some guys are lucky, some guys are smart, and some guys are both. Billy Heinecke is both; but as for me, well I aint either of those things. All's I got are my looks, and even though I may be the exception to the rule in the looks department, on account of my being so <deleted> handsome, Bill Heinecke is the exception to the rule in the non-Thai business success story in Bangkok. He's one in 10,000, certainly not a fluke, but undeniably uncommon in this country. Most guys are like myself, and if you think otherwise, well then you're fooling yourself.

  • Like 2

I went "all in" and you are absolutely right, what a mistake! At the time I did so (11 years ago) I should have been thrown in a mental institution for what I did. Oh, but back then the world was my oyster, and on top of that everyone was so nice to me! I was a big hit in the village!! And Holy Jesus could I ever dance! Now I can barely piss straight, so I sit down to do it! But as they say back where I come from, whatta ya gonna do? Screw it, I'm still having a laugh on a regular, and I'm a pretty fun guy to be around believe it or not. Granted, if anyone were to ask me what they should do with 200,000US I would say FIND A COUNTRY WHEREIN THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU LEGALLY INVEST HAS YOUR OWN GODDAMN NAME ON THE TITLE!!!!

OR, you know, just rent.

Years ago there was a saying going aroud Europe: There are only 2 types of flat-roofs: The ones that leak and the ones that don't leak YET.

These days one can hear things like: There are only 2 types of real-estate-deals involving a Farang in Thailand: The ones that have turned "sour" or the ones that have NOT YET turned sour.

Food for thought. Cheers.

Did you tell William E. Heinecke.

Minor International, Anantara among others.

I guess you should do a little research eh?

Yeah, yeah, Billy Heinecke, every time there's a somewhat credible attempt to portray Thailand as a great place for a foreigner to succeed in business, without fail, Bill Heinecke's name is always brought up. And you know, it's a valid point. Mr. Heinecke is without question a great success story. But don't forget, Chiangmaikelly, that for every Bill Heinecke there's a thousand complete and utter F'ups. He rolled the dice with a cleaning company, then pizza, then hotels and Burger King and so on and so forth. He rolled the dice and he came up big; some guys are lucky, some guys are smart, and some guys are both. Billy Heinecke is both; but as for me, well I aint either of those things. All's I got are my looks, and even though I may be the exception to the rule in the looks department, on account of my being so <deleted> handsome, Bill Heinecke is the exception to the rule in the non-Thai business success story in Bangkok. He's one in 10,000, certainly not a fluke, but undeniably uncommon in this country. Most guys are like myself, and if you think otherwise, well then you're fooling yourself.

And 9 out of 10 restaurants fail in the first 5 years in any country in the world. So. Business success is not a piece of cake in Thailand or anywhere else.smile.png For every one Bill there are 10,000 who fail. I agree and also add in any country how many people make a million on $1000 borrowed cash in any country like Bill Heinecke did? Or we could talk about Thompson silk.smile.png

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In my lifetime, for me it`s always been, all or nothing and I decided that Thailand is the place I am going to permanently hang up my hat and so be it, here I am and there will be no going back.

I believe that if anyone is going to do something, than do it properly and plan well and if there are too many, ifs, buts and maybes, than don`t take the gamble and aim for something else within your compass.

I could never see the point of doing anything in half measures and for those who do not feel confident enough to take the plunge, living too much in fear of this or that going pear shaped in order not to pack up in the home country and move to Thailand on a permanent basis because the future situation is not secure, than why bother at all?

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Anyway the topic is "all in"........not the Tommo divorce story. Again. <deleted> Tommo. saai.gif

I haven't heard Tommo's story yet. What is it all about?

There's a term for posters like you ... something like stirring and some smelly stuff.

BTW ... what is that particular story about ... rolleyes.gif


I'm confused. You want me to make u a bowl of soup?

  • Like 1

In my lifetime, for me it`s always been, all or nothing and I decided that Thailand is the place I am going to permanently hang up my hat and so be it, here I am and there will be no going back.

I believe that if anyone is going to do something, than do it properly and plan well and if there are too many, ifs, buts and maybes, than don`t take the gamble and aim for something else within your compass.

I could never see the point of doing anything in half measures and for those who do not feel confident enough to take the plunge, living too much in fear of this or that going pear shaped in order not to pack up in the home country and move to Thailand on a permanent basis because the future situation is not secure, than why bother at all?

Because they want to enjoy it while it lasts but keep their options open in case it doesn't ...... not so hard to understand

I don't decide not to go skiing in the winter just because the snow will melt in the summer.

Here is somethng from Mark Twain that sums both sides up ...... It's ok to put all your eggs in one basket , but you need to watch that basket much more carefully and keep it safer from harm than putting your eggs in a number of different baskets.

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I'm reasonably young, so "for the rest of my life" is (I hope), a very long time.

Thus going "All in" isn't really practical for me as change blows like the wind.

I've been living here fulltime for 2 1/2 years, and working here as well. I've brought a car and intend on building a house, but by no way shape or form would I want to go "All in" on Thailand. I'm prepared to risk a bit of money here, but if something were to change, I could very easily return to NZ and only be a little bit worse for wear.

I wouldn't advise anyone to go "All in" on Thailand, investments here would have too much risk attached to them due to the political climate. Where there's risk, there's also the potential for large rewards, but you wouldn't want to come out on the wrong side if things did hit the fan.


I think the "community property" Laws and States are more applicaple to your principle ..... In those states by Statute their is a certian amount of comunity property that either party is entitled to reguardless of the reason for divorce , California is like that and they have Statatory requirements on the home ownership for example even if the divorce was the wifes fault and she never contributed a penny to the house the community property Laws allow her some of the asset. They do that to set the foundation for negoitations in hopes to reduce the Law Suits and encourage more no fault procedings with are easier and less costly.

Someone tell Mr Real Deal how divorce works in the States. It is too painful for me to discuss.smile.png And I have a lawyer friend in Australia who lived in a tent for two years while his case was heard. wai.gif

What are you talking about? You skipped out of the divorce court looking like a Cheshire cat cos you knew you were freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! and heading for Thailand.

Which personally speaking seems like a perfectly acceptable reaction to me. biggrin.png

Anyway the topic is "all in"........not the Tommo divorce story. Again. <deleted> Tommo. saai.gif

Thailand was my "Ace in the hole" I played it.smile.png

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